Unable to create bucket using domain name under google cloud storage - Server Error - google-cloud-storage

I'm unable to create a domain name bucket under google cloud storage.
I get this error message:
Server Error
Whoops! Our bad.
Please try again. If the problem persists, please let us know using the "Send feedback" link below. Copy the tracking number below, and include it with your feedback. Thanks!
Tracking Number: undefined
Any thoughts? I tried putting any other domain name just in case it was specific to my domain and I keep getting the same message.

Most likely the issue is related to the domain verification. It's a google bug. You should open the Chrome developer tool and see the JSON response which provides some useful information.


Error message "Failed to enable dataprep" when allowing Trifacta to access project data

i connected several projects... but this one gives an error. Can anyone help?
Screenshot of error
This issue seems to be related to an internal project/billing configuration. Since this kind of messages can be thrown when the accounts have payment issues, I think that you should firstly verify that your billing account is in a good status; however, if you continue getting this error message after this validation, I suggest you to take a look the Issue Tracker tool that you can use to raise a Dataprep ticket in order to verify this scenario with the Google Technical Support Team.

Firebase Email Verification

I'm quite a noobie at Firebase. I'm asking for a sort of step by step guide to setup email verification.
Currently, my app uses basic email password login. I want users to be verified so I'm hiding content based on a user's emailVerified property. I'm calling the .sendEmailVerification() and it sends to the current user's email but, whenever I click the link in the email it says the link has expired or someone has used it, this also doesn't change the property. I suspect it has something to do with the api manager. I currently have my website hosted to the built-in Firebase hosting URL.
Based on this link in the docs (which refers to a similar function but not the exact one): https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.auth.Auth#sendPasswordResetEmail
p.s. I can't find anything regarding this exact function in the docs.
I think I need some sort of listener at the link of the email or on my website?
Thanks in advance, any answers are appreciated.
there could be an issue with your browser api key. You may have some referrer restrictions on it. This could cause the misleading error (code expired or used) to occur. Either fix that issue or generate a new one in the Google console.

Google Cloud Storage Bucket won't let me share files

I'm trying to host files on a Google Cloud Bucket. I've used the service before, but now it's acting up on me with a new bucket for a different client.
For some reason, when I click the "Share Publicly" checkbox, it instantly unchecks itself and refuses to share the file.
Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
Update: After more experimentation, I've found that my client's account completely refuses to allow sharing for some unexplained reason. He's entered his billing information and is still on Trial time, but I don't know if that has anything to do with the issue. I've tried creating other buckets and modifying permissions with GSUTIL but no luck.

IBM Bluemix Error while creating Object Storage

I am right now starting with BI in IBM Bluemix and I try to create an Object Storage but I am keeping to get all the time the same Error, and I don't know what is wrong. Any help would be good.
This is the messege I get when I click on create:
A problem has occurred while creating an Object Storage instance.
Try again later.
The error you are seeing usually happens if your first and/or last name in your IBM account has numeric characters, Object Storage does not allow numeric characters in the first or last name and will fail creating the instance.
The only fix is to modify your Bluemix account name to remove any disallowed characters.
If that is your case you can fix your Bluemix account name by signing in to My IBM Profile (https://www.ibm.com/account/profile/us) and click "Edit user information".

Yahoo BOSS Geo api Issue

I am new for OAuth and for yahoo apis. My problem detail is as follows:
In my current project, we have to implement one service class in which, when we pass address,
it should use yahoo boss geo apis and return longitude and latitude of this address. We are using java in our project.
Till now I have done below mentioned following things:
I have added project detail at https://developer.apps.yahoo.com/projects and got Consumer Key, Consumer Secret etc.
But till now I didn't submit Billing info.
I am trying to run this simple java example given at: http://developer.yahoo.com/boss/geo/docs/codeexamples.html .
I using Consumer Key, Consumer Secret which I got after adding my project detail. But when ever I am trying to run this example,
I am getting status code = 503 which means service unavailable. 2-3 time I have got response in XML also.
Please let me know if I am doing any thing wrong here. Also how can I implement my requirement.
This is issue is most likely caused by a set rate limit. The error documentation can be found here:
In the Yahoo Boss group many people reported receiving 503 errors immediately after opening the account and putting in billing information. After 24 hours the problem went a way.