Reduce the length of callout line in Pie chart Sencha touch - charts

Below is the code for a pie chart i have in my Sencha touch app. The issue i face is that whenever the space to display chart is not enough for all labels there are callout lines and labels, but then i want these callout lines to be shorter in length then they are right now because they do not fit my screen and labels get cut.
I cannot find the correct config property for that.
EDIT - the two charts in image have the same code and are placed in hbox layout in container
xtype: 'polar',
itemId: 'pieChart',
background: 'white',
store: 'GraphsStore',
shadow: true,
innerPadding: 25,
//bind the chart to a store with the following structure
//interactions: ['rotate'],
colors: ["#115fa6", "#94ae0a", "#a61120", "#ff8809", "#ffd13e", "#a61187", "#24ad9a", "#7c7474", "#a66111"],
//configure the legend.
legend: {
position: 'top',
//width: 100
hidden: true
//describe the actual pie series.
series: [{
type: 'pie',
xField: 'g1',
renderer: function(sprite, config, rendererData, index) {
var changes = {},
store =,
curentRecord = store.getData().items[index];
var text =;
changes.text = text;
return changes;
label: {
field: 'name',
display: 'rotate',
font: '8px'
donut: 25,
style: {
miterLimit: 5,
lineCap: 'miter',
lineWidth: 1
Any pointers will be helpful !

In the chart/series/sprite/PieSlice.js, modify the following two lines:
x = centerX + Math.cos(midAngle) * (endRho + 40);
y = centerY + Math.sin(midAngle) * (endRho + 40);
Change the 40 to a smaller number.


Changing style of Leaflet Realtime geoJson features

I have a leaflet map using leaflet-realtime to display and update a position, polygon and line from a geoJson source (data is the position and field of view from an airborne camera). I want to change the style of the line and polygon from the default blue. I understand the leaflet-realtime extends L.geojson so I thought the following code should work but I get is not a function. I have been looking at other examples to try and do this but have spent the day frustrated.
var lineStyle = {
color: 'black',
weight: 5,
opacity: 0.5
los = L.realtime({
url: '',
crossOrigin: true,
type: 'json'
}, {
interval: 1 * 500,
style: lineStyle
los.on('update', function(){
If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be hugely appreciated.
Yes must be a function - look at:
Change your code:
var lineStyle = {
color: 'black',
weight: 5,
opacity: 0.5
los = L.realtime({
url: '',
crossOrigin: true,
type: 'json'
}, {
interval: 1 * 500,
style: function() { return lineStyle; }
los.on('update', function(){

Vertical annotation google charts

my chart looks like this img
and my options like this
var options =
width: '100%',
legend: {position:'top'},
title: 'Celkový součet jednotlivých deficitů k roku 2015',
bars: 'vertical',
bar: {groupWidth: "80%"},
colors: ['#0079C1'],
format: 'decimal'
slantedText: true,
slantedTextAngle: 25,
bars: 'vertical',
annotations: {
textStyle: {
color: '#000'
alwaysOutside: true,
chartArea: {
height: '60%'
My question is, can you rotate the annotation text verticaly so it doesn't get in the way of others if not is it possible to centre the annotation text to its column?
Another question is regarded to the hAxis you can see that my labels are quite long a i would prefer if some of the long labels broke into half and created a two line label.
Thank you very much for your responses nad sorry for my bad english
You can make the annotated text vertical by including annotations: {style: Line} in the chart options. This is shown in this jsfiddle. However, I haven't (yet) discovered how to center the annotations on the vertical bars.

How can I add a title to c3.js chart

Can any one suggest me the way of adding title to the C3.js line and bar charts ? I have got the following sample but it is for gauge chart. For any c3 chart is there any option to set the chart title?
donut: {
title: 'Title'
This was a top google result, so I thought I'd add that this is now part of the library:
title: {
text: 'My Title'
More info #
You'd need to fall back to using D3 to add a chart title. Something like:"svg").append("text")
.attr("x", 100 )
.attr("y", 50)
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.text("Your chart title goes here");
I am using this code for my chart.
var chart = c3.generate({
data: {
columns: [
['Monday', 70],
['TuesDay', 20],
['Wednesday', 30],
['Thursday', 50],
['Friday', 100]
type: 'donut'
donut: {
title: "usage "
Result :
also couldn't find a way and ended up writing the title as the unit and editing the label.
gauge: {
label: {
format: function(value, ratio) {
return "%"+value;
show: true // to turn off the min/max labels.
min: 0,
max: 100,
units: "Overall Profit"
// width: 39 // for adjusting arc thickness

Show legend of "Indicator plot" in dojo charts

Is there a way to create a Legend control for series that belong to Indicator Plot with Dojo Charting.
I've tried some standard well described ways from the documentation. But with no success! Legend are not appearing for Indicator Plot.
Maybe somebody know is it possible to draw legend for this case or not?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT(my code added):
1. id - id of chart dom element.
2. opts.chartOpts - chart options from outside js.
3. legname - id of legend dom element.
4. scale.avg - is just a double value.
this.chart = new Chart(id, this.opts.chartOpts);
this.chart.addPlot("default", {
animate: { duration: 1000, easing: easing.linear },
type: ColumnsPlot,
markers: true,
gap: 1
this.chart.addPlot("avgline", {
type: IndicatorPlot,
vertical: false,
lineStroke: { color: "#00ff00", style: "ShortDash" },
stroke: { width: '1.2px' },
fill: '#eeeeee',
font: 'normal normal normal 11px Arial',
labels: 'none',
offset: { x: 32, y: 4 },
values: [scale.avg],
precision: this.opts.precision
//Add axis code goes here... cutted for clearance
this.chart.addSeries('Average', [scale.avg], { plot: 'avgline' });
var tip = new Tooltip(this.chart, "default", { 'class' : 'kaboom' });
var mag = new Magnify(this.chart, "default");
var hightlight = new Highlight(this.chart, "default");
this.leg = new Legend({ chart: this.chart, horizontal: false }, this.legName);
And as result of this code I see legend for 'default' plot 'Power' series only. And nothing for 'Average' series.

Highstock: When legend under the chart has many items, the chart height is small. How can I fix the height?

In my app users can add/remove as many series they want to the HighStock component using a piece of UI I wrote. However, when a user adds multiple time-series and the legend is under the chart, it shrinks the chart's height (in favor of the legend). This way the overall height remains constant.
However, I'm interested in having the plotting area keeping the same height and still have the legend be under it, changing the overall height if needed.
Here's a fiddle to demo the issue.
set maxHeight property. this will fix the maximum height of legend and gives navigation to legend.
maxHeight: 100,
here is the fiddle
instead if you remove
legend will not occupy much space
here is a fiddle for it
Hope this is useful to you.
How about doing a calculation on the number of series you have and adjusting the chart height based on that?
var series = [{
name: 'series 1',
data: usdeur
}, {
name: 'series 2',
data: usdeur
}, {
name: 'series 3',
data: usdeur
}, {
name: 'series 4',
data: usdeur
}, {
name: 'series 5',
data: usdeur
height = 400 + (series.length * 15);
$('#container').highcharts('StockChart', {
chart: {
borderWidth: 2,
height: height
legend: {
enabled: true,
layout: 'vertical'
navigator: {
//top: 200
rangeSelector: {
selected: 1
series: series