Set Docker_Opts in centos - centos

I need to set docker to listen to tcp:// on my host machine running amazon linux (centos). All the documentation I have seen has told me to run the following command
echo DOCKER_OPTS="-H=tcp://" >> /etc/default/docker
Which will write the correct docker_opts to /etc/default/docker. I've done this, but when I restart docker it does not listen to
I can make docker run correctly by typing
sudo /usr/bin/docker -H tcp:// -d &
That works, but I want the default option to be listening on tcp:// without having to specify it every time.
It seems that docker is completely ignoring my /etc/default/docker file so the settings are being ignored. I also tried writing the file to /etc/default/ and /etc/default/docker-io (didn't really expect much to happen)
I need to be able to start docker with just
service docker start
or it will cause issues in my current deployment playbook.
Any thoughts on what I can do to set DOCKER_OPTS and not have to do it every time I restart docker?

In RHEL7, instead of modifying your docker.service unit file, you can also just edit your /etc/sysconfig/docker file:
# /etc/sysconfig/docker
# Modify these options if you want to change the way the docker daemon runs
OPTIONS=--selinux-enabled -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -H tcp://
and then restart your docker service.
To me, this is more reliable than modifying the service script.

For CentOS 7 (RHEL 7):
Find the systemd docker.service unit file. Mine is located at: /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
In this file, edit the line in the [Service] section beginning with ExecStart=. Add the "-H tcp://" into the line. (notice there's no "=" between the -H and the IP address as in your example DOCKER_OPTS line above.)
On my system, the entire contents of docker.service then looks like:
Description=Docker Application Container Engine
Documentation= docker.socket
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker -d -H tcp:// -H fd:// $OPTIONS
(I only need Docker to listen on the loopback, instead of all IP addresses.)
After making this edit to the systemd unit file and restarting the Docker service via systemctl restart docker, I see the following process:
root 8574 0.0 0.2 321708 10564 ? Ssl 00:42 0:00 /usr/bin/docker -d -H tcp:// -H fd:// --selinux-enabled
As you can see, it does now listen on the configured TCP address, and will persist over reboots and service stop/starts.

I cannot believe how many answers there are for this. So here is another one for:
CentOS 7.3
Docker Version = 17.03.1-ce, API Version = 1.27
This answer is built upon an unbelievable playing around combination of this answer and this one and this one.
sudo vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
insert " -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
sudo systemctl daemon-reload //refresh your file changes above
sudo systemctl restart docker
netstat -l | grep 4243 //verify port is open
connect to your docker host from somewhere, like Jenkins Docker Plugin, i.e. tcp://[server_ip]:4243

Editing /etc/docker/daemon.json seems to be the new, supported way.

With Docker 1.7.1 on CentOS 7 neither modifying /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service or /etc/sysconfig/docker worked for me. It seems that in systemd sets up the socket, so in order to change the group you have to edit SocketGroup in /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.socket
Description=Docker Socket for the API

I Think on CentOS, you can try setting the options as below in the file /etc/sysconfig/docker
other_args="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
Then restart the docker and try checking if the port is opening using
netstat -plt | grep 4243
This should list if listening

I needed to change the default bridge interface docker0 to use my own bridge interface br0 and putting the following content in that file solved my issue:
CentOS 7.2 and docker 1.10.3
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon --bridge=br0 -H fd://
and of course the following need to be performed after:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker
ip link del docker0

It worked for me when I followed how its shown in the posts above with drop-in replacement files in: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d

I am working on centos 7.
I just want to add insecure-registry in docker config file then I changed "DOCKER_OPTS=--insecure-registry=...." in /etc/sysconfig/docker while it did not work.
While I saw a INSECURE_REGISTRY in the config so I changed this variable and it WORKS!
So I guess DOCKER_OPTS does not work here!
But it worked on my unbuntu 14!
It is really frustrating when using docker!

Based on
sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd:// -D -H tcp://
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker

1、edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service to add two param in the service section:
# vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H tcp:// -H unix://var/run/docker.sock
2、reload the configuration,and then restart docker。
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart docker
3、to check for success, see if the return the following response。
# ps -ef|grep docker
root 26208 1 0 23:51 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/dockerd -H tcp:// -H unix://var/run/docker.sock
reference from Expose the Docker Remote API on Centos 7?

I believe things have changed now, this answer by Brian Ogden had worked for me earlier but didn't work on my environment today, probably with the updated versions of the docker, kernel, and OS.
CentOS 7.4.1708 (on AWS)
Docker 17.03.2-ce
API 1.27
This is what worked after few hit and trials. I could not find it documented anywhere.
In file /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/execstart.conf, replace the last ExecStart (there are two) with below
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --graph=/var/lib/docker --storage-driver=overlay -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Now, my files looks like this
# cat /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/execstart.conf
ExecStartPre=-/sbin/ip link del docker0
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --graph=/var/lib/docker --storage-driver=overlay -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Once, the above file is changed just the run the below command to activate the changes.
# systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl stop docker && rm -f /var/run/docker.sock && systemctl start docker
To verify if everything is working fine, you can run any (or all) of below commands
# systemctl status docker.service | grep tcp
├─21812 /usr/bin/dockerd --graph=/var/lib/docker --storage-driver=overlay -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
# netstat -an | grep 4243
tcp6 0 0 :::4243 :::* LISTEN
# ps aux | grep [4]243
root 21812 1.0 0.8 1017512 67876 ? Ssl 15:11 0:06 /usr/bin/dockerd --graph=/var/lib/docker --storage-driver=overlay -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
# docker -H :4243 info


Centos 7.6 emacsclient can't find socket

I followed the instructions
create a emacs.service under /etc/systemd/system/like this
Description=Emacs text editor
Documentation=info:emacs man:emacs(1)
ExecStart=/home/hye/bin/emacs --fg-daemon
ExecStop=/home/hye/bin/emacsclient --eval "(kill-emacs)"
then I execute:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start emacs.service
the emacs.service launched successfully
However when I run emacsclient -t in terminal, it shows:
emacsclient: can't find socket; have you started the server?
I find that if I switch to root and run emacsclient -t in terminal, it works well.
In fact, host name is /tmp/emacs0/server,
but I can't access it since it's owner is root.
emacsclient -t -s /tmp/emacs0/server
emacsclient: can't stat /tmp/emacs0/server: Permission denied
emacsclient: error accessing socket "/tmp/emacs0/server"
I have tried to add User option in emacs.service, like this
but systemctl can't start this service, it is always failed.
I have also tried to put emacs.service under ~/.config/systemd/user/
but centos 7 doesn't support systemctl --user.
system information:
Centos 7.6
Emacs-26.1 manually installed
Any advice would be appreciated!
I had the same problem.... came down to I was using emacs-snapshot for emacs in
update-alternatives --display emacs
..and a different version for emacsclient
Set it to the same version and then Good Things happened.
sudo update-alternatives --set emacsclient /usr/bin/emacsclient-snapshot

How can I use REST API to interact with the Docker engine?

We can use the command docker images to list the Docker images we have on local host.
Now I want to get the same information from a remote server by sending an HTTP GET request in Firefox or Chrome. Does Docker provide some REST API to do this?
I did a lot of search. For example:
Examples using the Docker Engine SDKs and Docker API
It provides a way something like this:
curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http:/v1.24/containers/json
I know a little about Unix sockets, and I don't think this is what I want. The URL (http:/v1.24/containers/json) is so weird and don't even have a server name in it. I don't think it can work on a remote server. (It does work on a local server.)
Is there any official documentation that Docker provides on this topic?
You need to expose the Docker daemon on a port.
You can configure the Docker daemon to listen to multiple sockets at the same time using multiple -H options:
listen using the default Unix socket, and on two specific IP addresses on this host.
$ sudo dockerd -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -H tcp:// -H tcp://
The Docker client will honor the DOCKER_HOST environment variable to set the -H flag for the client. Use one of the following commands:
You need to do this by creating a systemd dropin:
mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/
cat > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/10_docker.conf <<EOF
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd:// -H tcp://
Then reload and restart Docker:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker
Note: this way you would be exposing your host and you shouldn't do it this way in production. Please read more about this on the link I shared earlier.

docker as service parameter

I need to configure docker as service in my CentOs machine.
It's set up and works fine. However I need to add this host -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock.
How can I set this parameter up in order to each time the service is started this option is reached.
From the docker daemon configuration page, those options should go in a /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf config file.
For instance:
Override the ExecStart configuration from your docker.conf file to customize the docker daemon.
To modify the ExecStart configuration you have to specify an empty configuration followed by a new one as follows:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -D --tls=true --tlscert=/var/docker/server.pem --tlskey=/var/docker/serverkey.pem -H tcp://

Create multiple Postgres instances on same machine

To test streaming replication, I would like to create a second Postgres instance on the same machine. The idea is that if it can be done on the test server, then it should be trivial to set it up on the two production servers.
The instances should use different configuration files and different data directories. I tried following the instructions here but I haven't figured out how to get Postgres to use a different configuration file. If I copy the init script, the scripts are just aliases to the same Postgres instance.
I'm using Postgres 9.3 and the Postgres help pages say to specify the configuration file on the postgres command line. I'm not really sure what this means. Am I supposed to install some client for this to work? Thanks.
I assume you can work your way out on using postgresql utilities.
Create the clusters
$ initdb -D /path/to/datadb1
$ initdb -D /path/to/datadb2
Run the instances
$ pg_ctl -D /path/to/datadb1 -o "-p 5433" -l /path/to/logdb1 start
$ pg_ctl -D /path/to/datadb2 -o "-p 5434" -l /path/to/logdb2 start
Test streaming
Now you have two instances running on ports 5433 and 5434. Configuration files for them are in data dirs specified by initdb. Tweak them for streaming replication.
Your default installation remains untouched in port 5432.
On Debian based distros you could use pg_createcluster instead of initdb:
$ pg_createcluster -u [user] -g [group] -d /path/to/data -l /path/to/log -p 5433
Also pg_ctlcluster is an alternative to pg_ctl.
Steps to create New Server Instance on PostgreSQL 9.5
On command prompt run:
initdb -D Instance_Directory_path -U username -W
(prompts for password)
Once the new Instance Directory is created. Run command prompt as Administrator
pg_ctl register -N service_name -D Instance_Directory_path -o "-p port_no"
After the service is registered, start server
pg_ctl start -D Instance_Directory_path -o "-p port_no"
To complete other answers, on CentOS 6 AND 7.
After running something like
$ initdb -D /path/to/newdb
You'll have to change at least port configuration option and, probably, listen_addresses in config file postgresql.conf.
Instead of starting inmediatly this new instance, which has been explained in previous answers, maybe you want new instance to run automatically on system start (in case of shutdown, e.g.). To do this, as CentOS doesn't have pg_ctl register option (only for Windows) you'll have to create a new service file and register it in order systemctl or service can start it up automatically.
Centos 6
Follow next commands to get service's init file:
[root#machine ~]# service postgresql-9.6 edit
Usage: /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.6 {start|stop|status|restart|upgrade|condrestart|try-restart|reload|force-reload|initdb|promote}
[root#machine ~]# cd /etc/init.d # Now we know where service file is
[root#machine init.d]# cp -p postgresql-9.6 postgresql-9.6_5433
[root#machine init.d]# vi postgresql-9.6_5433
Now you can change PGDATA directory with the one where new instance resides. If you're using Postgresql version previous to 9.4 (which you shouldn't by the time of this answer) you'll have to change PGPORT too with the value where new instance is listening to.
The name of the new service is up to you. I usually take original service name and add port number at the end.
Now you only have to register new service:
[root#machine init.d]# chkconfig postgresql-9.6_5433 on # service registered!
[root#machine init.d]# service postgresql-9.6_5433 start
Iniciando servicios postgresql-9.6_5433: [ OK ]
[root#machine init.d]# service postgresql-9.6_5433 status
Se está ejecutando postgresql-9.6_5433 (pid 120993)...
Centos 7
In CentOS 7 instead of service to control services running on the machine you have systemctl and commands and paths change a bit. But the process is the same: create new service file, edit with the new location/port, register and start:
[root#localhost ~]# locate postgresql.service
[root#localhost ~]# cd /usr/lib/systemd/system
[root#localhost ~]# cp -p postgresql.service postgresql_5433.service
[root#localhost ~]# vi postgresql_5433.service
# Change PGDATA and maybe PGPORT if PG version <9.4
[root#localhost ~]# systemctl enable postgresql_5433.service
[root#localhost ~]# systemctl start postgresql_5433.service
[root#localhost ~]# systemctl list-unit-files | grep postgres
postgresql.service enabled
postgresql_5433.service enabled

memcached doesn't start on vagrant up with CentOS 6.5

I'm trying to provision a development box with Vagrant and a CentOS 6.5 base box. I want memcached to automatically start at system boot/vagrant up.
I have tried adding memcached -d -l localhost -p11211 to /etc/rc.d/rc.local and this does not work.
I have also tried adding to /etc/init/vagrant-mounted.conf
start on vagrant-mounted
memcached -d -l localhost -p11211
I've updated /etc/rc.d/rc.local to now use the following
chkconfig memcached on
service memcached start
I'm not seeing anything in the /var/log/boot.log. It looks like rc.local is not being run at all. It has ugo+x permissions; so the file is definitely executable, but it doesn't appear to run at all.
Does memcached -d -l localhost -p11211 exit immediately or spawn a process?
If it keeps running, try: nohup memcached -d -l localhost -p11211 &
Also, try putting it in /etc/rc.local as
memcached -d -l localhost -p11211 >/var/log/memcached.log 2>&1
That will give you a log file with possible errors.
Lastly, does your install of memcached not have an init.d file in /etc/init.d ?
if it does, simply do chkconfig servicename on && service servicename start