App only support iOS 8.. not iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 plus - iphone

I am developing app that only support iOS 8.. not compatible for iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 plus. so i have a query related that i have to add #3x size icons in Image Assets? having confusion on it..

OK I asked the question on the Apple Developer Forum and here is an answer I got in return:
That is a given by Apple's design. Apps already in the wild perform
whatever OS magic to support those devices. You are not required to
explicitly support them (but they should still run in emulation mode).
Also you may note every second game on the App Store states things
like "will not run on anything before iPad 2" and that kind of thing
and that's merely a designer/technical choice Apple seem happy with
regardless of many customers not reading these things or understanding
them and buying anyway.
Now this is someone's opinion (much like the answers and comments here), however the answer does seem to make sense.
However the only real way to know if Apple will reject the app is to submit it (it's a hit and miss process).


Should I have two nibs to give support to the screens for iPhone 5 / iPhone 4?

I started to work in an App that needs to be optimized for iPhone 5 and requires iOS 5.x or later.
But the scenario where the user has and iPhone 4 with iOS 5.x is possible. But the Autolayout will be a problem on those cases...
So, I could use Autolayout for iPhone 5,but the users with iOS 5.x(iPhone 4 or below) will have problems, so in order to avoid that, should I have two nib's one for give support to the iPhone 5 screen and another iPhone 4? (And that sounds very ugly to me).
Having something like this...
//Load iPhone 5 nib with AutoLayout or without it
//Load iPhone 4 or below
In any case, is there a better option to give support to both screens but with different iOS versions? suggestion on this?
Since now thanks
This is something that I had been wondering about myself. However, I stumbled upon a webpage: "Drop iOS 5: Only support iOS 6" that explains that such scenarios if possible, should be avoided.
Doing development for older OS's might seem reasonable, however...
the rate in which people update their phones is extreme fast (unlike Android)
the development time increases
development costs increase
maintaining code more complex
release dates become later
as a result:
more people have upgraded to the newer OS
your 'older share' has become less relevant
your 'lost sales' is even smaller
your 'return of investment' because of increased cost has extended
My advise: drop iOS-5
Check out this project at Github, it might be helpful
Basically it can help you handle some AutoLayout features on iOS5.x. But as this is done with some hack to the internal classes you should be careful if you would apply this for an application that will be shown on the App Store.
Anyway it can help you understand the manage needed for doing this.
But, I would recommend to keep with the 'separate nibs' method.
Hope that helps,

Beginner iPhone/iPad app question

I am a beginner in iPhone and iPad apps and wanted to learn to code(guessing they are here to stay for another 4years least)..
I run a Win 7 PC with dual core. I didnt want to change OS to mac just for this as my games may not work in MAC :( lol
So i came across Dragon Fire SDK. Is this correct way to do it on windows.
Will i get all functions to learn.
Can i distribute it via app store? i.e it should work in normal iPhone and not in jailbreak ones.
So before i begin i wanted to ask if this way is ok. I know installing it on a MAC is 100% ok
But i wanted to know if this way is fine to go ahead with and develop some apps for the iPhone without any worries about this being fake
(paraphrasing) Is this a fine way to develop apps?
Define "fine". You probably can get an app in the app store* but it's not the best way, and could potentially backfire.
I strongly recommend getting a Mac if you want to develop iPhone apps, for a few reasons:
There is an enormous community to leverage. There are tons of tutorials, books, and helpful folks on SO and Apple forums that can help you if you get stuck.
New features come out all the time (for example, the iOS 5 beta was released on Monday) and you'll have access to features in the latest beta SDKs immediately. Third-party tools have to play catch-up.
Xcode 4 is a pretty awesome upgrade from previous versions, and I dare say it's a joy to work with now. But to make this point more objective, let's just say "There is very good tooling support"
It's the recommended way from Apple, and they could decide to reject your app because it wasn't written in Objective-C (they did add a clause in their dev agreement to that effect, but I think it has been removed)
*I have nothing to base this on, except Dragon Fire's website.

iPhone - is a unlocked iPhone indistinguishable by Xcode

My question is: is a unlocked iPhone treated the same way by Xcode? or in other words, can one develop using a unlocked iphone without any problem? When I say unlocked I mean not the official way.
I ask this because I have the possibility of beta testing my apps with some friends and some of them use jailbroken iphones and some just unlocked their phones on an unofficial way. I would like to know if it will be trustable to have these devices testing my app.
I think Xcode does not realize that, it treats all devices as not jail-broken.
The only difference you might see is (depending on the stuff you have installed in your jail-broken device) you will get many messages in the console.
I remember once I installed winterBoard and I was getting many many debugging messages about it. Messages not regarding my code!.
Regarding permissions: many things are different. So, you should test at least once you app on a not jailbroken device.
I think it all depends on how you went about jailbreaking and how much you've changed the system. Obviously, there's a difference between unlocking and leaving everything else untouched compared to replacing large parts of the OS.
However, I'm sure there are folks who can go into far more detail.

Do I need to buy Iphone for Iphone development?

Do I need to buy Iphone to develop Iphone applications on MacBook Pro? Or is Iphone SDK for the job?
Technically no, but obviously it would be handy.
Xcode provides an iPhone simulator that can handle most testing (but without support for accelerometer or microphone).
All in all, if you plan on doing iPhone development seriously - get an iPhone.
Technically you could use the emulator with the SDK but you really want some raw devices to test on due to subtle differences.
The iPod touch does a great job for testing apps on a real device. Its performances are very closed to the iPhone and it is much cheaper.
Technically no, unless you building apps related to accelerometer, microphone, sms or auto calling applications. The SDK comes with the iPhone simulator which is more than handy
You can use the Xcode iPhone simulator as well as the iPad simulator to test your code, all of which is free. The only issue will be accessing certain filemanagement which cannot be debugged on a simulator. However, you must have a computer running on Mac OS X and a valid Apple ID to download Xcode. Finally, in order to submit Apps into the App Store, you must buy a $100 developer's license with Apple.
Hope that help! And iPhone development is a ton of fun :)
I highly recommend to get the device you're developing for. Since some issues will only will only come up by really using your app as intended.
The touchscreen and it's behavior for example can't really be testet in the simulator. If you want to do more than the next "Fart App" you should invest the money in at least one actuel iOS device.
I will speak from personal experience with a financial prespective
Can you afford it or is the short term compensation from the work going to cover the cost? The latest models are pretty expensive, so I would suggest looking for good deals on models that are a couple of years old. When I say short term, I mean 3 years or less. Because after that, there is a good chance that you are going to need to buy a newer model to take advantage of the SDK features available at that time.
Even if you can afford it do you need it immediately? Are you soon going to be developing features that are completely dependent on hardware and impossible with a simulator ? If no please push the purchase further down the line, by which time you would have made some money (or not) and you can buy a newer model.
Having a latest device gives you the freedom to try out and build apps using the latest SDK features that Apple rolls out, so you can stay ahead in the game. On the flip side, it would be good for development only as long as at least one of the apps that you are developing for runs the highest version of iOS supported by the device at any particular time. For example I bought an iPhone 5S some years ago and now none of the apps I am working on run on iOS 12. So I have very little use for it. Ah I guess the vicious upgrade cycle gets developers too :(

I need to work on multitasking in Iphone SDK 4.0

Actually I am looking for Multitasking in Iphone SDK 4.0 and want to run to apps at the same time as it does in Ipod application for Iphone like songs while u can use different apps also. Is there any idea that how to use that feature in Iphone SDK 4.0 beta.
I have tried multiple NSThread but runs on same view or differnt but cant figured out to run 2 apps at same time.
I think the spirit of the NDA needs to be honored, and details, as well as specific API calls or even links to specific docs for 4.0 should not be posted.
At the same time, in my mind, there's some leeway to talk about fundamentals like this question that have been asked in variants again and again here, since there's clearly no harm in setting fellow developers on the right track.
That said, here's my answer: 4.0's interpretation of Multitasking can't run arbitrary third party apps as full blown background processes. You can't keep any code running in the background. They have to conform to certain types of approved services that Apple has chosen for 4.0, based on common app and developer demands.
If you're asking specifically about an app that plays music in the background (similar to a new Pandora app will under 4.0), you want to support the 'audio' background mode, as discussed in the document titled 'Supporting Multitasking In Your Applications' and linked from the 4.0 SDK section of the Apple developer site. This has been discussed in public keynotes, which is why I think it's fair game to give as an answer here.
If you have further questions, and are a paying Apple developer, you can discuss the 4.0 SDK on their developer forums.