Long delay in chromedevtools timeline - google-chrome-devtools

The timeline display a long delay of more than 20 min before the real recording ( just somes seconds ) . I tried to restart and clear the record and I have the same effect on next record..
Heberger image http://img4.hostingpics.net/thumbs/mini_322349dvbug.png
am I doing something wrong ? Someones have an idea ?


Pause then resuming simulation in Anylogic

I would like to give the user a button that allows them to skip ahead 1 hour in the simulation and then continue running the model if play is clicked. The code below allows the user to skip ahead an hour, however they are unable to resume the simulation when play is clicked.
double nextHour = time() + 60;
getEngine().runFast(nextHour); //Runs the model to the next hour when button is clicked
Any help much appreciated.
Try adding runSimulation() after the last line. But probably, that does not work. In that case:
Create a dynamic event (not the normal event) with the line runSimulation() in its action code.
In the button code, before the runFast... line, write create_MyDynamicEvent(1, HOUR). This will trigger the even 1 hour later and unpause the model.
AnyLogic Support suggested the following solution, which I have used:
Unfortunately, Ben's suggestion didn't didn't work; it seems to cause an issue when pauseSimulation() is used.

Problem with updating timer in an animation in flutter

I am trying to make a countdown timer using flutter, but the problem is, my timer seemingly does not update, I am unable to understand what could be the issue.
dartPad link to run the code.
Also I would like to know how to run the timer in reverse, that is starting from 0 seconds.
You have an error here
Duration duration = controller.duration;
Duration is always 1 minute, it's not related to the progress. Use this instead to show an increasing timer (starting in 0)
Duration duration = controller.lastElapsedDuration;
And use this to implement the same but in a countdown manner (starting in 1 minute)
Duration duration = controller.duration - controller.lastElapsedDuration;

Specify starting time of track within URL for SoundCloud?

Anyone know if there's a way to generate URL's for SoundCloud tracks that specify a start time for the song? I'm looking for a way to force playback of streams at a certain time in the stream without having to do any processing on my end via the API.
As #bsz correctly noticed, we have released a way of specifying start time on the sound when linking to it, append #t=12s to the sound's URL to start it at 12th second, etc.
If the audio is long enough, you can use (e.g.) #t=2h10m12s.
They seem to have added a #t option but not sure if you can also give an stop time:
You can also specify a start time one minute or over by appending
If you want a time right on the minute mark (e.g. 3:00), include 0 seconds (0s) in the time code (i.e. 3m0s), or else the start time will be ignored. It does not appear to support a start time over an hour.
Click share and set or pick time

OpenGL ES presentRenderBuffer duration depends on frameInterval value

I'm using CADisplayLink to fire the "update" event for a very simple OpenGL ES animation on iOS. The animation has around 10 textured quads. I tried to run this at 60 FPS and I saw some glitches. When changing this to 30 FPS the animation runs smoother. After profiling this I saw that the most of the time is spent in presentRenderBuffer.
These are the results:
m_displayLink.frameInterval = 2;
[379406923.204] Update time 0.000358
[379406923.206] Render time 0.001402
[379406923.207] Present time 0.001136
[379406923.238] Update time 0.000370
[379406923.239] Render time 0.001393
[379406923.241] Present time 0.001148
[379406923.271] Update time 0.000368
[379406923.273] Render time 0.001377
[379406923.274] Present time 0.001226
[379406923.305] Update time 0.000380
[379406923.307] Render time 0.001390
[379406923.308] Present time 0.001183
[379406923.338] Update time 0.000375
[379406923.339] Render time 0.001376
[379406923.341] Present time 0.001178
[379406923.372] Update time 0.000981
[379406923.375] Render time 0.001418
[379406923.379] Present time 0.004452
From the results from m_displayLink.frameInterval = 2 profiling I can see that the total frame time is more than enough to achieve 60 FPS, but when changing m_displayLink.frameInterval value to 1 the results are unexpected:
m_displayLink.frameInterval = 1;
[379407317.151] Update time 0.000204
[379407317.152] Render time 0.000827
[379407317.172] Present time 0.019173
[379407317.172] Update time 0.000231
[379407317.173] Render time 0.000856
[379407317.201] Present time 0.027540
[379407317.202] Update time 0.000204
[379407317.202] Render time 0.000834
[379407317.218] Present time 0.015187
[379407317.218] Update time 0.000192
[379407317.219] Render time 0.000803
[379407317.251] Present time 0.031392
[379407317.252] Update time 0.000215
[379407317.253] Render time 0.000858
[379407317.267] Present time 0.014433
[379407317.268] Update time 0.000196
[379407317.269] Render time 0.001248
[379407317.301] Present time 0.031312
As you can see the present time it several times bigger when using
m_displayLink.frameInterval = 1;
Please note that last command from Render() is glFinish()
Do you have any idea why there is this unexpected behaviour? Is it possible to achieve 60 FPS(from the first profiling I have around 500FPS!)?
I solved the problem (pure luck!) by moving OpenGL initialization from view initWithFrame. I know this sounds very awkward, but this reduced my GPU usage from 96% to 6%. Now the simple application runs very smooth at 60 FPS with 2% CPU and 6% GPU usage(as it should be!).

not accurate setTimeout and it works only on mousedown

I have problem with setTimeout.
In all major browsers it works fine but not in IE...
I'm creating a facebook app- puzzle. When player press Start button, the timer starts count his time of playing one game.
At the beginning I used setInterval to increase timer but with cooperate of facebook scripts it delayed about 2 seconds at the end of game. Then I found on stackoverflow trick to increase accuracy of timer: setInterval timing slowly drifts away from staying accurate
And again- without facebook it worked fine, no delays were shown. With facebook it still has delays.
Now to condensate info that might interest You:
When user clicks Start then I create new Date as startTime.
When user ends game script creates finalTime new Date, then substract finalTime - startTime.
In code there is setTimeout:
f : function() {
var sec_time = Math.floor((puzzle.nextAt - puzzle.startTime)/1000);
if (!puzzle.startTime) {
puzzle.startTime = new Date().getTime();
puzzle.nextAt = puzzle.startTime;
puzzle.nextAt += 100;
puzzle.to = setTimeout(puzzle.f, puzzle.nextAt - new Date().getTime());
when user place on correct place last puzzle piece then I call clearTimeout(puzzle.to);
I have now 2 issues:
not accurate time, in IE it can be even 7 second difference!
in IE during game it works only when user have mousedown... :/
To drag puzzles I use jQuery drag & drop plugin.
At least very helpful info will be how to achieve accurate timer.
You should put your scripts in jQuery's ready function and not at the bottom of the page, as the Facebook SDK is loaded asynchronously and may impact timed executions if they're initiated at the bottom of the page.
As for timing, you're gonna see inaccuracy of between 15ms and 45ms in IE7 depending on other JS executions on the page. Your 100ms timeout will drift badly because of this. Better to record a start time and build a timer with a higher polling frequency than needed and do a comparison between start time and 'now' in each cycle to determine what to do next.