I have an assignment to filter in the frequency domain. It gives me various filters to use in part of the question but I am just trying to figure out how to add even one. I'm still learning Matlab and image processing in general.
Assignment Question: Use index2gray to convert “tees.tif” to gray level image. Filter the gray level image in
the frequency domain using 2D fft (fft2), after performing the operation you can use 2D
ifft (ifft2) to display the filtered image in the spatial domain for:
a- Rectangular low pass filter using cutoff frequency of (uc=N/8,vc=M/8) where N and M
are the row and column sizes of the image.
My Current code is:
[I,cmap] = imread('trees.tif');
img = ind2gray(I,cmap);
[rows columns] = size(img);
fftO = fft2(double(img));
shifted = fftshift(fftO);
logged = log(1+abs(shifted));
If I understand this correctly, I have the grey level image in the frequency domain and now need to filter it. I'm confused about the filtering part. I need to make a rectangular low pass filter using cutoff frequencies. How do I go about adding cutoff frequencies? I assume I will be using a Gaussian or Butterworth filter and have the filter size be equal to the image.
After I figure out this filter thing, I should be able to do (H is filter)
filtered = logged.*H;
invert = real(ifft2(filtered));
Anyone know how I need to proceed with the filter section?
KevinMc essentially told you what the answer is. fspecial certainly allows you to define certain 2D filters, but it doesn't have rectangular filters. You can create your own though! You create a filter / mask that is the same size as your image where the centre of this mask is a rectangle with height N/8 and width M/8. Once you do this, you simply multiply with your image in the frequency domain and you then take the ifft2 as you have specified in your code.
You've got the code correct... you just need to create the mask! As such, use meshgrid to generate a 2D grid of (x,y) co-ordinates, then use Boolean conditions to find those pixels that span between -N/8 to N/8 for the height and -M/8 to M/8 for the width, making sure that the centre of the mask is the origin (0,0). Therefore:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:columns, 1:rows);
H = (X - floor(columns/2) >= -columns/8) & (X - floor(columns/2) <= columns/8) & ...
(Y - floor(rows/2) >= -rows/8) & (Y - floor(rows/2) <= rows/8);
H = double(H);
The last line of code is important, as we need to cast to double so that you can convolve / filter your image by multiplying with the frequency domain version of the image. You can only multiply things in MATLAB provided that they are of the same type. H is a logical after applying the Boolean conditions, so you need to convert to double before you proceed.
As an example, let's say rows = 200 and cols = 200. This means that for the rectangular filter, this should span from horizontal frequencies of -25 to 25, and the same for the vertical frequencies. This means that we should get a square of 50 x 50. If we run this code, this is the image I get:
As such, just use those two lines of code, and your mask will be stored in H. You can then use this to filter your image.
Good luck!
I am having a problem with the output. I am using 5*5 filter for making image smooth. As average filter smooth our image but this one is making the image more dull. Can anyone help me with this problem?
Input Image is:
img_2 = imread('White-Bars.png');
filter = ones(5 , 5)/25;
working_img = img_2(:,:,1);
img_4 = img_2(:,:,1);
[rows,cols] = size(working_img); sum=0;
for row=4:(rows-3)
for col=4:(cols-3)
for rowindex=(-2): (3)
for colindex=(-2): (3)
img_4(row,col) = mean2(double(working_img(row+rowindex,col+colindex)) * filter(1:5,1:5));
So, this is the output:
You dont understand what you are doing!
This is clearly homework, so I am not providing full code. You are doing image convolution, which you can do with way better code, (fft, conv2, imfilter, etc) but I assume you are doing this for learning.
First, sit down with your lecture notes and learn what filtering is. When you apply a filter over a pixel (the first 2 loops are to choose each pixel in the image) what you want to do is multiply your chosen filter over that pixel, and all the surrounding pixels, and accumulate the result of that in the output image.
Once you are in a specific pixel (row,col), then you iterate around all the neighboring pixels, (offset by rowindex,colindex). For each of these, you want to multiply the current pixel to the filter on that specific location, i.e. 1 value, and add it to the result. Depends on what the filter is, it will do something different. In your case, a filter with all the same value will do an average. You do not need to use the mean2 function, the mathematics you are applying do the filtering.
In short, this line is wrong:
img_4(row,col) = mean2(double(working_img(row+rowindex,col+colindex)) * filter(1:5,1:5));
Both the use of mean2 and the index on the variable filter.
Video explaining convolution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_zFhWdM4ic
I want to detect edges (with sub-pixel accuracy) in images like the one displayed:
The resolution would be around 600 X 1000.
I came across a comment by Mark Ransom here, which mentions about edge detection algorithms for vertical edges. I haven't come across any yet. Will it be useful in my case (since the edge isn't strictly a straight line)? It will always be a vertical edge though. I want it to be accurate till 1/100th of a pixel at least. I also want to have access to these sub-pixel co-ordinate values.
I have tried "Accurate subpixel edge location" by Agustin Trujillo-Pino. But this does not give me a continuous edge.
Are there any other algorithms available? I will be using MATLAB for this.
I have attached another similar image which the algorithm has to work on:
Any inputs will be appreciated.
Thank you.
I was wondering if I could do this:
Apply Canny / Sobel in MATLAB and get the edges of this image (note that it won't be a continuous line). Then, somehow interpolate this Sobel edges and get the co-ordinates in subpixel. Is it possible?
A simple approach would be to project your image vertically and fit the projected profile with an appropriate function.
Here is a try, with an atan shape:
% Load image
Img = double(imread('bQsu5.png'));
% Project
x = 1:size(Img,2);
y = mean(Img,1);
% Fit
f = fit(x', y', 'a+b*atan((x0-x)/w)', 'Startpoint', [150 50 10 150])
% Display
hold on
plot(x, y);
legend('Projected profile', 'atan fit');
And the result:
I get x_0 = 149.6 pix for your first image.
However, I doubt you will be able to achieve a subpixel accuracy of 1/100th of pixel with those images, for several reasons:
As you can see on the profile, your whites are saturated (grey levels at 255). As you cut the real atan profile, the fit is biased. If you have control over the experiments, I suggest you do it again again with a smaller exposure time for instance.
There are not so many points on the transition, so there is not so many information on where the transition is. Typically, your resolution will be the square root of the width of the atan (or whatever shape you prefer). In you case this limits the subpixel resolution at 1/5th of a pixel, at best.
Finally, your edges are not stricly vertical, they are slightly titled. If you choose to use this projection method, to increase the accuracy you should look for a way to correct this tilt before projecting. This won't increase your accuracy by several orders of magnitude, though.
There is a problem with your image. At pixel level, it seems like there are four interlaced subimages (odd and even rows and columns). Look at this zoomed area close to the edge.
In order to avoid this artifact, I just have taken the even rows and columns of your image, and compute subpixel edges. And finally, I look for the best fitting straight line, using the function clsq whose code is in this page:
%load image
image = imread(url);
imageEvenEven = image(1:2:end,1:2:end);
imshow(imageEvenEven, 'InitialMagnification', 'fit');
% subpixel detection
threshold = 25;
edges = subpixelEdges(imageEvenEven, threshold);
% compute fit line
A = [ones(size(edges.x)) edges.x edges.y];
[c n] = clsq(A,2);
y = [1,200];
x = -(n(2)*y+c) / n(1);
hold on;
When executing this code, you can see the green line that best aproximate all the edge points. The line is given by the equation c + n(1)*x + n(2)*y = 0
Take into account that this image has been scaled by 1/2 when taking only even rows and columns, so the right coordinates must be scaled.
Besides, you can try with the other tree subimages (imageEvenOdd, imageOddEven and imageOddOdd) and combine the four straigh lines to obtain the best solution.
i am trying to plot the figure of FFT magnitude of an image using the following code in the command window:
a= imread('lena','png')
However, the figure with the title magnitude shows nothing, even though MATLAB shows that it has computed abs() on fftshift. The figure is still empty, and there is no error. Also, why do we need to compute the phase shift before magnitude?
The reason why this is probably happening is because of the following things:
When you take the 2D fft of your image, it will produce a double valued result, even though your image is mostly unsigned 8-bit integer. MATLAB assumes that double formatted images have their intensities / colours between [0,1]. By doing imshow on just the magnitude itself, you will most likely get an entirely white image because I suspect a good majority of the FFT coefficients are bigger than 1. This is probably the blank figure that you're referring to.
Even if you rescale the magnitude so that it is between [0,1], the DC coefficient will be so large that if you try to display the image, you'll only see a white dot in the middle while every other component will be black.
As a side note, the reason why you are doing fftshift is because by default, MATLAB assumes that the origin of the FFT for 2D is located at the top left corner. Doing fftshift will allow the origin to be in the middle, which is what we would intuitively expect of the 2D FFT.
In order to remedy this situation, I would suggest doing a log transformation on the FFT coefficients so you can visually see the results. I would also normalize the coefficients once you log transform it so that they go between [0,1]. Do not actually modify the FFT coefficients as this would be improper. You need to leave them the same way that it is because if you intend to do any processing on the spectrum, you would start by working on the raw image. Doing filter design or anything of that sort will require the raw spectrum, as the final filter will depend on these coefficients untouched. Unless you actually want to do a log operation as part of your pipeline, then leave these coefficients as is. As such, this can be done through the following MATLAB code:
imshow(log(1 + magnitude), []);
I'm going to show an example, using your code that you have provided but using another image as you haven't provided one here. I'm going to use the cameraman.tif image that's part of the MATLAB system path. As such:
a= imread('cameraman.tif');
imshow(log(1 + magnitude), []); %// NEW
This is what I get:
As you can see, the magnitude is displayed more nicely. Also, the DC coefficient is in the middle of the spectrum thanks to fftshift.
If you want to apply this for colour images, fft2 should still work. It will apply the 2D fft to each colour plane by itself. However, if you want this to work, you'll not only need to take the log transform, but you'll also need to normalize each plane separately. You have to do this because if we tried doing the imshow command we did earlier, it would normalize it so that the greatest value in the spectrum of the colour image gets normalized to 1. This will inevitably produce that same small dot effect that we talked about earlier.
Let's try a colour image that's built-in to MATLAB: onion.png. We will use the same code that you used above, but we need an additional step of normalizing each colour plane by itself. As such:
a = imread('onion.png');
logMag = log(1 + magnitude); %// New
for c = 1 : size(a,3); %// New - normalize each plane
logMag(:,:,c) = mat2gray(logMag(:,:,c));
figure; imshow(logMag); title('magnitude');
Note that I had to loop through each colour plane and use mat2gray to normalize each plane to [0,1]. Also, I had to create a new variable called logMag because I have to modify each colour plane individually, and you can't do this with a single imshow call.
With this, these are the results I get:
What's different with this spectrum is that we are applying the FFT to each colour plane separately, and so you'll see a whole bunch of colour spatters because for each location in this image, we are visualizing a linear combination of components from the red, green and blue channels. For each location, we have a value in between [0,1] for each colour plane, and the combination of these give you a colour at this location. You could say that darker colours are for locations that have a relatively low magnitude for at least one of the colour channels, while locations that are brighter have a relatively high magnitude for at least one of the colour channels.
Hope this helps!
Can't be sure about your version of "lena.png", but if it's a color RGB picture, you need to convert it first to grayscale, or at least select which RGB plane you want to examine.
I.e., the following works for http://optipng.sourceforge.net/pngtech/img/lena.png (color png):
clear; close all;
a = imread('lena','png');
ag = rgb2gray(a);
ag = im2double(ag);
F = fftshift( fft2(ag) ); % also try fft2(ag, N, N) where N < image size. Say N=128.
My goal is to make a ridge(mountain)-like shape from the given line. For that purpose, I applied the gaussian filter to the given line. In this example below, one line is vertical and one has some slope. (here, background values are 0, line pixel values are 1.)
Given line:
Ridge shape:
When I applied gaussian filter, the peak heights are different. I guess this results from the rasterization problem. The image matrix itself is discrete integer space. The gaussian filter is actually not exactly circular (s by s matrix). Two lines also suffer from rasterization.
How can I get two same-peak-height nice-looking ridges(mountains)?
Is there more appropriate way to apply the filter?
Should I make a larger canvas(image matrix) and then reduce the canvas by interpolation? Is it a good way?
Moreover, I appreciate if you can suggest a way to make ridges with a certain peak height. When using gaussian filter, what we can do is deciding the size and sigma of the filter. Based on those parameters, the peak height varies.
For information, image matrix size is 250x250 here.
You can give a try to distance transform. Your image is a binary image (having only two type of values, 0 and 1). Therefore, you can generate similar effects with distance transform.
%Create an image similar to yours
%Distance transform
distImg(distImg>5)=0; %5 is set manually to achieve similar results to yours
distImg=5-distImg; %Get high values for the pixels inside the tube as shown
%in your figure
distImg(distImg==5)=0; %Making background pixels zero
To get images with certain peak height, you can change the threshold of 5 to a different value. If you set it to 10, you can get peaks with height equal to the next largest value present in the distance transform matrix. In case of 5 and 10, I found it to be around 3.5 and 8.
Again, if you want to be exact 5 and 10, then you may multiply the distance transform matrix with the normalization factor as follows.
normalizationFactor=(newValue-minValue)/(maxValue-minValue) %self-explanatory
Only disadvantage I see is, I don't get a smooth graph as you have. I tried with Gaussian filter too, but did not get a smooth graph.
My result:
How can i calculate the average of a certain area in an image using mat-lab?
For example, if i have an intensity image with an area that is more alight and i want to know what is the average of the intensity there- how do i calculate it?
I think i can find the coordinates of the alight area by using the 'impixelinfo' command.
If there is another more efficient way to find the coordinates i will also be glad to know.
After i know the coordinates how do i calculate the average of part of the image?
You could use one of the imroi type functions in Matlab such as imfreehand
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
h = imshow(I);
e = imfreehand;
% now select area on image - do not close image
% this makes a mask from the area you just drew
BW = createMask(e);
% this takes the mean of pixel values in that area
I_mean = mean(I(BW));
Alternatively, look into using regionprops, especially if there's likely to be more than one of these features in the image. Here, I'm finding points in the image above some threshold intensity and then using imdilate to pick out a small area around each of those points (presuming the points above the threshold are well separated, which may not be the case - if they are too close then imdilate will merge them into one area).
se = strel('disk',5);
BW = imdilate(I>thresh,se);
s = regionprops(BW, I, 'MeanIntensity');