I am new to JasperReports and I'm working with iReport designer.
I have a html 5 pie chart, my query is on click of a chart i should be redirected to other report or other chart. I got a solution using hyperlink in jrxml but i want to do the same in iReport designer. I am totally stuck with this.
Also i need to deploy this on JasperReports Server.
JasperReport Server supports this with a Hyperlink type of ReportExecution. You have to pass in a parameter named "_report" with a string value of the location and name of the report.
Here is an example on the Jaspersoft Community site: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/817802/using-hyperlink-type-reportexecution-jasperserver
I want to make reports with drilldown support using ireport (jasper report). I am using JRMapCollectionDataSource as my data is very dynamic. As it is report with hyperlink i must needs to run it in jaspersoft server. So how to use JRMapCollectionDataSource in jaspersoft server i am not seeing this type of datasource in jaspersoft server. Any solution for this problem ?
I have made a report in iReport and while previewing it is prompting for the parameter value
In the iReport preview mode it is working file
But while exporting it to the JasperReports Server it is not asking for the parameter and showing that "report is empty".
So how to pass the parameter or cascading the parameter in JasperReports Server from the iReport?
You have to add it manualy. Go to "Repository navigator" (in iReport) find your report, right click Input controls and click on "Create a local input control". The ID must be the same as the name of the parameter.
Jaspersoft studio allows you to create input controls while sending report to server so you don't have to do it manualy.
Our requirement is to hide JRXML from customer, actually we have to install JasperReports Server on the customer machine and all the report will be there only.
If they install iReport then they will be also able to see our JRXL code.
How I can hide JRXML files from customers?
I found the solution to hide the JRXML's from customers, keep all the JRXML in different folder of JasperReport sever and then use these JRXML from repository when you create any report in JR server.
now if you want to hide JRXML files set the permission for this folder.
I want my report pages to have A4 format. to do this i used 'report->Page Format...' in iReport. In PDF preview everything seems to be ok. But when i use the .jasper file to generate report from my application it has only one long page instead of a couple of standart pages. What is wrong with it? how can i tell jasper to generate multi-page report?
iReport version is 3.7.1
Both generated report and iReport preview i'm viewing with adobe reader.
Thanks for your replies
I found the solution. It appears that you should explicitly set IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION parameter to false in pdf exporter. Unckecking it in iReport doesn't work.
params.put("IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION", false);
JasperPrint reportOut = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, params, dataset);
I hope it will help somebody
how to using Ireport jasper in jsp
please help me to solve it...
can you give me like source code in jsp
to call IReport?
I think the question should be how to use jasperreport in jsp. Ireport is just a tool for you to design how the report should look like(type, look and feel, etc).
Now to use jasperreport you need either a yourireportfile.jxml or yourireportfile.jasper, jasperreport jar, a datasource to pass to the report.the rest can be easily found on google or in the jasperreport documentation.
I hope this would point you to the right direction
Create a servlet that outputs a pdf file by changing the content type response.setContentType( "application/pdf" );
Use JRPdfExporter to output a pdf file.
Connect the servlet output stream to the pdfExporter by calling setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, response.getOutputStream())