Sequence in MATLAB - matlab

Write a single MATLAB expression to generate a vector that contains first 100 terms of the following sequence: 2, -4, 8, -16, 32, …
My attempt :
n = -1
for i = 1:100
n = n * 2
The problem is that all values of n is not displayed in a single (1 x 100) vector. Neither the alternating positive and negative terms are shown. How to do that ?

You are having a geometric series where r = -2.
To produce 2, -4, 8, -16, 32, type this:
2, -4, 8, -16, 32
You can change the value of 5 accordingly.

Though there are better methods, as mentioned in the answer by #lakesh. I will point out the mistakes in your code.
By typing n = n * 2, how can it become a vector?
By doing n=n * 2, you are going to generate -2, -4, -8, -16, ...
Therefore, the correct code should be:
n = -1
for i = 2:101 % 1 extra term since first term has to be discarded later
n(i) = -n(i-1) * 2;
You can discard first element of n, to get the exact series you want.


Rounding to the second-nearest integer in MATLAB

The round function in MATLAB can only round a number to its nearest integer. How can we round a number to its second-nearest integer?
For example, for 10.3, we get 11; for 10.6, we get 10.
You could use the following logic
round2 = #(x) round( floor(x) + 1 - rem(x,1) );
The logic here is:
Round down to the nearest integer with floor(x)
Flip the fractional part (i.e. 0.6 becomes 0.4) with 1-rem(x,1)
Add these together and round normally
A side effect of this is integers get "rounded" up to the next integer.
round2 = #(x) round( floor(x) + 1 - rem(x,1) );
a = [10.3, 10.6, 11];
% ans = [11, 10, 12]
Thank you for your suggestions.
I found a tricky way to solve this problem.
round2 = #(x) round(x) + sign(x-round(x));
The logic is:
Find the relationship between the input and its nearest integer (-1 for x<round(x); 1 for x>round(x)) with sign(x-round(x)).
Correct the result (round(x)) toward the direction of x.
a = [-10.6, -10.4, 0, 10.4, 10.6];
% ans = [-10, -11, 0, 11, 10]
In this solution, the result of an integer is itself.

Create random values in vector Matlab

I have this vector:
Population = [3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 5, 10, 50, 0, 1];
And i need to fill this vector with a random value between 1 and 4 only where have 0 value in vector.
How i can do it ?
Edit: there's a way to do it using randperm function?
First, find zero elements, then generate random values, then replace those elements:
Population = [3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 5, 10, 50, 0, 1];
idx = find(Population==0);
Population(idx) = 3 * rand(size(idx)) + 1;
If you need integers (didn't specify), just round the generated random numbers in the last statement, like this round(3*rand(size(idx))+1); or use randi (as suggested in answer by #OmG): randi([1,4], size(idx)).
You can use the following code:
ind = find(~Population); % find zero places
Population(ind) = randi(4,1,length(ind)); % replace them with a random integer

Matlab find the maximum and minimum value for each point of series of arrays (with negative values)

lets say that we have the next series of arrays:
A = [1, 2, -2, -24];
B = [1, 4, -7, -2];
C = [3, 1, -7, -14];
D = [11, 4, -7, -1];
E = [1, 2, -3, -4];
F = [5, 14, -17, -12];
I would like to create two arrays,
the first will be the maximum of each column for all arrays,
Maxi = [11,14,-2 -1];
the second will be the minimum of each column for all arrays
Mini= [1,1,-17 -24];
I am trying all day, using loops, with max, and abs but I cant make it work
in my problem have a matrix (100,200), so with the above example i am trying to easily approach the problem. The ultimate goal is to get a kinda fitting of the 100 y_lines of 200 x_points. The idea is to calculate two lines (i.e. max,min), that will be the "visual" boarders of all lines (maximum and minimum values for each x). The next step will be to calculate an array of the average of these two arrays, so in the end will be a line between all lines.
any help is more than welcome!
How about this?
Suppose you stack all the row vectors , namely A,B...,F as
arr=[A;B;C;D;E;F];% stack the vectors
And then use the max(), min() and mean() functions provided by Matlab. That is,
Maxi = max(arr); % Maxi is a row vector carrying the max of each column of arr
Mini = min(arr);
Meani = mean(arr);
You just have to stack them as shown above. But if you have 100s of row vectors, use a loop to stack them into array arr as shown above.

Getting the output shape of deconvolution layer using tf.nn.conv2d_transpose in tensorflow

According to this paper, the output shape is N + H - 1, N is input height or width, H is kernel height or width. This is obvious inverse process of convolution. This tutorial gives a formula to calculate the output shape of convolution which is (W−F+2P)/S+1, W - input size, F - filter size, P - padding size, S - stride. But in Tensorflow, there are test cases like:
strides = [1, 2, 2, 1]
# Input, output: [batch, height, width, depth]
x_shape = [2, 6, 4, 3]
y_shape = [2, 12, 8, 2]
# Filter: [kernel_height, kernel_width, output_depth, input_depth]
f_shape = [3, 3, 2, 3]
So we use y_shape, f_shape and x_shape, according to formula (W−F+2P)/S+1 to calculate padding size P. From (12 - 3 + 2P) / 2 + 1 = 6, we get P = 0.5, which is not an integer. How does deconvolution works in Tensorflow?
for deconvolution,
output_size = strides * (input_size-1) + kernel_size - 2*padding
strides, input_size, kernel_size, padding are integer
padding is zero for 'valid'
The formula for the output size from the tutorial assumes that the padding P is the same before and after the image (left & right or top & bottom).
Then, the number of places in which you put the kernel is:
W (size of the image) - F (size of the kernel) + P (additional padding before) + P (additional padding after).
But tensorflow also handles the situation where you need to pad more pixels to one of the sides than to the other, so that the kernels would fit correctly. You can read more about the strategies to choose the padding ("SAME" and "VALID") in the docs. The test you're talking about uses method "VALID".
This discussion is really helpful. Just add some additional information.
padding='SAME' can also let the bottom and right side get the one additional padded pixel. According to TensorFlow document, and the test case below
strides = [1, 2, 2, 1]
# Input, output: [batch, height, width, depth]
x_shape = [2, 6, 4, 3]
y_shape = [2, 12, 8, 2]
# Filter: [kernel_height, kernel_width, output_depth, input_depth]
f_shape = [3, 3, 2, 3]
is using padding='SAME'. We can interpret padding='SAME' as:
(W−F+pad_along_height)/S+1 = out_height,
(W−F+pad_along_width)/S+1 = out_width.
So (12 - 3 + pad_along_height) / 2 + 1 = 6, and we get pad_along_height=1. And pad_top=pad_along_height/2 = 1/2 = 0(integer division), pad_bottom=pad_along_height-pad_top=1.
As for padding='VALID', as the name suggested, we use padding when it is proper time to use it. At first, we assume that the padded pixel = 0, if this doesn't work well, then we add 0 padding where any value outside the original input image region. For example, the test case below,
strides = [1, 2, 2, 1]
# Input, output: [batch, height, width, depth]
x_shape = [2, 6, 4, 3]
y_shape = [2, 13, 9, 2]
# Filter: [kernel_height, kernel_width, output_depth, input_depth]
f_shape = [3, 3, 2, 3]
The output shape of conv2d is
out_height = ceil(float(in_height - filter_height + 1) / float(strides[1]))
= ceil(float(13 - 3 + 1) / float(3)) = ceil(11/3) = 6
= (W−F)/S + 1.
Cause (W−F)/S+1 = (13-3)/2+1 = 6, the result is an integer, we don't need to add 0 pixels around the border of the image, and pad_top=1/2, pad_left=1/2 in the TensorFlow document padding='VALID' section are all 0.

How to get a regular sampled matrix in Scilab

I'm trying to program a function (or even better it it already exists) in scilab that calculates a regular timed samples of values.
IE: I have a vector 'values' which contains the value of a signal at different times. This times are in the vector 'times'. So at time times(N), the signal has value values(N).
At the moment the times are not regular, so the variable 'times' and 'values' can look like:
times = [0, 2, 6, 8, 14]
values= [5, 9, 10, 1, 6]
This represents that the signal had value 5 from second 0 to second 2. Value 9 from second 2 to second 6, etc.
Therefore, if I want to calculate the signal average value I can not just calculate the average of vector 'values'. This is because for example the signal can be for a long time with the same value, but there will be only one value in the vector.
One option is to take the deltaT to calculate the media, but I will also need to perform other calculations:average, etc.
Other option is to create a function that given a deltaT, samples the time and values vectors to produce an equally spaced time vector and corresponding values. For example, with deltaT=2 and the previous vectors,
[sampledTime, sampledValues] = regularSample(times, values, 2)
sampledTime = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]
sampledValues = [5, 9, 9, 10, 1, 1, 1, 6]
This is easy if deltaT is small enough to fit exactly with all the times. If the deltaT is bigger, then the average of values or some approximation must be done...
Is there anything already done in Scilab?
How can this function be programmed?
Thanks a lot!
PS: I don't know if this is the correct forum to post scilab questions, so any pointer would also be useful.
If you like to implement it yourself, you can use a weighted sum.
times = [0, 2, 6, 8, 14]
values = [5, 9, 10, 1, 6]
weightedSum = 0
highestIndex = length(times)
for i=1:(highestIndex-1)
// Get the amount of time a certain value contributed
deltaTime = times(i+1) - times(i);
// Add the weighted amount to the total weighted sum
weightedSum = weightedSum + deltaTime * values(i);
totalTimeDelta = times($) - times(1);
average = weightedSum / totalTimeDelta
printf( "Result is %f", average )
Or If you want to use functionally the same, but less readable code
timeDeltas = diff(times)