how to run a application in opensaf - opensaf

I am new to opensaf and want a sample code to run.
So please help me to run a small code by sending me the procedure to install opensaf and execute a program.
I am like a baby in opensaf so don't mind to send even small steps

Look for samples in your opensaf release. You will need a basic understanding of SAF and High availability concepts to use opensaf. Post a message to the opensaf-users mailing list for help.


STM32F103 blue pill ADC example

After searching for a veeery long time (more then 3 months) in all the main places where to get info and reading the datasheet of the chip I would like to ask the STM32 specialists inhere if there is a example for using the ADC maybe with DMA from the arduino IDE. I did see some incomplete parts inhere and for other compiler/IDE environments. But maybe i did not strike the good luck of finding the right info (that even i can understand) yet for what i need.
Your help is much appreciated.
I want to sample audio data, one channel 30KHz plus, 12 bits and each time 16 samples are taken an interrupt to handle the data that is in an array.
I have seen the pigOscope code (it uses analogread) and the info about analogread where there is stated this command is not meant for higher sampling speeds So that got me sort of into conflict with myself .... Who can break me out of my endless brainloop .....?;
Greetings ... Eric.
I have seen the pigOscope code (it uses analogread)
I wrote the Pig-o-scope code, with a lot of input from others at stm32duinocom and if you take the time to read the code, which I will grant you is somewhat simplistic, you will discover that analogRead is only used to trigger. The code uses DMA to do the high speed transfer.
I completely agree with the comment that you dont't need the Arduino IDE, you could "borrow" the DMA code and tailor it to your needs. However if you want a quick and dirty coding and prototyping environment, then there is nothing wrong with using the Arduino IDE. Take a trip to the site, and you will see that I along with a lot of the other developers use the Arduino IDE, and Eclipse, and Atollic, and roll our own batch files, use vi, etc etc.
It all depends on what you are trying to do, and in many cases using the Arduino IDE gets you to working result a lot faster than learning an entire new IDE, just for one task.
But then again, I'm firmly on the side of vi in the vi/emacs wars, so what the heck do I know. Just don't use nano. ;¬)

Will OpenVBX and Twilio handle multiple calls and if one line is busy, go to the next line, etc

Can anyone tell me if my call flow below will work with OpenVBX & Twilio and if so, how to set this up there? I'm using Twilio with a trial number to test it out, but no luck so far. I have downloaded a plugin "OpenVBX-Plugin-Queue-master" that looks like it may work, but I can't get it to. I'm not a telephony expert. I am a programmer. =)
Here is what I need. I need to be able to receive multiple calls at the same time and move the caller to the next available attendants.
They need to hear the main greeting, press 1
Then go to the support group ideally (that is not working for me
right now either)- let's say attendant #1.
If attendant #1 is on the phone, put them on hold briefly listening
to another greeting, then send them to attendant #2
If attendant #2 is busy...repeat the process until I run out of
attendants and then they go to VM.
Here is my install version:
Current Version: 1.2.20
Schema Version: 79
Latest Schema Available: 79
Site Revision: 1026
Any help would be most appreciated!
Support for OpenVBX is not active at this time.
I'd suggest you take a look at the guide for Queues.
Beginning with queuing your caller (an example in Ruby):
require 'sinatra'
require 'twilio-ruby'
# Handles the POST request from Twilio and generates the TwiML that puts caller in a queue.
post '/caller/?' do
response = do |r|
# Use <Enqueue> verb to place caller in a <Queue>
r.Enqueue "Queue Demo"
You can handle more sophisticated workflows like iterating through agents via TaskRouter.
And this Call Screening tutorial demonstrates how to handle agent voicemail with production ready code.
Please let me know if this helps at all.

Catalyst Development Server - not showing routes and errors

To set the seem, I'm an experienced developer and have coded many languages over the years, including a good bit of Perl back in late 90's early 00's. Since then I haven't touched Perl, but now have a client who wants some changes making to an existing open source project built using Perl5 and Catalyst. I've quickly worked through the Catalyst tutorials, read a few books online and am now starting to feel my way.
I have the existing project up and running on a clean Debian Wheezy VM and am testing the code an my changes using the Catalyst Development Server.
While working through the tutorials and writing a few test apps, the development server would always output a lot of useful information when run, such as the configured routes etc.. But under this project, when I run the server I don't get a lot of output. I don't even get messages sent to $c->log->debug();
I run the server with the following command:
perl ./script/ -d -r
Which outputs the following:
HTTP::Server::PSGI: Accepting connections at http://0:3000/
I can access the server and the application is running fine.
In a test controller action I can try the following lines:
$c->log->debug("A test debug message");
print "A test print message\n";
The debug log message does not appear in my development server output, but the print line does. So I know the call to $c->log->debug() is not blowing up, because the next line is executing, but where is it going?
So essentially I feel I 'could' get more useful output from the Catalyst Development server, but am not.
I have googles but can't find anything of relevance. Sorry if I'm going in the wrong direction here, I do know what I doing in general, but have a lot to pick up here in a short amount of time!
I suspect my issues might be specific to the open source project I'm working on, but there's not a lot of help to be had from that direction. Could anyone give me any pointers as to what to investigate?
UPDATE : I now realise that the application is using log4perl, which is configured to send $c->log->debug() to syslog. I still don't know why the Catalyst Development server isn't providing much output.
For anyone coming upon this later, if you want to see the developer debug stream (stuff about the routes and classes and models your application is using, etc you need to be in debug mode, which you can do easily by setting CATALYST_DEBUG=1 in your env (I often start my app like "CATALYST_DEBUG=1 perl -Ilib script/"
There is sadly a difference between debug as a log level and debugging mode. The way catalyst works is that if you are in debugging mode (via CATALYST_DEBUG=1, or any of the other documented ways this gets turned on) all this debugging stream gets sent to the log, most of it logged at the debug level (again debug as a log level is distinct from debugging developer mode :( ) So you need both debugging mode and your logger should be set to listen at the debug level.
If you use the default catalyst log, it is debug level by default, so doing CATALYST_DEBUG=1 is all you need. If you use a different logger be sure to enable debug log level for your development setup, if you wish to see those developer stream logs.
Messages sent to $c->log->debug() are generally disabled in production environments. If it doesn't seem to matter whether you start your scripts with or without the -d switch, then I'd suggest something downstream in the sequence is setting the environment variable CATALYST_DEBUG to 0 or undef unilaterally.
That said, you should be able to see the output of $c->log->info() or $c->log->warn() calls. The answer to that question should help you determine if the problem is log4perl or Catalyst related.
Hopefully that will get you on your way.

Intro to Event Queues for Web App

I'm trying to implement a basic but flexible "event queue" so that my web app can go run subs asynchronously. The way I have working for me now is the app writes a record to an "event queue" table in my database with info on what to do and when to fire. Then I have a daemon script that queries that table periodically and if something needs to be done, it fires it off.
I'd like to start moving towards watchers using something like AnyEvent or EV so I'm not hitting my database so often, but try as I might, I can't find good info on "best practices" for setting something like this up. AnyEvent's documentation is pretty good, but it seems to assume you know how your events should be passed around...which I don't.
What should my watcher be watching? A file? If so, what should be in that file? I don't need to send a whole bunch of data around, I just basically need something that says, "go off and run this sub right now"
I would greatly appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction.
It's been requested that I be more specific: The events I'm trying to fire are various. Sometimes it's an email that needs sending, sometimes it's some DB work, sometimes I just need an action to be delayed for a few hours or days. In all cases, I have some sort of backend script to handle the action, I just need a way for my frontend (web app) to tell my backend, "hey I need you to go do this in x minutes" or "I need you to do this now"
You might look at Mojolicious which is built to be non-blocking and respond asynchronously. It even uses EV internally if you have it installed. To get started read the doc for Mojolicious::Lite and then the Guides (in order) from here:
So what is it that you are actually trying to do? Until you describe what it is you actually need, I can't help you any further that that.
There are some CPAN modules in order to run asynchronous tasks via message queues. Examples:

Architecture sketch for iphone stock app

I am currently trying to build a (simplified) stock app (like the one built-in on the iphone). I setup a simple server with a REST-interface which my app can communicate with.
However I am struggling to find the right/best way to build this kind of (streaming data consumer) client on the iphone.
My best bet at the moment is to use a timer to regularly pull the xml payload from the server (the connection is async but the xml parsing is not therefor the interface is blocked sometimes. I am a bit shy of thread programming since I learned some lessons the hard way on other platforms).
I read about websockets but it is not clear for me if and how they are supported on the iphone.
How would you do it?
Any hint would be appreciated, Thanks.
websockets aren't going to help you -- that's a server-side technology to make a socket-like interface work over HTTP.
If you don't want to block the GUI, you need to use another thread. You are right to be scared of doing this, so share as little as possible (preferably nothing) between the two threads. Use a message passing mechanism to get information from the background thread to the UI thread.
Take a look at ActorKit:
Take a look at this question.
It talks about asynchronous vs synchronous connections. You will want to use an asynchronous call to get your data so you don't lock up your UI. You could use that in conjunction with a polling timer to get your data from the server.
You can find more info about the NSURLConnection in apple's documentation here