Analyzing coverage of numba-wrapped functions - pytest

I've written a python module, much of which is wrapped in #numba.jit decorators for speed. I've also written lots of tests for this module, which I run (on Travis-CI) with py.test. Now, I'm trying to look at the coverage of these tests, using pytest-cov, which is just a plugin that relies on coverage (with hopes of integrating all of this will coveralls).
Unfortunately, it seems that using numba.jit on all those functions makes coverage think that the functions are never used -- which is kind of the case. So I'm getting basically no reported coverage with my tests. This isn't a huge surprise, since numba is taking that code and compiling it, so the code itself really never is used. But I was hoping there'd be some of that magic you see with python some times...
Is there any useful way to combine these two excellent tools? Failing that, is there any other tool I could use to measure coverage with numba?
[I've made a minimal working example showing the difference here.)

The best thing might be to disable the numba JIT during coverage measurement. That relies on you trusting the correspondence between the Python code and the JIT'ed code, but you need to trust that to some extent anyway.

Not that this answers the question, but I thought I should advertise another way that someone might be interested in working on. There's probably something really beautiful that could be done using llvm-cov. Presumably, this would have to be implemented within numba, and the llvm code would have to be instrumented, which would require some flag somewhere. But since numba knows about the correspondence between lines of python code and llvm code, there must be something that could be implemented by somebody more clever than I am.


porting java code to contiki-os

i am using contiki-os to simulate some motes which would have semantic capabilities. As the contiki-os (erbium) is written in C but our semantic libraries are written in java.
can anyone here guide me if it is possible to exploit these libraries in erbium or contiki-os. or i have to rewrite everything from scratch ?
just a minor update to the question. is it possible to use java code on the cooja simulator?
Cooja is indeed written in Java.
You can extend or modify Cooja if you need.
You can find out more about Cooja on the Contiki wiki as well as in numerous papres by Fredrik Ă–sterlind. Perhaps you should also take a look at Fredrik's PhD thesis "Improving Low-Power Wireless Protocols with Timing-Accurate Simulation", which is mostly about Cooja.
You might be able to use something like this:
It appears to have a code generator that takes a java bytecode and create C code from it... but it might also need a runtime library that's platform specific.
With all that in mind, I don't think you will be successful. Most of the platforms are nearly out of space and/or flash by the time you are working with Erbuim; I doubt you'll have resources to process java code somehow.
And if you did get some success from this approach it would probably take a lot of time and effort to do so. With that time and effort you probably could have written the C code to do what you need instead.

What all modules or test cases need to be tested in Regression testing?

Few days back I went to an interview there they asked me What all modules you will test in Regression Testing? How you find out which test cases need to be executed in Regression testing?
Those modules that are having little or more modification in existing modules or code are required regression testing
The best way to do this is to have some insight into which test cases cover which parts of the product. Then when a part of the product changes, you can run just the cases that cover the change. This isn't always easy. In a complex piece of software, a change in one part can have an effect in a seemingly disconnected part.
The best solution I have seen to this problem is to use code coverage data. If you know which blocks are hit by each test and you know which blocks were changed by the fix, you can know exactly which test cases to run.
If you don't have a lot of data, your best bet is to think about the change and what things it could affect and then run cases that are in those areas.

Best ways to become familiar with a Perl codebase?

I recently joined a Perl project and I need to start being productive with the codebase fairly quickly. However, I'm finding that I'm getting stuck because I don't know where I need to change or how all the parts of the code fit together.
What are your tips and tools for becoming familiar with a Perl codebase that you have no experience with?
(Note: I realize that there's already a similar question. I'm wondering if there's any Perl-specific strategies.)
First, if the previous maintainers were doing their job well, you should have an extensive test suite and perldoc documentation for each module and script in the codebase. If so, read through the perldoc, and read through the tests. The perldoc should give you an overview of what things do, and the test suite will give you examples of the code being used in context.
Depending on the author, the internal comments may be useful in understanding the intention of the code, so looking through the actual source my provide insights into algorithms, bugs, and intended use as well.
If you don't have any of these, proceed as you would for any badly-maintained codebase: start small, writing programs that try to use the code, and use Test::More and the like to start turning these into a test suite.
In the first case, you may find it to be very simple, in the second, very hard. Peter Scott's Perl Medic can be very useful in assisting you in turning such a codebase into something usable and useful if you're stuck with the second case, and Mike Thomsen's recommendation of Effective Perl Programming is also a good one.
I work on Melody which is written primarily in Perl. It's a rather large code base, and I've found the process of learning the Melody code base is identical to any Java system I've worked on.
It really comes down to just working with it, googling when you see behavior you've never seen before and experimentation.
This book is a great reference for picking up Perl in a serious way. It's not very dense and it will teach you a lot about proper Perl development.
Besides the "similar question", and an empty file is a good starting point!
I would like to see a real answer here. The only thing I have is more questions (you don't have to provide answers here, just ask yourself):
What is the goal of the project, what it is supposed to do?
Who knows the workflow?
Can you set up the project in a clean test environment?
Does it use a versioning system?
Where are the entry points (i.e. executable files)?
Does it rely on external programs?
Does it require additional system tweaks (i.e. cron scripts)?
Perl code
Is your project using strict and warnings everywhere?
Which CPAN modules are used?
Are there any frameworks used (Moose, Catalyst, probably some ORM, ...)?
Are there any perldocs in the project's modules?
Are there any tests (notably t/*.t)?
I usually start with working on some simple bug report or a simple feature I want to add. While working on code I write comments for code and commit them. Writing tests also helps.

Do Poor Code Samples Turn You Away From Libraries?

I've been evaluating a framework that on paper looks great. The problem is that the sample code is incomplete and of poor quality. The supplied reference implementations are for the most part not meant to be used (so they can be considered as sample code as well) and have only succeeded at confusing me.
I know that it's common for things to look better on paper, but my experience with the sample code is turning me away from further investigation.
Do you let poor code samples change your judgment of frameworks/libraries? So far my experience has been similar to the "resume effect": if someone doesn't put the effort into spell checking their resume, they probably won't get the job...
For me, it does. I tend to want to avoid libraries where the code samples are incomplete. If the library is open source, I will overlook it, since I can directly look at the code and see if the library's internals are reasonable, and I know that, if there is a problem someday, I could (if I had to) fix it.
If the library is commercial, and their samples and/or documentation is poor, I look elsewhere. I just see it as risk management - poor samples make me fear the quality of the library in general.
No matter how good something is on paper or in theory, it can still be crap when programmed.
I think this is a valid reason to turn away from and evaluate other libraries. As a potential user of a library a lack of documentation and/or bad code samples gives the impression that the library is not yet mature enough for use by third parties. In time it may well gain the missing pieces but until then I think its reasonable to look elsewhere.
I was recently evaluating the multitude of blogging applications that people have uploaded to I quickly skipped ones that no documentation as they obviously weren't ready for others to use. The ones that remained at the end had a good README with info on how to get the app up and running as well as an online example of the code running.
Poor code samples combined with poor documentation will make me turn away from a library unless there is a compelling reason to use it. However, a library that has either good code samples or good documentation is usually worth using. (Assuming that the library itself otherwise meets my needs.)
If I can't find good examples (and/or documentation) illustrating how to use the library, I'm definitely less likely to use it - just as a practical matter, it'll be harder for me to figure out how. But I don't care what the code that implements the library itself looks like. I don't think I'd choose one library/framework over another just because the developers of the one have shown an ability to write cleaner code (which is what I understand the "resume effect" to mean).
Lack of documentation and examples makes me a whole lot less likely to use that particular library. It's not worth my time testing and trying to figure out how a black box works if there are alternate solutions to the problem out there.
Yes, definitely. Every library should come with a simple example using program and a CLI interface (for very simple libraries with <3 methods and <10 hooks, one example should suffice).
And why does your framework "look great" if it's so hard to use that even the original coders make mistakes using it?
It certainly matters to me. Evidence of sloppy/incomplete coding and poor communication decreases my confidence that the actual implementation code is stable and robust.
Myself yes, but there must be people out there who aren't turned off by this otherwise there are plenty of open source projects that would have died a long long time ago.

Is Micro Code Generation Considered Harmful?

I recently wrote a small tool to generate a class for each tier I hand write for the boring "forms over data" work where I spend almost 90% of my time (depressing I know) ... more on this as the economy improves ;)
My question is this - will using this tool instead of hand typing all this code from day to day actually hurt me as a developer? I feel like I will always be making changes to this tool and thus I "should" stay on top of the patterns used/ choices made/ etc... but some small part of me feels like I might lose my edge ... am I wrong?
If the tool can spit the code out without thought, then it probably saves you lots of thoughtless typing.
Writing the tool in the first place requires thinking, so I'd guess you'd be more "on the edge" maintaining and writing the tool.
That's good! Of course writing a tool to do all the job for you is impossible and wrong.
But automating repeatable tasks is always good - and sometimes writing specific types of code is repeatable.
It is even encouraged in the "Pragmatic Programmer" book.
Make sure that in the source control you have checked in a code generator and not its output (unless you have to modify the code later by hand)!
You are most definitely not wrong. I use code generators anywhere I can - I currently use CodeSmith to create my DAO's by looking at the database.
What edge are you afraid of losing? In my mind going to code generation is actually giving you an edge.
Larry Wall (of Perl fame) describes the three cardinal virtues of programming as Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris.
Congratulations! You have shown good laziness, in that you have identified some work you can pass off to an automated process and done so. (Bad laziness leads to cutting corners, procrastination, and generally postponing rather than eliminating work.) If you can successfully palm off some work onto another program, you are spending less time on annoying triviality and more on accomplishing things and learning.
Generate what you can. Code generation is one of the best tools I've picked up over the last 2 or 3 years. Typing the same code over and over (or copy and pasting it) is prone to error.
Spending less time doing something by having something/someone else do it, and more time researching better ways to do it will generally lead to doing it in a better way.
This doesn't have to just apply to programming....
Your code generator (at least in principle - I haven't looked at it myself) is The Right Thing, at least as far as it goes.
The next step would be to see whether you can, instead of generating all this redundant code, create a base class whose functionality matches the generated code and then derive your application code from it. Using inheritance rather than generation will allow you to benefit from improvements without needing to re-run the generator on all your projects. Perhaps more importantly, if you customize the generated code, the customizations would be lost if you re-run the generator, but customizations in a derived class will be preserved when the base class is changed.
No. Why do you think IDE's are so popular. Imagine if all the people who use Visual Studio had to programmatically create the GUI's without help from the IDE, it'd be terrible. I would be willing to bet most people who use VisualStudio won't know how to manualy create the forms they're creating in the IDE. But there's nothing wrong with that.
I believe in code generation wherever possible to remove the rote tasks of programming. You will not lose your edge, you will probably become a better programmer because you will spend more time working on the important and interesting stuff.
BTW, your tool sounds interesting. Have you released it anywhere?
Code generation is fine as long as you understand what you are generating. Physicists use calculators because they understand the formulas they are automating and realize that their precious time is better spent on important tasks.
Code generation is one of those invaluable DO:s that The Pragmatic Programmer advocates. I truly recommend that book. Here's a Pragmatic Programmer quick ref.
Its almost hypocritical not to code generate. Here we are automating all of these tasks that were traditionally done by hand... and yet many of us still hand crank all of our code, even if it can be easily generated.
My only experience with code generation is the macros of Common Lisp. They are used all the time. Everything that automats repetitive tasks is beneficial; that is what programming is about.
Read the story of Mac.
Imagine that each time you made a change to the tool and regenerated your code, that you made that design change by hand on all of your modules.
Since I've started generating code and gotten up to speed, I've found that I rarely get bugs in the generated code.
I find that writing code gen does help me learn the nuances of good architecture. You start seeing common patterns as opposed to a narrow view of your design. That said, don't use code gen as a substitute for good object-oriented code, and don't love your code gen so much you ignore new technologies. For example, if you're in .NET and are writing code-gen for data access, you'd better have a good excuse for not using Linq to SQL or NHibernate. Similarly, Dynamic Data can help in many forms-on-data scenarios. So, my advice: spike new stuff and code gen as needed.
My 2cents on code gen is that it is also critical for use in refactoring. I have found that partial classes and a good file comparison utility (Araxis or BeyondCompare) are essential.
Keep your generated code in one file and the custom Tweaks you made for that class in another file.
This practice will allow you to make those comprehensive framework changes implemented quickly and will also help you move to a new paradigm while easily being able to save your custom logic.
CodeSmith FTW!
While build servers are great to make sure all your code compiles, it doesn't address the differences in signatures with your stored procs or the like. If you routinely run the code gen you can more easily identify when those changes occur. A unit test will tell you the SP is wrong, code gen will tell you how to make it right.