Best approach to send big files to a server in a automatic way using a rest api? - rest

I need to to send files to a server using rest api. I cannot use a browser as a client and the file should be sent with a http method. It has to be made automatically (using jenkins or so).
All I want to know is what is the best approach. The best way to do this. I have found several info but always using a form in the client side. I cannot use that.

You can do it also without form. What about encoding it in base64?
Look to this solution, by far the best I guess.

The best way to do this is to simply PUT the file to the target URI. If you need to upload larger files, you might want to split it in parts and join them later, when finished.


Setting up REST-API on top of GraphQL-API (using apollo gateway?)

I am working on a GRANDstack (GraphQL-React-Apollo-Neo4jDatabase) project and got told that it now needs an additional REST-API without making huge changes to the existing backend and GraphQL-API. And of course we have to be quick about it.
We found this (Apollo Gateway):
We plan on using this to set that new REST-API on top because we know we will need microservices soon enough as well. So I guess, this can be set up in some form with the already included Apollo. But I have yet to fully understand it.
Does anyone have some experience with this? Or does anyone know a project that implements this and can be checked out? I'd like more material about this that contains actual code. Especially about setting up such a gateway to put a REST-API on top.
If there is something easier and better documented than this Apollo gateway, please let me know! Open to ideas, but not complete overkills (Though we are not allowed to just put REST directly into our backend, it has to stay quite untouched).
Thank you very much!
In short: Our current backend offers GraphQL-API which works just fine. But one of our customers (in this picture "client") needs a REST-API. So we hope on using a gateway (?) which should be placed before/upon our backend in a separate docker container probably, takes in HTTP-requests from the user and then asks our backend in graphQL for the needed data.
If anyone ever stumbles upon this, we decided to do the following:
Since we have to be quick about it, we will set up another docker container, that contains a small server, which accepts data via a REST-API. Depending on the received data, it calls specific GraphQL-Queries/Mutations on our backend. Easy. No additional 3rd-party software. Simple just wins.
Have a good one!

Api to Api Comunication and data transformation

Good day,
I want to communicate between two Web Api's, the first web api lets call Api1 not written by me and that api interacts with my data base to spit out information needed.
I have web api2 which would be written by me and why i have this is because my application needs data in certain kind of format (.dll) api2 purpose is to get the information from api1 and then transform or package my data in a way that the my application would understand.
The question, is this possible?. can i use wrappers, so when i get my information from api1 then i wrap my information in the desired format before sending it off to the application. Does anyone have any other suggestions ?
Thank you in advance,
What you describe is possible but the requirements are too vague to give a useful answer.
The file extension doesn't really mean anything so not sure why you need .dll format for the message. I would use a standard format like Json or Xml. Or if using datawindow you could simply do saveas on sending side (or comma delimited, tab delimit) and file import on receiving end, so many options.
Too vague.
Async or Sync interface?
Files transferred via REST, OLE, DDE, or files written to location on server?
Are the files/data transferred specific to a logged in user?
How much data is being transferred, rows of information or configuration data? Answer will help in deciding on appropriate format & best method.
What type program is API #1 not in your control? That is important factor.

Centra DB to IPhone App / Objective-C

I'm trying to find some reading materials on how to connect an IPHONE app to a central DB-Server such as SQL-Server.
I know about SQLite, and the other methods of storing Data in the device itself. What I'm really interested is for the application to interact with a central database server. Are there any sort of objects such as SQLClient in .net or do I need to go through sending off HTTP-Requests and deserializing json/xml?
i dont know the answer to your question, but even if you find that it would be not recommended to do so, since its always better to use an httprequest solution,
Encapsulating the database implementation is always the way to go, since database implementation could change rather quickly adding a layer over it is recommended
That goes without saying that you will not be able to do caching by accessing the database directly, which is also a drawback
am sorry this is not the answer you are looking for, but you should re think on how you are going to implement your solution,
Preform a httprequest to a php script or similar and parse JSON or XML.
You would have to make a REST interface to bridge the 2 together, and as you said deserialize responses depending on the format, if it's json or xml.
From Device side, make GET/POST requests to your script, which responds the query results back to the app and handle them accordingly.

Getting data from remote sql table on iphone

I am a beginner at both iPhone programming and SQL, yet I have basic knowledge of them.
I am planning to do an application that would plot a graph from data taken from a database of the server of my company. I know how to plot, I know how to extract data from an sql table, but what I don't know is how to access the server.
So do I have to go through some kind of oracle-like application ?
This may seem like a very stupid question because it might not even be possible but any answer will be appreciated.
Thanks !
Go through a web service for example a PHP page that returns JSON (or XML, but JSON is easier to parse).
I can highly recommend this tutorial
Once you have your web service, you can use NSURLRequest/NSURLConnection to download the data and use a JSON framework to parse it. Or, if you're using XML you can use NSXMLParser.
See this apple code for more info on downloading using NSURLConnection.
The best way for this will be, using APIs at server end that handle the client request and perform database interaction, so transfer of data among device and server, take place through XMLs that will be secure as well as fast.
It is definitely possible to contact a server (I can't imagine what would happen without that!). What you are looking for is NSURLConnection. Have a look at the example provided by Apple.

iphone - retrieving information from the internet (rss alternative?)

(Very) basically my app is just a load of information collected from the internet - eg: someone can log into an admin panel on a website and update their app from there. The information gets put into a mysql database.
The way I thought about going about this was to use an RSS feed - it works for blog/twitter feeds, so I thought why not do it for the rest of the information that I want to get.
My question is, is this a suitable way to do it? Basically just make dynamic XML files (php scripts that output XML) and parse them on the iphone, or is there a better way to do it?
I'm not looking for a full blown tutorial, just maybe a few keywords that I can go off and look up myself - or a "XML is the best way... stick at that". :p
Thanks a lot.
I personally like JSON more than XML, since it creates less characters to transfer the same data = less bandwidth/transfer used and faster response.
You can use a JSON library from here or just stick with XML since you're familiar with it. I guess it's just a matter of personal preference.