Get name of assigned variable at runtime in Scala - scala

Let a class
case class C(val i: Int) {
var assignee: Option[String] = None
and for a given assignment to a variable named x,
val x = C(1)
x: C = C(1)
how to get value "x": String to x.assignee, namely
assert( x.assignee == Some("x") )

Local variable names aren't available at runtime. But you can capture it with a macro at compile-time. See e.g. definingValName at and its usages:
def definingValName(c: Context, invalidEnclosingTree: String => String): String = {
import c.universe.{ Apply => ApplyTree, _ }
val methodName =
def processName(n: Name): String = n.decoded.trim // trim is not strictly correct, but macros don't expose the API necessary
def enclosingVal(trees: List[c.Tree]): String = {
trees match {
case vd # ValDef(_, name, _, _) :: ts => processName(name)
case (_: ApplyTree | _: Select | _: TypeApply) :: xs => enclosingVal(xs)
// lazy val x: X = <methodName> has this form for some reason (only when the explicit type is present, though)
case Block(_, _) :: DefDef(mods, name, _, _, _, _) :: xs if mods.hasFlag(Flag.LAZY) => processName(name)
case _ =>
c.error(c.enclosingPosition, invalidEnclosingTree(methodName.decoded))
def enclosingTrees(c: Context): Seq[c.Tree] =


case insensitive pattern match in Scala

I want to do pattern matching in Scala but it should be case insensitive. Is there a way I can write the code without using separate 'case' clauses for lower and upper cases
//person class with first name and last name
case class Person (var fn: String, val ln: String) {
val name = fn
val lastName = ln
//two instances. Same last name but cases are different
val a2 = Person("Andy","Cale")
val a3 = Person("Andy","cale")
def isCale(person:Person) {
person match {
//I want that this case should be case insensitive
case Person(_,"Cale") => println("last-name Cale")
case _ => println("not Cale")
lastname Cale
//I want this to also match
not Cale
One alternative is to extract the last name and compare as follows but I am interested in finding if there is a way to do this in case itself.
def isCale(a2:A2) {
val s = a2.ln
s.toLowerCase match {
case "cale" => println("last-name Cale")
case _ => println("not Cale")
You can use a guard:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String)
val p = Person("Yuval", "Itzchakov")
p match {
case Person(_, lastName) if lastName.equalsIgnoreCase("itzchakov") =>
println(s"Last name is: $lastName")
case _ => println("Not itzchakov")
Side note - case class parameters will be attached as vals on the declared class, there's no need for the additional assignment and no need for the val/var definition on the constructor.
You can use an extractor:
scala> val r = "(?i:it.*ov)".r
r: scala.util.matching.Regex = (?i:it.*ov)
scala> case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String)
defined class Person
scala> val ps = Person("Fred", "Itchikov") :: Person("Yuval", "Itzchakov") :: Nil
ps: List[Person] = List(Person(Fred,Itchikov), Person(Yuval,Itzchakov))
scala> ps collect { case Person(_, n # r()) => n }
res0: List[String] = List(Itchikov, Itzchakov)

Case Classes w/ Option Parameters & Case Matching

I have a case class that has multiple parameters of which some are Options. Here is a simplified example:
case class Foobar(a: String, b: Option[String], c: Option[CustomClass])
I want to be able to match cases of Foobar where b and/or c is not None. For example, one case could be:
testResult match {
case Foobar("str1", Some(_), None) => "good"
case Foobar("str2", None, Some(_)) => "ok"
case _ => "bad"
Furthermore, I want to reference the case patterns via variables and this is where I'm stuck. I want to do something like the following:
val goodPat = Foobar("str1", Some(_), None) // compile fail
val okPat = Foobar("str2", None, Some(_)) // compile fail
testResult match {
case `goodPat` => "good"
case `okPat` => "ok"
case _ => "bad"
Is something like this possible? Is there another way to specify "not None"? Is there another way to approach this problem?
EDIT: I'm adding more details and context to the question. I have a large List of 2-tuples representing unit tests for a particular function. The 2-tuples represent the input and expected output. Eg.
// imagine this list is much bigger and Foobar contains more Option parameters
val tests = List(
("test1", Foobar("idkfa", None, None)),
// I know these fail to compile but I need to do something like this
("test2", Foobar("idclip", Some("baz"), Some(_)),
("test3", Foobar("iddqd", Some(_), None)
tests.foreach(test => {
val (input, expected) = test
myFunction(input) match {
case `expected` => println("ok")
case _ => println("bad")
I think you seeking for something like this:
case class DoomOpt(s: String)
case class Foobar(a: String, b: Option[String], c: Option[DoomOpt])
def myFunction(s: String): Foobar = { // your code here }
val tests = Map[String, PartialFunction[Foobar, Unit]](
"idkfa" → { case Foobar("idkfa", None, None) ⇒ },
"test2" → { case Foobar("idclip", Some("baz"), Some(_)) ⇒ },
"test3" → { case Foobar("iddqd", Some(_), None) ⇒ },
"idspispopd" → { case Foobar("idspispopd", Some(_), None) ⇒ }
tests.foreach { case (input, checker) =>
if (checker.isDefinedAt(myFunction(input)))
Pattern matching uses extractors which provide the unapply function to deconstruct the object. So... you can just supply your custom extractor in this case. Create a list of these extractor test cases and apply them one by one.
case class Foobar(s: String, o: Option[Int])
trait TestExtractor {
def unapply(fbar: Foobar): Boolean
object somePatExtractor extends TestExtractor {
def unapply(fbar: Foobar): Boolean = fbar match {
case Foobar("yes", Some(_)) => true
case _ => false
object nonePatExtractor extends TestExtractor {
def unapply(fbar: Foobar): Boolean = fbar match {
case Foobar("yes", None) => true
case _ => false
object bazPatExtractor extends TestExtractor {
def unapply(fbar: Foobar): Boolean = fbar match {
case Foobar("yes", Some("baz")) => true
case _ => false
val testList: List[(String, TestExtractor)] = List(("test1", nonePatExtractor), ("test2", bazPatExtractor), ("test3", somePatExtractor))
val fooToTest = Foobar("yes", Some(5))
case (testName, extractor) => {
fooToTest match {
case pat # extractor() => println("testName :: " + testName + ", Result :: ok")
case _ => println("testName :: " + testName + ", Result :: bad")
And if you are looking for a more extendible approach then you can consider something like following,
case class Foobar(s: String, o1: Option[Int], o2: Option[String])
case class TestCondition(df: Foobar => Boolean) {
def test(foobar: Foobar): Boolean = df(foobar)
val o1IsNone = TestCondition(f => f.o1.isEmpty)
val o1IsSome = TestCondition(f => f.o1.isDefined)
val o2IsNone = TestCondition(f => f.o2.isEmpty)
val o2IsSome = TestCondition(f => f.o2.isDefined)
case class TestCase(tcs: List[TestCondition]) {
def test(foobar: Foobar) = tcs.foldLeft(true)({ case (acc, tc) => acc && tc.test(foobar) })
val testList = List[(String, TestCase)](
("test1", TestCase(List(o1IsSome, o2IsSome))),
("test2", TestCase(List(o1IsSome, o2IsNone))),
("test3", TestCase(List(o1IsNone, o2IsSome))),
("test4", TestCase(List(o1IsNone, o2IsNone)))
val foobarToTest = Foobar("yes", Some(5), None)
case (testName, testCase) => {
foobarToTest match {
case foobar: Foobar if testCase.test(foobar) => println("testName :: " + testName + ", Result :: ok")
case _ => println("testName :: " + testName + ", Result :: bad")

Converting multiple optional values in Scala

I am writing a function that receives several optional String values and converts each one to either an Int or a Boolean and then passes the converted values to Unit functions for further processing. If any conversion fails, the entire function should fail with an error. If all conversions succeed, the function should process the converted values and return a success.
Here is the function I have written (simplified from the actual):
f(x: Option[String], y: Option[String], z: Option[String]): Result = {
val convertX = => Try(value.toInt))
val convertY = => Try(value.toBoolean))
val convertZ = => Try(value.toBoolean))
val failuresExist =
List(convertX, convertY, convertZ).flatten.exists(_.isFailure)
if (failuresExist) BadRequest("Cannot convert input")
else {
convertX.foreach {
case Success(value) => processX(value)
case _ =>
convertY.foreach {
case Success(value) => processY(value)
case _ =>
convertZ.foreach {
case Success(value) => processZ(value)
case _ =>
Although this solution will probably work, it is very awkward. How can I improve it?
A more imperative style could work, if you don't mind that.
def f(x: Option[String], y: Option[String], z: Option[String]): Result = {
try {
val convertX =
val convertY =
val convertZ =
} catch {
case _: IllegalArgumentException | _: NumberFormatException => BadRequest("Cannot convert input")
If you're using scalaz I would use the Option applicative and ApplicativeBuilder's |#| combinator. If any of the inputs are None, then the result is also None.
import scalaz.std.option.optionInstance
import scalaz.syntax.apply._
val result: Option[String] =
Some(1) |#| Some("a") |#| Some(true) apply {
(int, str, bool) =>
s"int is $int, str is $str, bool is $bool"
In pure scala, you could use flatMap on option:
val result: Option[String] =
for {
a <- aOpt
b <- bOpt
c <- cOpt
} yield s"$a $b $c"
I personally prefer the applicative because it makes it clear that the results are independent. for-blocks read to me like "first do this with a, then this with b, then this with c" whereas applicative style is more like "with all of a, b, and c, do ..."
Another option with scalaz is sequence, which inverts a structure like T[A[X]] into A[T[X]] for traversable T and applicative A.
import scalaz.std.option.optionInstance
import scalaz.std.list.listInstance
import scalaz.syntax.traverse._
val list: List[Option[Int]] = List(Option(1), Option(4), Option(5))
val result: Option[List[Int]] = list.sequence
// Some(List(1, 4, 5))
For completence I am adding the a piece of code here that process the values are required. However if this is better than that the original is debatable. If you want to process all the value and gather the results of the transformation scalaz Validator could be a better option.
import scala.util.Try
val x = Some("12")
val y = Some("false")
val z = Some("hello")
def process(v: Boolean) = println(s"got a $v")
def processx(v: Int) = println(s"got a number $v")
// Abstract the conversion to the appropriate mapping
def mapper[A, B](v: Option[String])(mapping: String => A)(func: Try[A] => B) = for {
cx <- => Try(mapping(vv)))
} yield func(cx)
def f(x: Option[String], y: Option[String], z: Option[String]) = {
//partially apply the function here. We will use that method twice.
def cx[B] = mapper[Int, B](x)(_.toInt) _
def cy[B] = mapper[Boolean, B](y)(_.toBoolean) _
def cz[B] = mapper[Boolean, B](z)(_.toBoolean) _
//if one of the values is a failure then return the BadRequest,
// else process each value and return ok
(for {
vx <- cx(_.isFailure)
vy <- cy(_.isFailure)
vz <- cz(_.isFailure)
if vx || vy || vz
} yield {
"BadRequest Cannot convert input"
}) getOrElse {
In the case a "short circuit" behaviour is required the following code will work.
import scala.util.Try
val x = Some("12")
val y = Some("false")
val z = Some("hello")
def process(v: Boolean) = println(s"got a $v")
def processx(v: Int) = println(s"got a number $v")
def f(x: Option[String], y: Option[String], z: Option[String]) =
(for {
cx <- => Try(v.toInt))
cy <- => Try(v.toBoolean))
cz <- => Try(v.toBoolean))
} yield {
val lst = List(cx, cy, cz)
lst.exists(_.isFailure) match {
case true => "BadRequest Cannot convert input"
case _ =>
}) getOrElse "Bad Request: missing values"

How to check if there's None in List[Option[_]] and return the element's name?

I have multiple Option's. I want to check if they hold a value. If an Option is None, I want to reply to user about this. Else proceed.
This is what I have done:
val name:Option[String]
val email:Option[String]
val pass:Option[String]
val i = List(name,email,pass).find(x => x match{
case None => true
case _ => false
i match{
case Some(x) => Ok("Bad Request")
case None => {
//move forward
Above I can replace find with contains, but this is a very dirty way. How can I make it elegant and monadic?
Edit: I would also like to know what element was None.
Another way is as a for-comprehension:
val outcome = for {
nm <- name
em <- email
pwd <- pass
result = doSomething(nm, em, pwd) // where def doSomething(name: String, email: String, password: String): ResultType = ???
} yield (result)
This will generate outcome as a Some(result), which you can interrogate in various ways (all the methods available to the collections classes: map, filter, foreach, etc.). Eg:"Bad Request"))
val ok = Seq(name, email, pass).forall(_.isDefined)
If you want to reuse the code, you can do
def allFieldValueProvided(fields: Option[_]*): Boolean = fields.forall(_.isDefined)
If you want to know all the missing values then you can find all missing values and if there is none, then you are good to go.
def findMissingValues(v: (String, Option[_])*) = v.collect {
case (name, None) => name
val missingValues = findMissingValues(("name1", option1), ("name2", option2), ...)
if(missingValues.isEmpty) {
} else {
BadRequest("Missing values for " + missingValues.mkString(", ")))
val response = for {
n <- name
e <- email
p <- pass
} yield {
/* do something with n, e, p */
response getOrElse { /* bad request /* }
Or, with Scalaz:
val response = (name |#| email |#| pass) { (n, e, p) =>
/* do something with n, e, p */
response getOrElse { /* bad request /* }
if ((name :: email :: pass :: Nil) forall(!_.isEmpty)) {
} else {
// bad request
I think the most straightforward way would be this:
(name,email,pass) match {
case ((Some(name), Some(email), Some(pass)) => // proceed
case _ => // Bad request
A version with stone knives and bear skins:
import util._
object Test extends App {
val zero: Either[List[Int], Tuple3[String,String,String]] = Right((null,null,null))
def verify(fields: List[Option[String]]) = {
(zero /: fields.zipWithIndex) { (acc, v) => v match {
case (Some(s), i) => acc match {
case Left(_) => acc
case Right(t) =>
val u = i match {
case 0 => t copy (_1 = s)
case 1 => t copy (_2 = s)
case 2 => t copy (_3 = s)
case (None, i) =>
val fails = acc match {
case Left(f) => f
case Right(_) => Nil
Left(i :: fails)
def consume(name: String, email: String, pass: String) = Console println s"$name/$email/$pass"
def fail(is: List[Int]) = is map List("name","email","pass") foreach (Console println "Missing: " + _)
val name:Option[String] = Some("Bob")
val email:Option[String]= None
val pass:Option[String] = Some("boB")
val res = verify(List(name,email,pass))
res.fold(fail, (consume _).tupled)
val res2 = verify(List(name, Some(""),pass))
res2.fold(fail, (consume _).tupled)
The same thing, using reflection to generalize the tuple copy.
The downside is that you must tell it what tuple to expect back. In this form, reflection is like one of those Stone Age advances that were so magical they trended on twitter for ten thousand years.
def verify[A <: Product](fields: List[Option[String]]) = {
import scala.reflect.runtime._
import universe._
val MaxTupleArity = 22
def tuple = {
require (fields.length <= MaxTupleArity)
val n = fields.length
val tupleN = typeOf[Tuple2[_,_]].typeSymbol.owner.typeSignature member TypeName(s"Tuple$n")
val init = tupleN.typeSignature member nme.CONSTRUCTOR
val ctor = currentMirror reflectClass tupleN.asClass reflectConstructor init.asMethod
val vs = Seq.fill(n)(null.asInstanceOf[String])
ctor(vs: _*).asInstanceOf[Product]
def zero: Either[List[Int], Product] = Right(tuple)
def nextProduct(p: Product, i: Int, s: String) = {
val im = currentMirror reflect p
val ts = im.symbol.typeSignature
val copy = (ts member TermName("copy")).asMethod
val args = copy.paramss.flatten map { x =>
val name = TermName(s"_$i")
if ( == name) s
else (im reflectMethod (ts member
(im reflectMethod copy)(args: _*).asInstanceOf[Product]
(zero /: fields.zipWithIndex) { (acc, v) => v match {
case (Some(s), i) => acc match {
case Left(_) => acc
case Right(t) => Right(nextProduct(t, i + 1, s))
case (None, i) =>
val fails = acc match {
case Left(f) => f
case Right(_) => Nil
Left(i :: fails)
}.asInstanceOf[Either[List[Int], A]]
def consume(name: String, email: String, pass: String) = Console println s"$name/$email/$pass"
def fail(is: List[Int]) = is map List("name","email","pass") foreach (Console println "Missing: " + _)
val name:Option[String] = Some("Bob")
val email:Option[String]= None
val pass:Option[String] = Some("boB")
type T3 = Tuple3[String,String,String]
val res = verify[T3](List(name,email,pass))
res.fold(fail, (consume _).tupled)
val res2 = verify[T3](List(name, Some(""),pass))
res2.fold(fail, (consume _).tupled)
I know this doesn't scale well, but would this suffice?
(name, email, pass) match {
case (None, _, _) => "name"
case (_, None, _) => "email"
case (_, _, None) => "pass"
case _ => "Nothing to see here"

How do you determine the type of the catch all in a scala pattern match case?

If you have a pattern matching (case) in Scala, for example:
foo match {
case a: String => doSomething(a)
case f: Float => doSomethingElse(f)
case _ => ? // How does one determine what this was?
Is there a way to determine what type was actually caught in the catch-all?
case x => println(x.getClass)
Too easy :-)
Basically, you just need to bind the value in your catch-all statement to a name (x in this case), then you can use the standard getClass method to determine the type.
If you're trying to perform specific logic based on the type, you're probably doing it wrong. You could compose your match statements as partial functions if you need some 'default' cases that you don't want to define inline there. For instance:
scala> val defaultHandler: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
| case x: String => println("String: " + x)
| }
defaultHandler: PartialFunction[Any,Unit] = <function1>
scala> val customHandler: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
| case x: Int => println("Int: " + x)
| }
customHandler: PartialFunction[Any,Unit] = <function1>
scala> (customHandler orElse defaultHandler)("hey there")
String: hey there
foo match {
case a: String => doSomething(a)
case f: Float => doSomethingElse(f)
case x => println(x.getClass)