TinyMCE editor files in MOODLE 2.7 - tinymce

In MOODLE I am using the tinyMCE editor. Here a button for insert special characters are available. This is build in button for tinyMCE. The image of the button is given below..
I have to customise this button function by adding some more symbols extra. But I can't find the file to edit. Which file is contains the functions of insert special character button. And where it resides. I look the moodle/lib/editor/tinymce directory but I can't find the necessary files. Please any one help me to find...
I am using moodle 2.7 version.

The symbols are in this file


How can I make a plugin for Vscode to change colors of a file type?

for example .xlp is my file type and name is code.xlp I want to highlight some code.
or some colors ?
Somethings like this
Inno Setup For VS code
In case you don't want to write custom extension, try manual configuration of 'file association' for '.xlp' files.
This will tell VS Code to highlight content of '.xlp' files as language of your choice.
For example, I set it to C# and it looks like this:
Steps for this configuration:
Inside of '.xlp' file press ctrl + P to open navigation field,
Search for >Change Language Mode,
Choose Configure File Association for '.xlp',
From dropdown list choose language you like.
As mentioned inside a comment you must write an extension for VS-Code to have your custom syntax highlighting for those files.
There is a good documentation available at:
At the mentioned web page you will find also more information about how to write your own extension and how to deploy it etc.

VScode "linkedEditing" not working for php files

I want to be able to easily edit HTML tags together. There is a built-in option for this in Visual Studio Code.
It works fine for HTML files. Buy why not for php files?
Does anybody know a work-around?
For example, let's say I wanted to change this div into a section. It should automatically select both opening tag and the closing tag.
Assuming you have html inside a PHP file. The simplest solution would be:
double click the element to edit
Holding control key double click the closing element ( open and close elements should be highlighted now)
type to edit the element
For now VS Code doesn't handle PHP with editor.linkedEditing.
But you can install Auto Tag Rename extension which will work for PHP files as well.
The extension will ignore certain file types if editor.linkedEditing = true, so you can install it without any conflicts.

Edit the tinymce plugin files in MOODLE

I want to customize the insert/edit image popup in tinymce editor in Moodle.
The requirement is shown below as image:
That is I want to add a new tab next to Advanced tab, and want to add some message/text/fields etc. You can get my requirement from the above image.
My problem is I don't know which file is to edit. I tried some files but no effect/change is displayed.
My folder structure is:
plugins contains moodleimage and other folders
tiny_mce contains 3.5.11\plugins\advimage and more folders
I tried here also..but no luck..
So please someone help me to find the files to make the changes.
My Moodle version is: 2.9
Go into:
and go to the line 46 (or around it):
<li id="advanced_tab" aria-controls="advanced_panel"><span>{#advimage_dlg.tab_advanced}</span></li>
Just copy and paste it in the line below.
If you open your tinymce editor you will see that the "Advanced" tab is doubled.
Go and customize it;-)

Adding Line Height Drop Down to Tiny MCE Editor Tool Bar

We are using BlogEngine.Net for managing blog posts which has implemented version “3.9.2” of Tiny MCE Editor.
As per our requirement we want to add new control (dropdown) in tool bar of the editor to provide this line height option so that author of the blog post could set line height to any of the selected paragraphs. We even find a related link for this http://fiddle.tinymce.com/jAbaab but it didn’t work for me.
Can someone please help me on this?
Take a closer look at the way the style plugin works that gets shipped with Tinymce3. You can copy the plugin directory and apply your own changes there.
All you need to to is to get rid of the unwanted funtionality and rename the plugin (directory and in the code).
This TinyMCE plugin can help you.
Download and place it into your tinymce plugin folder.
It supports TinyMCE 4.

notepad++ deleted files popup

When I delete file notepad++ displays the below message:
The file "D:\xxx.txt" does not exist any more . keep file in the editor?
Can I stop this message and silently remove deleted files from the editor?
Message box with the question is displayed unconditionally. There cannot be anything done about removing it simply by chaging configuration.
If you have necessary programming and app building skills and you wish to remove it, search for Notepad_plus::doCloseOrNot in Notepad++ source file <source root>\PowerEditor\src\Notepad_plus.cpp and modify the code accordingly – for example to always return No (=do not keep file in editor) without showing a dialog. Then build Notepad++ from these modified sources so the change will be there.