Swift. For loop iteration. - swift

Using the following:
func isosceles(triangleSides: Int)
var y = 0
for _ in 1...triangleSides {
y = y + 1
var stringBuilder = String()
for _ in 1...y
stringBuilder += "*"
I can make the following pattern:
I'm trying to write a function that outputs a sideways triangle of height 2n-1 and width n, so the output for n = 4 would be:
func triangle(triangleSides: Int)
var y = 0
var x = 0
var index: Int
for _ in 1...triangleSides {
y = y + 1
var stringBuilder = String()
for _ in 1...y
stringBuilder += "*"
println(stringBuilder + "\n")
for _ in 1..<triangleSides{
x = triangleSides - 1
var index: Int
var stringBuilder = String()
for index in stride(from: triangleSides - 1, through: 1, by: -1) {
stringBuilder += "*"
println(stringBuilder + "\n")
I get
Obviously it's going to be me thats the problem with the way I am trying to do this. If somebody could point me in the right direction that would be appreciated.

Well, there are quite a few things you're doing that you don't really need to do... but, your main problem is that your 3rd and 4th for loops are wrong.
The way it is now, it's looping from 1 to triangleSides - 1 in the outer loop and triangleSize - 1 to 1 in the inner loop. Since you're not using the actual index of the for loop, that just makes both the outer and inner loops run triangleSides - 1 times.
What you want to do is loop from triangleSize - 1 to 1 in your outer loop and 1 to the current value of your outer loop in your inner loop. It'll make it easier if you let the for loop do its job and assign x directly instead of ignoring the loop's index with _ and manually calculating x.
Those changes would look like this (just the second set of for loops):
for x in stride(from: triangleSides - 1, through: 1, by: -1) {
var stringBuilder = String()
for _ in 1...x {
stringBuilder += "*"
println(stringBuilder + "\n")
If you want to clean it up a little more, you can also let the for loop do its job in the first set of loops and get rid of the declarations of x, y, and index at the start of your function:
func triangle(triangleSides: Int)
for y in 1...triangleSides {
var stringBuilder = String()
for _ in 1...y
stringBuilder += "*"
println(stringBuilder + "\n")
for x in stride(from: triangleSides - 1, through: 1, by: -1) {
var stringBuilder = String()
for _ in 1...x {
stringBuilder += "*"
println(stringBuilder + "\n")
Now, this:

Here is my version:
func triangle(triangleSides: Int)
var y = 0
var x = 0
var index: Int
var stringBuilder = ""
for _ in 1...triangleSides {
stringBuilder += "*"
for z in reverse(1..<triangleSides) {
let index = advance(stringBuilder.endIndex, -1)
stringBuilder = stringBuilder.substringToIndex(index)
Comments. I think the double loop was too complex.


no response on stdout HackerRank Swift

Hello i practice on hackerRank using swift and now i have a problem. My code works great in swift playground, and return the expected result, but in HackerRank i have runtime error ~ no response on stdout ~ I've tried to reset code and refresh page. What could be the problem?
func diagonalDifference(arr: [[Int]]) -> Int {
// Write your code here
let rowNumber = arr[0][0]
var leftD = 0
var rightD = 0
for i in 1...rowNumber {
leftD += arr[i][i - 1]
var increasedNum = 0
for i in (1...rowNumber).reversed() {
rightD += arr[i][increasedNum]
increasedNum += 1
var absoluteDifference = leftD - rightD
if absoluteDifference < 0 {
absoluteDifference = absoluteDifference * -1
return absoluteDifference
Here is the challenge page:
Your problem is a misunderstanding of what is passed to your diagonalDifference() function. The code which calls that function uses the first line of input to correctly size the array, but that value is not passed to your function in arr[0][0]. Instead, you should use arr.count to determine the dimensions of the array, then you should be indexing the array as 0..<arr.count.
To fix your code
let rowNumber = arr[0][0]
let rowNumber = arr.count
leftD += arr[i][i - 1]
leftD += arr[i][i]
And change both instances of
func diagonalDifference(arr: [[Int]]) -> Int {
var difference = 0
for i in 0..<arr.count {
difference += (arr[i][i] - arr[i][arr.count-1-i])
return Int(abs(difference))

How can I make function code cleaner and optimize?

func getRepeats(_ string: String, _ k: Int = 1) {
var length = string.count
if (k > length / 2) {
for i in stride(from: 0, to: length - k, by: k) {
var part_1 = Array(string)[i..<length]
var part_2 = Array(part_1)[0..<k]
var part_3 = Array(string)[i..<length]
var part_4 = Array(part_3)[k..<k*2]
print(part_2, part_4)
getRepeats(string, k+1)
The function displays the subsequences of the string.
Instead of this:
var part_1 = Array(string)[i..<length]
var part_2 = Array(part_1)[0..<k]
I would like it:
part_1 = Array(string)[i..<length][0..<k]
But this does not work, here is the error: Fatal error: ArraySlice index is out of range (before startIndex)
Perhaps tell me something else useful, thanks in advance!
The two lines:
let part_1 = Array(string)[i..<length]
let part_2 = Array(part_1)[0..<k]
Can be combined into one as:
let part_2 = Array(string)[i..<length][i..<(k+i)]
The expression Array(string)[i..<length] returns an ArraySlice. The important thing to remember is that the indices of the slice do not necessarily start at 0. They start at whatever index you used to access the slice. In this case, i.
So your second access with [0..<k] needs to be shifted to start with i. This gives [i..<(k+i)].

How to execute multiplications and/or divisions in the right order?

I am doing a simple calculator, but when performing the multiplication and division, my code doesn't make them a priority over plus and minus.
When doing -> 2 + 2 * 4, result = 16 instead of 10...
How to conform to the math logic inside my switch statement?
mutating func calculateTotal() -> Double {
var total: Double = 0
for (i, stringNumber) in stringNumbers.enumerated() {
if let number = Double(stringNumber) {
switch operators[i] {
case "+":
total += number
case "-":
total -= number
case "÷":
total /= number
case "×":
total *= number
return total
Assuming you want a generalised and perhaps extensible algorithm for any arithmetic expression, the right way to do this is to use the Shunting Yard algorithm.
You have an input stream, which is the numbers and operators as the user typed them in and you have an output stream, which is the same numbers and operators but rearranged into reverse Polish notation. So, for example 2 + 2 * 4 would be transformed into 2 2 4 * + which is easily calculated by putting the numbers on a stack as you read them and applying the operators to the top items on the stack as you read them.
To do this the algorithm has an operator stack which can be visualised as a siding (hence "shunting yard") into which low priority operators are shunted until they are needed.
The general algorithm is
read an item from the input
if it is a number send it to the output
if the number is an operator then
while the operator on the top of the stack is of higher precedence than the operator you have pop the operator on the stack and send it to the output
push the operator you read from input onto the stack
repeat the above until the input is empty
pop all the operators on the stack into the output
So if you have 2 + 2 * 4 (NB top of the stack is on the left, bottom of the stack is on the right)
input: 2 + 2 * 4
output: <empty>
stack: <empty>
step 1: send the 2 to output
input: + 2 * 4
output: 2
stack: <empty>
step 2: stack is empty so put + on the stack
input: 2 * 4
output: 2
stack: +
step 3: send the 2 to output
input: * 4
output: 2 2
stack: +
step 4: + is lower priority than * so just put * on the stack
input: 4
output: 2 2
stack: * +
step 5: Send 4 to output
output: 2 2 4
stack: * +
step 6: Input is empty so pop the stack to output
output: 2 2 4 * +
The Wikipedia entry I linked above has a more detailed description and an algorithm that can handle parentheses and function calls and is much more extensible.
For completeness, here is an implementation of my simplified version of the algorithm
enum Token: CustomStringConvertible
var description: String
switch self
case .number(let num):
return "\(num)"
case .op(let symbol):
return "\(symbol)"
case op(String)
case number(Int)
var precedence: Int
switch self
case .op(let symbol):
return Token.precedences[symbol] ?? -1
return -1
var operation: (inout Stack<Int>) -> ()
switch self
case .op(let symbol):
return Token.operations[symbol]!
case .number(let value):
return { $0.push(value) }
static let precedences = [ "+" : 10, "-" : 10, "*" : 20, "/" : 20]
static let operations: [String : (inout Stack<Int>) -> ()] =
"+" : { $0.push($0.pop() + $0.pop()) },
"-" : { $0.push($0.pop() - $0.pop()) },
"*" : { $0.push($0.pop() * $0.pop()) },
"/" : { $0.push($0.pop() / $0.pop()) }
struct Stack<T>
var values: [T] = []
var isEmpty: Bool { return values.isEmpty }
mutating func push(_ n: T)
mutating func pop() -> T
return values.removeLast()
func peek() -> T
return values.last!
func shuntingYard(input: [Token]) -> [Token]
var operatorStack = Stack<Token>()
var output: [Token] = []
for token in input
switch token
case .number:
case .op:
while !operatorStack.isEmpty && operatorStack.peek().precedence >= token.precedence
while !operatorStack.isEmpty
return output
let input: [Token] = [ .number(2), .op("+"), .number(2), .op("*"), .number(4)]
let output = shuntingYard(input: input)
var dataStack = Stack<Int>()
for token in output
If you only have the four operations +, -, x, and ÷, you can do this by keeping track of a pendingOperand and pendingOperation whenever you encounter a + or -.
Then compute the pending operation when you encounter another + or -, or at the end of the calculation. Note that + or - computes the pending operation, but then immediately starts a new one.
I have modified your function to take the stringNumbers, operators, and initial values as input so that it could be tested independently in a Playground.
func calculateTotal(stringNumbers: [String], operators: [String], initial: Double) -> Double {
func performPendingOperation(operand: Double, operation: String, total: Double) -> Double {
switch operation {
case "+":
return operand + total
case "-":
return operand - total
return total
var total = initial
var pendingOperand = 0.0
var pendingOperation = ""
for (i, stringNumber) in stringNumbers.enumerated() {
if let number = Double(stringNumber) {
switch operators[i] {
case "+":
total = performPendingOperation(operand: pendingOperand, operation: pendingOperation, total: total)
pendingOperand = total
pendingOperation = "+"
total = number
case "-":
total = performPendingOperation(operand: pendingOperand, operation: pendingOperation, total: total)
pendingOperand = total
pendingOperation = "-"
total = number
case "÷":
total /= number
case "×":
total *= number
// Perform final pending operation if needed
total = performPendingOperation(operand: pendingOperand, operation: pendingOperation, total: total)
// clear()
return total
// 4 + 3
calculateTotal(stringNumbers: ["3"], operators: ["+"], initial: 4)
// 4 × 3
calculateTotal(stringNumbers: ["3"], operators: ["×"], initial: 4)
// 2 + 2 × 4
calculateTotal(stringNumbers: ["2", "4"], operators: ["+", "×"], initial: 2)
// 2 × 2 + 4
calculateTotal(stringNumbers: ["2", "4"], operators: ["×", "+"], initial: 2)
// 17 - 2 × 3 + 10 + 7 ÷ 7
calculateTotal(stringNumbers: ["2", "3", "10", "7", "7"], operators: ["-", "×", "+", "+", "÷"], initial: 17)
First you have to search in the array to see if there is a ÷ or × sign.
Than you can just sum or subtract.
mutating func calculateTotal() -> Double {
var total: Double = 0
for (i, stringNumber) in stringNumbers.enumerated() {
if let number = Double(stringNumber) {
switch operators[i] {
case "÷":
total /= number
case "×":
total *= number
//Remove the number from the array and make another for loop with the sum and subtract operations.
return total
This will work if you are not using complex numbers.
If you don't care speed, as it's running by a computer and you may use the machine way to handle it. Just pick one feasible calculate to do it and then repeat until every one is calculated.
Just for fun here. I use some stupid variable and function names.
func evaluate(_ values: [String]) -> String{
switch values[1] {
case "+": return String(Int(values[0])! + Int(values[2])!)
case "-": return String(Int(values[0])! - Int(values[2])!)
case "×": return String(Int(values[0])! * Int(values[2])!)
case "÷": return String(Int(values[0])! / Int(values[2])!)
default: break;
return "";
func oneTime(_ string: inout String, _ strings: [String]) throws{
if let first = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: "(\\d+)\\s*(\(strings.map{"\\\($0)"}.joined(separator: "|")))\\s*(\\d+)", options: []).firstMatch(in: string , options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, string.count)) {
let tempResult = evaluate((1...3).map{ (string as NSString).substring(with: first.range(at: $0))})
string.replaceSubrange( Range(first.range(at: 0), in: string)! , with: tempResult)
func recursive(_ string: inout String, _ strings: [String]) throws{
var count : Int!
repeat{ count = string.count ; try oneTime(&string, strings)
} while (count != string.count)
func final(_ string: inout String, _ strings: [[String]]) throws -> String{
return try strings.reduce(into: string) { (result, signs) in
try recursive(&string, signs)
var string = "17 - 23 + 10 + 7 ÷ 7"
try final(&string, [["×","÷"],["+","-"]])
print("result:" + string)
Using JeremyP method and the Shunting Yard algorithm was the way that worked for me, but I had some differences that had to do with the Operator Associativity(left or right priority) so I had to work with it and I developed the code, which is based on JeremyP answer but uses arrays.
First we have the array with the calculation in Strings, e.g.:
let testArray = ["10","+", "5", "*" , "4", "+" , "10", "+", "20", "/", "2"]
We use the function below to get the RPN version using the Shunting Yard algorithm.
func getRPNArray(calculationArray: [String]) -> [String]{
let c = calculationArray
var myRPNArray = [String]()
var operandArray = [String]()
for i in 0...c.count - 1 {
if c[i] != "+" && c[i] != "-" && c[i] != "*" && c[i] != "/" {
//push number
let number = c[i]
} else {
//if this is the first operand put it on the opStack
if operandArray.count == 0 {
let firstOperand = c[i]
} else {
if c[i] == "+" || c[i] == "-" {
myRPNArray.append(contentsOf: operandArray)
operandArray = []
let uniqOperand = c[i]
} else if c[i] == "*" || c[i] == "/" {
let strongOperand = c[i]
//If I want my mult./div. from right(eg because of parenthesis) the line below is all I need
// operandArray.append(strongOperand)
//If I want my mult./div. from left
let lastOperand = operandArray[operandArray.count - 1]
if lastOperand == "+" || lastOperand == "-" {
} else {
//when I have no more numbers I append the reversed operant array
myRPNArray.append(contentsOf: operandArray)
operandArray = []
print("RPN: \(myRPNArray)")
return myRPNArray
and then we enter the RPN array in the function below to calculate the result. In every loop we remove the numbers and the operand used before and we import the previous result and two "p" in the array so in the end we are left with the solution and an array of "p".
func getResultFromRPNarray(myArray: [String]) -> Double {
var a = [String]()
a = myArray
print("a: \(a)")
var result = Double()
let n = a.count
for i in 0...n - 1 {
if n < 2 {
result = Double(a[0])!
} else {
if a[i] == "p" {
//Do nothing else. Calculations are over and the result is in your hands!!!
} else {
if a[i] == "+" {
result = Double(a[i-2])! + Double(a[i-1])!
a.insert(String(result), at: i-2)
a.remove(at: i - 1)
a.remove(at: i - 1)
a.remove(at: i - 1)
a.insert("p", at: 0)
a.insert("p", at: 0)
} else if a[i] == "-" {
result = Double(a[i-2])! - Double(a[i-1])!
a.insert(String(result), at: i-2)
a.remove(at: i - 1)
a.remove(at: i - 1)
a.remove(at: i - 1)
a.insert("p", at: 0)
a.insert("p", at: 0)
} else if a[i] == "*" {
result = Double(a[i-2])! * Double(a[i-1])!
a.insert(String(result), at: i-2)
a.remove(at: i - 1)
a.remove(at: i - 1)
a.remove(at: i - 1)
a.insert("p", at: 0)
a.insert("p", at: 0)
} else if a[i] == "/" {
result = Double(a[i-2])! / Double(a[i-1])!
a.insert(String(result), at: i-2)
a.remove(at: i - 1)
a.remove(at: i - 1)
a.remove(at: i - 1)
a.insert("p", at: 0)
a.insert("p", at: 0)
} else {
// it is a number so do nothing and go the next one
}//no over yet
return result

Swift function not working inside another function

I'm new on this site but I've been struggling for several days about this issue I found. I wrote this code in order to solve a challenge of the site Codewars; the challenge consists in calculate the mean and the variance from some data about some fictional rainfalls (I attach the complete page on the bottom). In order to end this challenge I created a function to convert the data from this useless string into an array of Doubles. The weird thing is that the function if called outside the main one works properly but inside returns an empty array. I have no idea why is happening this. Thank you very much for every effort you'll put trying to explain me this.
This is the first part of the Codewars page that explain the callenge
This is the second one
// main.swift
// Prova
// Created by Lorenzo Santini on 13/06/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Lorenzo Santini. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
func mean(_ d: String,_ town: String) -> Double {
let arrayOfValues = obtainArrayOfMeasures(d, town)
var sum: Double = 0
for element in arrayOfValues {
sum += element
return sum / Double(arrayOfValues.count)
func variance(_ d: String,_ town: String) -> Double {
let meanValue: Double = mean(d, town)
//Here is the problem: when this function is called instead of returning the array containg all the measures for the selected city it returns an empty array
var arrayOfValues = obtainArrayOfMeasures(d, town)
var sum: Double = 0
for element in arrayOfValues {
sum += pow((element - meanValue), 2)
return sum / Double(arrayOfValues.count)
func isInt(_ char: Character) -> Bool {
switch char {
case "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9":
return true
return false
func obtainArrayOfMeasures(_ d: String,_ town: String) -> [Double]{
//The first array stores the Data string divided for city
var arrayOfString: [String] = []
//The second array stores the measures of rainfall of the town passed as argument for the function
var arrayOfMeasures: [Double] = []
//Split the d variable containg the data string in separated strings for each town and add it to the arrayOfString array
repeat {
let finalIndex = (data.index(of:"\n")) ?? data.endIndex
let finalIndexToRemove = (data.endIndex == finalIndex) ? finalIndex : data.index(finalIndex, offsetBy: 1)
} while data.count != 0
//Find the string of the town passed as argument
var stringContainingTown: String? = nil
for string in arrayOfString {
if string.contains(town) {stringContainingTown = string; print("true")}
if stringContainingTown != nil {
var stringNumber = ""
var index = 0
//Add to arrayOfMeasures the measures of the selected town
for char in stringContainingTown! {
index += 1
if isInt(char) || char == "." {
stringNumber += String(char)
if char == "," || index == stringContainingTown!.count {
arrayOfMeasures.append((stringNumber as NSString).doubleValue)
stringNumber = ""
return arrayOfMeasures
var data = "Rome:Jan 81.2,Feb 63.2,Mar 70.3,Apr 55.7,May 53.0,Jun 36.4,Jul 17.5,Aug 27.5,Sep 60.9,Oct 117.7,Nov 111.0,Dec 97.9" + "\n" +
"London:Jan 48.0,Feb 38.9,Mar 39.9,Apr 42.2,May 47.3,Jun 52.1,Jul 59.5,Aug 57.2,Sep 55.4,Oct 62.0,Nov 59.0,Dec 52.9" + "\n" +
"Paris:Jan 182.3,Feb 120.6,Mar 158.1,Apr 204.9,May 323.1,Jun 300.5,Jul 236.8,Aug 192.9,Sep 66.3,Oct 63.3,Nov 83.2,Dec 154.7" + "\n" +
"NY:Jan 108.7,Feb 101.8,Mar 131.9,Apr 93.5,May 98.8,Jun 93.6,Jul 102.2,Aug 131.8,Sep 92.0,Oct 82.3,Nov 107.8,Dec 94.2" + "\n" +
"Vancouver:Jan 145.7,Feb 121.4,Mar 102.3,Apr 69.2,May 55.8,Jun 47.1,Jul 31.3,Aug 37.0,Sep 59.6,Oct 116.3,Nov 154.6,Dec 171.5" + "\n" +
"Sydney:Jan 103.4,Feb 111.0,Mar 131.3,Apr 129.7,May 123.0,Jun 129.2,Jul 102.8,Aug 80.3,Sep 69.3,Oct 82.6,Nov 81.4,Dec 78.2" + "\n" +
"Bangkok:Jan 10.6,Feb 28.2,Mar 30.7,Apr 71.8,May 189.4,Jun 151.7,Jul 158.2,Aug 187.0,Sep 319.9,Oct 230.8,Nov 57.3,Dec 9.4" + "\n" +
"Tokyo:Jan 49.9,Feb 71.5,Mar 106.4,Apr 129.2,May 144.0,Jun 176.0,Jul 135.6,Aug 148.5,Sep 216.4,Oct 194.1,Nov 95.6,Dec 54.4" + "\n" +
"Beijing:Jan 3.9,Feb 4.7,Mar 8.2,Apr 18.4,May 33.0,Jun 78.1,Jul 224.3,Aug 170.0,Sep 58.4,Oct 18.0,Nov 9.3,Dec 2.7" + "\n" +
"Lima:Jan 1.2,Feb 0.9,Mar 0.7,Apr 0.4,May 0.6,Jun 1.8,Jul 4.4,Aug 3.1,Sep 3.3,Oct 1.7,Nov 0.5,Dec 0.7"
var prova = variance(data, "London")
The problem is that func obtainArrayOfMeasures modifies the global data
variable. When called the second time, data is an empty string.
An indicator for this problem is also that making the global data variable constant
let data = "Rome:..."
causes a compiler error at
// Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'data' is a 'let' constant
An immediate fix would be to operate on a local mutable copy:
func obtainArrayOfMeasures(_ d: String,_ town: String) -> [Double]{
var data = d
// ...
Note however that the function can be simplified to
func obtainArrayOfMeasures(_ d: String,_ town: String) -> [Double] {
let lines = d.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
guard let line = lines.first(where: { $0.hasPrefix(town)}) else {
return [] // No matching line found.
let entries = line.components(separatedBy: ",")
let numbers = entries.compactMap { Double($0.filter {".0123456789".contains($0) })}
return numbers
without mutating any values. You might also consider to return nil
or abort with fatalError() if no matching entry is found.

Add / subtract characters as Int in Swift

I need to implement an algorithm to check if an input is valid by calculating a modulo of a String.
The code in Kotlin:
private val facteurs = arrayOf(7, 3, 1)
private fun modulo(s: String): Int {
var result = 0
var i = -1
var idx = 0
for (c in s.toUpperCase()) {
val value:Int
if (c == '<') {
value = 0
} else if (c in "0123456789") {
value = c - '0'
value = c.toInt() - 55
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected character: $c at position $idx")
i += 1
result += value * facteurs[i % 3]
idx += 1
return result % 10
This implies doing math operations on the characters.
Is there an elegant way to do this in Swift 3 and 4?
I tried some cumbersome constructs like this :
value = Int(c.unicodeScalars) - Int("0".first!.unicodeScalars)
But it does not even compile.
I'm currently using Swift 4 with XCode9, but Swift3 answer is welcome too.
You can enumerate the unicodeScalars view of a string together
with the running index, use switch/case pattern matching,
and access the numeric .value of the unicode scalar:
func modulo(_ s: String) -> Int? {
let facteurs = [7, 3, 1]
var result = 0
for (idx, uc) in s.uppercased().unicodeScalars.enumerated() {
let value: UInt32
switch uc {
case "<":
value = 0
case "0"..."9":
value = uc.value - UnicodeScalar("0").value
case "A"..."Z":
value = uc.value - UnicodeScalar("A").value + 10
return nil
result += Int(value) * facteurs[idx % facteurs.count]
return result % 10
This compiles with both Swift 3 and 4. Of course you could also
throw an error instead of returning nil for invalid input.
Note that "<", "0", "9" etc.
in the switch statement are inferred from the context as UnicodeScalar,
not as String or Character, therefore "0"..."9" (in this context)
is a ClosedRange<UnicodeScalar> and uc can be matched against
that range.
Something like this works for me:
"A".utf16.first! + 2 //comes out to 67
Careful with the forced unwrap "!"
If you need the scalars value you can do
"A".unicodeScalars.first!.value + 2
More reading can be done on this here in the SPL.
For the c Character type value you could do this:
String(c).unicodeScalars.first!.value + 2
Here is an attempt to mod the function:
func modulo(s: String) -> Int? {
var result = 0
var factors = [7,3,1]
for (i, c) in s.uppercased().characters.enumerated() {
let char = String(c)
var val: Int
if char == "<" {
val = 0
} else if "0123456789".contains(char) {
val = Int(char.unicodeScalars.first!.value - "0".unicodeScalars.first!.value)
} else if "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".contains(char) {
val = Int(char.unicodeScalars.first!.value - 55)
} else {
return nil
result += val * factors[(i) % 3]
return result % 10
This is in swift 3...in 4 I believe you can just iterate over the string without converting to Chars