How can I track current Follow/Unfollow events on Github API? - github

Github API V3 Documenatation states:
Triggered when a user follows another user.
Events of this type are no longer created, but it’s possible that they
exist in timelines of some users.
Beside of wondering why those events are not being created, is there other way I can track when and who does user decide follow (and unfollow) through the github API?

The only other API I can think of around this is the List users followed by another user endpoint, but that won't give you timestamps and unfollow events - you'd have to do that work yourself...


How do I get GraphQL to get live/new data from database without polling?

I have a backend running GraphQL, MongoDB + Mongoose, and Apollo. This application has functionality for user accounts and a friends list. Each user can login to their account and see a list of friends with their current 'status'; If a friend changes their status, I need that change to be reflected on the user's side. An example of this is like facebook's "green dot" on messenger that tells you when one of your friends is online using the application.
I have been searching documentation for GraphQL and have been suggested either Subscriptions or Live Queries. Subscriptions seem to be the majority of suggestions from what I understand, live queries are not officially part of GraphQL or were dropped.
Does anyone have a solution to getting "live" data with GraphQL/MongoDB that doesn't involve polling for this scenario?
You already seem to have your answer: subscriptions!
Using your example, consider two users - mikep17 and mcy. You are mikep17, logged into your application and viewing your list of friends and their statuses. I am your friend, and I log in as you are viewing this list, and you want to see that in your application's UI.
On the frontend, in your application's instance, your application will execute a subscription to some event. Let's call it friendStatusChange. Now your application is "listening" for that event in order to respond accordingly. Let's assume that when your application receives the event, it can parse out the information that "I" (mcy) have changed from offline => online and then use that to add the "green dot" next to my username.
On the backend, your GraphQL server will have code that handles your user functionality - logging in, logging out, etc. It will need to be enhanced to hook into these actions and "publish" the friendStatusChange event as applicable.
Now, instead of your client constantly asking (polling) "did a friend's status change? how about now? now?", it can just listen and wait for your server to tap it on the shoulder and say "hey buddy, your friend mcy's status changed".

Is it possible (again) to collect event data from Facebook API?

I run an event platform and am looking for a way to retrieve event data (name, date, location, description, etc.) from different events (festivals) on Facebook.
We were working on a connection when the Cambridge Analytica thing happened. Since then my developers have not found a new way to retrieve info, but I'm a bit skeptical.
As of now, it is not possible to get Page Events (which you want to get, i assume):
This is a restricted edge. You cannot request access at this time.

How to get whole tems unreded notifications ( activity + chat, etc)

I'have search inside Microsoft documentation Graph API some method to get any kind of unread notifications from Teams product but I didn't see anything relevant that could I use through a REST API.
IS really possible to get the unreaded notifications?
This badges numbers is what I want
Thanks in advance
IS really possible to get the unreaded notifications?
Of course, the answer is yes. Currently, there are not existing Team API for this, you need to do it by yourself, meanwhile submit an feature request in the UserVoice. A workaround for you: get the message/activity list first, and store the lastModifiedDateTime in your app cache, then use corresponding API to regular interaction with the server to see if any update is available.
The feed aggregates important content from the following:
Apps such as Files, Planner, and your Teams apps
This is on the roadmap but we don't have and dates to share publicly.

Facebook User vs Event (get RSVP status for user on event)

Is there any better way of checking RSVP status of user (logged in our application) vs. specific Event through Graph API, than calling /v2.3/{user_id}/events and going through all events to find the one we're interested into and get the rsvp_status field there?
What I've tried, and what didn't work:
calling all of them, to find out if user is in any of RSVP groups: /v2.3/{event_id}/{attending|invited|maybe|declined|noreply}?user={user_id}
Also FQL is not a solution, if anybody wants to C&P existing FQL answers, because that's deprecated since API v2.0
This related answer is also wondering about efficiency on using Graph API, because pulling all user's events and going through them is both time and resource expensive operation
Ok, so I found the answer, which is quite simple:
Currently this method will
return nothing, if user is not yet part of event (was never invited and never attended/maybe himself)
return one object, with user object and his rsvp_status
/invited (what we've seen from testing) contains both users that were invited to the event, and users that joined the event themselves (so don't get confused by the word invited, at least unless facebook changes the API again)

Instagram Real-Time

I have a doubt about real-time Instagram subscription in the API. Can i subscribe to whatever user i want? or there is some restrictions about the users that i want to subscribe?
I arises this doubt because in the Instagram of real time subscriptions page says: Note that this subscription is for all of the client's authenticated users, not just a specific user.
Its means that i can only subscribe the users that have authorithed my app in Instagram??
I have to make an app that consumes the instagram subscriptions and when there is a new photo it automatly saves it in the DB.
A few things, first if you use the "user" type, then you are correct it will ping your endpoint any time any user who has authorized your app posts, there is no IG side filter (yet), but you can easily filter on your end once you get the notification. Oddly, I did notice it now sends the media_id of the post (although the docs say it doesn't!?). If users do not authorize your app, then the only way to get notifications is via the other endpoints such as by tag.
I have found some issues though when dealing with "private" users, and some strange filter behavior to watch out for.
A final point, you said you want to save to your db - that could be in violation of their use policy, so be sure to clearly understand what IG's rules are and that you don't break them.
Hope this helps,