How can I improve aggregation processing time with Map Reduce? - mongodb

I am trying to improve the speed of my aggregation query. My idea is to create a new collection with Map Reduce and to run aggregation on it. Will this decrease processing time? What are the drawbacks?

Yes, it could work. It's a common pattern to improve querying speed. But MongoDB is special in that case, because Map Reduce needs JavaScript evaluation, while the aggregation framework is implemented natively, therefore aggregation is faster.
I advice to separate the concept from the technology. It's still a good idea to do pre-calculations in a batch job, but you should do it with the aggregation framework instead of Map Reduce.
Drawbacks of using batch jobs are
You can only query what ran through your batch job, so that there will be a delay between inserting new data and retrieving it.
It's only faster if you're able to reduce complexity of your real-time query. For example your new query should read fewer documents than without a batch job.
Your application consumes more disk space, because you're creating an additional collection.
It adds complexity. Therefore start with real-time aggregation and only if it becomes a performance problem, do pre-calculations.
For further latency improvements you might consider to implement a Lambda architecture. It reduces querying time to a minimum by pre-calculating results as far as possible.
This approach to architecture attempts to balance latency, throughput, and fault-tolerance by using batch processing to provide comprehensive and accurate precomputed views, while simultaneously using real-time stream processing to provide dynamic views. The two view outputs may be joined before presentation.


MongoDB Aggregation V/S simple query performance?

I am reasking this question as i thought this question should be on seperate thread from this one in-mongodb-know-index-of-array-element-matched-with-in-operator.
I am using mongoDB and actually i was writing all of my queries using simple queries which are find, update etc. (No Aggregations). Now i read on many SO posts see this one for example mongodb-aggregation-match-vs-find-speed. Now i thought about why increasing computation time on server because as if i will compute more then my server load will become more, so i tried to use aggregations and i thought i am going in right direction now. But later on my previous question andreas-limoli told me about not using aggregations as it is slow and for using simple queries and computing on server. Now literally i am in a delimma about what should i use, i am working with mongoDB from a year now but i don't have any knowledge about its performance when data size increases so i completely don't know which one should i pick.
Also one more thing i didn't find on anywhere, if aggregation is slower than is it because of $lookup or not, because $lookup is the foremost thing i thought about using aggregation because otherwise i have to execute many queries serially and then compute on server which appears to me very poor in front of aggregation.
Also i read about 100MB restriction on mongodb aggregation when passing data from one pipeline to other, so how people handle that case efficiently and also if they turn on Disk usage then because Disk usage slow down everything than how people handle that case.
Also i fetched 30,000 sample collection and tried to run aggregation with $match and find query and i found that aggregation was little bit faster than find query which was aggregation took 180ms to execute where as find took 220 ms to execute.
Please help me out guys please it would be really helpful for me.
Aggregation pipelines are costly queries. It might impact on your performance as an increasing data because of CPU memory. If you can achieve the with find query, go for it because Aggregation is costlier once DB data increases.
Aggregation framework in MongoDB is similar to join operations in SQL. Aggregation pipelines are generally resource intensive operations. So if in case your work is satisfied with simple queries, you should use that one at first place.
However, if it is absolute necessary then you can use aggregation pipelines in case you need to fetch the data from the multiple collections.

When to use map reduce over Aggregation Pipeline in MongoDB?

While looking at documentation for map-reduce, I found that:
For most aggregation operations, the Aggregation Pipeline provides
better performance and more coherent interface. However, map-reduce
operations provide some flexibility that is not presently available in
the aggregation pipeline.
I did not understand much from it.
What are the use cases for using map-reduce over aggregation pipeline?
What flexibility does map-reduce provide?
How much delta is there in performance?
For one thing, Map/Reduce in MongoDB wasn't made for ad-hoc queries, there's considerable overhead to M/R. Even a very simple M/R operation on a small dataset can take in the hundreds of milliseconds because of that overhead.
I can't say much about the performance of M/R compared to the aggregation framework on large datasets in practice, but in theory, M/R operations on a large sharded database should be faster since the shards can run the operations largely in parallel.
As to the flexibility, since M/R actually runs javascript methods you have the full power of the language at your disposal. For example, let's say you wanted to group some data by the cosine of a field's value. Since there's neither a $cos operator in the aggregation framework, nor a meaningful way to build discrete buckets from continuous numbers (something like $truncate), the aggregation framework wouldn't help in that case.
So, in a nutshell, I'd say the use cases are
keeping the results of M/R in a separate collection and updating it from time to time (using the out parameter and merging the results)
Complex queries on large sharded data sets
Queries that are so complex that you can't use the aggregation framework. I'd say that's a pretty certain sign of a design flaw in the data structure, but in principle, it can help

Does MapReduce on a single node machine make sense?

Traditional definitions of MapReduce state that it is a "programming model for processing large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster."
Over the weekend, I was trying out MongoDB and tried a few simple MapReduce queries. (The basic word count problem in a book). MongoDB performed really well, but then I began to wonder if it was actually a MapReduce operation, or just a simple group-by aggregation, hence my question:
In case of a single-node "cluster", does it make sense to use MapReduce?
Traditional definitions of MapReduce state that it is a "programming model for processing large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster."
Well i does not need to be on a cluster, a single node can implement map and reduce functions with threads or processes. I do not know the inner dynamics in the mongodb while doing map reduce, but i know map reduce in MongoDB does not have the same dynamics as Hadoop.
In case of a single-node "cluster", does it make sense to use MapReduce?
For large amount of data map and reduce functions need to be executed in a distributed environment so no i does not make sense to process big data(for small sized data it is OK).
Sorry it section will be not an answer but statement open to discussion. In a software system MongoDB s responsibilty should be to keep data not to process it. If there is a data processing requirement(will be 99%) MongoDB MapReduce can be used until a certain amount of data size(import to determine threshold before hand), then should be propagated to a Hadoop cluster.(or a similar distributed solution)

MongoDB Using Map Reduce against Aggregation

I have seen this asked a couple of years ago. Since then MongoDB 2.4 has multi-threaded Map Reduce available (after the switch to the V8 Javascript engine) and has become faster than what it was in previous versions and so the argument of being slow is not an issue.
However, I am looking for a scenario where a Map Reduce approach might work better than the Aggregation Framework. Infact, possibly a scenario where the Aggregation Framework cannot work at all but the Map Reduce can get the required results.
Take a look to this.
The Aggregation FW results are stored in a single document so are limited to 16 MB: this might be not suitable for some scenarios. With MapReduce there are several output types available including a new entire collection so it doesn't have space limits.
Generally, MapReduce is better when you have to work with large data sets (may be the entire collection). Furthermore, it gives much more flexibility (you write your own aggregation logic) instead of being restricted to some pipeline commands.
Currently the Aggregation Framework results can't exceed 16MB. But, I think more importantly, you'll find that the AF is better suited to "here and now" type queries that are dynamic in nature (like filters are provided at run-time by the user for example).
A MapReduce is preplanned and can be far more complex and produce very large outputs (as they just output to a new collection). It has no run-time inputs that you can control. You can add complex object manipulation that simply is not possible (or efficient) with the AF. It's simple to manipulate child arrays (or things that are array like) for example in MapReduce as you're just writing JavaScript, whereas in the AF, things can become very unwieldy and unmanageable.
The biggest issue is that MapReduce's aren't automatically kept up to date and they're difficult to predict when they'll complete). You'll need to implement your own solution to keeping them up to date (unlike some other NoSQL options). Usually, that's just a timestamp of some sort and an incremental MapReduce update as shown here). You'll possibly need to accept that the data may be somewhat stale and that they'll take an unknown length of time to complete.
If you hunt around on StackOverflow, you'll find lots of very creative solutions to solving problems with MongoDB and many solutions use the Aggregation Framework as they're working around limitations of the general query engine in MongoDB and can produce "live/immediate" results. (Some AF pipelines are extremely complex though which may be a concern depending on the developers/team/product).

MongoDB - Materialized View/OLAP Style Aggregation and Performance

I've been reading up on MongoDB. I am particularly interested in the aggregation frameworks ability. I am looking at taking multiple dataset consisting of at least 10+ million rows per month and creating aggregations off of this data. This is time series data.
Example. Using Oracle OLAP, you can load data at the second/minute level and have this roll up to hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, years etc...simply define your dimensions and go from there. This works quite well.
So far I have read that MongoDB can handle the above using it's map reduce functionality. Map reduce functionality can be implemented so that it updates results incrementally. This makes sense since I would be loading new data say weekly or monthly and I would expect to only have to process new data that is being loaded.
I have also read that map reduce in MongoDB can be slow. To overcome this, the idea is to use a cheap commodity hardware and spread the load across multiple machines.
So here are my questions.
How good (or bad) does MongoDB handle map reduce in terms of performance? Do you really need a lot of machines to get acceptable performance?
In terms of workflow, is it relatively easy to store and merge the incremental results generated by map reduce?
How much of a performance improvement does the aggregation framework offer?
Does the aggregation framework offer the ability to store results incrementally in a similar manner that the map/reduce functionality that already exists does.
I appreciate your responses in advance!
How good (or bad) does MongoDB handle map reduce in terms of performance? Do you really need a lot of machines to get acceptable performance?
MongoDB's Map/Reduce implementation (as of 2.0.x) is limited by its reliance on the single-threaded SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine. There has been some experimentation with the v8 JavaScript engine and improved concurrency and performance is an overall design goal.
The new Aggregation Framework is written in C++ and has a more scalable implementation including a "pipeline" approach. Each pipeline is currently single-threaded, but you can run different pipelines in parallel. The aggregation framework won't currently replace all jobs that can be done in Map/Reduce, but does simplify a lot of common use cases.
A third option is to use MongoDB for storage in combination with Hadoop via the MongoDB Hadoop Connector. Hadoop currently has a more scalable Map/Reduce implementation and can access MongoDB collections for input and output via the Hadoop Connector.
In terms of workflow, is it relatively easy to store and merge the incremental results generated by map reduce?
Map/Reduce has several output options, including merging the incremental output into a previous output collection or returning the results inline (in memory).
How much of a performance improvement does the aggregation framework offer?
This really depends on the complexity of your Map/Reduce. Overall the aggregation framework is faster (and in some cases, significantly so). You're best doing a comparison for your own use case(s).
MongoDB 2.2 isn't officially released yet, but the 2.2rc0 release candidate has been available since mid-July.
Does the aggregation framework offer the ability to store results incrementally in a similar manner that the map/reduce functionality that already exists does.
The aggregation framework is currently limited to returning results inline so you have to process/display the results when they are returned. The result document is also restricted to the maximum document size in MongoDB (currently 16MB).
There is a proposed $out pipeline command (SERVER-3253) which will likely be added in future for more output options.
Some further reading that may be of interest:
a presentation at MongoDC 2011 on Time Series Data Storage in MongoDB
a presentation at MongoSF 2012 on MongoDB's New Aggregation Framework
capped collections, which could be used similar to RRD
Couchbase map reduce is designed for building incremental indexes, which can then be dynamically queried for the level of rollup you are looking for (much like the Oracle example you gave in your question).
Here is a write up of how this is done using Couchbase: