Unable to install plugin hostmanager in vagrant in windows 8.1 - plugins

Not able to install plugin its showing the below error...
C:\devbox>vagrant plugin install 'vagrant-hostmanager'
The directory where plugins are installed (the Vagrant home directory)
has a space in it. On Windows, there is a bug in Ruby when compiling
plugins into directories with spaces. Please move your Vagrant home
directory to a path without spaces and try again.

Ruby (language used by Vagrant) has "issues" with directory names that contain spaces.
Vagrant will use an environment variable (supplied by windows) to tell it where your user directory is (so it can decide where to put your "home" directory). But you might have a space in your user name (I do) which causes a problem for ruby (which is doing the work to install the plugin).
The solution is to move your project to a project directory you choose that doesn't have any spaces in the directory name. Then, use an environment variable called VAGRANT_HOME and set it to a specified directory. The plugin installation procedure will check for the existence of this variable and use it if it exists instead of locating a home directory within the windows current user directory.
I created a folder called home within C:\Hashicorp\Vagrant and used that (C:\Hashicorp\Vagrant\home).
Setting windows environment variables is not hard (rather trivial actually) - you can find out how here: http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm
You'll have to do a restart to your system for it to take effect (it all worked after a reboot for me).

I've found a slight variation to the #Reinsbrains answer. In order to have a home directory without spaces within its name. I created a junction to my user/home directory. In my case I decided to go with a Linux style structure, but any location would work. In an admin command prompt:
mkdir c:\home
mklink /j c:\home\maarten "c:\users\Maarten Bicknese"
Next set the VAGRANT_HOME environment variable to the newly created junction.
setx VAGRANT_HOME c:\home\maarten
Fire up a new command prompt and you're good to go!


How to install vim which is cloned from github.com?

I've cloned it but I didn't find any .exe file, Nor do i see it in programs list in Control Panel of windows. I'am a bit confused as to what cloning means. I know that there is direct download .exe file on vim.org website. Its for sure that I'am beginner for all these. Please help. Thanks for the help in advance.
reading the "installation" section found in the README.md of the vim repo, you can see the filenames containing the instructions that will help you with the installation, depending on your OS.
README_ami.txt Amiga
README_unix.txt Unix
README_dos.txt MS-DOS and MS-Windows
README_mac.txt Macintosh
README_haiku.txt Haiku
README_vms.txt VMS
So, for the full information I suggest you go to those files, or go to the vim website where there is also good information about the installation.
Anyway, I will briefly explain below the information that those files and the vim website say for most common operating systems
If you're on Unix:
git clone https://github.com/vim/vim.git
cd vim/src
If you're on Mac
The Macintosh binaries are not on the Vim ftp site. They are produced by a few Macintosh lovers. Often they lag behind a few versions.
MacVim has more a Mac look and feel, is developed actively and most people prefer this version. Most of MacVim was made by Björn Winckler.
MacVim can be downloaded here: link
Or if you prefer, here is the MacVim homepage.
If you're on Windows:
The next instructions were copied from here.
Option A: Using the self-installing .exe
Go to vim.org/download.php and click on self-installing executable (or just click here) and follow the prompts.
Watch out for:
When an existing installation is detected, you are offered to first remove
this. The uninstall program is then started while the install program waits
for it to complete. Sometimes the windows overlap each other, which can be
confusing. Be sure the complete the uninstalling before continuing the
installation. Watch the taskbar for uninstall windows.
When selecting a directory to install Vim, use the same place where other
versions are located. This makes it easier to find your _vimrc file. For
example "C:\Program Files\vim" or "D:\vim". A name ending in "vim" is
After selecting the directory where to install Vim, clicking on "Next" will
start the installation.
Option B: Using .zip files
Go to the directory where you want to put the Vim files. Examples:
cd C:\
cd D:\editors
If you already have a "vim" directory, go to the directory in which it is
located. Check the $VIM setting to see where it points to:
set VIM
For example, if you have
cd C:\
Binary and runtime Vim archives are normally unpacked in the same location,
on top of each other.
Unpack the zip archives. This will create a new directory "vim\vim82",
in which all the distributed Vim files are placed. Since the directory
name includes the version number, it is unlikely that you overwrite
existing files.
pkunzip -d gvim82.zip
unzip vim82w32.zip
You need to unpack the runtime archive and at least one of the binary
archives. When using more than one binary version, be careful not to
overwrite one version with the other, the names of the executables
"vim.exe" and "gvim.exe" are the same.
After you unpacked the files, you can still move the whole directory tree
to another location. That is where they will stay, the install program
won't move or copy the runtime files.
Change to the new directory:
cd vim\vim82
Run the "install.exe" program. It will ask you a number of questions about
how you would like to have your Vim setup. Among these are:
You can tell it to write a "_vimrc" file with your preferences in the
parent directory.
It can also install an "Edit with Vim" entry in the Windows Explorer
popup menu.
You can have it create batch files, so that you can run Vim from the
console or in a shell. You can select one of the directories in your
$PATH. If you skip this, you can add Vim to the search path manually:
The simplest is to add a line to your autoexec.bat. Examples:
set path=%path%;C:\vim\vim82
set path=%path%;D:\editors\vim\vim82
Create entries for Vim on the desktop and in the Start menu.
That's it!
Vim is open source software, and its source code, i.e. all the technical files that make up Vim is (nowadays) hosted at GitHub.
Cloning that repository means you'll download all of those files to your computer (and with Git as the underlying revision control system, you'll even get the full history of all changes ever done). As Vim supports a very big set of very diverse platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac, ...), the repository itself does not (and should not) contain pre-built binaries, nor a full installer that most users expect to run. So, unless you have the intention to actively contribute to Vim by submitting bug fixes or enhancements, you don't need to clone or do anything with GitHub. If you do want to get technical, src/INSTALLpc.txt contains the instructions for building Vim on Windows. This includes choosing a compiler, installing it and the required dependencies, configuring the build, building, and then finally copying the files to a permanent location on your PC, either manually or by building and then running an installer.
For plain passive consumption of Vim (which is rewarding in itself, but may even lead you to eventually also programming it), the Downloading Vim page on vim.org has all the information that you need, with links to the most popular installers right at the top.
a word on versions
For a casual user, using the latest stable version is recommended; this is 8.2 right now; gvim82.exe is a corresponding installer for Windows. This offers the best compromise between stability and latest features. In the case of Vim, expect a new release roughly every year.
You'll also find development builds (something like 8.2.0740); these usually function as well and have the very latest features under development, but often are less stable. I would use these only if you really need a leading-edge feature, or want to report a bug. You should then probably update very frequently, and from there it's only a small step to actually cloning the repository and building everything on your own!

Unable to write to a file created by an AutoHotKey script

I have a Dell PC with Win7 64 using what I believe is the latest version of AutoHotKey.
I wrote an Installer App with AutoHotKey to create two directories with a number of sub directories then install an exe program and a number of data files into those directories. The App installs into the existing C:\Program Files and C:\Program Data directories.
The Installer App creates the sub directory C:\Program Files\DSOSort then installs the file DSOSort.exe. The installer App then creates the sub directory C:\Program Data\DSOSort and installs a number of additional sub directories with all the associated text data files.
I used the FileCreateDir and FileInstall instructions in the Installation App to create the directories and install the files.
Everything in the Installer App and in the exe program works as it should except that the exe will not make any changes to the text data files in the newly created C:\Program Data\DSOSort directory. I have to open the directory with Properties and allow Users to Write. Once that is done the exe will change data in the text data files correctly and all is well.
If I change the Installer App to create a directory C:\DSOSort then install all the sub directories and data files in there instead of into C:\Program Data\DSOSort the exe can write to the text file. I do not have to change any permissions with Properties.
I tried using the various copies of the C:\Program Data\DSOSort directory I found in C:\Documents and Settings and also in C:\Users. The exe can read them but no Write.
I only have this problem with newly installed directories and again as I said earlier it can be corrected with Properties.
The exe program was written for people with enough knowledge to run the Installation App but do not understand Properties or making changes to the directories.
I could just leave the data files in a C:\DSOSort directory but would prefer to put them in a C:\Program Data\DSOSort directory.
Is there a way for AutoHotKey to check the user permissions and changing them if necessary before installing the data files?
Is my PC behaving properly? Is it supposed to create directories without allowing Write to the files?
Some of these directories, like "Program Files", require admin privileges to modify. I believe that is why you're experiencing that. Have your app run as an admin and it should be fine. The setting for you EXE can be found in the properties.
The A_IsAdmin built-in variable returns whether the current user has admin rights.

How to uninstall berrybrew—perlbrew for Windows?

I have been running berrybrew on Windows
(here's the home page and GitHub repository).
I'm having some trouble with it and I want to uninstall and reinstall it, but I can't figure out how to do that.
I am hoping it is as simple as just deleting the directory where it was installed and C:\berrybrew, which is where it seems to keep files, but I don't know for sure. The instructions contain installation instructions, but no uninstallation instructions.
Disclaimer: berrybrew author here...
To uninstall and return your system back to default:
berrybrew off
berrybrew unconfig
then delete the directory you downloaded it to, as well as the installation directory (by default, C:\berrybrew)
Edit your PATH variable to remove any entries that start with C:\berrybrew (or the base install directory if you've changed it from the default). One of the path entries will point to C:\berrybrew\bin, and there may be one more that points to the currently in-use Perl installation (also under C:\berrybrew\...). Technically speaking, there shouldn't be any after the first two commands are run, but one should always verify
Essentially, there's really nothing to "uninstall". It comes down to removing $ENV{PATH} ie. specific environment variables that point to a) berrybrew.exe binary itself, and b) the Perl installation that you last used.
I will update the documentation to provide more clarity in this regard.

unable to run php cli from the command line when xampp portable is installed in another drive

I have installed a xampp portable package on my drive D, added the php folder path inside it on the system environment so I would be able to run php basically anywhere from the command line. but when i try to check if its working by executing the "php -v" command, it runs but i get this following error/warning messages.
"Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'xampp-portable\php\ext[:any].dll - The specified module could not be found."
*the [:any] there just means some dll filename.
and i get a lot of that warnings with just varying dll filenames,
anyway, here's the catch. when i do change my current path in the command line to somewhere in drive D, and then run the same command "php -v" it runs smoothly.
so what configuration should i do to fix this problem?
by the way, i do the same with mysql, putting its bin directory path on the system enviroment, run it in both inside drive C and drive D. and it runs smoothly. so i guess this problem is only on php.
I've posted the same question in xampp forums and this is the answer that was given to me. I'll be quoting the answer as it was and give credit to the one who answere it.
XAMPP is very proud that it don't have to set any environment
variables or registry values.
What you want to do is not possible with XAMPP portable without
mapping to a specific Drive letter. All configurations in xampp
portable have relative paths, so if you want to use cli from a
different drive letter, php can be executed, but all extensions of
them throw errors.
I would install the full version of XAMPP, map it to the current drive
letter with help of the setup_xampp.bat file and use the XAMPP control
panel Shell instead of default command line (advantage: The XAMPP
control panel shell sets local include paths to the needed XAMPP
Works for me (i can even use pear, git, composer, and other cli
scripts with the Xampp Shell if correct integrated).
best wishes, Altrea
credits to Altrea
Open your php.ini file, replace all relative paths to absolute paths. Eg: \xampp\ to C:\xampp\

Setting up agent controller for tptp

I have already installed the tptp from eclipse's "install new software". In the next step I shoud install the agent controller.
I've downloaded the agent controller 4.7.2 und unzipped it. According to the instruction I should now:
"Run SetConfig.bat script from a command shell in the \bin directory to generate the configuration file for the Agent Controller."
When I type the SetConfig.bat in the cmd it says that setconfig.bat is not found. I have checked the bin folder and there is no such file. So I don't know what to do.
The instruction also says: "The script requires that a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) be present in the PATH environment variable." Maybe this causes the problem? But I don't know how to set the jvm into the path variable. I use win7
What should I do now? Thanx in advance!
When there is no setconfig.bat in your bin folder chances are that you are using a non-windows distribution of the agent controller, especially if it contains setconfig.sh instead.
Please check and download the correct version if this is the cause.