Can I use Facebook Like button to make a choice buttons? - facebook

I would like to use Like button and Dislike button in my web and my mobile app with a little bar showing the proportion of each compared in 100% (like in youtube video). The user can only choose one of these. Can I achieve that using Facebook like button? or I need to make my own system?

You would need to create your own system for that, the Like Button can only show "Like" or "Recommend" and is not customizable like that.


How to use Flutter to implement a button like ios virtual home button

I want to create a button can move to any position like iPhone Style (Virtual Home Button) in Flutter but I don't know any packages or any library can do it. Moreover, I'd like the button to be able to show along with a specific app, eg. dial-up UI. If I deploy to desktop, will its behavior the same with mobile?
ios virtual home button
show button along with dial-up UI
Hope you guys help me ways to create it.
I have tried with unicorndial, floating_bubble, popup window, etc.
but all of them are widget within flutter app, instead of system-wide.
Sorry you can't really create anything like that outside of your App context. Apple is very strict in situations like this.
You can implement this sort of feature in Android by using Floating Service. But for Apple it's a NO NO.

From modal to off canvas?

I've just started on a new project of my own.
What I would like to do is, on large screens, having a button activating a modal window BUT, on smaller screen (mobiles), I would like that modal window to become an off canvas section and when the button is clicked, the off canvas slides in from the side. Within that modal/off canvas part, there will be a form to fill out. (there will actually be multiple buttons that will need to activate the feature. Think something like multiple thumbnails with each a button to let viewers add comments)
I'm using Bootstrap 3 as my base framework. I would like to minimise the javascript (jQuery) functionalities but I understand I can't completely.
Questions I have,
do I have to create two HTML sections, one for the modal and one for the off canvas and then programatically hide/show according screen size?
Would it be best to create the form and then thru javascript, add the proper HTML around it according screen size? (though I think this option would be a tough to implement as my javascript skills are "advance beginner" at best)
How would I make the same button switch activation of the modal window or the off canvas form?
It seems to me that I need to detect screen size, no matter how I do the above, what would be the best way to detect the screen size, the safest and surest way?
Thanks for any insights you guys might have on this.
You will have to show code in your questions here, so i also vote to close your question.
I'm using Bootstrap 3 as my base framework. I would like to minimise
the javascript (jQuery) functionalities but I understand I can't
Angular JS decouples Twitter's Bootstrap from javascript. See:
Questions I have, do I have to create two HTML sections, one for the
modal and one for the off canvas and then programatically hide/show
according screen size?
Take a look to the Responsive Utilities:
The screen detection of Twitter's Bootstrap is based on CSS media queries.
How would I make the same button switch activation of the modal window or the off canvas >form?
To give the same button different function based on sceensize you will need javascript / jQuery. See: Get the size of the screen, current web page and browser window you also could consider to use something like enquire.js, see also
Or create two buttons and hide / show them with the the Responsive Utilities.

Facebook Setting Page

I want to create a Setting page in iPhone.
If you used Facebook in iPhone. You see that when we click on the Setting button on the navigationBar, the main page just go to right, but not disappear, and Setting page comes up.
When we click on the setting button again, we go back to the main page.
Do you know how can I create this functionality in iPhone? I appreciate that you give me some tutorial links.
You can grab this JTRevealSidebarDemo and personalize as per your requirement.
There are plenty of other demo available like,
I've been using ViewDeck with good success. It's light (2 classes) and easy to implement.

change the share icons from the facebook, linkedin, google+, tweeter

I try to put in a page the share buttons of facebook, linkedin, google+, twitter
but with another graphism.
Is there a 'simple' way to do so?
I can not really use css or jQuery are they are in an iframe
Thank you
Make a custom button with whatever CSS you wish to and then position the standard like button over it with 100% transparency.
Though you won't be able write custom event handlers (if that's what you wanted jquery for ) for those buttons. That's why in first place these buttons don't allow you to modify them.

How to style facebook like button?

I am trying to apply css to facebook like button. I know that it is violating TOS to change how the like button look. All I am trying to do is change the background of facebook like button to make it consistence with my website.
I googled about it and found several articles that I can style facebook like button if I am using fbml because fbml does not use iframe. The problem is, it looks like facebook is using iframe for fbml as well.
as far as I know, I can't directly style a webpage that is included in an iframe.
Is there an api for styling (in my case, changing background only!!) the like button?
You can use dark or light theme.
You can not do anything to an iframe of whom's src attribute is not your domain.
The only thing I can think of is an ugly hack using absolute positioning, opacity and z-index, but I don't think it is worth mentioning.
how about over riding the image with another? i know its not the best practice, but u can't change the Facebook branded "Like" button