AdColony Video advertisment in ios - adcolony

I Have register a demo app on Adcolony and get appId and zoneId and Implement AdColony in my iOS(7.1 xcode 5.1). [AdColony configureWithAppID:myAppID
[AdColony playVideoAdForZone:#[myZoneID withDelegate:nil];
Here are the logs:
AdColony zone ID you provided (myZoneID) is not valid. No ad will display.
Please Give me better Solution as soon as.

It looks like you are providing an incorrect ID in your code. Double check both App and Zone IDs and verify that they are correct in your code.


Admob unitid not workigng with reactnative but test unit id does work?

I am facing a weired situation where i have implemented a googleadmob in react native app.
didFailToReceiveAdWithError={this.bannerError} />
where ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111 is the test id provided by googleadmob
but when i created new Adunit ID and replaced test id with the newly created ad unit id i am unable to any ads Why ??
Note : i am working on dev environment i guess it won't affect but still ..
Try to remove testDeviceID="EMULATOR" when you run on real device.
Sometimes AdMob may take some times to active the ad unit, please ref to: How long does it take for an AdMob Ad unit ID to become active?
One more point, did you input your payment info on AdMob website, AdMob needs your info to serve your ads.

Google Analytics Event and Social Reporting on iOS

I'm using the latest version of Google analytics for iOS (up to this post date).
The pageViews are logged and reported correctly but the events and social events aren't. Here are some snippets of my code:
#interface RootViewController : GAITrackedViewController
All my ViewControllers inherit the GAITrackedViewController
[self.tracker sendEventWithCategory:#"Twitter" withAction:#"Tweet" withLabel:#"Tweet App Info" withValue:nil];
[self.tracker sendSocial:#"Twitter" withAction:#"Tweet App Info" withTarget:nil];
I call this from my view controller to log an event of sending a tweet, but when I check my Google analytics (Engagement->Events->OverView) no events are logged. This is not real time data, I'm talking about 3 days of testing without events reported.
I'm following this guide by Google Mobile App Analytics, but when using
[tracker sendEvent]
I get errors so I use
[self.tracker sendEvent]
and I think it uses the default tracker of the app.
Any help with this problem ?
for me, the [self.tracker ...] or [tracker ...] calls did not work. I ended up using the shared instance default tracker as follows:
[[GAI sharedInstance].defaultTracker sendEventWithCategory:#"TAC_Agree" withAction:#"buttonClick" withLabel:#"" withValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
This definitely works for me.

NSUserDefaults boolForKey strange behaviour on real phone

My application is approved and ready to sale in appstore today. I downloaded it from appstore immediately but when I open my application there is no ads in my application. I dont understand anything.
In my code if user buy inapp item I set the value of userdefault to TRUE.
So when application starts Im checking this userdefaults. If it is TRUE I dont show any ads , if not I call ads api.
this is part of inapp purchasing area :
if ([productId isEqualToString:#"dontshowads"])
//user bought inapp item. so I must remove advertorials.
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:TRUE forKey:#"aldimi_lite_reklamikaldirma_099"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
and this is viewwillappear area :
BOOL appin_reklamkaldirmaalindimi = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:#"aldimi_lite_reklamikaldirma_099"];
NSLog(#"appin_reklamkaldirmaalindimi :%d",appin_reklamkaldirmaalindimi);
if (!appin_reklamkaldirmaalindimi)
NSLog(#"showing ads");
else {
NSLog(#"no ads. user bought inapp item");
When I run my application in simulator everything is fine. (I deleted it first in simulator and re build it)
Console gives this logs:
appin_reklamkaldirmaalindimi : 0
showing ads
When I run my application in my real phone everything is fine also. (I deleted it first in my phone and re build it)
Console gives this logs:
appin_reklamkaldirmaalindimi : 0
showing ads
But when I run my application which is downloaded from appstore everything is different.
Console gives this logs:
appin_reklamkaldirmaalindimi : 0
no ads. user bought inapp item
I tried to download and check the situation in my friends phone . Everything is the same. So it is not about my phone.
how can it possible ? I thought one hour and I cant find any explanation to this situation ...
The only explanation for such a weird phenomenon is that the code which you submitted to the App Store is in some way corrupted or different than the code which you tested by building off your computer. The only way to fix this problem would be to resubmit your application to the App Store.
The only other possibility I can think of is that your app has some VERY poor and incorrect memory-access tendencies, such that part of your executable code or stack somehow gets over-written before running your ad logic.

iphone twitter and sharing

Has anyone encountered the following error message when sending to Twitter?
"Error: Incorrect signature"
And on the debug console:
<0xf14cf80 SHKTwitter.m:(356)> Twitter Send Status Error: {"request":"\/1\/statuses\/update.json","error":"Incorrect signature"}
So far as I can tell I've followed the install instructions on and it is working with Facebook, e-mail etc. just not Twitter.
It would be great if someone has seen this error before and goes "aha!".
All I did to enable twitter Sharing is:
Regitered my App as a Twitter APP (Application Type: Browser)
#define SHKTwitterConsumerKey #"My..."
#define SHKTwitterSecret #"My..."
#define SHKTwitterCallbackUrl #"" // You need to set this if using OAuth, see note above (xAuth users can skip it)
\#define SHKTwitterUseXAuth 0 // To use xAuth, set to 1
\#define SHKTwitterUsername #"" // Enter your app's twitter account if you'dlike to ask the user to follow it when logging in. (Only for xAuth)
Note that for the callback function you can enter any URL you want. even Just make sure it is the same URL in your code.
The issue is that you're signed into your twitter account, and allowed the app to connect to your profile.
However, days go by, the Key and Secret change, and now you're seeing this error. It's because you have to log out and re-log back into Twitter. I spent waaay too much time finding this out when I created a new Twitter App to hook into (and organize my apps) and found this error.
Basically, ShareKit is saving your login info, auto-logging you in, and getting the error when twitter says the app doesn't have permission to connect to your profile.
Follow these steps to log yourself out and test again :
Check this previous SO question, it might be able to help you solve the problem:
Twitter API status update always returns "Incorrect signature"

In App Purchase - can get product info but can't connect to itunes for purchase

I'm trying to make "In App Purchase " works in my iphone app.
I created some products and a few test accounts in itunes connect.
I have no problem to retreive the products data (prices etc..) but when I try to make a payment
- I am asked to log in
- I use a test account
-> the transaction always fail with the following error :
failedTransaction with error : Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=2 "Connexion à l’iTunes Store impossible" UserInfo=0x65d02a0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Connexion à l’iTunes Store impossible}
I tried with several products and test account (even in other stores like us) but I still get the same error...
NB : I think it worked fine the first time I tried but never still
Any idea will be welcome !
For me, I just scoured my code until I found my mistake. I was so certain everything was fine, but it was not. When I requested product information from the store, I used the correct Product Identifier:
self.productRequest= [[[SKProductsRequest alloc] initWithProductIdentifiers: [NSSet setWithObject: #"com.popculturesoft.RC_vCar.fullVersion"]] autorelease];
However, when I went to create the payment, I used the incorrect Product Identifier:
SKPayment *payment = [SKPayment paymentWithProductIdentifier:#"com.popculturesoft.RC_vCar_Lite.fullVerson"];
Using the product Identifier for the payment is not the correct way to do it, although it allows you to do it. It is better to use an SKProduct object. (I had set the fullProduct property earlier in the code:
SKPayment *payment = [SKPayment paymentWithProduct:self.fullProduct];
I was absolutely certain that the store was down, and that was the problem. But the next day I decided to start from the beginning of the process, as described in This is when I found that my incorrect Product Identifier was the problem.
Check out this thread. It seems to be a problem with the Sandbox. Lot's of people having this issue-
iPhone storekit sandbox stopped working
I had the same symptoms and in my case the problem was that I had a test user account with the same name as a real Apple ID account. I resolved the problem by creating a different test user account.