converting large numerical value to power 10 format - numbers

Is there a way to convert large numerical value to *10 to the power format in sas?
Eg: 88888888383383838383 to 8.8*10^6
Thanks in advance.

You can use the format ew. where the w the number output characters. Using e8. will result in 8.9E+19. But beware that SAS uses floating point to store values internally, with a maximum of 8 bytes. Your example value would be rounded to 88,888,888,383,383,830,528 (no matter how it's formatted).


Encoding a value in gray code with floating point with negatives

My objective here is to be able to convert any number between -4.0 and 4.0 into a 5 bit binary string using gray code. I also need to be able to convert back to decimal.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
If it helps, the bigger picture here is that i'm taking the weights from a neural network and mutating them as a binary string.
If you have only 5 bits available, you can only encode 2^5 = 32 different input values.
The Gray code is useful, if while the input values change slowly, only a single bit each changes in the coded value.
So maybe the most straightforward implementation is to map your input range -4.0 to 4.0 to the integer range 0 … 31, and then to represent these integers by a standard Gray code, which can easily be converted back to 0 … 31 and then to -4.0 to 4.0.

Precision of double values in Spark

I am reading some data from a CSV file, and I have custom code to parse string values into different data types. For numbers, I use:
val format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance()
which returns a DecimalFormat, and I call parse function on that to get my numeric value. DecimalFormat has arbitrary precision, so I am not losing any precision there. However, when the data is pushed into a Spark DataFrame, it is stored using DoubleType. At this point, I am expecting to see some precision issues, however I do not. I tried entering values from 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, ..., 1e-11 in my CSV file, and when I look at the values stored in the Spark DataFrame, they are all accurately represented (i.e. not like 0.099999999). I am surprised by this behavior since I do not expect a double value to store arbitrary precision. Can anyone help me understand the magic here?
There are probably two issues here: the number of significant digits that a Double can represent in its mantissa; and the range of its exponent.
Roughly, a Double has about 16 (decimal) digits of precision, and the exponent can cover the range from about 10^-308 to 10^+308. (Obviously, the actual limits are set by the binary representation used by the ieee754 format.)
When you try to store a number like 1e-11, this can be accurately approximated within the 56 bits available in the mantissa. Where you'll get accuracy issues is when you want to subtract two numbers that are so close together that they only differ by a small number of the least significant bits (assuming that their mantissas have been aligned shifted so that their exponents are the same).
For example, if you try (1e20 + 2) - (1e20 + 1), you'd hope to get 1, but actually you'll get zero. This is because a Double does not have enough precision to represent the 20 (decimal) digits needed. However, (1e100 + 2e90) - (1e100 + 1e90) is computed to be almost exactly 1e90, as it should be.

Random Number in Octave

I need to generate a random number that is between .0000001 and 1, I have been using rand(1) but this only gives me 4 decimal points, is there any other way to do this generation?
From the Octave docs:
By default, Octave displays 5 significant digits in a human readable form (option ‘short’ paired with ‘loose’ format for matrices).
So it's probably an issue with the way you're printing the value rather than the value itself.
That same page shows the other output formats in addition to short, the one you may want to look in to is long, giving 15 significant digits.
And there is also the output_precision which can be set as per here:
old_val = output_precision (7)
disp (whatever)
old_val = output_precision (old_val)
Set the output_precision to 7 and it should be ok :)
Setting the output precision won't help though because the number can still be less than .0000001 in theory but you will only be displaying the first 7 digits. The simplest way is:
while (req<.0000001)
It is possible that this could get you stuck in a loop but it will produce the right number. To display all the decimals you can also use the following command:
format long
This will show you 15 decimal places. To switch back go:
formay short

Matlab precion when specifying fractions

I wanted to create a vector with three values 1/6, 2/3 and 1/6. Obviously I Matlab has to convert these rational numbers into real numbers but I expected that it would maximize the precision available.
It's storing the values as doubles but it's storing them as -
b =
0.1667 0.6667 0.1667
This is a huge loss of precision. Isn't double supposed to mean 52 bits of accuracy for the fractional part of the number, why are the numbers truncated so severly?
The numbers are only displayed that way. Internally, they use full precision. You can use the format command to change display precision. For example:
format long
will display them as:
0.166666666666667 0.666666666666667 0.166666666666667
So the answer is simple; there is no loss of precision. It's only a display issue.
You can read the documentation on what other formats you can use to display numbers.
you can not store values as 1/2 or 1/4 or 1/6 in to a Double variable... these are stored as decimals behind the system; if you want to store these values , try storing it as string that would work;
Whenever you want to make mathematical calculation using these strings then convert the value into number and continue....

How to store exponential values (1.3e12) and normal values(1.3) in the same matrix in matlab?

I have a file consisting of values ranging from 0.1 to 1.3e12. I have been trying it to store in the same array but its not working. Can anybody help?
The numbers 0.1 and 1.3e12 are both stored in floating point data type. The double type is the default for storing either of these in Matlab. So the answer is Yes you can store them in the same matrix.
What you are actually referring to is the way the numbers are formatted for viewing. Please have a look at the documentation for format