return minimum value from the field in meteor js - mongodb

I want to get the records which has minimum value of 1
I write like this in server side, It is showing
the [object][object} has no such method min
return Videos.find({}).min({reportlen: 1});
Any alternatives???

Use query selector $gte
// Matches documents where reportlen is greater or equal to 1


Tableau count number of Records that have the Max value for that field

I have a field where I'd like to count the number of instances the field has the max number for that given column. For example, if the max value for a given column is 20, I want to know how many 20's are in that column. I've tried the following formula but I have received a "Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function."
IF [Field1] = MAX([Field1])
IF ATTR([Field1]) = MAX(['Field1'])
ATTR() is an aggreation which will allow you to compare aggregate and non aggregate values. As long as the value you are aggregating with ATTR() contains unique values then this won't have an impact on your data.

Mongodb update number field with arithmetic operator

I have a collection with a number field named "reference". I want to update every document in the collection and add 1000 to the reference field.
so if reference = 1 it will become 1001
pseudo below:
db.item.updateMany({}, {$set:{reference: reference+1000}}
Any idea how best to achieve this?
Use the $inc operator
db.item.updateMany({}, { $inc: { reference: 10000 }});

Choosing the type of column value for indexing in mongo

document : {
I have a field in the document called score(integer). I want to use a range query db.collection.find({score: {$gte: 100, $lt: 200}}). I have definite number of these ranges(approx 20).
Should i introduce a new field in the document to tell the type of range and then query on the indentifier of that range. Ex -
document: {
score: 123,
scoreType: "type1"
so which query is better-
1. db.collection.find({score: {$gte: 100, $lt: 200}})
2. db.collection.find({scoreType: "type1"})
In any case i will have to create an Index on either score or scoreType.
Which index would tend to perform better??
It depends entirely on your situation, if you are sure the number of documents in your database will always remain the same then use scoreType.
Keep in mind: scoreType will be a fixed value and thus will not help when you query over different ranges i.e it might work for 100 to 200 if score type was created
with this range in mind, but will not work for other ranges i.e for 100 to 500,(Do you plan on having a new scoreType2?) keeping flexibility in scope, this is a bad idea

Finding documents in mongodb collection where a field is equal to given integer value

I would like to find all documents where the field property_id is equal to -549. I tried:
db.getCollection('CollectionName').find({'property_id' : -549 })
This returns no records with a message: "Fetched 0 record(s)."
But I am seeing the document right there where the field property_id is -549.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong. The type of field is int32.
Check if there is a space in the field name 'property_id':
db.getCollection('CollectionName').find({'\uFEFFproperty_id' : -549 })

How to efficiently page batches of results with MongoDB

I am using the below query on my MongoDB collection which is taking more than an hour to complete.
I am trying to to get the results in a batch of 5000 to process in either ascending or descending order for documents with "hi" as a value in language field. So i am using this query in which i am skipping the processed documents every time by incrementing the "skip" value.
The document count in this collection is just above 20 million.
An index on the field "language" is already created.
MongoDB Version i am using is 2.6.7
Is there a more appropriate index for this query which can get the result faster?
When you want to sort descending, you should create a multi-field index which uses the field(s) you sort on as descending field(s). You do that by setting those field(s) to -1.
This index should greatly increase the performance of your sort:
db.collection.ensureIndex({ language: 1, _id: -1 });
When you also want to speed up the other case - retrieving sorted in ascending order - create a second index like this:
db.collection.ensureIndex({ language: 1, _id: 1 });
Keep in mind that when you do not sort your results, you receive them in natural order. Natural order is often insertion order, but there is no guarantee for that. There are various events which can cause the natural order to get messed up, so when you care about the order you should always sort explicitly. The only exception to this rule are capped collections which always maintain insertion order.
In order to efficiently "page" through results in the way that you want, it is better to use a "range query" and keep the last value you processed.
You desired "sort key" here is _id, so that makes things simple:
First you want your index in the correct order which is done with .createIndex() which is not the deprecated method:
db.collection.createIndex({ "language": 1, "_id": -1 })
Then you want to do some simple processing, from the start:
var lastId = null;
var cursor = db.collection.find({language:"hi"});
cursor.sort({_id:-1}).limit(5000).forEach(funtion(doc) {
// do something with your document. But always set the next line
lastId = doc._id;
That's the first batch. Now when you move on to the next one:
var cursor = db.collection.find({ "language":"hi", "_id": { "$lt": lastId });
cursor.sort({_id:-1}).limit(5000).forEach(funtion(doc) {
// do something with your document. But always set the next line
lastId = doc._id;
So that the lastId value is always considered when making the selection. You store this between each batch, and continue on from the last one.
That is much more efficient than processing with .skip(), which regardless of the index will "still" need to "skip" through all data in the collection up to the skip point.
Using the $lt operator here "filters" all the results you already processed, so you can move along much more quickly.