ploting circle in matlab map figure with scircleg - matlab

I want to plot a circle on a map figure.
I tried the axesm function and then the scircleg but although the mouse clicks worked the coordinates don’t pass and the following message appears
Attempt to execute SCRIPT message as a function:
Error in scircleg (line 124)
Any help is welcome
Thank you in advance

if you need to add circles on a plot for indicating something on an existing figure, you can use:
hold on
This adds a small circle at point (100,200).


Matlab bar3 plot no data tip with cursor

I am using the
command in Matlab (R2018b) to create a 3D barplot. In a normal plot (e.g surf(...), or plot(...)) I get information about values when I hover over them with my cursor. Somehow with the bar3 plot it is not working. I already tried:
datacursormode on
It doesn't work. Does anybody have an idea?
Here is a minimal working example:
load count.dat
Z = count(1:10,:);

Suppress function display in matlab ezpolar

I am using ezpolar to draw an arc on a compass plot. It's super easy,
ezpolar('1', [TH1, TH2])
to plot a circular arc with a radius 1 over the range [TH1, TH2]. However the function itself "r=1" gets displayed on the plot, which I do not want. I can't find and references to how this can be suppressed with an extra parameter or something.
I realise I could plot the arc other ways, but this is a cool function and super-compact, so I'd like to use it here and in the future.
Anyone know how to suppress the displaying of the function on the plot?
Thanks in advance
It looks like ezpolar is one of those MATLAB plots where a lot of things happen but nothing gets returned to the user. However I found the way using findobj.
Fiddling with the plot I realized that it is a 'Text' object what MATLAB puts in the plot, so we can try to find it with
h = findobj(gca,'Type','Text')
and then delete the text, for example with:

MATLAB Graphing plots with axes

I have been trying to Create a program with the GUI in MATLAB. When I try to plot information with AXES I can not figure out how to do it. I know about the function plot, but I need to be able to re-size and move the plot around in the figure so I can make room for the input uicontrol. I am not sure what to do. Please help.
There are a couple of different ways to tackle this problem. But the way I always choose to do so, is:
hold on:
plot(...), xlim([xmin xmax), ylim(ymin ymax])
This should set your bounds on the axis.
I don't have Matlab at hand right now, but try the following:
To set size of the plot axes inside the figure window use
set(gca,'Position',[left bottom width height])
see Mathworks' site on axes properties

Make clicking MATLAB plot markers plot subgraph

In Matlab 2011b, I have a multidimensional matrix which is to be initially presented as a 2D plot of 2 of its dimensions. I wish to make the markers clickable with the left mouse button. Clicking on a marker draws a new figure of other dimensions sliced by the clicked value.
This question is related to Matlab: Plot points and make them clickable to display informations about it but I want to run a script, not just pop up data about the clicked point.
Googling hinted that ButtonDownFcn could be used, but examples I found require manually plotting each point and attaching a handler, like so:
hp = plot(x(1), y(1), 'o');
set(hp, 'buttondownfcn', 'disp(1)');
As there are many markers in the main graph, is it possible to just attach a handler to the entire curve and call the subgraph-plotting function with the index (preferable) or coordinates of the marker clicked?
this is an idea of what you need, and should help get you started if I understand your requirements.
In this case, when you select a curve, it will draw it in the bottom subplot preserving the color.
function main
h = plot (peaks);
set (h,'buttondownfcn', #hitme)
function hitme(gcbo,evendata)
subplot (212)
hold on;
col = get (gcbo,'Color');
h2 = plot (get (gcbo,'XData'),get (gcbo,'YData'));
set (h2,'Color', col)
pt = get (gca, 'CurrentPoint');
disp (pt);
You can explore your options for get by simply writing get(gcbo) in the hitme function.

get the y coordinates by clicking on the plot in matlab

I am trying to get the y coordinates on a xy plot by clicking on the plot. This is very similar to the function ginput which will generate a cursor and by clicking on the plot you can get the x and y coordinates where the cursor is placed. However, for my particular purpose, I want to have a line cross the figure instead of cursor as a guide of determining the right y value to use. Is there any function in matlab can do this? If not, what is the way to do it? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I don't believe there is a pre-packaged function for that, but you can do it using the strategies described in this video tutorial from Doug Hull, with slight modifications.