get all computer accounts and remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership - powershell

I'm trying to remove all the principal group memberships starting with the name of all computer accounts in one specific ou.
I've tried browsing to the OU with the AD provider, typing gci and getting a list of all the computers in the ou to find their ADPrincipalGroupMembership which works. Also, using get-adcomputer -searchbase <ou> -filter * works too. But I can't then remove every group that each machine is a member of.
When I then try to expand on that with remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership, my input for the groups to remove are system.string and remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership won't accept that. I have something like this so far/
Get-ADComputer -SearchBase 'OU=blahblah' -Filter * |
Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf (Get-ADGroup -Filter 'name -like "17"')
I've read help and examples but I can't find how to do this. I don't want to give up and just use the gui :)
thank you

You can try this...I am not able to test it to confirm it works, but I think it should.
$Comps = Get-ADComputer -SearchBase 'OU=blahblah' -Filter * -Prop MemberOf
Foreach ($Comp in $Comps)
$Groups = $Comp.MemberOf | ? {$_ -like "CN=17*"}
if ($Groups)
Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $Comp -MemberOf $Groups -Whatif #-Confirm $False
Assuming it works with the -whatif statement, by default I believe that command will prompt you if you're sure about each removal which could be a pain so you could uncomment -confirm $false to try and avoid that.
Also it is assuming the distinguished name of each group is going to be something along the lines of
CN=17groupA,OU=Computer Groups,OU=Computer,DC=TEST,DC=NET


Bulk Disable PowerShell Script Not Executing

I am kinda new to powershell and started a role in support. Working on a powershell script that will do the following things:
Disable a user account
Remove all AD Groups except for Domain Users
Edit the description
Move AD object to a disabled users OU
I think I can probalby change the "$TargetOU = OUPath" because the disabled users OU is never really going to change...if that's the issue then i'll feel like a dumby lol.
I am trying and failing to complete this! I don't know what is going wrong. Powershell isn't faulting out or anything it is just not executing?
Thank you for any help!
My code is here:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$TargetOU = "OU=DisabledUsers"
Import-Csv "C:temp\DisableTest.csv" | ForEach-Object {
$samAccountName = $_."samAccountName"
Get-AdPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $samAccountName {Where-Object -Property Name -Ne -Value 'Domain Users' | Remove-AdGroupMember -Members $samAccountName}
Get-ADUser -Identity $samAccountName | Disable-ADAccount
Get-ADUser -Identity $samAccountName -Description "Disabled Per Request XXXX"
Move-ADObject -Identity $UserDN -TargetPath $TargetOU
Need it to do four things:
Disable a user account
Remove all AD Groups except for Domain Users
Edit the description
Move AD object to a disabled users OU
You have several issues:
$TargetOU = "OU=DisabledUsers"
This should be the full distinguished name, so something like OU=DisabledUsers,DC=example,DC=com
Get-AdPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $samAccountName {Where-Object -Property Name -Ne -Value 'Domain Users' | Remove-AdGroupMember -Members $samAccountName}
The sytax here is messed up. You want to pipe (|) the results from Get-AdPrincipalGroupMembership into Where-Object, but you have braces ({). The closing brace at the end of the line is thus unnecessary. The Where-Object cmdlet also lets you simplify the syntax to something more readable, like Where Name -ne 'Domain Users'.
Get-ADUser -Identity $samAccountName -Description "Disabled Per Request XXXX"
This should be Set-ADUser, which is explains why this isn't changing anything.
Move-ADObject -Identity $UserDN -TargetPath $TargetOU
You haven't defined $UserDN, so it's not going to find the user. And as already mentioned , the target path should be the full distinguished name.
You're also looking up the account several times. Every time you pass just the username, it has to search for the account. As you have it, it would be searching for the account 5 times. You can avoid that (and speed things up) by calling Get-ADUser once and passing the result into each of the other commands.
And just for simplicity, you can omit -Identity since the first parameter is assumed to be the identity.
Putting everything together, it would look something like this:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$TargetOU = "OU=DisabledUsers,DC=example,DC=com" #Change this to the real value
Import-Csv "C:temp\DisableTest.csv" | ForEach-Object {
$user = Get-ADUser $_."samAccountName"
Get-AdPrincipalGroupMembership $user | Where Name -ne 'Domain Users' | Remove-AdGroupMember -Members $user
Disable-ADAccount $user
Set-ADUser $user -Description "Disabled Per Request XXXX"
Move-ADObject $user -TargetPath $TargetOU

exporting AD users displayName for selected groups only - powershell

I am new to powershell so please excuse me if the answer is quite simple. I am trying to get user list sorted by selected AD groups and export that to table or csv at least. Due to the fact that:
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "TestGroupName"
... gives me only user IDs for my AD, I used below:
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "TestGroupName" | Get-ADObject -Properties displayName
This works perfectly but I do not want to type manually each group there so I decided to first export groups that I need which are beginning with "Test":
Get-ADGroup -Filter "name -like 'Test*'" |Select-Object Name | Export-csv -path \Groups.csv
Now I want to use information from Groups.csv to list all user displayName for groups listed in Groups.csv so I tried something like that:
Import-Csv -Path .\Groups.csv | Get-ADGroupMember ForEach($Name in $Groups) | Get-ADObject -Properties displayName | Export-csv -path \UsersByGroups.csv
unfortunately it does not work properly maybe because I still do not get exactly how to use ForEach
Can someone with more experience have a look and help?
Just pipe the groups output by Get-ADGroup -Filter ... directly to Get-ADGroupMember:
Get-ADGroup -Filter "name -like 'Test*'" |Get-ADGroupMember |Get-ADObject -Properties displayName

I need to copy computers from the default active directory "container" to security group using powershell

I'm trying to remove all computers from the wk_test security group and then add all the computers in the default 'Computers' container in AD to the (now-empty) wk_test security group.
However, I don't want to export the computers to a list and then import them back into the security group.
I have the first part of the script working properly, and it removes the computers from the wk_test group with no errors. My issue is adding the computers to the wk_test group from the "computers" container.
Remove-ADGroupMember "wk_test" -Members (Get-ADGroupMember "wk_test") -Confirm:$false
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "wk_test" -Members (Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "CN=computers,DC=ad,dc=org") -filter*
I think the main problem is that I am attempting to copy from the computers container. Most of the advice on the internet refers to copying from an OU and not a container.
The Add-ADGroupMember documentation says:
You cannot pass user, computer, or group objects through the pipeline to this cmdlet.
Which I think is what you are trying to do.
I've used this method before to add computers from an OU to a group:
Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "CN=computers,DC=ad,dc=org" -Filter * | foreach {Add-ADGroupMember "wk_test" -Members $_.DistinguishedName }
But I think you could also modify your code like this, but I've not tested this as I'm not on domain at the moment.
$Computers = Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "CN=computers,DC=ad,dc=org" -filter* | select -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "wk_test" -Members $Computers
If you are moving them, why not use Move-ADObject.
So it would be:
Get-ADGroupMember "wk_test" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath <ou path>

Adding Objects to Security Group (PowerShell)

So I have looked everywhere online, including here and something that should work, doesn't and I am out of ideas. I want to add all AD Objects from one OU to a specific security group. This is what I have (and from reading online, should work):
$ADObjects = "OU.Containing.AD.Objects"
$AddGroup = ""
Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $ADObjects -Filter * | ForEach-Object{Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Corporate Office Computers' -Members $_ -WhatIf}
When I run this, all the WhatIf messages appear and no errors show however once completed, none of the items from the $ADObjects OU are added. Any suggestions?
I think you might not understand the "WhatIf" switch. This will prevent any changes actually being actioned and will report "What if" would happen if the switch was not there. The following code worked on my system:
$ADObjects = "OU=Desktops,DC=MyDomain,DC=com"
$AddGroup = "GroupAddingObjectsTo"
Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $ADObjects -Filter * | ForEach-Object {Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $AddGroup -Members $_}

Using a different active directory tree in powershell

So I have a script with the purpose of scanning devices that start with a certain name, then return results of computers missing a group. My problem is, the device I need it to run from turns out not to be in the same tree. I have seen some commands, but I wanted to be sure I had the syntax right. I will include part of the script for context:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Group = "A-Certain-Group"
$Groupname = (Get-ADGroup $Group).distinguishedName
$Computers = Get-ADComputer -filter "name -like 'Big*'" -Prop MemberOf | Where{$_.MemberOf -notcontains $Groupname}
So let's say I am running it from "", and it needs to perform the above script on "" instead. What is the proper method?
The AD cmdlets all have a -server parameter which lets you specify other domains. Just use it to specify the other domain assuming there is a trust.
$Groupname = (Get-ADGroup $Group -Server
$Computers = Get-ADComputer -Server -filter "name -like 'Big*'" -Prop MemberOf | Where{$_.MemberOf -notcontains $Groupname}
Note that if you don't have permission to perform actions in the domain you will also need to use the -credential parameter.