Merging two branches in both directions in mercurial - merge

I would like to support the following situation:
development happens on two branches - they are both a bit like "default" (actual development happens on feature branches, but they are branched of and merged to one of these two branches)
I would like to merge changes from one branch to another in both directions without grafting individual commits
branches have a diff (on big merge of a feature branch) that I would like to always keep and support
I tried to do a dummy merge as described here, first in one direction, then after several successful merges, in another direction (dummy merge of dummy merge). Now I need to do a merge again in another direction, and here another dummy merge (of dummy merge of dummy merge) does not help me any more (and I hoped that one dummy merge would be enough anyway).
Is it possible to do development in this fashion, or is it better to do most of development in one branch? (well, I know it is better for hg, but I have reasons)

If both branches share the same functionality (unstable common DEVEL), I can't see any reasons in such splitting, except added headache
You can avoid merging unwanted changeset from one branch into another and use ordinary merge if you'll convert this mergeset into MQ-patch ( or maybe shelveset) and always merge from|to (read "Merging patches with new upstream revisions" for merging to branch hint) branch with unapplied patch


Branch per promotion tradeoffs in TFS

Suppose we have a big TFS 2010 project with three branches: MAIN, TST and PRD.
The strategy is: whenever a Sprint finishes MAIN is copied/merged into TST. Whenever TST is deemed stable it is copied/merged into PRD. Whenever TST or PRD have fixes, they're merged back to MAIN, or MAIN and TST. (Don't ask me why, I can't control this and I don't particularly like it.)
At each promotion step, as I understand, one can either:
delete the target branch and branch again - this entails losing immediate access to that branch's history (it can always be recovered, right?);
merge and resolve with acceptTheirs - this entails loosing changes that may not have been merged back from target to origin.
For the merge-backs, it is important to have ancestry information. With 1. I would expect ancestry information to be kept. With 2. I am unsure.
So, two questions:
Are those two the possible/desirable ways to go about promoting software between branches?
I which cases is ancestry information not kept?
Extra points for any additional tradeoffs that might be relevant for big-size repositories.
1.Are those two the possible/desirable ways to go about promoting software between branches?
If MAIN has a child branch TST, which has a child branch PRD then without resorting to baseless merges, these are the only merges possible to promote changes between branches.
If this is a desirable branching strategy, depends on many factors like how many parallel releases are put out and team sizes. A good reference guide on this is the branching guidance of the TFS Rangers The version you are seem to be using is a variation of the basic dual branch plan (what you call main, they call dev and your production branches aren't unique labeled). This branching strategy works best if only one version is in production and releases should always contain everything made.
2.In which cases is ancestry information not kept?
If files are copied or branches are destroyed. However if you need to delete and/or recreate branches all the time and/or need to use acceptTheirs continuously, than often its an indication of; inadequate branching strategy, inadequate TFS training, or issues with the testing and patching strategy (bugs found in production and development are found and fixed at the same time, resulting in merge conflicts).

Ignore one parent when pulling a merge commit

I want to pull a set of changesets from a certain branch in a remote repository. One of the changesets is a merge from another branch, which I don't want to pull. However, it will be pulled even if I specify the branch name:
hg pull -r REV -b mybranch REMOTE_REPO
Is there a way to pull this commit as a regular changeset, ignoring its other ancestors?
No, this is impossible. All changesets (whether they are regular or merge changesets) depend on their ancestors and cannot be pulled in isolation. This is a fundamental design decision in Mercurial.
Merging prematurely results in the annoying situation you describe — each branch is no longer clean and cannot be pulled without also pulling in other stuff. The best way to avoid this is to use rebase (if the development is local-only and thus elegible for rebasing) or to simply ask people to stop mixing unrelated things together until you can make a firm decision about what needs to be merged.

Update branch from parent branch?

In CVS I have a branch (b) off another branch (a) which is off the trunk/head.
Some bug fixes were made in branch (a) that I'd like to go ahead and use in branch (b). How can I pull those fixes into my branch in Eclipse?
a (with bug fixes)
b (needs bug fixes)
Ideally what you need is to have two tags on a for every feature you want to merge, and then merge the difference between those two tags into b. However, you would also need to remember which ones you have already merged, because CVS doesn't remember that.
When I was working in a company that used CVS and branches, our policy was that bugfixes from branches (a in this case) that ought to be used by other branches need to get merged into the trunk first, and all the other branches merge them from there.
However, it was still very painful if you wanted to cherry-pick individual bugfixes. Essentially, you'd have to remember every fix you've merged (by two tags, marking the beginning and the end of the changes making up that fix).
Generally, in CVS it's much better to remember (in a tag) up to which revision you have merged, and merge everything from there to the head (and then move the tag to the head). In CVS, cherry-picking is painful and requires you to store the merge history somewhere.

Easiest way to perform incremental merge in mercurial

I have a project, that have branched sometime. Both branches have had a lot of commits since the split, and I want to merge them into one. Simply merging the two heads is not enough because it has too many conflicts, and the merged branch is also unstable, and non-functional.
Therefore I want to incrementally merge the two branches. By incremental I mean I take the tip of one of the branches and apply the changes from the other one one at a time. Testing each merge, and continuing if everything goes well.
What is the easiest way to do this using mercurial?
You've pretty much outlined a strategy yourself. Assume you have two heads, named headA and headB. hg up -r headB to one of the two heads, then use hg merge -r X repeatedly, where X is a revision along the other line of development.
You can use hg log -r 'ancestor(headA,headB)::headA' to get a list of good candidates for these merges (depending on overall topology).
You can use hg transplant to pull specific changesets into a branch.

What am I doing wrong with SVN merging?

When SVN with merge tracking works, it's really nice, I love it. But it keeps getting twisted up. We are using TortoiseSVN. We continuously get the following message:
Error: Reintegrate can only be used if revisions 1234 through 2345 were previously merged from /Trunk to the reintegrate source, but this is not the case
For reference, this is the method we are using:
Create a Branch
Develop in the branch
Occasionally Merge a range of revisions from the Trunk to the Branch
When branch is stable, Reintegrate a branch from the branch to the trunk
Delete the branch
I Merge a range of revisions from the trunk to the branch (leaving the range blank, so it should be all revisions) just prior to the reintegrate operation, so the branch should be properly synced with the trunk.
Right now, the Trunk has multiple SVN merge tracking properties associated with it. Should it? Or should a Reintegrate not add any merge tracking info?
Is there something wrong with our process? This is making SVN unusable - 1 out of every 3 reintegrates forces me to dive in and hack at the merge tracking info.
This problem sometimes happens when a parial merge has been done from trunk to branch in the past. A partial merge is when you perform a merge on the whole tree but only commit part of it. This will give you files in your tree that have mergeinfo data that is out of sync with the rest of the tree.
The --reintegrate error message above should list the files that svn is having a problem with (at least it does in svn 1.6).
You can either:
Merge the problem files manually from trunk to branch, using the range from the error message. Note: you must subtract 1 from the start of the range, so the command you'd run would be:
cd <directory of problem file in branch working copy>
svn merge -r1233:2345 <url of file in trunk>
svn commit
If you're certain that the contents of the files in your branch are correct and you just want to mark the files as merged, you could use the --record-only flag to svn merge:
cd <directory of problem file in branch working copy>
svn merge --record-only -r1233:2345 <url of file in trunk>
svn commit
(I think you can use --record-only on the entire tree, but I haven't tried it and you'd have to be absolutely sure that there are no real merges that need to come from trunk)
Bunny hopping might be the solution.
Basically, instead of continuously merging trunk changes into a single branch (branches/foo, let's call it), when you want to pull those changes from trunk:
Copy trunk to a new branch (branches/foo2).
Merge in the changes from the old branch (merge branches/foo into branches/foo2).
Delete the old branch (delete branches/foo).
Your problem is that you're trying to use Reintegrate merge on a branch that has been 'corrupted' by having a 'half merge' already done on it. My advice is to ignore reintegrate and stick to plain on revision merging if this is your workflow.
However, the big reason you get errors is because SVN is performing some checks for you. In this case, if the merge has extra mergeinfo from individual files in there, then svn will throw a wobbly and prevent you from merging - mainly because this case can product errors that you might not notice. This is called a subtree merge in svn reintegrate terminology (read the Reintegrate to the Rescue section, particularly the controversial reintegrate check at the end).
You can stop recording mergeinfo when you perform your intermediary merges, or just leave the branch alone until its ready - then the merge will pick up changes made to trunk. I think you can also byass this check by only ever merging the entire trunk to branch, not individual files thus keeping mergeinfo safe for the final reintegrate at the end.
#randomusername: I think (never looked too closely) at moving is that it falls into the 'partial merge' trap. One cool feature of SVN is that you can do a sparse checkout - only get a partial copy of a tree. When you merge a partial tree in, SVN cannot say that the entire thing was merged as it obviously wasn't, so it records the mergeinfo slightly differently. This doesn't help with reintegrate as the reintegrate has to merge everything back to the trunk, and now it finds that some bits were modified without being merged, so it complains. A move appears kind of the same thing - a piece of the branched tree now appears differently in the mergeinfo than it expects. I would not bother with reintegrate, and stick with the normal revision range merge. Its a nice idea, but it trying to be too many things to too many users in too many different circumstances.
The full story for mergeinfo is here.
I suspect you're not following the merge instructions correctly:
"Now, use svn merge with the --reintegrate option to replicate your branch changes back into the trunk. You'll need a working copy of /trunk. You can get one by doing an svn checkout, dredging up an old trunk working copy from somewhere on your disk, or using svn switch (see the section called “Traversing Branches”). Your trunk working copy cannot have any local edits or contain a mixture of revisions (see the section called “Mixed-revision working copies”). While these are typically best practices for merging anyway, they are required when using the --reintegrate option.
Once you have a clean working copy of the trunk, you're ready to merge your branch back into it:"
I have few problems with merging.