Trying to disable the Zero-Crossing detection for only a given subsystem ( User-defined Matlab Function Block) in my simulink Model, I referred to the Matlab Central Guide, however, for User-defined blocks, this option is not available from the block parameters Menu.
Does any one have an idea?
As you pointed out, MATLAB Function blocks are not part of the blocks that register zero crossings. Your options are either to enable/disable all zero crossings in the configuration parameters or to use a Stateflow chart in continuous-time mode. Alternatively, you can put your MATLAB Function block inside an Enabled/Triggered subsystem.
I have a working MATLAB program hooked up to an Arduino and rotary sensor that displays the current angle. I would like to display this angle on a Simulink model, so I can control a motor based off the current angle. Is there any way to do this without creating an angle sensor in Simulink and just using my MATLAB code that already works?
Your question is not really clear and it depends if you are trying to do it before simulation or during simulation.
If you want to do it before the simulation, just create a constant block with a variable name that is taken from the workspace, and let your function to set that variable in the workspace.
If you want to do it during simulation, it is a little more difficult but still possible. Lets create a sample a MVCE. The simulink model mask.slx contains a constant the is set to 0, and this constant value is displayed in the display block on the right. The simulation time is set to inf, so when you play it, you must stop it manually.
It is possible to checge the value of the constant while the simulation is running using this simple Matlab call:
set_param('mask/Value_to_set', 'Value', '10')
you should also consider that the constanta must be a Tunable gain (it is by default).
(as you can see the simulation is running).
There are some additional (and surely better) solution you can use:
Include your Matlab function in a MATLAB User Defined Function block, and call it at each simulation iteration. If you have compilation issue you shall follow the coder.extrinsic way (here an example for fmincon)
Use the Simulink Support Package for Arduino Uno Hardware Add-on that is available in the Add on store.
I'm trying to programatically create several Matlab Function blocks to have their input set to the output of a Mux block, and their output set to the signal port of an Output Switch block.
I've created some basic Simulink models in the past using the add_block and add_line functions, but it seems Matlab Function blocks work differently.
I know what I'm trying to do can be achieved since I've done it manually, but I need to achieve this programatically to create large models.
It should work. Consider for example a Simulink model with a constant block, a MATLAB Function and a Scope block. Try the following:
add_line('untitled','Constant/1','MATLAB Function/1')
add_line('untitled','MATLAB Function/1','Scope/1')
Is there a way to create an input/output port in Simulink (some workaround)? The port would be a bus and some signals are set from outside the block while some signals are set by the block. Here is an example:
Given the following bus:
Flow (scalar)
Composition (vector)
Enthalpy (scalar)
I would like Flow to be set from outside the block (there's a pump downstream which sets this value). Composition and Enthalpy are computed by the block.
My solution so far: Make Flow an input into the block and with direct feedthrough set it on the outport. I don't find this solution intuitive because from a graphical point of view the outflow becomes an input into the block (which is true from a math point of view - but I would like to make the Simulink diagram intuitive). I've seen in Modelica the possiblity to create input/output ports (RealPort) and the signal could be read or written by the block. I would need such a feature in Simulink.
It sounds like you need to use Simscape and SimHydraulics, which do excatly what Modelica does, but within Simulink. Each physical domain is represented with through and across variables, which are flow rate and pressure for the hydraulic domain. However, that's extra $$/££/€€ and a new modelling paradigm (you don't think in terms of inputs and outputs anymore)...
If you stay with Simulink blocks, there isn't much else you can do above what you've already done, although I assume you mean the flow is set on the input, not the output.
I have a system with a Model Predictive Controller and PID Controller.
Assuming I have models for each controller and can express them in discrete time, please how do I integrate them together to simulate properties of the system in matlab?
... continuing from the comments.
This is what Simulink is made for. Of course there are ways to do it without Simulink, but often you still use Simulink tools and functions just without the graphical Interface.
I assume you have your transfer functions "on paper". So you need the tf function to define your system model.
G = tf(num,den)
num and den are the coefficient vectors of your transfer function of numerator and denumerator. In Simulink you use the Transfer Fcn block and you define it with
G.num{1} %Numerator coefficients
G.den{1} %Denumerator coefficients
Your PID-controller cannot be defined using this block, as Simulink requires a higher or equal order for the denumerator. Instead use the PID controller Block. You need to calculate the Proportional, Integral and Differential gain before.
Then read the documentation about the MPC toolbox - I'm not familiar with it and can't help you on that - it is explained how you can create an mpc object regarding all your constraints (see your other question).
Then you have various options to transform your mpc object into something Simulink can deal with. I'd recommend the ss - the state space model - which can be implemented using the state space block. There is also a MPC Controller block, I don't have the toolbox - but you'll be able to find out how it can be used.
Finally you find source blocks, like a step to generate a test signal. And there are Sinks, in the easiest case scope to display your results. You can also save them to workspace or whatever...
How can I call an m file in Simulink and put it to a block in my model (without using an S function)? Does anybody have an idea? I'd really appreciate it.
If you're trying to apply a user-defined MATLAB function to Simulink signals, there are a few different ways to do this, depending on your objective. All options are available within the User-Defined Functions section of the Simulink library.
Use the MATLAB function block if you intend to generate code from your model. This block does have restrictions, the entire gamut of built-in MATLAB functions is not available.
Use the Interpreted MATLAB function block if you don't care about code generation, this block can make use of any functions.
Use the Fcn block if your m-file is trivial and contains a simple expression operating on the inputs. In this case you can type the expression directly into the block dialog and reference the input / output signals as shown in the documentation.
MATLAB Fcn block is the best solution to embed M-function file into Simulink model. However, be cautious which version of MATLAB you are using, e.g., with later versions of MATLAB Function Block can be implemented with M-function file with %#codegen and C compiler need to be with your MATLAB package. Good luck