openshift nodejs copy written file to repo - deployment

I have a nodejs app on openshift an one of the things the app does is write a text file.
Problem is, whenever I update code in the app and deploy it, the text file is gone because the live repo address has changed.
Is there a way using build hooks to get any files saved in a particular folder, add them to my git repo and then deploy the app? I'm not completely clear what I would write in a hook or what to save the hook as so any help would be awesome!
Thank you!

You need to store the file inside of your OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR so that it will not get over-written each time. You can not copy the file into your git repo on the gear. You might want to try something like the WordPress cartridge does, which is create a symlink (using the deploy action hook) to create a folder in your repo dir that is linked to your OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR (


Using .gitignore on Heroku

I recently added an extra file that I want hidden (hushed.js). I created a .gitignore file and added hushed.js to it. I tested it out locally, and it works perfectly. Pushed everything up, and now it breaks in Heroku. In the logs, Heroku says it cannot find that file (Error: Cannot find module '../hushed.js').
My Github and Heroku accounts are connected, so I just push to Github, and it automatically gets deployed in Heroku.
I deleted the .gitignore file, and pushed it up. The Heorku app works perfect now, but alas, the hushed.js is visible in Github.
How can I keep that file "hidden" on Github, but still used by Heroku?
You cannot. If the file is not in GitHub, Heroku will not be able to fetch it, as it retrieves the files directly from GitHub.
If this file contains sensitive data that you don't want to see in GitHub, you can use config variables.
You could also auto-generate that file at deploy time by running the generation code on postinstall.

yii2 vendor and some files are missing from github

I have set up a new repo on github and pushed yii2 advanced template. Now i realized that some folders/files are missing from github like vendor and backend/web/index.php.
Anyone have idea why this is happening, i also checked my local git setup there files are present.
Check out the installation guide.
Running composer install is what creates the vendor folder, while running init creates those index.php files.
I have found that its happening because of .gitignore file. i removed it and its working fine for me.
It's quite simple idea behind missing these files, they are called ...-local.php, because their content can vary for different developers or production conditions. All you have to do before upload yii2 to the github, check the /environments directory, it includes templates for the local files, so after yii2 project is copied from the github, they will be generated by ./yii init.
Step-by-step, what should be done:
Configure files in /environments/dev and /environments/prod (for production). Most likely, if you don't change the yii2 project file structure or touch any of the /config files, you don't need to adapt them.
Update /environments/index.php, if you have updated /environments files
Upload the project to GitHub
Clone the project and run composer install to install dependencies
And finally run ./yii init from the root folder. You will see that ...-local.php files are now generated in certain directories the same way as they are configured in the environments.
More detailed information about this topic:

Windows Github issue pushing a new folder

I'm a VSS (Visual source safe) & Dropbox guy but new to GitHub. I'm using Windows Github tool to manage repositories on our remote server as I concluded in my previous SO post. I was glad to have sought this single point easy to use tool without any need for a deeper knowledge of git.
Things have been working fine until one day I had to add a new folder
to my repository. The Windows Github tool wouldn't recognize the
folder as a new content to be pushed! After some struggle I derived
that it "does" maintain sync with my "initial folders" but simply
creating a new folder in the repository directory wouldn't sync it
like Dropbox!
I searched to know how I can do it or if I had to use GitShell. My bad any I tried it, failed. Finally, I decided to purge everything and re-create the repository folder structure with this new folder like I did with my initial setup. But I don't know how or why it kept saying that the /.git/index file was being used by another process. I tried to empty this folder but it wouldn't. Finally, a logoff was able to free that file for me and I re-created everything. Pheew!
I might be doing it wrong as a newbie or even misusing Git due to my Dropbox habits. Pls correct me! What would be the best way?
My usage is more like VSS & dropbox(with version control) in a small remotely connected team. I started with this simple Windows Github tutorial. What about the following two -
Do they provide better management? Pls suggest if Windows GitHub is the best (if so how to add folders later?)
Just in case, do note that adding a folder won't trigger anything for Git: you won't be able to push it if that folder is empty, because Git will consider it as "no content", and will ignore that new folder.
See also "How do I add an empty directory to a git repository?".
If you add a folder and some files in it, then the GitHub for Windows interface will detect that new content, and ask you to add and commit, which means you will be able to push.

Jenkins: FTP / SSH deployment, including deletion and moving of files

I was wondering how to get my web-projects deployed using ftp and/or ssh.
We currently have a self-made deployment system which is able to handle this, but I want to switch to Jenkins.
I know there are publishing plugins and they work well when it comes to uploading build artifacts. But they can't delete or move files.
Do you have any hints, tipps or ideas regarding my problem?
The Publish Over SSH plugin enables you to send commands using ssh to the remote server. This works very well, we also perform some moving/deleting files before deploying the new version, and had no problems whatsoever using this approach.
The easiest way to handle deleting and moving items is by deleting everything on the server before you deploy a new release using one of the 'Publish over' extensions. I'd say that really is the only way to know the deployed version is the one you want. If you want more versioning-system style behavior you either need to use a versioning system or maybe rsync that will cover part of it.
If your demands are very specific you could develop your own convention to mark deletions and have them be performed by a separate script (like you would for database changes using Liquibase or something like that).
By the way: I would recommend not automatically updating your live sites after every build using the 'publish over ...' extension. In case we really want to have a live site automatically updated we rely on the Promoted Builds Plugin to keep it nearly fully-automated but add a little safety.
I came up with a simple solution to remove deleted files and upload changes to a remote FTP server as a build action in Jenkins using a simple lftp mirror script. Lftp Manual Page
In Short, you create a config file in your jenkins user directory ~/.netrc and populate it with your FTP credentials.
login mySuperSweetUsername
password mySuperSweetPassword
Create an lftp script deploy.lftp and drop it in the root of your .git repo
set ftp:list-options -a
set cmd:fail-exit true
mirror --reverse --verbose --delete --exclude .git/ --exclude deploy.lftp --ignore-time --recursion=always
Then add an "Exec Shell" build action to execute lftp on the script.
lftp -f deploy.lftp
The lftp script will
mirror: copy all changed files
reverse: push local files to a remote host. a regular mirror pulls from remote host to local.
verbose: dump all the notes about what files were copied where to the build log
delete: remove remote files no longer present in the git repo
exclude: don't publish .git directory or the deploy.lftp script.
ignore-time: won't publish based on file creation time. If you don't have this, in my case, all files got published since a fresh clone of the git repo updated the file create timestamps. It still works quite well though and even files modified by adding a single space in them were identified as different and uploaded.
recursion: will analyze every file rather than depending on folders to determine if any files in them were possibly modified. This isn't technically necessary since we're ignoring time stamps but I have it in here anyway.
I wrote an article explaining how I keep FTP in sync with Git for a WordPress site I could only access via FTP. The article explains how to sync from FTP to Git then how to use Jenkins to build and deploy back to FTP. This approach isn't perfect but it works. It only uploads changed files and it deletes files off the host that have been removed from the git repo (and vice versa)

Heroku and Github integration (how to structure the project)

I'm creating a webservice and I want to store the source on github and run the app on heroku. I haven't seen my exact scenario addressed anywhere on the 'net so far, so I'll ask it here:
I want to have the following directory structure:
README <-- project readme file
TODO.otl <-- project outline
... <-- other project-related stuff
README <-- rails' readme file
In the above, project corresponds to, and my_rails_app is the code that should be pushed to heroku. Do I need a separate branch for the rails app, or is there a simpler way that I'm missing?
I guess my project-related non-rails files could live in my_rails_app, but the rails README already lives there and it seems inconsistent to overwrite that. However, if I leave it, my github page for the rails app will contain the rails readme, which makes no sense.
Also ... I tried just setting it up as described above and running
git push heroku
from the main project folder. Of course, heroku doesn't know I want to deploy the subfolder:
-----> Heroku receiving push
! Heroku push rejected, no Rails or Rack app detected.
Here's a simple solution that may or may not work for you.
Create two projects on GitHub. One project should be just the Rails app (i.e. everything inside the Rails app directory). The other project should be everything outside the Rails app directory.
Add the Rails app project as a git-submodule within the "container" project.
Now you can add Heroku as a remote on the Rails app repository separately and push it to heroku. Heroku will accept the push because it is just a Rails app with the expected directories and files.
A solution for the Heroku situation (not the README file):
If you're using the new Heroku Cedar (I believe it wasn't available when you first asked your question) then your processes (like the rails server process) start up using Foreman. Thus, you can place a Procfile in the root github directory that looks like this:
web: my_rails_app/script/
And then my_rails_app/script/ could be a simple
cd my_rails_app
bundle exec rails server -p $PORT
Locally, you should also create a file called .env (note the . at the beginning), which contains
This file is read by foreman and used to set environment variables so that the port is set when you execute foreman start on your machine (from the root github directory, where the Procfile lies). The Heroku server takes care of the .env file on your dyno. The big advantage is you can set up multiple processes on the dyno that way!
Just overwrite Rails' default README file. There's no reason to keep it around. Put your other project-management-related stuff in the doc directory. While you certainly have valid reasons for wanting to set it up the way you did, you're just creating a headache for yourself by going against convention, and it's probably not worth the benefit.
I would add everything underneath /my_rails_app to the Heroku git repository. Then add GitHub as a remote and add everything underneath /project to the GitHub repository. Then you can push the Rails application to Heroku (from /my_rails_app) and push the full project to GitHub (from /project).