Autofac - Instance Scope WCF - autofac

I'm using Autofac with WCF. My service (ExportWebService) needs to take in a dependancy (ExportService). I setup the ApplicationStart to do this:
builder.Register(c => new ExportWebService(c.Resolve<ExportService>()));
But when I do so I get the error:
No scope with a Tag matching 'httpRequest' is visible from the scope
in which the instance was requested. This generally indicates that a
component registered as per-HTTP request is being reqested by a
SingleInstance() component (or a similar scenario.) Under the web
integration always request dependencies from the
DependencyResolver.Current or ILifetimeScopeProvider.RequestLifetime,
never from the container itself.
I've also tried:
In my service I have:
public ExportService ExportService
public ExportWebService(ExportService exportService)
ExportService = exportService;
Any idea what is wrong here?

Autofac WCF support doesn't have InstancePerRequest semantics. There is a detailed FAQ on troubleshooting per-request dependencies that may be interesting, but the short version here would probably be to switch the registration of your ExportService to SingleInstance or InstancePerDependency.


Autofac - dynamic Resolve based on registered provider

I'm having problems finding proper solution for my problem, namely:
Let's consider workflow:
Application starts
Main components are registered in Autofac
Application loads plugin assembly and registers modules within it
Container is being build
Plugin handling logic is run
Plugin can add its own controllers. To properly handle that I had to prepare interface which will provide me types of custom controllers:
interface ICustomControllerProvider
IEnumerable<Type> GetControllerTypes();
Based on the above my app knows how to integrate specified types as controllers.
All controllers are also defined as services, so Autofac deals with their creation, and so...
I want to avoid specifying custom controller type twice
public PluginControllerProvider : ICustomControllerProvider
public IEnumerable<Type> GetControllerTypes()
// 1st type specification
// controller types are specified here, so they could be integrated with app
yield return typeof(ControllerX);
yield return typeof(ControllerY);
public class PluginModule : Module
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
// 2nd type specification
// controllers have to be register in module as well
Is there any way how ControllerX and ControllerY could be managed by Autofac, where I specified them only in PluginControllerProvider?
I tried achieving that by providing custom registration source and resolving ICustomControllerProvider, however I cannot resolve ICustomControllerProvider based on arguments provided by IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration> RegistrationsFor(Service service, Func<Service, IEnumerable<ServiceRegistration>> registrationAccessor) from IRegistrationSource
Autofac does not offer the ability to inject a list of types registered with Autofac. You'll have to get that yourself by working with the lifetime scope registry.
Before I get into how you might solve this, I should probably note:
Listing the types registered is not a normal thing from a DI perspective. It'd be like listing all the controllers in your MVC application - you don't normally need to do that, and if you did, you'd likely need to build a whole metadata structure on top of it like the ApiExplorer that was built to do that on top of ASP.NET Core. That structure wouldn't be supported or involved with the DI system because you're querying about the system, not injecting live instances into the system.
If you are relying on DI to resolve controllers, you probably don't need a whole separate controller provider. Once you know what type you need for the request, you'd just resolve it.
All that's to say, while I'll answer the question, the way the design here is posed may be something you'd want to look at. What you're doing, trying to involve DI with listing metadata about the app... seems somewhat backwards (you'd feed the DI container based on the list of types, not get the list of types from the DI container).
But let's just go with it. Given:
There are controllers registered with Autofac
The controllers have no common base class or interface
There's no attributes on the controllers you could query
What I'd do is register all the controllers with some metadata. You need something to be able to locate the controllers in the list of all the types in the container.
builder.RegisterType<ControllerX>().WithMetadata("controller", true);
builder.RegisterType<ControllerY>().WithMetadata("controller", true);
Now in the plugin controller, you need to inject an ILifetimeScope because you have to query the list of stuff registered. The ILifetimeScope that gets injected into the controller will be the same scope from which the plugin controller itself was resolved.
You can use the injected scope to query things in the component registry tagged with your metadata.
public class PluginControllerProvider : ICustomControllerProvider
private readonly Type[] _controllerTypes;
public PluginController(ILifetimeScope scope)
_controllerTypes = scope
.Where(r => r.Metadata.ContainsKey("controller"))
.Select(r => r.Activator.LimitType)
public IEnumerable<Type> GetControllerTypes()
return _controllerTypes;
Now, disclaimers:
If you are registering more controllers in child lifetime scopes (e.g., during a BeginLifetimeScope() call), you will need a controller provider from that scope or it won't get all the controller types. The provider needs to come from the scope that has all the registrations.
If you're using registration sources (like the AnyConcreteTypeNotAlreadyRegisteredSource), this won't capture things that come from the registration sources. It'll only capture things that come from direct registrations of a type (or lambda) on a ContainerBuilder.
But it should work.

No event context active - RESTeasy, Seam

I'm trying to add a RESTful web service with RESTeasy to our application running on JBoss 7.x, using Seam2.
I wanted to use as little Seam as possible, but I need it for Dependancy Injection.
My REST endpoints are as follows:
#Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON+"; charset=UTF-8")
public class MyEndpoint {
#In private FooService fooService;
public Response foobar(#CookieParam("sessionId") String sessionId,
#PathParam("bar") String bar)
{ ... }
I'm using a class extending Application. There is no XML config.
I can use the web service methods and they work, but I always get an IllegalStateException:
Exception processing transaction Synchronization after completion: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No event context active
Complete StackTrace
I did try everything in the documentation, but I can't get it away. If I leave out the #Stateless annotation, I don't get any Injection done. Adding #Scope doesn't do jack. Accessing the service via seam/resource/ doesn't even work (even without the Application class with #ApplicationPath).
It goes away if I don't use Dep. Injection, but instead add to each and every method
fooService = Component.getInstance("fooService");
which isn't really a good solution. Nah, doesn't work either...
I have resolved the issue. For some reason (still not sure why, maybe because I tried to use Annotations and code exclusivly and no XML config), my REST service was availiable under a "non-standard" URL.
Usually it'd be something like "/seam/resources/rest".
Anyway, if you have a "custom" path, Seam doesn't know it should inject a context. You need to add <web:context-filter url-pattern="something" /> to your component.xml.
Specifically we already had this tag, but with the attribute regex-url-pattern and I extended it to match the REST URL.

osgi dependency injection between services

I just started playing around with OSGi services and have the following situation. I have a project which contains 2 services. Service A requires Service B, so I tried to inject the dependent service using
private ServiceB svc;
but the framework wont inject. If I setup the following two methods in Service A
and set these methods as "bind / undbind" in my OSGi componentA.xml the framework calls
these methods and I can use Service B in Service A.
public synchronized void bind(IServiceB service)
this.svc = service;
public synchronized void unbind(IServiceB service)
if (this.svc == service)
this.svc = null;
The question is, why does it not work with #Inject ? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm quite new to this whole topic. Many thanks in advance!
It looks like you are using Declarative Services, which does not support field injection or the JSR-330 annotations. Field injection has limited utility in OSGi, where services may be injected or "un-injected" at any time. Method injection is more generally useful because it gives you an opportunity to do something when this happens.
However I do urge you to use the annotations for Declarative Services. This will save you from having to write the component.xml by hand.

Sharprepository Autofac InstancePerApiRequest in Webapi environment not working

Does anyone have a working example of sharprepository intergration with autofac using InstancePerApiRequest for DbContext?
I am registering my dbcontext thusly:
If I remove the InstancePerApiRequest, sharprepository is able to get a dbcontext. But with the InstancePerApiRequest, I get the error message pasted below. Basically the crux of the error is, I suspect, the way sharprepository makes the call:
No scope with a Tag matching 'AutofacWebRequest' is visible from the scope in which the instance was requested. This generally indicates that a component registered as per-HTTP request is being requested by a SingleInstance() component (or a similar scenario.) Under the web integration always request dependencies from the DependencyResolver.Current or ILifetimeScopeProvider.RequestLifetime, never from the container itself.
The full error stack:
iisexpress.exe Error: 0 : Operation=DefaultHttpControllerActivator.Create, Exception=System.InvalidOperationException: An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'AccountController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor. ---> Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException: An exception was thrown while invoking the constructor 'Void .ctor()' on type 'AccountRepository'. ---> Could not resolve type 'System.Data.Entity.DbContext' using the 'AutofacDependencyResolver'. Make sure you have configured your Ioc container for this type. View the InnerException for more details. (See inner exception for details.) ---> SharpRepository.Repository.Ioc.RepositoryDependencyResolverException: Could not resolve type 'System.Data.Entity.DbContext' using the 'AutofacDependencyResolver'. Make sure you have configured your Ioc container for this type. View the InnerException for more details. ---> Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException: No scope with a Tag matching 'AutofacWebRequest' is visible from the scope in which the instance was requested. This generally indicates that a component registered as per-HTTP request is being requested by a SingleInstance() component (or a similar scenario.) Under the web integration always request dependencies from the DependencyResolver.Current or ILifetimeScopeProvider.RequestLifetime, never from the container itself.
Okay found the issue. There is a problem with using the SharpRepository AutofacDependencyResolver when using the MVC or Web API integration and trying to use the scope InstancePerApiRequest or InstancePerHttpRequest. Autofac expects those items to be resolved from the System.Web.DependencyResolver.Current instead of from the Autofac IContainer directly as the AutofacDependencyResolver is currently doing.
Here is how you can fix the issue right now until we make an overload for AutofacDependencyResolver that fixes the issue.
You will need to create your own dependency resolver within your project like this one:
public class CustomAutofacDependencyResolver : BaseRepositoryDependencyResolver
private readonly IDependencyResolver _resolver;
public CustomAutofacDependencyResolver(IDependencyResolver resolver)
_resolver = resolver;
protected override T ResolveInstance<T>()
return _resolver.GetService<T>();
protected override object ResolveInstance(Type type)
return _resolver.GetService(type);
And then register it with SharpRepository so it will use it to resolve the DbContext and then it will work as expected.
RepositoryDependencyResolver.SetDependencyResolver(new CustomAutofacDependencyResolver(DependencyResolver.Current));
** Update**
I was testing with MVC and able to replicate the error and fix it but that doesn't work with Web API. I am used to using StructureMap where it works fine using the GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver.
It seems the issue is that Autofac needs a IDependencyScope that you can access from the HttpRequestMessage but I'm not seeing a way to get to that outside of the ApiController. This describes the issue and the reason:!msg/autofac/b3HCmNE_S2M/oMmwFE5uD80J
Unfortunately right now I'm at a bit of a loss on the best way to handle this. But I'll keep thinking about it.
So, I was able to get mine working by changing the lifetime scope to InstancePerLifetimeScope. I don't know whether this has any unforeseen consequences or not. Everything appears to be working fine for me so far.

How do I inject Db into Service classes when unit testing ServiceStack.OrmLite with NUnit?

I'm interested in writing unit tests (using NUnit) for some service classes created using ServiceStack, using the "New API" (inheriting from ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.Service). The services' Db property is properly auto-wired when hosted in an ASP.NET application using AppHost, but I can't seem to figure out the proper technique when running outside of that environment. I see a variety of testing-related namespaces and classes in ServiceStack but can't find a clear example where a service's Db property is getting injected, as opposed to simply setting up a connection factory directly and then calling the various IDbConnection extension methods (Insert, Select, etc.).
I have tried having my test class inherit from ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.Testing.TestBase and overriding its Configure method to register an IDbConnectionFactory (using ":memory:"), as well as setting OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider = SqliteDialect.Provider; in my TestFixtureSetUp, but I continue to get a NullReferenceException when calling my service methods (at at ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.Service.get_Db()). It seems that the Funq container is not auto-wiring anything.
SQLite itself is properly set up, which I'm able to confirm with simpler unit tests that bypass my service classes and simply do direct IDbConnection calls.
What am I missing?
It appears that unit-testing ServiceStack services requires the existence of a host and a client, although it looks like there are ways to set this up to avoid the serialization cost (using the DirectServiceClient, as shown here) -- though I haven't succeeded in getting that to work in my case. I managed to get this working using an AppHostHttpListenerBase approach (see here) although it's more of an integration test than a unit one (and is accordingly slower).
The docs on Testing shows a couple of different approaches for injecting dependencies.
If you look at the implementation for the base Service it just creates the Db from the IDbConnectionFactory:
private IDbConnection db;
public virtual IDbConnection Db
get { return db ?? (db = TryResolve<IDbConnectionFactory>().OpenDbConnection()); }
That it just resolves from the local or Global IResolver IOC container:
public static IResolver GlobalResolver { get; set; }
private IResolver resolver;
public virtual IResolver GetResolver()
return resolver ?? GlobalResolver;
public virtual T TryResolve<T>()
return this.GetResolver() == null
? default(T)
: this.GetResolver().TryResolve<T>();
So to inject your own dependencies (when using Service base class) you just need to configure a IAppHost with your dependencies your services need which you can do with:
using (var appHost = new BasicAppHost {
ConfigureContainer = c => {
c.Register<IDbConnectionFactory>(new ...);
Which you can then set on your service along with any of your own dependencies your service needs, e.g:
var service = appHost.ResolveService<MyService>();
Which will autowire all dependencies configured in your AppHost, you can also add your own adhoc test-specific dependencies via normal property access, e.g:
var service.MyDependency = new Mock<IMyDependency>().Object;
From then on you can just call and test your C# class methods as per usual:
var response = service.Get(new RequestDto { ... });
Assert.That(response.Result, Is.Equal("Expected Result from DB"));