Integrating Multiple WooCommerce Site with PayPal - paypal

I (now) have multiple websites using WordPress / WooCommerce. Unfortunately, I can specify only 1 auto-return url in PayPal.
How do I get around this so that I can use multiple WooCommerce set-ups with 1 PayPal account?

What you're referring to is Payments Standard, the basic PayPal gateway that comes with WooCommerce. This is limited in the way WooCommerce has it integrated, so unfortunately, you won't be able to make it work without some customization.
Another option, though, is to install PayPal for WooCommerce and use that instead. You would setup the Express Checkout, which does not rely on the return URL set in your PayPal profile. Instead, it works dynamically with whatever URL the site is running on. There are also lots of other benefits to Express Checkout as well which you can see in the plugin details / videos.
The plugin is free and Express Checkout with PayPal is free as well.

I've made multiple Woocommerce websites work with a single PayPal business account using the receiver email option found under
Make sure it is set to your main email for paypal.
I have also checked Enable PayPal standard.
Payment action should be set to capture.
If you are selling downloadable products, make sure you check "Grant access to downloadable products after payment" on the Products>Downloadable tab


Woocommerce forcing checkout through PayPal Express Payments instead of PayPal Standard

I have a website built on Woocommerce, and the only payment gateway set up is PayPal Payments Standard which comes with Woocommerce. This typically allows customers to checkout using a credit card without creating a PayPal account (and I have it working on similar websites). However, on this site, WC is forcing checkout through PP Payments Express. I have spoken with PP support, and they said it appears to be the site itself vs. settings within the client's PP account.
I have:
Disabled all plugins except WC to rule out a conflict
Tested it using the default TwentySeventeen theme to rule out
something in the theme itself.
Updated to the latest version of WC to rule out some glitch in the existing plugin
Any API request is done through the site. For express Checkout, it seems that the plugin you are using is forcing this. You would need to contact the plugin developer or make sure that any other Paypal plugins are disabled.

PayPal Express Checkout without logging in

Is it possible to use Paypal express checkout without signing in even if the user has a Paypal account present?
We have noticed that some folks forget their credentials and don't want to login to Paypal, thus causing us to lose their donation. The Account optional setting seems to still require users, who have a Paypal account linked to the provided email, to sign in even if they would like to pay from the checkout page.
Is there a way to avoid this?
Paypal provide optional guest checkout.
Guest Checkout would allow people to use a credit card without signing in or creating an account, but the checkout would still take place in PayPal hosted pages.
If you'd like to process credit cards directly on your site you could use Payments Pro, the REST API, or Braintree. The difference is really just the technical details in integrating it, so your developer could choose which method would work best for your setup, and then you could create that account and integrate it accordingly.
If you're already using and are familiar with PayPal in general I would recommend going with Payments Pro. It typically costs $30/mo, but if you contact me directly I can help you to get that fee waived.
You would also need to make sure your site has an SSL installed and can run from https:// correctly.
Once those things are in place it's just a matter of integrating Payments Pro into your current setup, which depending on what that is, there are a number of different ways that could be done. I would need more detail to be able to help you more specifically with integration.

Will old PayPal buttons continue to work after switching to PayPal Express?

I'm using the same PayPal merchant account on multiple websites. Currently I'm using old-style PayPal links () with IPN notification.
Now I'd like to start using the PayPal Express API. But at least for a while I would have the old links still online on some sites.
The switch to PayPal Express seems to be per account. Will the old links and IPN continue to work ?
when you implement PayPal express checkout that will not hinder your PayPal links on whatever site you have them on. You can have PayPal Express Checkout with non-hosted button code on the site at the same time; no problem, at least while you're done with your testing, etc.
PayPal Express Checkout can be used across multiple sites; however APIs are only one per account. What this means is that if you want the funds to go to separate accounts for each site then you'll need a new PayPal account per site as you'll have to use different APIs with Express Checkout. That is the UserName/Password/Signature.
However you will have one IPN listener field for each account; so if you don't mind getting pinged for each site using the same IPN listener then you're fine.
You can just create specific prefix # for each site with the products themselves. Like store # 1 = 001Product# | Store # 2 002Product | etc. This will help differentiate IPN pings for each store and help you catalog it better. This is if you decide to use the same APIs for Express Checkout with the same IPN of the account. If so, you will have the PayPal button purchases along with the Express Checkout purchases you all the same data IPN wise and all funds will roll into the same account.
I hope I hit your mark on your question, but let me know if you need additional clarity as I'm happy to help. Have a good one.

Paypal and Wix integration

I have a wix website with the wix online store. I'm using paypal as the merchant to accept payments for my products. However, buyers have no option to pay directly with their credit card (i.e. without creating a paypal) when they click on Checkout. The info available online indicates that this is possible (payment as a guest). Apparently, if I have a Business account (which I do) I can disable/enable the feature in my selling tools in the Profile. and check the yes/no box under PayPal Account. I don't see these options when I browse my account, although I am able to accept payments now.
I've tried changing my shopping cart from the default wix shopping cart to a Paypal shopping cart but I am unable to figure this out either. It does not appear that wix allows this. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
With PayPal Payments Standard, which is what Wix appears to be using, the guest checkout option is entirely dependent on local browser cookies. If any user in the local browser has ever signed in to a PayPal account then the system will assume that's what they're going to do during PayPal checkouts and it won't make the guest checkout option very prominent (although, it is still there. Usually as a small link.)
PayPal Express Checkout APIs allow you to force the guest checkout option using specific request parameters, however, that's a completely different integration than what Wix is using from what I can see. It's not something you'll be able to do in a hosted (and often very limited, as you're discovering) solution like Wix.
You can integrate PayPal using their REST API & Wix's development platform Corvid. See a tutorial here:
In the video you will notice that the parameter "payee_preferred": "IMMEDIATE_PAYMENT_REQUIRED" is passed which will force the express checkout window.

Need Hosted Payment Solution (Almost Seamless)

I'm looking for a hosted payment solution that can be made to work almost the same as a seamless payment solution, but I want hosted so I don't need to deal with the PCI compliance requirements.
I am currently using PayPal Website Payments Pro with the iFrame integration, its ok, but the problem is PayPal keeps pushing payments via 'PayPal' and you are unable to remove their stupid 'Pay with PayPal' button from the iFrame. Also there is no ability to customise the look of the content in the iFrame.
I came across CRE Secure's solution which was very clever:, however, they don't support AUD currency.
I would still prefer to use PayPal as my merchant gateway since it saves a lot of money from having a gateway + merchant bank account. For example the CRE Secure solution still hooks up the PayPal Website Payments Pro.
What solutions are there that allows me to have more ability to customise the content in the iFrame and doesn't have any branding of the payment provider, e.g. PayPal etc.
I know that Authorize.Net is one of the more popular services that offers these services.
Disclaimer: I work for Recurly.
Take a look at our product. We offer a fully hosted solution that you can embed on your site (although not recommended). We also offer a feature called Recurly.js ( that you can fully embed on your site and own the experience, while still maintaining minimal PCI requirements. You can continue using PayPal as your gateway with our solution.
To keep this answer from being total spam (!), I'll also advise you to take a look at Samurai by Fee Fighters and Chargify. Let me know if you have questions, I'm happy to help :)
This is more a comment than an answer but I don't have the rep to comment.
Just found this is the docs
"This template also offers the following options:
Remove the Pay with PayPal button. Although the form offers the option to pay using
PayPal account by default, you can contact your account manager or customer support to
turn this option off."
So it seems you can remove the paypal button. Can anyone comment as to whether existing paypal customers will be able to use this gateway?