Sending mails to recipients always from predefined sender-address - plugins

Since I've different sender addresses in my Thunderbird mailingclient, and I'm always sending mails to
some clients with the wrong sender address (I know, looking twice would be great) I wanted to ask if anybody knows a plugin or something else where I can something like map a mailing address to a sender address so that every time when a mail is sent to this specific mailing address the specified sender address is used e.g. a mail to should always be sent from but a mail to should always be sent from spaceacademy#starfleet.sf or so.

Fainally i found two plugins which serve the above purpose
Identity chooser
correct identity


Mail Forwarder with static sender address - the chicken-egg-problem

this is a pretty specific case, but it drives me crazy...
We recently migrated our email service to google workspace. We do have an address which earlier was configured to forward emails to someinbox is a mail upload feature for tax related invoices of our company. The problem started when i was trying to set up the mail filter in Gmail.
All emails with an attachment should be forwarded to To forward emails with Gmail, google needs to verify that I am allowed to forward to that specific address. It therefore now sends a confirmation email with a link to that address. that email is being sent by eg., which is being rejected (550 5.7.1 Security policy violation: sender address not authorized). The problem is, datev only accepts emails from "verified sender addresses". It does that verification by also sending an email verification to that "verified sender address". Which in my case now becomes the, which I obviously not maintain and therefore i am unable to verify that address.
So I am unable to add the forwarding email address in Gmail, because of the sender google uses to verify the forwarding address.
We use google workspace, so I am able to use the pretty cool routing feature of Gmail. First I created an email-alias called I then setup a rule which simply changes the envelope-sender to if the envelope-sender is that part works. If I send an email from the to it changes to
The next problem was, every forwarding (which the Gmail filter was doing) works by sending the same email to while keeping the original sender. That also happened when I tried to do the same workaround by creating a new email forwarder (or even a mailbox) on a different domain without google workspace. I also tried it using posteo. The original sender is being used as the sender address and therefore datev rejects it. It wouldn't be possible to register all sender address as we get a lot of invoices from business partners.
Does anybody know or see a way of doing this? Aren't there any secure email forwarder which replace the sender address to the one of the forwarder instead of keeping the original one? I know, this is in most cases a pretty nice feature as you can see who the email originally sent, in my case it makes me nuts.

sometimes my mail server doesn't send the emails

I'm usign amazon cloud services to host my webpage. Our web site, actually sends a lot of emails per hour. In one instant our server could be asked to send 30 mails or more.
Sometimes our clients complaint about not getting emails from the web, which is connected to our mail server to send emails. This doesn't happen if we send the email directly from our addresses to theirs, so I'm pretty much know is the web page who's causing the problem.
The thing is I don't know what is happening and neither know what to look for. I've checked memory and cpu of that server and everything seems to work fine
make sure your website sends the messages with a correct bounce address (aka envelope sender address). this does not have to be the same thing as the address in the From: header. by default, this is often something like "" - I don't know about amazon). these types of bounce addresses are bad because usually you don't receive the error message if something goes wrong. use a real email account. To check what bounce address you currently use, look at the message source of a received mail and see the Return-Path header.
check the logs of your mailserver for those missing messages. either it reports an error (in which case you should get the error to your bounce address) or it reports the message as sent to the target server (in which case you tell your clients to check THEIR maillogs since you can prove you have sent the message)

Will the info I want about an incoming email survive in the envelope?

I have a situation where emails bound for several recipients will arrive in one mailbox.
I want to go through and deal with them according to who they were sent to, but I'm not sure I will always have the correct info.
Suppose I have one recipient .
if someone bcc's him on an email, I know that fred will not see any To: field in his email BUT I will be able to find in the envelope. No problem.
Now, what if fred has some email forwarding service. Or lets say he asks gmail to forward a copy of every email he receives at gmail on to his address.
The original message that was sent to him may have said in the envelope, and will still say it in the To: but once gmail has forwarded it, can I be sure I will always find in the envelope for the "final leg" of its journey ? it would be no use to me, you see.
Or will I find (somewhere in the envelope) references to both the gmail AND the domain1 addresses ?
I believe MTAs add Delivered-To or X-Forwarded (or similar, depends on the MTA) for the forwarded message. To: headers usually stay as-is.

How should the SENDER header be used in Emails

I've got a web app which I'm sending emails from. I want the emails to appear to come from users of the system, but guessing that these will appear as spoofed emails as they aren't coming from where they are saying they come from.
I've looked around and it appears that the SENDER header fits the bill. Is this a good solution? Also which way round should it be used? SENDER is the users email? or SENDER is the an email address from the domain I'm sending from?
Thanks in advance
Who is doing the sending of the emails? From your description I would guess that some action of a user triggers sending an email. In that case, the user's email address belongs in the From header, and in any case, an email address for your web app should be in the Sender header because that is doing the actual sending of the email.
Of course, this is how it ideally works. I have encountered broken email programs that actually use the Sender header for replies if that is present instead of From, so if the receivers of the emails start replying to you, you will probably need to reconsider, but for now go with the "correct" approach.

What's the best way to allow a web based e-mail system send replies and bounces to the sender's personal e-mail address?

I have a web app that only registered users can use, therefore I should have a valid e-mail address for the creator of the message.
One part of this web app will allow a user to create and send a e-mail message to an e-mail address that the user enters. My web server will be creating and sending the e-mail, however if there is a delivery problem with the e-mail I would like the bounce to go to the user's e-mail address instead of the server. This will allow the user to know that there was a problem delivering the message and they can take the appropriate action.
Would setting the "return-path" attribute to the user's e-mail address handle this?
As RFC2821 says:
The primary purpose of the Return-path is to designate the address to which messages indicating non-delivery or other mail system failures are to be sent. For this to be unambiguous, exactly one return path SHOULD be present when the message is delivered.
So yes, all standard compliant servers should account for the Return-path you set.
You could set up windows service on your server to periodically check BadMail folder and parse the bounced messages and resend them to the original sender. This solution would work in most cases. I don't think return-path would help in every instance (if it would at all), because different mail servers handle bounces differently.