Saving the same document twice concurrently will override the other - mongodb

Saving the same document twice concurrently will only save one.
I have this flow in my app: = 0
get doc (flow 1)
get doc (flow 2)
change += 5 (flow 1)
change += 10 (flow 2)
save doc (flow 1)
save doc (flow 2)
Now my is equal to 10 instead of 15.
How to fix this problem? Not even an error is thrown..
Update with inc: 5 can't be used in my app because of this:
Logic.js (shared both on client and on server):
var logic = function(doc, options){
doc.a = options.x;
// Some very complex logic here...
// incoming ajax request
// query database and get a doc
logic(doc, options)
// I have my doc
logic(doc, options);
// Now I have my logic applied
I only write once the logic.js of my app.
No bugs by forgetting to update some part of the logic.
Classic way
// incoming ajax request
// query database and get a doc
// Some very complex logic here...
var update = {/*insert here the complex part*/}
Doc.update(cond, update, ...)
// I have my doc
// Some very complex logic here...
// Now I have my logic applied
As you can see, in the classical way, you have your logic twice, in my way only once, and changes reflects both the client and the server side logic.

This is actually nothing to do with with 2 phase commits but rather versioning.
Two separate threads in your application are sending two different versions of the same document down.
The best way to to fix this in any database, including ACID ones, is to use versioning:

It's called Race Condition. And it's tricky to solve it in MongoDB as opposed to typical SQL databases. They have a solution (or rather a hack) on cookbook.
Basically, within document you have a state key. For every transaction, you keep tab of it. For example, If state is ready, you can perform the work on it. But first you change the state to pending. Once done, you set it back to ready again. So whichever process first gets to it, changes the state, saves it and then next process works on it. You can extend the idea and make it more fail-safe. Have a look at the cookbook link.


Contention-friendly database architecture for large documents and inner arrays

I have a database with a collection of documents using this schema (shortened schema because some data is irrelevant to my problem):
title: string;
order: number;
modificationsHistory: HistoryEntry[];
items: ListRow[];
finalItems: ListRow[];
These documents can easily reach 100 or 200 kB, depending on the amount of items and finalItems that they hold. It's also very important that they are updated as fast as possible, with the smallest bandwidth usage possible.
This is inside a web application context, using Angular 9 and #angular/fire 6.0.0.
When the end user edits one item inside the object's item array, like editing just a property, reflecting that inside the database requires me to send the entire object, because firestore's update method doesn't support array indexes inside the field path, the only operations that can be done on arrays are adding or deleting an element as described inside documentation.
However, updating an element of the items array by sending the entire document creates poor performances for anyone without a good connection, which is the case for a lot of my users.
Second issue is that having everything in realtime inside one document makes collaboration hard in my case, because some of these elements can be edited by multiple users at the same time, which creates two issues:
Some write operations may fail due to too much contention on the document if two updates are made in the same second.
The updates are not atomic as we're sending the entire document at once, as it doesn't use transactions to avoid using bandwidth even more.
Solutions I already tried
This was a very simple solution: create a subcollection for items, finalItems and modificationsHistory arrays, making them easy to edit as they now have their own ID so it's easy to reach them to update them.
Why it didn't work
Having a list with 10 finalItems, 30 items and 50 entries inside modificationsHistory means that I need to have a total of 4 listeners opened for one element to be listened entirely. Considering the fact that a user can have many of these elements opened at once, having several dozens of documents being listened creates an equally bad performance situation, probably even worse in a full user case.
It also means that if I want to update a big element with 100 items and I want to update half of them, it'll cost me one write operation per item, not to mention the amount of read operations needed to check permissions, etc, probably 3 per write so 150 read + 50 write just to update 50 items in an array.
Cloud Function to update the document
const {
} = require('fast-json-patch');
function applyOffsets(data, entries) {
entries.forEach(customEntry => {
const explodedPath = customEntry.path.split('/');
let pointer = data;
for (let fragment of explodedPath.slice(0, -1)) {
pointer = pointer[fragment];
pointer[explodedPath[explodedPath.length - 1]] += customEntry.offset;
return data;
exports.updateList = functions.runWith(runtimeOpts).https.onCall((data, context) => {
const listRef = firestore.collection('lists').doc(data.uid);
return firestore.runTransaction(transaction => {
return transaction.get(listRef).then(listDoc => {
const list =;
try {
const [standard, custom] = JSON.parse(data.diff).reduce((acc, entry) => {
if (entry.custom) {
} else {
return acc;
}, [
applyPatch(list, standard);
applyOffsets(list, custom);
transaction.set(listRef, list);
} catch (e) {
Using a diff library, I was making a diff between previous document and the new updated one, and sending this diff to a GCF that was operating the update using the transaction API.
Benefits of this approach being that since transaction happens inside GCF, it's super fast and doesn't consume too much bandwidth, plus the update only requires a diff to be sent, not the entire document anymore.
Why it didn't work
In reality, the cloud function was really slow and some updates were taking over 2 seconds to be made, they could also fail due to contention, without firestore connector knowing it, so no possibility to ensure data integrity in this case.
I will be edited accordingly to add more solutions if I find other stuff to try
I feel like I'm missing something, like if firestore had something I just didn't know at all that could solve my use case, but I can't figure out what it is, maybe my previously tested solutions were badly implemented or I missed something important. What did I miss? Is it even possible to achieve what I want to do? I am open to data remodeling, query changes, anything, as it's mostly for learning purpose.
You should be able to reduce the bandwidth required to update your documents by using Maps instead of Arrays to store your data. This would allow you to send only the item that is being updated using its key.
I don't know how involved this would be for you to change, but it sounds like less work than the other options.
You said that it's not impossible for your documents to reach 200kb individually. It would be good to keep in mind that Firestore limits document size to 1mb. If you plan on supporting documents beyond that, you will need to find a way to fragment the data.
Regarding your contention issues... You might consider a system that "locks" the document and prevents it from receiving updates while another user is attempting to save. You could use a simple message system built with websockets or Firebase FCM to do this. A client would subscribe to the document's channel, and publish when they are attempting an update. Other clients would then receive a notice that the document is being updated and have to wait before they can save their own changes.
Also, I don't know what the contents of modificationsHistory look like, but that sounds to me like the type of data that you might keep in a subcollection instead.
Of the solutions you tried, the subcollection seems like the most scalable to me. You could look into the possibility of not using onSnapshot listeners and instead create your own event system to notify clients of changes. I suppose it could work similar to the "locking" system I mentioned above. A client sends an event when it updates an item belonging to a document. Other clients subscribed to that document's channel will know to check the database for the newest version.
Your diff-approach appeared mostly sensible, details aside.
You should store items inline, but defer modificationsHistory into a sub collection. For the entire root document, record which elements of modificationsHistory have been merged yet (by timestamp should suffice), and all elements not merged yet, you have to re-apply individually on each client, querying with aforementioned timestamp.
Each entry in modificationsHistory should not describe a single diff, but whenever possible a set of diffs.
Apply changes from modificationsHistory collections onto items in batch, deferred via GCF. You may defer this arbitrarily far, and you may want to exclude modifications performed only in the last few seconds, to account for not established consistency in Firestore. There is no risk of contention, that way.
Cleanup from the modificationsHistory collection has to be deferred even further, until you can be sure that no client has still access to an older revision of the root document. Especially if you consider that the client is not strictly required to update the root document when the listener is triggered.
You may need to reconstruct the patch stack on the client side if modificationsHistory changes in unexpected ways due to eventual consistency constraints. E.g. if you have a total order in the set of patches, you need to re-apply the patch stack from base image if the collection unexpectedly suddenly contains "older" patches unknown to the client before.
All in all, you should be able avoid frequent updates all together, and limit this solely to inserts into to modificationsHistory sub-collection. With bandwidth requirements not exceeding the cost of fetching the entire document once, plus streaming the collection of not-yet-applied patches. No contention expected.
You can tweak for how long clients may ignore hard updates to the root document, and how many changes they may batch client-side before submitting a new diff. Latter is also a tradeof with regard to how many documents another client has to fetch initially, with regard to max-documents-per-query limits.
If you require other information which are likely to suffer from contention, like list of users currently having a specific document open, that should go into sub-collections as well.
Should the latency for seeing changes by other users eventually turn out to be unacceptable, you may opt for an additional, real-time capable data channel for distribution of patches on a specific document. ActiveMQ or some other message broker operated on dedicated resources, running independently from FireStore.

Atomically query for all collection documents + watching for further changes

Our Java app saves its configurations in a MongoDB collections. When the app starts it reads all the configurations from MongoDB and caches them in Maps. We would like to use the change stream API to be able also to watch for updates of the configurations collections.
So, upon app startup, first we would like to get all configurations, and from now on - watch for any further change.
Is there an easy way to execute the following atomically:
A find() that retrieves all configurations (documents)
Start a watch() that will send all further updates
By atomically I mean - without potentially missing any update (between 1 and 2 someone could update the collection with new configuration).
To make sure I lose no update notifications, I found that I can use watch().startAtOperationTime(serverTime) (for MongoDB of 4.0 or later), as follows.
Query the MongoDB server for its current time, using command such as Document hostInfoDoc = mongoTemplate.executeCommand(new Document("hostInfo", 1))
Query for all interesting documents: List<C> configList = mongoTemplate.findAll(clazz);
Extract the server time from hostInfoDoc: BsonTimestamp serverTime = (BsonTimestamp) hostInfoDoc.get("operationTime");
Start the change stream configured with the saved server time ChangeStreamIterable<Document> changes =;
Since 1 ends before 2 starts, we know that the documents that were returned by 2 were at least same or fresher than the ones on that server time. And any updates that happened on or after this server time will be sent to us by the change stream (I don't care to run again redundant updates, because I use map as cache, so extra add/remove won't make a difference, as long as the last action arrives).
I think I could also use watch().resumeAfter(_idOfLastAddedDoc) (didn't try). I did not use this approach because of the following scenario: the collection is empty, and the first document is added after getting all (none) documents, and before starting the watch(). In that scenario I don't have previous document _id to use as resume token.
Instead of using "hostInfo" for getting the server time, which couldn't be used in our production, I ended using "dbStats" like that:
Document dbStats= mongoOperations.executeCommand(new Document("dbStats", 1));
BsonTimestamp serverTime = (BsonTimestamp) dbStats.get("operationTime");

Atomic get and delete in memcached?

Is there a way to do atomic get-and-delete in memcached?
In other words, I want to get the value for a key if it exists and delete it immediately, so this value can be read once and only once.
I think this pseudocode might work, but note the caveat postscript:
# When setting:
SET key-0 value
SET key-ns 0
# When getting:
ns = INCR key-ns
GET key-{ns - 1}
Constraint: I have millions of keys that could be accessed millions of times, and only a small percentage will have a value set at any given time. I don't want to have to update an atomic counter for every key with every get access request as above.
The canonical, but yet generic, answer to your question is : lock free hash table with a relaxed memory model.
The more relaxed is your memory model the more you get with a good lock free design, it's a way to get more performance out of the same chipset.
Here is a talk about that, I don't think that it's possible to answer to your question with a single post on hash tables and lock free programming, I'm not even trying to do that.
You cannot do this with memcached in a single command since there is no api that supports exactly what your asking for. What I would do to get the behavior your looking for is to implement some sort of marking behavior to signify that another client has or hasn't read the data. For example, you could create a JSON document as follows:
"data": "value",
"used": false
When you get the item check to see if it has already been used by another client by examining the used field. If it hasn't been used then set the value using the cas you got from the GET command and make sure that the document is updated to reflect the fact that a client has already accessed this key.
If the set operation fails because the cas is invalid then this means that another client has obtained this item and already updated it in memcached to signify that it has been used. In this case you just cancel whatever you were doing with the item and move on.
If the set operation succeeds then this means you client is the sole owner of this data. You can now delete it from memcached and do whatever processing on it you like.
Note that when doing the set I would also add an expiration time of about 5 seconds. This way if you application crashes your documents will clean themselves up if you don't finish with the entire process of deleting them.
To put some code to the answer from #mikewied, I think the basic gist is... (using Node.js):
var Memcached = require('memcached');
var memcache = new Memcached('localhost:11211');
var getOnce = function(key, callback) {
// gets is the check-and-set get (vs regular get)
memcache.gets(key, function(err, data) {
if (!data) {
// Cache miss, nothing to see here.
} else {
var yourData = data[key];
// Do a check-and-set to remove the data from the cache.
// This sets the value to null *only* if no one else already did.
memcache.cas(key, null /* new data */, data.cas, 10, function(err) {
if (err) {
// Check-and-set failed! (Here we'll treat it like a cache miss)
yourData = null;
I'm not an expert on Memcached and so I may be wrong. My answer is from reading the documentation and my experience using Memcached.
IMO this is not possible with memcached's current implementation.
to demonstrate why this is not possible currently here is a simple example to demonstrate the race condition:
two processes start at the same time
both execute a get/delete at the same time
memcached replies to both get commands at the same time
done (the desired result was to have get/delete execute atomically then the second get/delete to fail. instead memcached did get, get, delete, fails to delete)
to get an atomic get/delete would require:
a new command for memcached that is atomic let's call it get_delete
some sort of synchronization lock method of all the memcached clients to ensure both the get and delete commands are executed while the lock is held
so all clients would grab the synchronization lock whenever they need to enter the critcal section (i.e. get, delete) then release the lock after the critical section

Multiple / Rapid ajax requests and concurrency issues with Entity Framework

I have an MVC4 application that I am using Unity as my IoC. The constructor for my controller takes in a Repository and that repository takes in a UnitOfWork (DBContext). Everything seems to work fine until multiple ajax requests from the same session happen too fast. I get the Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0) error due to a concurrency issue. This is what the method looks like called from the ajax request:
public void CaptureData(string apiKey, Guid sessionKey, FormElement formElement)
var trackingData = _trackingService.FindById(sessionKey);
if(trackingData != null)
formItem = trackingData.FormElements
.Where(f => f.Name == formElement.Name)
if(formItem != null)
formItem.Value = formElement.Value;
This only happens when the ajax requests happens rapidly, meaning fast. When the requests happen at a normal speed everything seems fine. It is like the app needs time to catch up. Not sure how I need to handle the concurrency check in my repository so I don't miss an update. Also, I have tried setting the "MultipleActiveResultSets" to true and that didn't help.
As you mentioned in the comment you are using a row version column. The point of this column is to prevent concurrent overwrites of the same row. You have two operations:
Read record - reads record and current row version
Update record - update record with specified key and row version. The row version is updated automatically
Now if those operations are executed by concurrent request you may receive this:
Request A: Read record
Request B: Read record
Request A: Write record - changes row version!
Request B: Write record - fires exception because record with row version retrieved during Read record doesn't exist
The exception is fired to tell you that you are trying to update obsolete data because there is already a new version of the updated record. Normally you need to refresh data (by reloading current record from the database) and try to save them again. In highly concurrent scenario this handling may repeat many times because simply your database is designed to prevent this. Your options are:
Remove row version and let requests overwrite the value as they wish. If you really need concurrent request processing and you are happy to have "some" value, this may be the way to go.
Not allow concurrent requests. If you need to process all updates you most probably also need their real order. In such case your application should not allow concurrent requests.
Use SQL / stored procedure instead. By using table hints you will be able to lock record during Read operation and no other request will be able to read that record before the first one save changes and commits or rollbacks transaction.

How to guard against repeated request?

we have a button in a web game for the users to collect reward. That should only be clicked once, and upon receiving the request, we'll mark it collected in DB.
we've already blocked the buttons in the client from repeated clicking. But that won't help if people resend the package multiple times to our server in short period of time.
what I want is a method to block this from server side.
we're using Playframework 2 (2.0.3-RC2) for server side and so far it's stateless, I'm tempted to use a Set to guard like this:
if processingSet has userId then BadRequest
else put userId in processingSet and handle request
after that remove userId from that Set
but then I'd have to face problem like Updating Scala collections thread-safely and still fail to block the user once we have more than one server behind load balancing.
one possibility I'm thinking about is to have a table in DB in place of the processingSet above, but that would incur 1+ DB operation per request, are there any better solution~?
Additional DB operation is relatively 'cheap' solution in that case. You should use it if you'e planning to save the buttons state permanently.
If the button is disabled only for some period of time (for an example until the game is over) you can also consider using the cache API however keep in mind that's not dedicated for solutions which should be stored for long time (it should not be considered as DB alternative).
Given that you're using Mongo and so don't have transactions spanning separate collections, I think you can probably implement this guard using an atomic operation - namely "Update if current", which is effectively CompareAndSwap.
Assuming you've got a collection like "rewards" which has a "collected" attribute, you can update the collected flag to true only if it is currently false and if that operation doesn't fail you can proceed to apply the reward knowing that for any other requests the same operation will fail.