Swiftstack web console is not comming up - openstack-swift

I have created swiftstack cluster using swiftstack guidelines. Everything went perfect. i got a web console link after "Job Finished Config Deploy finished successfully." But, I am not able to get the web console, getting "This webpage is not available". Is this because of firewall or any configuration issue?
Please help!

You should email support#swiftstack.com directly for these issues, this forum isn't frequented by our support team.
My hunch is that you need to change from using the SwiftStack Load Balancer to No Load Balancer on the cluster configuration page, and redeploy. Please follow up any inquiries at the email above.


Gateway Timeout when accessing Bluemix WEB IDE/Node.js logs

I am using Web IDE and want to see the log by clicking on the arrow.I can only see an empty "Untitled" page. The Node.js app is running normally. Live edit is switch off.
After some minutes:
Gateway Timeout
The proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.
Reference #1.45bf1402.1511018717.3dddb8b
I'm not for sure what Web IDE you are referring to. The only one I'm aware of is the DevOps (which works for me below):
It seems to me like this error that you posted would indicate a temporary outage. Is it still an issue?
In any case, I would advise opening a support ticket if you encounter this issue again (more details about your account would help). I think the Bluemix proxy will time out requests if they take too long.

Bluemix Blockchain

Facing below error for quite a long time today. Is this frequent?
We are trying to run a sample app locally [connecting to bluemix blockchain]
Also tried to install/deploy directly into blockchain.
Both results in same error on login page itself. Also gets ERR 500/
Waiting on the node server to open up so we can talk to the blockchain. This app is likely still starting up. Check the server logs if this message does not go away in 1 minute.
This application cannot run without the blockchain network :(
The "starter network" blockchain has been experiencing intermittent capacity overflow issues. We currently have availability; have you tried this recently? Try again andlet us know if you get the same error. If yes, please open a support service ticket via Bluemix dashboard.
Hope this helps, and thanks for using blockchain!

dashDB Launch Server Error

I have added a dashDB to my app and restaged as required. Unfortunately, when I select the Launch button I get a Server Error 500 page. In the Details I get the following:
The website encountered an error while retrieving https://login.ng.bluemix.net/UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&state=c0241f7f-cf7a-4463-9c29-502c5b4f5efb&scope=openid&client_id=mccpserviceadmin&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fmccp.ng.bluemix.net%2Flogin%2Fcallback%2Fbmmccp.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.N1XmBAm3ZJQExj1FD18JFLPFkECuizGJJVrT0dTrUeZPeH2gIj6nqk6tGlChoSWMHrxdhnH59d0272OkBiT-AaDasYQsGufXwZkmqSJ72fxbwLBefKgu_fgi1rxylhNM0rs5k-YNDk6SW69vwNWI-Np3ywGW8wTRHx26tXQ8_lFzeGP6K0Mke-cQT-u-HXU6c28E6R9XHGuiahRyKHV6eY_Ohvp5I_UE2E3JOUoXVpnj-F34JsmeW6mnUalmJDVJrzVfUJ0MVb9Kyej0eZDnQOV2cnm_auoTR2U_JoIoaZb6ESfoN6nt_Z7ALPZ0txXsVGyHzWf95enwVAPstfLCpw. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Which I can't decipher.
I read in this forum where one can login using the details from the VCAP_VARIABLES which I was able to do successfully. Interestingly I have annother app on bluemix that also has a dashdb that was accessible but now isn't.
I have dropped the dashDB a couple of times and also created it but left it unbound all for no joy.
Any thoughts will be appreciated.
It looks like a bluemix problem as the dashdb is working fine from the Launch button and I can see the data I loaded when I logged in via the vcap variables.

error opening dashDB

After I have added a service dashDB to my Bluemix application and I click on it, I got in IE11 this message:
The website declined to show this webpage
HTTP 403
When I did the same in the Google crome I got a square head which looked sad.
Does anyone know what to do?
Thank you!
There is not much information to go but I would suggest the following to narrow down the cause of the problem or resolve the issue:
- verify that service has been provisioned successfully (unless it's an existing instance that is known to work in the past)
- clear browser cache/restart to eliminate any transient issues
- BlueMix status page (https://developer.ibm.com/bluemix/support/#status) is currently reporting some authentication issues which potentially could cause problem, it should be check if the 403 error is still reported after the problem is resolved.
It might be worth to create the service with the "leave unbound" option and try to click on it. After you could bind it to your app.
You can verify if the dashDB instance is up or not by accessing the https_url from the VCAP variable associated with the dashDB instance (for e.g.: https://bluemix05.bluforcloud.com:8443) and provide your username and password (also from the VCAP variable) for that instance and see if you can log in.

How do I get more details on my request error on IIS7

I have deployed a REST service on an external server (IIS7). When I start the service from VS on the Dev server it works fine. But on the server i get:
Request Error, The server encountered an error processing the request. Please see the service help page for constructing valid requests to the service.
How do I get more details on this error? I have looked in the log files directory that is configured under Logging feature for this web site in IIS Manager, but there are no files at all for this site it seems.
You should look in the Windows Event Log using the Event Viewer application (eventvwr.exe). Output to the IIS log files may be buffered so their contents may be updated after a restart, or when IIS is set to do it. Restarting IIS is a surefire way to force this.
Here is a blog post on how to do this.
I'm aware of 3 ways to get nicer errors:
Set UseVerboseErrors in InitializeService method. However, this won't give you anything if your error occurs before InitializeService is called (which happens).
Set IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults to true using an attribute before your service class.
Set IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults to true using web.config.