When to use add-hook, eval-after-load in Emacs - emacs

I'v read eval-after-load vs add-hook. According to the page,
code in eval-after-load is executed once.
On the other hand, code inside add-hook will run every time a buffer of that mode in opened.
Ok. But How can I figure out which code should be inside eval-after-load block or add-hook block? for example,
(eval-after-load "js2-mode"
(js2-basic-offset 2)))
(eval-after-load "js2-mode"
(defun custom:js2-config ()
(js2-basic-offset 2))
(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'custom:js2-config)))
I'm not asking about js2-basic-offset.
Is there a general rule?
or.. whenever I use eval-after-load, I have to ask?

Are you setting a global variable or a local variable?
If you're setting a buffer-local variable (one whose value may be different in different buffers), it has to be done after the file is loaded, so in the major mode hook. The same thing goes if you're calling a function which has an effect on the current buffer.
If you're setting a global variable, it doesn't make sense to do that in a mode hook: you'd be changing a global variable whenever you happen to load a file in a certain mode. The same thing goes if you're calling a function which affects global settings.
Many global variables can be set directly in your .emacs, without waiting for the library that will declare and use it to be loaded. In fact, this is usually the case for global variables.
js2-basic-offset is a variable, not a function. If you want to configure the indentation in all JS buffers, set it directly in your .emacs, either with
(setq js2-basic-offset 2)
or through the Customize interface.
If you want to set the value differently in different files, then you would set it in the major mode hook — something like
(defun custom:js2-config ()
(when (…)
(make-local-variable 'js2-basic-offset)
(setq js2-basic-offset 2)))
(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'custom:js2-config)
You don't need to wait for the library to be loaded to add a hook.
Note that Emacs has built-in facilities that cover typical use cases of setting a variable on a per-file or per-project basis: file-local variables and directory-local variables.


Inspecting / modifying Emacs hooks for minor modes

I use the following to enable linum-mode for Python buffers:
(defun my-python-mode-hook ()
(linum-mode 1))
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'my-python-mode-hook)
However, my understanding of hooks is still quite limited. As far as I understand, the code above adds a function to python-mode-hook so I assume this hook has already been defined, and may even have some code in it already. With this:
Does Emacs define a hook of the form <minor_mode_name>-hook for all minor modes? Or do the modes themshelves define them?
How can I look up the code added to a hook already?
How can I change elements of that hook?
This question is partly motivated by this GitHub issue for elpy where elpy-mode seems to have left a hook for python-mode that doesn't go away after uninstalling elpy.
(1) Emacs does not define a minor mode hook automatically, but you can define one with the :after-hook keyword (as per manual page for defining minor mode). (UPDATE: as per Legoscia's last comment, the minor-mode hook gets defined automatically as of emacs version 24.3.90. Thanks, Legoscia!)
(2) hooks are just variables, so you can inspect them as you would any other variable (e.g., C-h v or M-x describe-variable RET some-hook).
(3) you can use add-hook and remove-hook to change elements of the hook (see the manual on setting hooks), eg:
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'my-python-mode-hook)
(remove-hook 'python-mode-hook 'my-python-mode-hook)
(Note, by the way, that it's preferable to use named functions in your hooks rather than anonymous lambdas because you can use remove-hook on your named functions.)

How can I set buffer-local value for a variable defined by defcustom?

In emacs, we can define customizable user option variable.
defcustom - Programming in Emacs Lisp http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/eintr/defcustom.html
And we can make variable to have buffer-local binding.
Creating Buffer-Local - GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Creating-Buffer_002dLocal.html#Creating-Buffer_002dLocal
If I want to make non-customizable variable, I can use make-local-variable or setq-local.
But I can't find any ways how to make customizable variable to have buffer-local binding.
Even if I call make-local-variable for variable defined by defcustom, custom-set-variables set to global-value.
If I call setq-local, value is set to local-variable. It is better. But I don't think this is best practice.
Is there any valid ways how to set buffer-local value for a variable defined by defcustom?
The answer is: You can't, at least not using the Customize UI.
What you can do is add a sexp that sets the buffer-local value of the variable to your init file.
Do one of the following:
Make it always buffer-local, no matter what the buffer is:
(make-variable-buffer-local 'the-variable)
You can put this anywher in your init file.
Make it buffer-local only for the current buffer, i.e., for some buffer after you select it:
(make-local-variable 'the-variable)
For that, you need to put the sexp in a sexp that selects the buffer you want. That could be, for example:
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "the-buffer-name")
(make-local-variable 'the-variable))
That assumes that the buffer can be reasonably created or already exists. If you do this, do it after your custom-file has been loaded. That is, in your init file, either after loading custom-file (which I recommend) or, if you do not use custom-file, after any code generated automatically by Customize (e.g., custom-set-variables).
You can alternatively put the make-local-variable sexp on a mode hook, so whenever you are in a buffer that has a particular mode, it is executed.
All of that said, I submitted an enhancement request to Emacs Dev in 2012, requesting that user's be able to use the Customize UI to set (and possibly save) buffer-local values of user options. It sleeps in category "wishlist", so far.
After defcustom form write
(make-variable-buffer-local 'my-var)
Now, if you change the value in some buffer, other buffers will keep resp. deliver the old customized one.
The problem is that Customize is mostly designed for persistent configuration, i.e. configuration that is saved in the config file so it also applies to future Emacs sessions. But buffers are not persistent: when you restart Emacs you get a new buffer object.
So persistent customization "per-buffer" is not a clearly defined concept. We could/should add Customize support for settings that are specific to some major modes (i.e. "per-mode" settings), on the other hand.

How to keep dir-local variables when switching major modes?

I'm committing to a project where standard indentations and tabs are 3-chars wide, and it's using a mix of HTML, PHP, and JavaScript. Since I use Emacs for everything, and only want the 3-char indentation for this project, I set up a ".dir-locals.el" file at the root of the project to apply to all files/all modes under it:
; Match projets's default indent of 3 spaces per level- and don't add tabs
(nil .
(tab-width . 3)
(c-basic-offset . 3)
(indent-tabs-mode . nil)
Which works fine when I first open a file. The problem happens when switching major modes- for example to work on a chunk of literal HTML inside of a PHP file. Then I lose all the dir-local variables.
I've also tried explicitly stating all of the modes I use in ".dir-locals.el", and adding to my .emacs file "dir-locals-set-class-variables / dir-locals-set-directory-class". I'm glad to say they all behave consistently, initially setting the dir-local variables, and then losing them as I switch the major mode.
I'm using GNU Emacs 24.3.1.
What's an elegant way of reloading dir-local variables upon switching a buffer's major-mode?
-- edit -- Thanks for the excellent answers and commentary both Aaron and phils! After posting here, I thought it "smelled" like a bug, so entered a report to GNU- will send them a reference to these discussions.
As per comments to Aaron Miller's answer, here is an overview of what happens when a mode function is called (with an explanation of derived modes); how calling a mode manually differs from Emacs calling it automatically; and where after-change-major-mode-hook and hack-local-variables fit into this, in the context of the following suggested code:
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'hack-local-variables)
After visiting a file, Emacs calls normal-mode which "establishes the proper major mode and buffer-local variable bindings" for the buffer. It does this by first calling set-auto-mode, and immediately afterwards calling hack-local-variables, which determines all the directory-local and file-local variables for the buffer, and sets their values accordingly.
For details of how set-auto-mode chooses the mode to call, see C-hig (elisp) Auto Major Mode RET. It actually involves some early local-variable interaction (it needs to check for a mode variable, so there's a specific look-up for that which happens before the mode is set), but the 'proper' local variable processing happens afterwards.
When the selected mode function is actually called, there's a clever sequence of events which is worth detailing. This requires us to understand a little about "derived modes" and "delayed mode hooks"...
Derived modes, and mode hooks
The majority of major modes are defined with the macro define-derived-mode. (Of course there's nothing stopping you from simply writing (defun foo-mode ...) and doing whatever you want; but if you want to ensure that your major mode plays nicely with the rest of Emacs, you'll use the standard macros.)
When you define a derived mode, you must specify the parent mode which it derives from. If the mode has no logical parent, you still use this macro to define it (in order to get all the standard benefits), and you simply specify nil for the parent. Alternatively you could specify fundamental-mode as the parent, as the effect is much the same as for nil, as we shall see momentarily.
define-derived-mode then defines the mode function for you using a standard template, and the very first thing that happens when the mode function is called is:
or if no parent is set:
As fundamental-mode itself calls (kill-all-local-variables) and then immediately returns when called in this situation, the effect of specifying it as the parent is equivalent to if the parent were nil.
Note that kill-all-local-variables runs change-major-mode-hook before doing anything else, so that will be the first hook which is run during this whole sequence (and it happens while the previous major mode is still active, before any of the code for the new mode has been evaluated).
So that's the first thing that happens. The very last thing that the mode function does is to call (run-mode-hooks MODE-HOOK) for its own MODE-HOOK variable (this variable name is literally the mode function's symbol name with a -hook suffix).
So if we consider a mode named child-mode which is derived from parent-mode which is derived from grandparent-mode, the whole chain of events when we call (child-mode) looks something like this:
(kill-all-local-variables) ;; runs change-major-mode-hook
(run-mode-hooks 'grandparent-mode-hook)
(run-mode-hooks 'parent-mode-hook)
(run-mode-hooks 'child-mode-hook)
What does delay-mode-hooks do? It simply binds the variable delay-mode-hooks, which is checked by run-mode-hooks. When this variable is non-nil, run-mode-hooks just pushes its argument onto a list of hooks to be run at some future time, and returns immediately.
Only when delay-mode-hooks is nil will run-mode-hooks actually run the hooks. In the above example, this is not until (run-mode-hooks 'child-mode-hook) is called.
For the general case of (run-mode-hooks HOOKS), the following hooks run in sequence:
delayed-mode-hooks (in the sequence in which they would otherwise have run)
HOOKS (being the argument to run-mode-hooks)
So when we call (child-mode), the full sequence is:
(run-hooks 'change-major-mode-hook) ;; actually the first thing done by
(kill-all-local-variables) ;; <-- this function
(run-hooks 'change-major-mode-after-body-hook)
(run-hooks 'grandparent-mode-hook)
(run-hooks 'parent-mode-hook)
(run-hooks 'child-mode-hook)
(run-hooks 'after-change-major-mode-hook)
Back to local variables...
Which brings us back to after-change-major-mode-hook and using it to call hack-local-variables:
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'hack-local-variables)
We can now see clearly that if we do this, there are two possible sequences of note:
We manually change to foo-mode:
=> (kill-all-local-variables)
=> [...]
=> (run-hooks 'after-change-major-mode-hook)
=> (hack-local-variables)
We visit a file for which foo-mode is the automatic choice:
=> (set-auto-mode)
=> (foo-mode)
=> (kill-all-local-variables)
=> [...]
=> (run-hooks 'after-change-major-mode-hook)
=> (hack-local-variables)
=> (hack-local-variables)
Is it a problem that hack-local-variables runs twice? Maybe, maybe not. At minimum it's slightly inefficient, but that's probably not a significant concern for most people. For me, the main thing is that I wouldn't want to rely upon this arrangement always being fine in all situations, as it's certainly not the expected behaviour.
(Personally I do actually cause this to happen in certain specific cases, and it works just fine; but of course those cases are easily tested -- whereas doing this as standard means that all cases are affected, and testing is impractical.)
So I would propose a small tweak to the technique, so that our additional call to the function does not happen if normal-mode is executing:
(defvar my-hack-local-variables-after-major-mode-change t
"Whether to process local variables after a major mode change.
Disabled by advice if the mode change is triggered by `normal-mode',
as local variables are processed automatically in that instance.")
(defadvice normal-mode (around my-do-not-hack-local-variables-twice)
"Prevents `after-change-major-mode-hook' from processing local variables.
See `my-after-change-major-mode-hack-local-variables'."
(let ((my-hack-local-variables-after-major-mode-change nil))
(ad-activate 'normal-mode)
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook
(defun my-after-change-major-mode-hack-local-variables ()
"Callback function for `after-change-major-mode-hook'."
(when my-hack-local-variables-after-major-mode-change
Disadvantages to this?
The major one is that you can no longer change the mode of a buffer which sets its major mode using a local variable. Or rather, it will be changed back immediately as a result of the local variable processing.
That's not impossible to overcome, but I'm going to call it out of scope for the moment :)
Be warned that I have not tried this, so it may produce undesired results ranging from your dir-local variables not being applied, to Emacs attempting to strangle your cat; by any sensible definition of how Emacs should behave, this is almost certainly cheating. On the other hand, it's all in the standard library, so it can't be that much of a sin. (I hope.)
Evaluate the following:
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook
From then on, when you change major modes, dir-local variables should (I think) be reapplied immediately after the change.
If it doesn't work or you don't like it, you can undo it without restarting Emacs by replacing 'add-hook' with 'remove-hook' and evaluating the form again.
My take on this:
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'hack-local-variables)
and either
(defun my-normal-mode-advice
(function &rest ...)
(let ((after-change-major-mode-hook
(remq #'hack-local-variables after-change-major-mode-hook)))
(apply function ...)))
if you can live with the annoying
Making after-change-major-mode-hook buffer-local while locally let-bound!
message or
(defun my-normal-mode-advice
(function &rest ...)
(remove-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'hack-local-variables)
(apply function ...)
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'hack-local-variables)))
otherwise and finally
(advice-add #'normal-mode :around #'my-normal-mode-advice)

how to change buffer-local variable for a major mode in Emacs?

Generally, how can I customize the value of a buffer-local variable in Emacs? For example, the variable w3m-lnum-mode is buffer-local, if I set (setq w3m-lnum-mode t) in .emacs, its value in a w3m mode buffer is still nil. How could I set it to t in w3m major mode?
Major modes have a hook variable for this sort of thing. Look for w3m-mode-hook.
(defun my-w3m-hook nil
(setq w3m-lnum-mode t))
(add-hook 'w3m-mode-hook #'my-w3m-hook)
The indirection to hook a separate function is not absolutely necessary, but simplifies the management of the hook functionality (otherwise you'd have to restart Emacs or jump through several hoops to add something to an existing hook; now all you need to do is evaluate a new defun of the function called from the hook).
You can set a default like so:
(setq-default w3m-lnum-mode t)
For fine-grained control, use a hook as RNAer suggests. As far as I can tell though, this is not a normal local variable but a minor mode variable. You actually probably want to do (w3m-lnum-mode 1).

Emacs c-mode autoloading failed

I want to load my file named "my-c-setup.el" when the c-mode is loading. So, I'm using the function "autoload".
With my python setup, it works well :
(autoload 'python-mode "my-python-setup" "" t)
(require 'python)
; ...
I'm trying to do the same with the c-mode, but i does not work :
(autoload 'c-mode "my-c-setup" "" t)
(setq c-basic-offset 4)
; ...
When I try to open a file in c-mode (test.c for example), I have the following error :
File mode specification error: (error "Autoloading failed to define function c-mode")
Autoload is not what you're looking for. What it does is simply load some code the first time it is needed, which is a handy way to extend Emacs' functionality while still keeping the start-up time low.
To solve your problem, we gotta think about what you really want to do: do you simply want some of your code to be loaded at some point, or do you want buffer-local customizations for ever buffer that is in c-mode?
If you simply want Emacs to load your code at start-up, either put your code directly into your .emacs file or use load-file or require instead of autoload:
load-file simply takes a file name, loads the lisp code in that file and evaluates it. So if your code is in a file named "/path/to/my-c-setup.el", you could put the following line in your .emacs, and the code will be loaded on every start-up:
(load-file "/path/to/my-c-setup.el")
Perhaps you don't want to give the absolute path name for every file you load. In that case, you could use the function load-library instead which is similar to load-file but tries to find the given filename in any of the directories stored in the variable load-path:
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to")
(load-library "my-c-setup.el")
The advantage is that you have to do the add-to-list part only once, and all subsequent calls to load-library will be able to find code in that directory.
An alternative way is the provide/require mechanism: you can make your .el-file "provide" some feature by putting a (provide 'feature) call in it, e.g.
(provide 'my-c-mode-customizations)
Then put an according (require 'feature) in your .emacs file, and your code will be loaded as well:
(require 'my-c-mode-customizations)
However, if you want your code only be loaded when c-mode is activated on a buffer, the way to achieve that is through Emacs' Hook mechanism:
A hook is a variable where you can
store a function or functions to be
called on a particular occasion by an
existing program.
Most major modes provide a customizable hook variable to which you can add functions that will be called whenever the major mode is invoked. For instance, c-mode provides c-mode-hook. In order for your own customizations to be called whenever c-mode is turned on for a buffer, put them in a function, say, my-c-mode-customizations and add the following line to your .emacs file:
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'my-c-mode-customizations)
Of course, you still need autoload for Emacs to actually find the definition of that function.
Lisp's autoload does not call a function when a file is loaded but tells lisp that the function is available and that the given file provides it. Whenever someone calls the (not yet defined) function, the file is loaded.
I think that c-mode is already defined and thus fails to re-register.
Autoload doesn't do what you think it does.
What you probably want are mode-hooks or eval-after-load.
See eval-after-load vs. mode hook for the difference between the two.