Accessing Jamon monitoring on Wildfly shows 403/Forbidden - wildfly

I'm trying to deploy the newest version of Jamon on the newest version of wildfly. You can download the versions here:
Wildfly 8.1.0
Jamon 2.79
To get the .war deployed you need to include the 'jamon-279.jar' into the lib-Folder of the 'jamon.war' file.
After wildfly deployed jamon i'm trying to access with
But this gives me a a 403 Forbidden screen. I changed nothing neither in web.xml of jamon nor in standalone.xml. Both are standard configurations.
The log shows me only this line everytime i'm trying to access:
PBOX000354: Setting security roles ThreadLocal: null
AFAIK in the default settings the security constraint should be disabled.

I can't reproduce the issue. Jamon deploys and can be accessed without problems.
You could try enabling TRACE logging for org.picketbox to find out more about why access is denied in your environment.


Log files defined in logging profiles cannot be accessed by management interface in WildFly

I have a WildFly 15.0.1 running in domain mode in a Docker container. It has two logging profiles configured - one for each application deployed on it. When I log in to the HAL Management Console via browser I can see all the logs and their file sizes, but I can only view and download the server.log one.
Trying to download one of the others results in:
"WFLYCTL0216: Management resource '[
(\"subsystem\" => \"logging\"),
(\"log-file\" => \"custom-log-file.log\")
]' not found"
which makes sense as in JBoss CLI those log files are not available directly under logging subsystem, but rather in logging profile details. Is there any way to make them available in the HAL Management Console?
AS #James R. Perkins suggested this behavior is a bug that was solved in HAL 3.0.17.Final. Since WildFly 15.0.1.Final contains HAL 3.0.6.Final and WildFly 16.0.0.Final contains HAL 3.1.2.Final, upgrading to WildFly 16 is one possible solution. The other is to upgrade just the HAL module in WildFly as described here.

Disabling wls9_async_response.war and wls-wsat.war in weblogic

How to disable wls9_async_response.war and wls-wsat.war in weblogic 12c.
This issue is related to the recently found weblogic vulnerability CVE 2019-2725 .
Stop all your servers.
Rename (or remove) these 2 web applications.
Remove each server's tmp directory under $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/[server name]/tmp
Start your servers
A warning will be displayed in server's log saying that WebLogic is not able to deploye these applications but you can ignore it.
You can disable wls-wsat by using the following setting:

Whille deploying RESTful webservice, Shows error JdbcDataSource. not found

I have been trying to create my first RESTful execrcise using. But I am unable to deploy module due to error "com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.ConnectorRuntimeException: Invalid resource : jdbc/playerDB__pm"
I checked and I have JNDI, daata source created.
Unlike specified in link. I am using:
-Netbeans 8.0.3, Java EE 7, GlassFish Server 4.
Also I have checked GlassFish is running fine.
Edit 1:
I have re-checked my 'Services' tab, and I could not find jdbc/__playedDB ,even though I have created it.
Its a bug, the JDBC resource file is not being created (atleast with versions I am using: GlassFish 4.1, Netbeans 8.0.2). Using GlassFish manually create.
There could still be different error untill you set following connectins:
database(data source) <- connection pool <- JNDI.

Error when deploying tomcat app on aws elastic beanstalk via aws eclipse plugin

I m using eclipse and aws plugin to deploy an Tomcat app on Elasticbeansalk. So far I was able to deploy it without problems.
Today, I added a new profile on aws credentials and set it to default. I dont know if it s a coincidence but after that, Eclipse started giving the following error when starting deployment:
"Could not publish to the server.
Unable to create web application archive: No such file or directory"
I m not sure if it s because of Eclipse or AWS. I can still deploy it on my locahost without issues.
Any ideas?
It looks like the new profile and credentials are not setup in your machine to match the new default profile.

Jboss EAP 6.4 Server logs are not properly updated

JBoss startup and Server logs are not getting updated completely like started in XXXX ms. But all the services are being deployed successfully. Is there any way to debug why the logs are not printing?
Just check on your the logging subsystem configuration in your standalone.xml.
If that's not the issue, this is probably a problem with your application configuration and not JBoss, probably you just have to exclude some logging libraries in your jboss-deployment-structure.xml, to use the provided and not the jboss instance libs.