Soft artisans excel writer cannot cope with large workbook - officewriter

I am trying to open a workbook and loop through each sheet using office writer - the workbook has over 30 sheets, but the office writer workbook object thinks there are only 6. There something weird in the workbook that is breaking office writer I cant attach the workbook to this post so I am hoping someone from SA will assist

Seems like the answer here is don't use soft artisans. I have since switched to Aspose Cells and its a much more robust product.


Deleting Numbers sheets by name with Applescript

I'm working on a large payroll spreadsheet and would like to create code that would delete specific unnecessary worksheets within the document. Is there applescript that would remove those worksheets? Better yet, is there a way to create a new document from a specific sheet?

Visio: Setting connectors or relationships with Excel data source

I'm able to import objects into a diagram from Excel without a problem; however, I also want to define connections (just lines - what object the line starts from, and what object it goes to) in Excel as well, so I don't have to draw them manually.
How do I go about doing this? How should I define that in my Excel spreadsheet, and how should I import those relationships into Visio?
I'm on Visio 2013 Professional.

Word Template Linked to Excel

I have an Access database that creates a Word document based on a Word template. In that template are a bunch of Charts, which in order to change their data, I have to programmatically launch an instance of Excel for each chart, change the data, then update. This is not only distracting as it flashes each Excel worksheet up on the screen then disappears, but it's incredible slow.
It would be great if the Word template could be linked to an Excel workbook where each chart is linked to that one workbook. Then, I could update the Excel file and the Word doc separately. Much faster.
The problem is, I would require there to be a separate Excel file for each Word doc. Basically I'd need a Word template to link to an Excel TEMPLATE. Then when the new Word doc is created from it's template, it's linked Excel stuff is linked to a new Excel file based on an Excel template.
Does this make sense? I just can't all Word docs linked to a single Excel file.

Reporting Service: Change reports based on format

I have a report that will be viewed from SSRS report manager and scheduled to send a flat file as well. The problem is that the rich display, summation rows, and some other elements that are perferred when viewing the report online or as a PDF are not wanted when the report is viewed in Excel or when it is exported to CVS. The solution I proposed was to simply have two reports. One that was nicely formated and the other that was more of a raw data feed but they want only one report meaning that I need a way to show one thing if it is viewd online or saved to a PDF and something different when it is saved to CVS or XLS. Is this possible and if so how?
When exporting to .csv format, many fields are stripped. Have you looked at what the existing functionality does to your report?
If that's not adequate, you can use the new SSRS 2008R2 global variable to change item visibility. For example set the hidden function to:
=(Globals!RenderFormat.Name = "EXCEL")
This would hide something when exported to Excel format. (This is only available since SSRS 2008 R2.)
More info on this at:

Crystal Reports Excel export with worksheets

Is there a way to convince Crystal Reports to export a page / group / whatever to separate worksheets when exporting to Excel (Data Only)? I'm using the CR that came with VS2008 (version 10.5)
According to the documentation you cannot export a report directly to multiple worksheets in a single Excel workbook.
When the limit of 65536 rows in Excel is reached though, the exporter does create a new worksheet, but you are not in control :)
To create your own Excel merger:
PRE: Make sure you have the Office (Excel) SDK libraries installed.
PRE: Place the files that need to be merged in a single directory.
In a VS2008 solution:
Create a new empty Excel Workbook (variable: objNewWorkbook)
Loop through the files in the directory (where you placed the Excel files) and for each item:
Load the file as a Excel Workbook (variable: objWorkbookLoop)
Create a new Worksheet in objNewWorkbook (optionally: with the filename of objWorkbookLoop) (variable: objNewWorksheetLoop)
Copy the data from (probably sheet1 in) objWorkbookLoop to objNewWorksheetLoop
Finally save objNewWorkbook to a file.
One of the things everybody ignores is that excel automation is not an acceptable solution. Yes it works ( almost always) , but even Microsoft recommends to not use it for unattended execution :
The only safe way I know to export a crystal report to multiple worksheets is by creating a grouped report and burst it using R-Tag report manager. This tool is not using Excel automation so you can run your reports at any time and on the server but if you are currently using another software to run your reports you will need to switch to this one (it is not an extension).
I know this thread is an old one, but I can see links to it without a real answer. Hopefully this will help somebody.