Full uninstall of Postgresql 9.3.5 - postgresql

I installed postgresql 9.3.5 on OS X 10.9.4. I also used psql postgres to create database etc.
Ran in some issues where postgresql no longer works. The error is:
could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
So I brew uninstall postgres. Tried reinstalling but keep getting same error. I looked in the /Library.... and deleted the postgresql folder. Is there a way to fully remove this thing? I'm tempted to reinstall this mac but this is not the way to learn the long way of resolving this issue.

Completely uninstall PostgreSQL 9.0.4 from Mac OSX Lion?
This should work if you had previously used brew to install postgres:
brew uninstall
Double check /usr/local/var/postgres is also gone.
If installed with EnterpriseDB, use the second answer. You might also try it as it seems to be a complete manual uninstall.
Edit: after further review, it seems this is more of an issue with Postgres on OSX where as it defaults to the local installation rather than your installation: PostgreSQL error 'Could not connect to server: No such file or directory'


PostgreSQL Logon After Installation

I'm running PostgreSQL on CENTOS 7. I recently uninstalled an older version PostgreSQL 9.2. I then installed PostgreSQL 9.6. I was able to successfully run the /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/postgresql96-setup initdb
When I execute the command su - postgres I'm prompted for a password. I enter my sysadmin password but authentication fails. Therefore I'm unable to setup a new DB environment. I may have gotten my first install work, but I've forgotten the password. I thought by doing an uninstall of the older release using yum remove postgresql my new install would work just fine. How to I get pass this point? I can do another uninstall but I think the results will be the same.
Is there a hidden file from my previous install that contains the old password?
If so, how do I remove it to make my new install work?

Trouble with postgresql local development on my mac

I have a total nightmare with trying to get started with postgresql local development on my mac.
I 1st installed it from the official site and got confused,
Then I installed postgres.app and it complains about HINT: Is another postmaster already running on port 5432?
And now I'm trying to use brew but also complains about the port.
I can't even kill the processes:
The error is happening because the port used by PostgreSQL is already in use (obvious right?).
Since you used the EnterpriseDB installer see the other answer in this thread.
The EnterpriseDB installer is what you get if you follow "download" links from the main Postgres web site. The Postgres team releases only source code, so the EnterpriseDB.com company builds installers as a courtesy to the community.
Here are some other methods to uninstall the app had you installed it via brew:
Completely uninstall PostgreSQL 9.0.4 from Mac OSX Lion?

Postgresql won't connect to server following re-install in Ubuntu

I am running Ubunutu 14.04. I recently purged postgresql from my system and have re-installed it. The installation seemed successful and the postgres user was created successfully, however, when I attempt to launch psql I get the following error:
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
Any advice?
Thank you
I removed postgresql 9.4 again and replaced it with the previous version. Everything appears to be working now, though this is a somewhat unsatisfactory solution.
Did you reinstall the postgresql-9.6.x ?
Me too...
You need to uninstall postgresql completely
sudo apt --purge autoremove postgresql*
sudo apt install postgresql-9.6

unable to locate postgresql in etc centos

I tried installing postgresql in my server which has centos
I followed this link
I am facing few complexity here.
I could not locate postgresql file in /etc directory.
psql (8.4.13, server 9.2.4) WARNING: psql version 8.4, server version 9.2. Some psql features might not work.
How can i solve these issues. can anyone suggest me.
I could not locate postgresql file in /etc directory.
The tutorial you linked to suggests the config files are in /var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data/...
psql (8.4.13, server 9.2.4) WARNING: psql version 8.4, server version 9.2. Some psql features might not work.
You've still got the 8.4 version of psql installed. Use your package tools (rpm/yum) to see what versions of the psql client packages are installed and where the binaries are.
It's common enough to run two different versions of PG on the same machine. Obviously each needs its own data directory and port number. Also, as you've seen psql will check the version number and warn if they are different. Basic queries still work, but obviously an 8.4 version won't know about extensions introduced in 9.1 and that sort of thing.

How to fix pg_dump version mismatch errors?

When trying to get local data to Heroku, I am encountering a version mismatch between two different versions of pg_dump.
Specifically, I am getting this message:
pg_dump: server version: 9.2.2; pg_dump version: 9.1.4
pg_dump: aborting because of server version mismatch
I have found others with this problem, but do not know enough to implement the proposed solutions. (I am new to Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Heroku, and the Mac! Very much at the stage of playing around the picking things up as I go.)
I was thinking I might simplify my life if I uninstalled all PostgreSQL on my local machine and started again with a clean install of PostgreSQL 9.2.2 from http://postgresapp.com/, but I don't know how to go about doing the uninstall.
I'm running Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2.
OS X 10.8 comes with pg_dump version 9.1.4 in the /usr/bin directory, along with psql and other programs that are client-side PostgreSQL tools. It does not mean that PostgreSQL as a server is installed (unless you have OS X Server Edition).
So you don't have to uninstall PostgreSQL because it's not installed and it's better not to remove these postgres client tools in /usr/bin because they belong to the system as shipped by Apple. They just need to be side-stepped.
The package provided by postgres.app comprises both the PostgreSQL server and the client-side tools of the same version as this server. These tools get installed in /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/MacOS/bin
To use these instead of the 9.1 ones from Apple when you work in a Terminal, postgres.app documentation says to do:
and put it in your .profile file.
Once you have done that and you run pg_dump, you should no longer get the error that's it's the wrong version, because it would be the one that ships with postgres.app (currently 9.2.2).
I have this setup and it works OK for me.
If you only need to upgrade your pg_dump to the latest version and you have homebrew and mac, if the app has the latest version and your local pg doesn't:
brew upgrade postgresql
If you're using postgresapp 9.3.x, the path is different. The following worked for me (courtesy of http://sigmyers.com/blog/2013/3/12/postgres-pgdump-version-mismatch-error-postgresapp-postgresappcom)
export PG_BIN_PATH="/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/9.3/bin/"
Check here for the latest path: http://postgresapp.com/documentation/cli-tools.html
I'm running Mountain Lion Server. My PostgeSQL server is at version 9.2.1 and the default tools are at 9.1.5.
I had to use:
to make it work.
Yep, sometimes if you run Postgres.app this may happen after upgrade. Make sure you restart your Postgres.app - it will update your PATH.
In my case I have postgresql installed via homebrew and the executables are here: /usr/local/opt/postgresql#9.6/bin
Or you copy the dump and restore executions to the /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/SharedSupport folder
or in PdAgmin you point the PG bin Path (in properties -> binary Path) to the path of the executables of your postgre