Is it possible to import an entire game (from exe-file) to a new Unity Project? - import

Let's say I have a game that is already built with Unity. I do not have its source-code, only the exe-file is present. Now, I need to add some new features on top of it. Is it possible to import the existing game to a new Unity project, e.g. by adding it to an empry GameObject?

Without the source, no it is not.
Additionally you may not have a good legal standpoint unless you have express permission to modify the game (in which case you could simply ask the developer for access to the source), or the license is suitably open.


Can you turn a Unreal Project .EXE into .uproject?

I have a .exe file, called Sonic Infinity Engine Plus, that was built in UE4.
This was released public without source code download, so I am unable to modify it.
However, this game was released with an Unreal terminal (accessed by the `/~ key). I'm wondering if there is any way I could retrieve the source code.
Image of terminal in-game
If anybody knows such command, like build source, it would be helpful to know.
If you need more information I couldn't think of off the top of my head, please let me know!
Thanks, Omega207
As user Rotem replied, there is no known way to retrieve the "source code" as I thought it could. This is due to complications with decompiling UE4 source code.
This is due to the fact that Unreal tends to hide source to most who use it, and is therefor up to the creators to distribute source code (which is all the files creating the .exe file).
Since the source was never distributed public, there is officially no possible way to modify this engine as the creators meant it to be.

Deploying .lib file in the Salesforce org

I am using this code: to compile on my org.
I have got one components as eventLib.lib and interactive.js in eventLib folder. I have put this folder in c:MyDevOrg\force-app\main\default\aura folder in the local machine and tried to deploy in the org using VSCode but it didn't work.
I tried creating folder in the Files tab and added the interactive.js in the folder but that is also not seeming to work with the Aura components.
How can I deploy this lib into the org as it is being used in some Aura components.
We don't know what you're trying to achieve. You asked a very technical question to which the answer is "you're probably doing it wrong". Instead try to write what business functionality you are trying to achieve and you might get better answers.
You shouldn't have to import ui:eventLib. It's supposed to be part of core Salesforce's Aura components framework. But.
You've referenced a repo that wasn't updated in a while, no promises this still compiles / is best way to do X.
This repo seems to rely on open source Aura framework which is well... dead in the water.
You might be able to reuse something from this repo in your app using SF's built-in tags - but whole ui: library has been deprecated. Announced in Winter'20 = almost 2 years ago, finally dead in May 2021.
I don't think eventLib was ever exposed, might be something needed just in open source version which complicates the matter more. The answer would be to not work with the really "decompiled" tags but with their higher abstracted versions like ui:inputDate.
So, back to my question. What exactly are you trying to achieve.
You want to build something on pure SF platform (use pure Aura/LWC).
Want to have an app written in Angular, React etc, pure JS, connecting to SF data via API? (build it, upload as static resourcethen import using lightning:container)
want to prettify an existing Java/PHP/.NET app, make it look more Lightning-ish and embed it as iframe? (look into and connected apps + "canvas")
want to expose piece of SF as reusable element that can be embedded in another website but could even be an Outlook plugin? (search for "lightning out")
want to look at modern equivalent of that old open source Aura repo and decide what to do next? Check out.

How to include Unity3d libs in a non-Unity3d project?

I'm developing a C# library that will be used either as a plugin in some Unity3d projects and also used in non-Unity3d projects.
I need to use some Unity3d classes (such as UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) and standardize some functions to use valid types agnostically to whether the project is an Unity project or not.
So, as the title says: what is the right way to include Unity3d libraries in a non-Unity3d library project? Should I just include reference to the local Unity3d binaries (like UnityEngine.dll) in my project? If so, which is the right folder to look for these binaries (they appear in some different folders in the unity installation folder)?
If you are not actually running the Unity Engine for rendering or handling input it may be the case of forcing a round peg into a square hole, both technically and legally.
The most elegant solution would likely be to write your library in C# using more agnostic libraries. For example the Matrix4x4 class you mentioned has an equivalent in System.Numerics. Alongside the library all thats needed is a light wrapper converting a System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 to a UnityEngine.Matrix4x4. Sometimes the Unity devs themselves do stuff like this, for example the Unity.Mathematics.float3 struct which works better in ECS land than a standard Vector3.
FYI if you're looking for how some particular system works, check out the C# Reference GitHub Repository, for example the Matrix4x4 struct. Just be aware that 'copying and pasting' Unity source code is not allowed.

How do I export a steam game into a unity package

I've been wanting to mod hollow knight for a while now and since I have recently gained experience with the unity game engine I thought I would try it out. The only problem is I can't really find a way to export the files into unity and so far have found no tutorials online maybe exporting it into a package is not the answer so I'm just curious on how to import the files into unity.
That's not really how game modding works. You won't be able to import the compiled game's assets into Unity. If the game uses the Mono runtime (not IL2CPP), you can find the DLL files that contain the game's logic, decompile them (using a decompiler like dotPeek), make modifications to the game's source code (for example, adding your own logic to change behavior and load additional assets), recompile the code, and replace the game's original DLLs with your modified version.

Is it possible to use Unity3D NavMesh in a server application?

Unity3D contains a core dll that called UnityEngine.dll. That library contains all logic for the engine, like NavMesh.
Is it possible to use that dll in other applications, for example console applications, feed NavMesh with baked NavMesh from scene and perform navigation?
In other words, I want to create a game server that will navigate all agents and send to clients new positions of them.
No it is not possible.
This question was asked by a Unity user few years ago and he got the no answer from a Unity engineer. He tried that and failed. Unfortunate I am not able to find that question again but the answer the user got made sense.
According to the post as I remember, he said that all the UnityEngine.dll file contains all the classes you see while programming and those are for reference and complier only. He also said that the UnityEngine.dll file does not include the run-time file required to make it work alone in other application.
The Unity compiler generates the required dlls or files needed to run a Unity game.