m2e plugin in Eclipse crashing - spring-tool-suite

I've experiencing crashes on m2e Maven plugin for Eclipse (in STS) everytime it starts. This issue was treated in STS forum (link here), but, in my case, it didn't seem that was another plugin to cause conflict. STS was working fine, but without any clue it starts to crash during STS initialization. It have happened once two weeks before, and I have managed it by updating STS to its latest version. But now I'm using the latest version!
In this moment, a ss command in Host OSGi Console shows:
570 RESOLVED org.eclipse.m2e.archetype.common_1.5.0.20140605-2032
571 RESOLVED org.eclipse.m2e.core_1.5.0.20140606-0033
572 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui_1.5.0.20140606-0033
573 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.discovery_1.5.0.20140606-0033
574 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.editor_1.5.0.20140606-0033
575 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.editor.xml_1.5.0.20140606-0033
576 RESOLVED org.eclipse.m2e.jdt_1.5.0.20140606-0033
577 RESOLVED org.eclipse.m2e.jdt.ui_1.5.0.20140606-0033
578 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.launching_1.5.0.20140606-0033
579 RESOLVED org.eclipse.m2e.lifecyclemapping.defaults_1.5.0.20140606-0033
580 RESOLVED org.eclipse.m2e.logback.appender_1.5.0.20140606-0033
581 ACTIVE org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration_1.5.0.20140606-0033
582 RESOLVED org.eclipse.m2e.maven.indexer_1.5.0.20140605-2032
583 RESOLVED org.eclipse.m2e.maven.runtime_1.5.0.20140605-2032
584 RESOLVED org.eclipse.m2e.maven.runtime.slf4j.simple_1.5.0.20140605-2032
585 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit_1.5.0.20140606-0033
586 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.profiles.core_1.5.0.20140606-0033
587 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.profiles.ui_1.5.0.20140606-0033
588 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.refactoring_1.5.0.20140606-0033
589 RESOLVED org.eclipse.m2e.scm_1.5.0.20140606-0033
590 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.wtp_1.1.0.20140611-1646
591 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.jaxrs_1.1.0.20140611-1646
592 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.jpa_1.1.0.e43-20140611-1648
593 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.jsf_1.1.0.20140611-1646
594 ACTIVE org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.overlay_1.1.0.20140611-1646
595 STARTING org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.overlay.ui_1.1.0.20140611-1646
All Maven's dependencies for my project are disabled, and every import is broken in design time in Eclipse. Any idea on what is going wrong here and what would be a workaround? How do I uninstall m2e in order to reinstall it, if it is possible? Thanks!

I had similar problems with m2e ans finally had to give up. Eclipse also started to become very slow when the project started to become big. I finally rresorted to switch to the free version of intellij and I like it very much. But it requires some setup work and getting used to it.

I did a full reinstall of Spring Tool Suite. I do recommend to maintain original zip file of your STS version in order to do reinstall it at any given time, if needed. Very anoying crash, I hope Spring team pay attention and try to fix it in next release!


Issue with maven in eclipse

Issue faced during open eclipse, I am using jdk1.8 and apache-maven-3.5.0.
I set path in environment variable as:
MAVEN_HOME = E:\software\apache-maven-3.5.0
path = .......;%MAVEN_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;
I installed M2E plugin in eclipse luna.
But when I open eclipse, when I try this “Configure” -> “Convert to Maven Project” ,I am getting error:
An internal error occurred during: "Enabling Maven Dependency Management".
Illegal type at constant pool entry 288 in class org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.project.ResolverConfigurationIO
Exception Details:
org/eclipse/m2e/core/internal/project/ResolverConfigurationIO.stringAsProperties(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Properties; #20: invokestatic
Constant pool index 288 is invalid
0000000: bb00 8959 b701 034c 2ac6 0019 2a12 06b6
0000010: 00fc 4d2c b801 202b ba01 3200 00b9 011e
0000020: 0200 2bb0
Stackmap Table:
Also when I right click on my project, I did not find maven option, moreover there is no m symbol on my folder in eclipse.
What I do next?
The code is here.
You can see that kind of error in issue like:
"490988: Able to compile Interface.super construct in 1.7 project while using classes defined in 1.8 project"
"JDK-8037385 : constant pool errors with -target 1.7 and static default methods"
In your case, double-check you OS, JDK, Eclipse (32 or 64bits), and m2e, to see if everything is running with the same JDK in 64 bits.
Try again with a more recent Eclipse, already including m2e.

How to solve the 'Unable to find Asm for stackmap generation' error on startup of STS?

I am trying to use the Spring Tool Suite 3.8.3 on Ubuntu 16.04. Upon startup I get this error:
An internal error occured during: "Initializing Java Tooling"
with the detailed message:
An internal error occurred during: "Initializing Java Tooling". Unable
to find Asm for stackmap generation (Looking for
'aj.org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader'). Stackmap generation for woven
code is required to avoid verify errors on a Java 1.7 or higher
runtime when weaving type org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchPattern
when weaving classes when weaving
I have to admit that I have no idea what I should do here and I failed to find any pointers online. Any advice or hint is welcome.
It was for me due to the scala plug-in which I have installed a few days back. Uninstall the scala plugin and change to JDK 8 or JDK 11 it will work.
If anyone is still having a similar problem with Eclipse and needs to use Java 11 or higher (Eclipse nowadays seems to require Java 11) then have a look into this plugin as it seems to be required for the kotlin plugin.
I think you have installed Java 9 on your system. That's why you are facing compatibility issue and getting the stated errors. I therefore suggest you to degrade your java version to 8 for which it will work well and you wont be facing any error issue in that.
You can install java8 from this link!
I had to downgrade the JRE used to run Eclipse. Downgrading from Java 15 to Java 11 solved the problem.
Use the -vm option in eclipse.ini, eg.
My STS did not even start after installing scala plugin. I had to manually delete scala jars and folders from the STS /plugins. After that it started working.

Does Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) Require Java 1.7

I decided to update my eclipse to 4.4 (luna release). When I try to launch it however, I get an error stating that eclipse requires 1.7 or later of java jvm.
Just wanted to see if this is true and if it is possible to get it running with 1.6 (specifically 1.6.0_65)
If there is an explicit message stating that 1.7 or later is required when you run it with 1.6, I expect this to be a strong (ie blocking) minimum requirement. Eclipse Luna (4.4) is the first release requiring 1.7:
And still, if you still doubt it you can verify for which version it was compiled. For every Eclipse classes run the following command:
javap -verbose EclipseClass.class
Look for Major Version. If value is 51 this means it was compiled for java 1.7, so you are out of luck for 1.6. The magic numbers for major versions are :
J2SE 8 = 52 (0x34 hex),
J2SE 7 = 51 (0x33 hex),
J2SE 6.0 = 50 (0x32 hex),
J2SE 5.0 = 49 (0x31 hex),
JDK 1.4 = 48 (0x30 hex),
JDK 1.3 = 47 (0x2F hex),
JDK 1.2 = 46 (0x2E hex),
JDK 1.1 = 45 (0x2D hex).
and are described here:
Thing is, each eclipse bundle have different minimum requirements, so this may not be a good option for a platform as big as Eclipse. Anyway, I mention it because its good to know.
I also had this problem during the IDE Luna installation. In my case, to solve this problem, I had that change the system variables in win 7. In my computer was the variable that was did referenced the jdk 6... after that I changed it, I could open it again.
This link helped me:
It is requesting to install latest JDK. This is the link
I have installed jdk1.7.0_67 and its running successfully.

Error while starting hello-world-server.js in Enide Studio, CreateFileandSetSecurity failed with FALSE (Expected on FAT Partitions) GLE: 3

I am trying to run hello-world-server.js from Enide Studio 0.5.33 (X32) and getting the following error , whereas i m able to run it from command prompt
node hello-world-server.js
CreateFileandSetSecurity failed with FALSE (Expected on FAT
Partitions) GLE: 3 CreateFileandSetSecurity failed with TRUE (not
expected) GLE: 3
First make sure that you updated Nodeclipse plugin to 0.10 (as of Feb 2014).
Then in Preferences -> Nodeclipse you will see Java version that is currently used
Java 7 x32 is recommended for Windows.
Some related issues are reference on http://www.nodeclipse.org/updates/ and in built-in Help and online Help.
Specifically for your case you should create an issue and give info mentioned at http://www.nodeclipse.org/#support
Should you report a bug, please include the following:
Nodeclipse version number (like 0.4 or 0.8)
Eclipse version number (like 4.3.1 Kepler or 4.4.0)
Eclipse distribution (e.g. Eclipse for Java EE Developers)
A detailed description of the steps necessary to reproduce the problem.
Screenshot and stack trace, that you can get from Eclipse Error Log View (Window -> Show View ...) or from '.log' file from the directory '.metadata' in your workspace.
See example issue #78

Eclipse, dropins, console mode, Axis2 and dropins not installed

i'm new to the eclipse dev platform, i have a strange behaviour here while trying to install the following plugins :
i have downloaded them from Apache, extracted in a folder plugins inside dropins one so that i have :
and i can not still use/see them from the File / New / Other / Select a wizard
BTW after reading some posts about the kind of difficulties, i found that starting eclipse from command line with "eclipse -console" allow me to see them in the File / New / Other / select a wizard => Axis2 Code generator and Axis2 Service Archiver
so please, how is the right way to do ? and why adding -console do the trick while "normal" start do not ?
EDIT: forgot to write infos about Eclipse :
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Indigo Service Release 2
Build id: 20120216-1857
EDIT : actually i have tested both dropping these jars inside a plugins subfolder of dropins or directly inside dropins, and none had worked. The only way to have the Axis2 service Archiver is to start with eclipse -console and having them in a plugins... i surely have missed something or have a dependency fail but i do not know how to check/correct that. This is why i have asked here.
EDIT : if this could help :
inside my bundles.info
inside console :
osgi> ss axis2
Framework is launched.
id State Bundle
24 <<LAZY>> org.apache.axis2.eclipse.codegen.plugin_1.6.2
25 ACTIVE org.apache.axis2.eclipse.service.plugin_1.6.2
461 <<LAZY>> org.eclipse.jst.ws.axis2.consumption.core_1.0.105.v201004211
462 <<LAZY>> org.eclipse.jst.ws.axis2.consumption.ui_1.0.103.v20100421180
463 <<LAZY>> org.eclipse.jst.ws.axis2.core_1.0.204.v201004211805
464 <<LAZY>> org.eclipse.jst.ws.axis2.creation.core_1.0.106.v201004211805
465 <<LAZY>> org.eclipse.jst.ws.axis2.creation.ui_1.0.104.v201004211805
466 <<LAZY>> org.eclipse.jst.ws.axis2.ui_1.0.303.v201003110431
467 RESOLVED org.eclipse.jst.ws.axis2.ui.doc.user_1.0.100.v201005192217
osgi> diag 25
No unresolved constraints.
osgi> diag 24
No unresolved constraints.
and i do not find a file .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator in my Eclipse Workspace
best regards
I've found the dropins catalog to not be that dependable to be honest. Sometimes it works perfectly, othertimes nothing you do will make it work. I've written a question regarding it, but no answer yet: Plugins in dropins-catalog are not found
What you can do is to check if the plugin is found at all, or if there are dependencies issue that will prevent it from starting. I usually recommend Dude, where's my bundle as a good starting point to understanding how the bundles work with their different states.
The osgi console can be a useful tool to see if your plugins are loaded at all. I wrote a more elaborate answer to a question where I described how it works: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9885646/207764
As explained in the Axis2 documentation, you need to "extract the content of the plugins folder in the ZIP archive into the dropins folder (i.e. do not create a plugins folder under dropins)".