Counting the frequencies of bases using for loop and substr in perl - perl

I'm trying to count the number of bases using a for loop and the substr function but the counts are off and I'm not sure why! Please help! I have to use these functions in my assignment. Where am I going wrong? Here is my code:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $user_input = "accgtutf5";
#initalizing the lengths
my $a_base_total = 0;
my $c_base_total = 0;
my $g_base_total = 0;
my $t_base_total = 0;
my $other_total = 0;
for ( my $position = 0; $position < length $user_input; $position++ ) {
my $nucleotide = substr( $user_input, $position, 1 );
if ( $nucleotide eq "a" ) {
} elsif ( $nucleotide eq "c" ) {
} elsif ( $nucleotide eq "g" ) {
} elsif ( $nucleotide eq "t" ) {
} else {
print "a = $a_base_total\n";
print "c = $c_base_total\n";
print "g = $g_base_total\n";
print "t = $t_base_total\n";
print "other = $other_total\n";
The output I'm getting is :
When it should be:
a = 1
c = 2
g = 1
t = 2
other = 3
Thanks in advance! :)

You're incrementing twice.
Simply remove this line:
Also, instead of iterating on position, I would suggest iterating on character.
Your script can be simplified to just:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $user_input = "accgtutf5";
my %count;
for my $nucleotide (split '', $user_input) {
$nucleotide = 'other' unless $nucleotide =~ /[acgt]/;
printf "%s = %d\n", $_, $count{$_} // 0 for qw(a c g t other);

You are incrementing $position twice: once at the for and once at the end of the loop. Remove the second $position++.


for loop only runs once PERL, Argument "" isn't numeric in substr

I have a for loop with nested if, else, and elsif statements within. The for loop runs correctly, but it only runs once for some reason. I am looking to count the A's, C's, G's, and T's in a sequence, but I want to count them in two groups - a motif group and a background group. The motif group counts need to be position specific while the background counts do not.
Here is what is contained in my .dna file (a .txt would work fine):
Here is what I have so far:
use strict;
use warnings;
#Upload sequence
print "Please enter the filename of the first sequence data: ";
my $filename1 = <STDIN>;
#Remove newline from file
chomp $filename1;
#Open the file and ignore comment lines
open (FILE, '<', $filename1) or die "Cannot open $filename1.",$!;
my $dna;
for (<FILE>)
next if /^#/;
next if /^>/;
$dna .= $_;
close FILE;
#Remove white spaces
$dna =~ s/[\s\d]//g;
$dna =~ /./g;
#User specifies motif width
print "Please enter the motif width:\n";
my $width = <STDIN>;
#Remove newline from file
chomp $width;
#Omitting code for non-negative widths to keep this shorter
#Initialize counts and arrays for motif positions
my #motA;
my #motC;
my #motG;
my #motT;
#Define length of motif arrays per width
$motA[$_] = 0;
$motC[$_] = 0;
$motG[$_] = 0;
$motT[$_] = 0;
#Initialize background counts
my $bgA = 0;
my $bgC = 0;
my $bgG = 0;
my $bgT = 0;
#Generate random start site in the sequence
#for motif to start from
my $ms = int(rand(((length($dna)+1)-$width)));
#Within a motif, count the bases at the positions
for (my $pos = 0..(length($dna)-1))
my $base = substr($dna, $pos, 1);
if ($pos = $ms..($ms + $width))
#Add to motif counts
if($base eq 'A')
$motA[$pos-$ms] = $motA[$pos-$ms] + 1;
elsif($base eq 'C')
$motC[$pos-$ms] = $motC[$pos-$ms] + 1;
elsif($base eq 'G')
$motG[$pos-$ms] = $motG[$pos-$ms] + 1;
elsif($base eq 'T')
$motT[$pos-$ms] = $motT[$pos-$ms] + 1;
#Create background counts
if ($base eq 'A')
$bgA = $bgA + 1;
elsif ($base eq 'C')
$bgC = $bgC + 1;
elsif ($base eq 'G')
$bgG = $bgG + 1;
elsif ($base eq 'T')
$bgT = $bgT + 1;
print "A #motA\nC #motC\nG #motG\nT #motT\n\n";
print "bgA = $bgA\n
bgC = $bgC\n
bgG = $bgG\n
bgT = $bgT";
The output looks like this:
Please enter the filename of the first sequence data: sample.dna
Please enter the motif width:
Argument "" isn't numeric in substr at line 62, <STDIN> line2.
A 0 1 0
C 0 0 0
G 0 0 0
T 0 0 0
bgA = 0
bgC = 0
bgG = 0
bgT = 0
I know that this is most likely because my $dna or $pos in the line with substr contains the "" (empty string?), but I am unsure how to solve this problem. I thought the initialization of $pos took care of that, but that's why I want to ask the masters to see what to do. I THINK that this will solve the for loop problem as well. As always, any and all help is useful. I appreciate it in advance!
for (my $pos = 0..length($dna))
my $base = substr($dna, $pos, 1);
probably is meant to be 0..length($dna)-1 instead?
When $pos is the length, the substring is going to be an empty string.
And that's not the proper syntax for a for loop iterating over a range. It should be
for my $pos (0..length($dna)-1)
if ($pos = $ms..($ms + $width))
if I understand correctly should be
if ($pos >= $ms && $pos < $ms + $width)
What you have is assigning to $pos the result of a flipflop operation, which is not going to be anything useful.
It looks like this:
my $ms = int(rand(((length($dna)+1)-$width)));
should be
my $ms = int(rand(((length($dna))-$width)));
E.g. if the $dna length is 10 and width is 3, you want the possible starting offsets to be 0 through 7, not 0 through 8.
And it looks like your counting within the motif should be using the position within the motif, not $pos; this:
$motA[$pos] = $motA[$pos] + 1;
should be
$motA[$pos-$ms] = $motA[$pos-$ms] + 1;

perl blowing up in sequence alignment by dynamic programming

I'm comparing a reference sequence of size 5500 bases and query sequence of size 3600, using dynamic programming (semi global alignment), in fact I don't know much about complexity and performance and the code is blowing up and giving me the error "out of memory". Knowing that it works normally on smaller sequences, my question is: This behavior is normal or I might have another problem in code ?if it's normal any hint to solve this problem ? Thanks in advance.
sub semiGlobal {
my ( $seq1, $seq2,$MATCH,$MISMATCH,$GAP ) = #_;
# initialization: first row to 0 ;
my #matrix;
$matrix[0][0]{score} = 0;
$matrix[0][0]{pointer} = "none";
for ( my $j = 1 ; $j <= length($seq1) ; $j++ ) {
$matrix[0][$j]{score} = 0;
$matrix[0][$j]{pointer} = "none";
for ( my $i = 1 ; $i <= length($seq2) ; $i++ ) {
$matrix[$i][0]{score} = $GAP * $i;
$matrix[$i][0]{pointer} = "up";
# fill
my $max_i = 0;
my $max_j = 0;
my $max_score = 0;
print "seq2: ".length($seq2);
print "seq1: ".length($seq1);
for ( my $i = 1 ; $i <= length($seq2) ; $i++ ) {
for ( my $j = 1 ; $j <= length($seq1) ; $j++ ) {
my ( $diagonal_score, $left_score, $up_score );
# calculate match score
my $letter1 = substr( $seq1, $j - 1, 1 );
my $letter2 = substr( $seq2, $i - 1, 1 );
if ( $letter1 eq $letter2 ) {
$diagonal_score = $matrix[ $i - 1 ][ $j - 1 ]{score} + $MATCH;
else {
$diagonal_score = $matrix[ $i - 1 ][ $j - 1 ]{score} + $MISMATCH;
# calculate gap scores
$up_score = $matrix[ $i - 1 ][$j]{score} + $GAP;
$left_score = $matrix[$i][ $j - 1 ]{score} + $GAP;
# choose best score
if ( $diagonal_score >= $up_score ) {
if ( $diagonal_score >= $left_score ) {
$matrix[$i][$j]{score} = $diagonal_score;
$matrix[$i][$j]{pointer} = "diagonal";
else {
$matrix[$i][$j]{score} = $left_score;
$matrix[$i][$j]{pointer} = "left";
else {
if ( $up_score >= $left_score ) {
$matrix[$i][$j]{score} = $up_score;
$matrix[$i][$j]{pointer} = "up";
else {
$matrix[$i][$j]{score} = $left_score;
$matrix[$i][$j]{pointer} = "left";
# set maximum score
if ( $matrix[$i][$j]{score} > $max_score ) {
$max_i = $i;
$max_j = $j;
$max_score = $matrix[$i][$j]{score};
my $align1 = "";
my $align2 = "";
my $j = $max_j;
my $i = $max_i;
while (1) {
if ( $matrix[$i][$j]{pointer} eq "none" ) {
$stseq1 = $j;
if ( $matrix[$i][$j]{pointer} eq "diagonal" ) {
$align1 .= substr( $seq1, $j - 1, 1 );
$align2 .= substr( $seq2, $i - 1, 1 );
elsif ( $matrix[$i][$j]{pointer} eq "left" ) {
$align1 .= substr( $seq1, $j - 1, 1 );
$align2 .= "-";
elsif ( $matrix[$i][$j]{pointer} eq "up" ) {
$align1 .= "-";
$align2 .= substr( $seq2, $i - 1, 1 );
$align1 = reverse $align1;
$align2 = reverse $align2;
return ( $align1, $align2, $stseq1 ,$max_j);
One way to possibly solve the problem is to tie the #matrix with a file. However, this will dramatically slow down the program. Consider this:
sub semiGlobal {
use Tie::Array::CSV;
tie my #matrix, 'Tie::Array::CSV', 'temp.txt'; # Don't forget to add your own error handler.
my ( $seq1, $seq2,$MATCH,$MISMATCH,$GAP ) = #_;
# initialization: first row to 0 ;
$matrix[0][0] = '0 n';
for ( my $j = 1 ; $j <= length($seq1) ; $j++ ) {
$matrix[0][$j] = '0 n';
for ( my $i = 1 ; $i <= length($seq2) ; $i++ ) {
my $score = $GAP * $i;
$matrix[$i][0] = join ' ',$score,'u';
#print Dumper(\#matrix);
# fill
my $max_i = 0;
my $max_j = 0;
my $max_score = 0;
print "seq2: ".length($seq2)."\n";
print "seq1: ".length($seq1)."\n";
for ( my $i = 1 ; $i <= length($seq2) ; $i++ ) {
for ( my $j = 1 ; $j <= length($seq1) ; $j++ ) {
my ( $diagonal_score, $left_score, $up_score );
# calculate match score
my $letter1 = substr( $seq1, $j - 1, 1 );
my $letter2 = substr( $seq2, $i - 1, 1 );
my $score = (split / /, $matrix[ $i - 1 ][ $j - 1 ])[0];
if ( $letter1 eq $letter2 ) {
$diagonal_score = $score + $MATCH;
else {
$diagonal_score = $score + $MISMATCH;
# calculate gap scores
$up_score = (split / /,$matrix[ $i - 1 ][$j])[0] + $GAP;
$left_score = (split / /,$matrix[$i][ $j - 1 ])[0] + $GAP;
# choose best score
if ( $diagonal_score >= $up_score ) {
if ( $diagonal_score >= $left_score ) {
$matrix[$i][$j] = join ' ',$diagonal_score,'d';
else {
$matrix[$i][$j] = join ' ', $left_score, 'l';
else {
if ( $up_score >= $left_score ) {
$matrix[$i][$j] = join ' ', $up_score, 'u';
else {
$matrix[$i][$j] = join ' ', $left_score, 'l';
# set maximum score
if ( (split / /, $matrix[$i][$j])[0] > $max_score ) {
$max_i = $i;
$max_j = $j;
$max_score = (split / /, $matrix[$i][$j])[0];
my $align1 = "";
my $align2 = "";
my $stseq1;
my $j = $max_j;
my $i = $max_i;
while (1) {
my $pointer = (split / /, $matrix[$i][$j])[1];
if ( $pointer eq "n" ) {
$stseq1 = $j;
if ( $pointer eq "d" ) {
$align1 .= substr( $seq1, $j - 1, 1 );
$align2 .= substr( $seq2, $i - 1, 1 );
elsif ( $pointer eq "l" ) {
$align1 .= substr( $seq1, $j - 1, 1 );
$align2 .= "-";
elsif ( $pointer eq "u" ) {
$align1 .= "-";
$align2 .= substr( $seq2, $i - 1, 1 );
$align1 = reverse $align1;
$align2 = reverse $align2;
untie #matrix; # Don't forget to add your own error handler.
unlink 'temp.txt'; # Don't forget to add your own error handler.
return ( $align1, $align2, $stseq1 ,$max_j);
You can still use your original sub for short sequences, and switch to this sub for long ones.
I think that #j_random_hacker and #Ashalynd are on the right track regarding using this algorithm in most Perl implementations. The datatypes you're using are going to use more memory that absolutely needed for the calculations.
So this is "normal" in that you should expect to see this kind of memory usage for how you've written this algorithm in perl. You may have other problems in surrounding code that are using a lot of memory but this algorithm will hit your memory hard with large sequences.
You can address some of the memory issues by changing the datatypes that you're using as #Ashalynd suggests. You could try changing the hash which holds score and pointer into an array and changing the string pointers into integer values. Something like this might get you some benefit while still maintaining readability:
use strict;
use warnings;
# define constants for array positions and pointer values
# so the code is still readable.
# (If you have the "Readonly" CPAN module you may want to use it for constants
# instead although none of the downsides of the "constant" pragma apply in this code.)
use constant {
SCORE => 0,
LEFT => 1,
UP => 2,
NONE => 3,
sub semiGlobal2 {
my ( $seq1, $seq2,$MATCH,$MISMATCH,$GAP ) = #_;
# initialization: first row to 0 ;
my #matrix;
# score and pointer are now stored in an array
# using the defined constants as indices
$matrix[0][0][SCORE] = 0;
# pointer value is now a constant integer
$matrix[0][0][POINTER] = NONE;
for ( my $j = 1 ; $j <= length($seq1) ; $j++ ) {
$matrix[0][$j][SCORE] = 0;
$matrix[0][$j][POINTER] = NONE;
for ( my $i = 1 ; $i <= length($seq2) ; $i++ ) {
$matrix[$i][0][SCORE] = $GAP * $i;
$matrix[$i][0][POINTER] = UP;
... # continue to make the appropriate changes throughout the code
However, when I tested this I didn't get a huge benefit when attempting to align a 3600 char string in a 5500 char string of random data. I programmed my code to abort when it consumed more than 2GB of memory. The original code aborted after 23 seconds while the one using constants and an array instead of a hash aborted after 32 seconds.
If you really want to use this specific algorithm I'd check out the performance of Algorithm::NeedlemanWunsch. It doesn't look like it's very mature but it may have addressed your performance issues. Otherwise look into writing an Inline or Perl XS wrapper around a C implementation

Compare two strings and highlight mismatch characters in Perl

output. Where the mismatch (in this case E) will be replaced with HTML tags around E that color it.
What I tried so far: XOR, diff and substr. First I need to find the indices then replace those indices with the pattern.
my #x = split '', "AAABBBBBCCCCCDDDDD";
my #y = split '', "AEABBBBBCCECCDDDDD";
my $result = join '',
map { $x[$_] eq $y[$_] ? $y[$_] : "**$y[$_]**" }
0 .. $#y;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $result = '';
for(0 .. length($string1)) {
my $char = substr($string2, $_, 1);
if($char ne substr($string1, $_, 1)) {
$result .= "**$char**";
} else {
$result .= $char;
print $result;
It prints A**E**ABBBBBCC**E**CCDDDDD and was tested somewhat, but it may contain errors.
use warnings;
use strict;
my #s1 = split(//, $s1);
my #s2 = split(//, $s2);
my $eq_state = 1;
while (#s1 and #s2) {
if (($s1[0] eq $s2[0]) != $eq_state) {
$o1 .= (!$eq_state) ? "</b>" : "<b>";
$o2 .= (!$eq_state) ? "</b>" : "<b>";
$eq_state = $s1[0] eq $s2[0];
$o1.=shift #s1;
$o2.=shift #s2;
print "$o1\n$o2\n";
A simpler one that only prints out the second string:
use warnings;
use strict;
my ($s1, $s2, $was_eq) = ("AAABBBBBCCCCCDDDDD", "AEABBBBBCCECCDDDDD", 1);
my #s1 = split(//, $s1);
my #s2 = split(//, $s2);
for my $idx (0 .. #s2 -1) {
my $is_eq = $s1[$idx] eq $s2[$idx];
print $is_eq ? "</b>" : "<b>" if ( $was_eq != $is_eq);
$was_eq = $is_eq;
print $s2[$idx];
This might be memory intensive, for large strings:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $a = "aabbcc";
my $b = "aabdcc";
my #a = split //, $a;
my #b = split //, $b;
my $new_b = '';
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(#a); $i++) {
$new_b .= $a[$i] eq $b[$i] ? $b[$i] : "**$b[$i]**";
new_b: aab**d**cc
There are several ways to accomplish this. Below is a possible way to solve this.
my $str1="ABCDEA";
my $str2="AECDEB";
my #old1=split("",$str1);
my #old2=split("",$str2);
my #new;
for my $i (0..$#old1) {
if ($old1[$i] eq $old2[$i] ) {
push (#new, $old2[$i]);
my $elem = "**".$old2[$i]."**";
push (#new , $elem);
print #new;
The output is:
Aligning columns and using the bitwise string operator, "^":
my $a = "aabbccP";
my $b = "aabdccEE";
$_ = $a ^ $b;
s/./ord $& ? "^" : " "/ge;
print "$_\n" for $a, $b, $_;
^ ^^

Perl Mismatch among arrays

I have two arrays:
#array1 = (A,B,C,D,E,F);
#array2 = (A,C,H,D,E,G);
The arrays could be of different size. I want to find how many mismatches are there between the arrays. The indexes should be the same. In this case there are three mismatch :b->c,c->h and F->G.(i.e , The 'C' in $array[2] should not be considered a match to 'C' in $array[1]) I would like to get the number of mismatches as well as the mismatch.
foreach my $a1 ( 0 .. $#array1) {
foreach my $a2( 0 .. $#array2)
if($array1[$a1] ne $array2[$a2]) {
my %array_one = map {$_, 1} #array1;
my #difference = grep {!$array_one {$_}} #array1;
print "#difference\n";
Ans: gives me H, G but not C.
with my little Perl knowledge I tried this, with no result. Could you suggest me how I should deal this? Your suggestions and pointers would be very helpful.
You shouldn't have nested loops. You only need to go through the indexes once.
use List::Util qw( max );
my #mismatches;
for my $i (0..max($#array1, $#array2)) {
push #mismatches, $i
if $i >= #array1
|| $i >= #array2
|| $array1[$i] ne $array2[$i];
say "There are " . (0+#mismatches) . " mismatches";
for my $i (#mismatches) {
Since you mentioned grep, this is how you'd replace the for with grep:
use List::Util qw( max );
my #mismatches =
grep { $_ >= #array1
|| $_ >= #array2
|| array1[$_] ne $array2[$_] }
0 .. max($#array1, $#array2);
say "There are " . (0+#mismatches) . " mismatches";
for my $i (#mismatches) {
Here's an example using each_arrayref from List::MoreUtils.
sub diff_array{
use List::MoreUtils qw'each_arrayref';
return unless #_ && defined wantarray;
my #out;
my $iter = each_arrayref(#_);
my $index = 0;
while( my #current = $iter->() ){
next if all_same(#current);
unshift #current, $index;
push #out, \#current;
}continue{ ++$index }
return #out;
This version should be faster if you are going to use this for determining the number of differences often. The output is exactly the same. It just doesn't have to work as hard when returning a number.
Read about wantarray for more information.
sub diff_array{
use List::MoreUtils qw'each_arrayref';
return unless #_ && defined wantarray;
my $iter = each_arrayref(#_);
if( wantarray ){
# return structure
my #out;
my $index = 0;
while( my #current = $iter->() ){
next if all_same(#current);
unshift #current, $index;
push #out, \#current;
}continue{ ++$index }
return #out;
# only return a count of differences
my $out = 0;
while( my #current = $iter->() ){
++$out unless all_same #current;
return $out;
diff_array uses the subroutine all_same to determine if all of the current list of elements are the same.
sub all_same{
my $head = shift;
return undef unless #_; # not enough arguments
for( #_ ){
return 0 if $_ ne $head; # at least one mismatch
return 1; # all are the same
To get just the number of differences:
print scalar diff_array \#array1, \#array2;
my $count = diff_array \#array1, \#array2;
To get a list of differences:
my #list = diff_array \#array1, \#array2;
To get both:
my $count = my #list = diff_array \#array1, \#array2;
The output for the input you provided:
[ 1, 'B', 'C' ],
[ 2, 'C', 'H' ],
[ 5, 'F', 'G' ]
Example usage
my #a1 = qw'A B C D E F';
my #a2 = qw'A C H D E G';
my $count = my #list = diff_array \#a1, \#a2;
print "There were $count differences\n\n";
for my $group (#list){
my $index = shift #$group;
print " At index $index\n";
print " $_\n" for #$group;
print "\n";
You're iterating over both arrays when you don't want to be doing so.
#array1 = ("A","B","C","D","E","F");
#array2 = ("A","C","H","D","E","G");
foreach my $index (0 .. $#array1) {
if ($array1[$index] ne $array2[$index]) {
print "Arrays differ at index $index: $array1[$index] and $array2[$index]\n";
Arrays differ at index 1: B and C
Arrays differ at index 2: C and H
Arrays differ at index 5: F and G
Well, first, you're going to want to go over each element of one of the arrays, and compare it to the same element of the other array. List::MoreUtils provides an easy way to do this:
use v5.14;
use List::MoreUtils qw(each_array);
my #a = qw(a b c d);
my #b = qw(1 2 3);
my $ea = each_array #a, #b;
while ( my ($a, $b) = $ea->() ) {
say "a = $a, b = $b, idx = ", $ea->('index');
You can extend that to find where there is a non-match by checking inside that while loop (note: this assumes your arrays don't have undefs at the end, or that if they do, undef is the same as having a shorter array):
my #mismatch;
my $ea = each_array #a, #b;
while ( my ($a, $b) = $ea->() ) {
if (defined $a != defined $b || $a ne $b) {
push #mismatch, $ea->('index');
and then:
say "Mismatched count = ", scalar(#mismatch), " items are: ", join(q{, }, #mismatch);
The following code builds a list of mismatched pairs, then prints them out.
#a1 = (A,B,C,D,E,F);
#a2 = (A,C,H,D,E,G);
#diff = map { [$a1[$_] => $a2[$_]] }
grep { $a1[$_] ne $a2[$_] }
(0..($#a1 < $#a2 ? $#a1 : $#a2));
print "$_->[0]->$_->[1]\n" for #diff
You have the right idea, but you only need a single loop, since you are looking at each index and comparing entries between the arrays:
foreach my $a1 ( 0 .. $#array1) {
if($array1[$a1] ne $array2[$a1]) {
print "$a1: $array1[$a1] <-> $array2[$a1]\n";

How can I generate a set of ranges from the first letters of a list of words in Perl?

I'm not sure exactly how to explain this, so I'll just start with an example.
Given the following data:
I want to generate an index based on the first letter of my data, but I want the letters grouped together.
Here is the frequency of the first letters in the above dataset:
2 A
2 B
3 C
1 E
2 G
1 K
1 M
1 N
4 P
2 R
1 S
Since my example data set is small, let's just say that the maximum number to combine the letters together is 3. Using the data above, this is what my index would come out to be:
Clicking the "D-G" link would show:
In my range listing above, I am covering the full alphabet - I guess that is not completely neccessary - I would be fine with this output as well:
Obviously my dataset is not fruit, I will have more data (around 1000-2000 items), and my "maximum per range" will be more than 3.
I am not too worried about lopsided data either - so if I 40% of my data starts with an "S", then S will just have its own link - I don't need to break it down by the second letter in the data.
Since my dataset won't change too often, I would be fine with a static "maximum per range", but it would be nice to have that calculated dynamically too. Also, the dataset will not start with numbers - it is guaranteed to start with a letter from A-Z.
I've started building the algorithm for this, but it keeps getting so messy I start over. I don't know how to search google for this - I'm not sure what this method is called.
Here is what I started with:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $index_frequency = { map { ( $_, 0 ) } ( 'A' .. 'Z' ) };
my $ranges = {};
open( $DATASET, '<', 'mydata' ) || die "Cannot open data file: $!\n";
while ( my $item = <$DATASET> ) {
my $first_letter = uc( substr( $item, 0, 1 ) );
foreach my $letter ( sort keys %{$index_frequency} ) {
if ( $index_frequency->{$letter} ) {
# build $ranges here
My problem is that I keep using a bunch of global variables to keep track of counts and previous letters examined - my code gets very messy very fast.
Can someone give me a step in the right direction? I guess this is more of an algorithm question, so if you don't have a way to do this in Perl, pseudo code would work too, I guess - I can convert it to Perl.
Thanks in advance!
Basic approach:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use autodie;
my $PAGE_SIZE = 3;
my %frequencies;
open my $fh, '<', 'data';
while ( my $l = <$fh> ) {
next unless $l =~ m{\A([a-z])}i;
$frequencies{ uc $1 }++;
close $fh;
my $current_sum = 0;
my #letters = ();
my #pages = ();
for my $letter ( "A" .. "Z" ) {
my $letter_weigth = ( $frequencies{ $letter } || 0 );
if ( $letter_weigth + $current_sum > $PAGE_SIZE ) {
if ( $current_sum ) {
my $title = $letters[ 0 ];
$title .= '-' . $letters[ -1 ] if 1 < scalar #letters;
push #pages, $title;
$current_sum = $letter_weigth;
#letters = ( $letter );
push #letters, $letter;
$current_sum += $letter_weigth;
if ( $current_sum ) {
my $title = $letters[ 0 ];
$title .= '-' . $letters[ -1 ] if 1 < scalar #letters;
push #pages, $title;
print "Pages : " . join( " , ", #pages ) . "\n";
Problem with it is that it outputs (from your data):
Pages : A , B , C-D , E-J , K-O , P , Q-Z
But I would argue this is actually good approach :) And you can always change the for loop into:
for my $letter ( sort keys %frequencies ) {
if you need.
Here's my suggestion:
# get the number of instances of each letter
my %count = ();
while (<FILE>)
$count{ uc( substr( $_, 0, 1 ) ) }++;
# transform the list of counts into a map of count => letters
my %freq = ();
while (my ($letter, $count) = each %count)
push #{ $freq{ $count } }, $letter;
# now print out the list of letters for each count (or do other appropriate
# output)
foreach (sort keys %freq)
my #sorted_letters = sort #{ $freq{$_} };
print "$_: #sorted_letters\n";
Update: I think that I misunderstood your requirements. The following code block does something more like what you want.
my %count = ();
while (<FILE>)
$count{ uc( substr( $_, 0, 1 ) ) }++;
# get the maximum frequency
my $max_freq = (sort values %count)[-1];
my $curr_set_count = 0;
my #curr_set = ();
foreach ('A' .. 'Z') {
push #curr_set, $_;
$curr_set_count += $count{$_};
if ($curr_set_count >= $max_freq) {
# print out the range of the current set, then clear the set
if (#curr_set > 1)
print "$curr_set[0] - $curr_set[-1]\n";
print "$_\n";
#curr_set = ();
$curr_set_count = 0;
# print any trailing letters from the end of the alphabet
if (#curr_set > 1)
print "$curr_set[0] - $curr_set[-1]\n";
print "$_\n";
Try something like that, where frequency is the frequency array you computed at the previous step and threshold_low is the minimal number of entries in a range, and threshold_high is the max. number. This should give harmonious results.
for letter in range('A' to 'Z'):
count += frequency[letter];
if (count>=threshold_low or count+frequency[letter+1]>threshold_high):
if (inrange): print rangeStart+'-'
print letter+' '
if (not inrange) rangeStart=letter
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(sum);
my #letters = ('A' .. 'Z');
my #raw_data = qw(
Apple Apricot Blackberry Blueberry Cherry Crabapple Cranberry
Elderberry Grapefruit Grapes Kiwi Mulberry Nectarine
Pawpaw Peach Pear Plum Raspberry Rhubarb Strawberry
# Store the data by starting letter.
my %data;
push #{$data{ substr $_, 0, 1 }}, $_ for #raw_data;
# Set max page size dynamically, based on the average
# letter-group size (in this case, a multiple of it).
my $MAX_SIZE = sum(map { scalar #$_ } values %data) / keys %data;
$MAX_SIZE = int(1.5 * $MAX_SIZE + .5);
# Organize the data into pages. Each page is an array reference,
# with the first element being the letter range.
my #pages = (['']);
for my $letter (#letters){
my #d = exists $data{$letter} ? #{$data{$letter}} : ();
if (#{$pages[-1]} - 1 < $MAX_SIZE or #d == 0){
push #{$pages[-1]}, #d;
$pages[-1][0] .= $letter;
else {
push #pages, [ $letter, #d ];
$_->[0] =~ s/^(.).*(.)$/$1-$2/ for #pages; # Convert letters to range.
This is an example of how I would write this program.
#! /opt/perl/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my %frequency;
use autodie;
open my $data_file, '<', 'datafile';
while( my $line = <$data_file> ){
my $first_letter = uc( substr( $line, 0, 1 ) );
$frequency{$first_letter} ++
# $data_file is automatically closed here
#use Util::Any qw'sum';
use List::Util qw'sum';
# This is just an example of how to calculate a threshold
my $mean = sum( values %frequency ) / scalar values %frequency;
my $threshold = $mean * 2;
my #index;
my #group;
for my $letter ( sort keys %frequency ){
my $frequency = $frequency{$letter};
if( $frequency >= $threshold ){
if( #group ){
if( #group == 1 ){
push #index, #group;
# push #index, [#group]; # copy #group
push #index, "$group[0]-$group[-1]";
#group = ();
push #index, $letter;
}elsif( sum( #frequency{#group,$letter} ) >= $threshold ){
if( #group == 1 ){
push #index, #group;
#push #index, [#group];
push #index, "$group[0]-$group[-1]"
#group = ($letter);
push #group, $letter;
#push #index, [#group] if #group;
push #index, "$group[0]-$group[-1]" if #group;
print join( ', ', #index ), "\n";