Manipulate PDF via SQL - tsql

what I want to do is automatically create PDFs with data from SQL Server 2008 R2. After creation a string shall be added in the first line of the file. This "header" has to be clear text (right click PDF -> edit -> write string in the first line) and therefore can't be added in the pdf-creation process. The codes in the header are beeing used by another job for further processing.
Is there a way to do that via SQL?
Sample data looks like:
Name | Date | Time | Place | Appointment
John Doe |2014-09-15| 11:00 | Narnia | 12:30
I already found ways to create the PDF, using SSRS and subscription or the procedure mentioned here:
But I wasn't able to write text to first line, just appended it at the end of the file.
Any help is much appreciated!

This can not be done in SQL. There are a few options that I now of that you can look into to see if it will suite your needs.
NOTE : These are not trivial tasks.
Implement your own device renderer, falling back on the default pdf render.
Override the built in pdf renderer to add your custom header.
Use the SSRS web service api and implement the Render method allowing the access to the Pdf as byte[] and further manipulate it to your needs.
The 3rd method would be the most straightforward and ideal method and would work in both web and windows apps.


JSReport -- working with docxChild. I can't resolve the error : "docxChild helper requires asset parameter to be set"

I'm trying many functionality on jsReport and word and got stuck on this one.
I want to create an asset usable in different template, assuming that my asset got the right data.
Using this documentation and the UI jsReport Studio I create a working template called test-word, I upload a docx test_jsReport.docx with some ahnddlebar in it, create some data and it work.
Then I create an asset, in the same folder, with a second docx test_jsReport2.docx ; put some code and try to generate it alone with the same data, it worked again.
At this point my project look like this :
test project
Then, using this chapter I add in my docx test_jsReport.docx the following code : {{docxChild "test_jsReport2.docx"}}.
So I can no longer run my report, the error is the following.
Report "test-word" render failed.
Error while executing docx recipe
(because) error when evaluating engine handlebars for template anonymous
(because) "docxChild" helper call failed
(because) docxChild helper requires asset parameter to be set
(system-helpers.js line 706:11)
704 |
705 | if (assetNamePathOrObject == null) {
> 706 | throw new Error('docxChild helper requires asset parameter to be set')
| ^
707 | }
708 |
709 | const docxChildInfo = {}
What is that aset parameter that I need to set ? And how to do it ?
I'm pretty sure that I should omehow declare some kind of link beween my two reports, but I can't find how to do that.
First I tried to use the asset property in jsReport studio on my report, like this :
first try
But it doesn't worked and I never really believe it, I think it's an option to define a link to the physical docx I modify, so I don't have to upload after each save.
Second I read and try to mimic some other systems I can find in the doc like this and that and but it's for HTML report not word.
Lastly I tried to reference my report using a script like this :
const jsreport = require('jsreport-proxy')
// Use the "beforeRender" or "afterRender" hook
// to manipulate and control the report generation
async function beforeRender (req, res) {
await jsreport.assets.registerHelpers('test_jsReport2.js')
It doesn't work either.
I'm a little lost here, what is the right way to use docxChild ?
Here is a link to an example of what I do :
Here is how I setup the example :
I prepared my two word
Right click > new entity > template
Select handdlebars and docx > next > next
Click on my template > in properties, in docx I upload my main.docx
Right click > new entity > asset > upload, i put my subreport.docx
The docxChild feature works by searching a docx asset and take the content of such docx and insert it into the docx it was called from. You have follow the right steps, but the only issue is that you are using different characters for the quotes in your docxChild helper call. It was perhaps not your intention, for example on macos i noticed that whenever i try to use " it replace it for the characters present in your docx, so maybe if you are using macos this is the problem you are having.
Your original template
What should look like to have it working
I've prepared a playground example with your same code but fixing the docxChild call to use the right quote characters "",

Combine two TCPDF documents

I'm using TCPDF to create two separate reports in different parts of my website. I would like that, in the end of the first report, the second report should be loaded.
It's different than import a PDF file, because the second report is also generated by TCPDF. Is there a way to do this?
I assume from your question that what you ultimately want to provide is one PDF file that consists of the first PDF concatenated with the second PDF.
One quick and dirty solution is to utilize the pdftk command line PDF processor and call it from within your PHP code using the exec() function. The pdftk command has many features and concatenating files is only one of them, but it does an awesome job. Depending on your hosting situation, this may or may not be an option for you.
The other option would be to use FPDI to import the two PDF files and concatenate them within your PHP code and then send the concatenated version to the user.
More information on using PFDI here:
Merge existing PDF with dynamically generated PDF using TCPDF
Given that you're already using TCPDF, importing the pre-existing file that you want to concatenate with the one you've just created shouldn't be too difficult.
Just add FPDI to your project/composer from:
Can you still used tcpdf.
FPDI support all the methods of tcpdf, just used new FPDI() instead new tcpdf() the result will be the same in your report, after you create your report marge the files with the code from this page:
In a loop, once set the first file and after this set the second...
If you will need help i am here for you.

Creating PDF documents and exporting download links from the Tableau server

Is it possible to create PDF documents (e.g. on a nightly schedule) with Tableau and have those documents exposed by a URL by the Tableau server?
This sort of approach is common in the Jasper Reports and BIRT world, so I was wondering if the same approach is possible with Tableau?
I couldn't see any documentation on the Tableau site for creating PDFs, other than print to PDF
With Tableau Server, you can access your published workbook in a pdf format with this URL:
Simply, the url is the url of your view + you add ".pdf".
The pdf file will be generated dynamically when accessing the URL.
Another option is to program your own script with tabcmd.
You can have more info on tabcmd here:
The same technique also works for PNG. You can control filters using ?field_name=value. You can even select multiple values like this ?field_name=value1,value2.
Parameters can be set the same way.
Personally I've had the best luck with discrete dimensions instead of continuous ones.
I use the Windows Task Scheduler with batch files and Tabcmd.
Programs needed:
Windows TaskScheduler (All Programs- Accessories - system tools)
(tabcmd, how it works?)
Batchfile (create a text file and then save with file extension .bat):
1- Locate tabcmd and login
2- use function tabcmd get "http:\..." and -f "C:...pdf" to save to file.
3- concatenate the filters you want to use to the end of your URL as shown in other answers(all filters on the view must be included(filled out))
4- Save Batch file
Windows Task Scheduler:
1- create a task that will execute the batch file
You can do this by typing
Another option will be using javascript api like below..
function exportPDF() {

Parsing HTML content to use with iPhone app

I don't even know if the title for this question is appropriate, since I'm really lost and need some advice, a starting point to what I need to accomplish.
My iPhone app plays audio streamed from the Internet, with my custom made player. Some links are live streams from Akamai and others are audio files stored on a website. I'm OK with the live streams, but my problem is with the audio files.
As I have many stored audio files that the user can choose from, in different languages, and I don't want to hardcode all of them on my application.Then I need a clever way for the user to browse on the app (pushing the information from the Internet) until he reaches the desired file to play.
The website is organized like this:
First there is list, having all available programs. The user chooses the desired program, then another page shows up and he has to choose a day of the week to play.
My question is: how can I parse this content, with programs and days of the week to choose from? Should I look into HTML parsing? Is there a better/simpler way, like making XML files on the website?
If this helps, the all the webpages end with the .aspx extension.
Please, any advise from a more experienced programmer will greatly help me. Thank you!
I don't think parsing HTML would be the best implementation here. Go for a structured source that doesn't have viewable markup to worry about parsing out or ignoring altogether (also will mean fewer resources thrown at parsing the markup because you will only be parsing what matters).
I'd suggest consuming an XML or JSON source that can be converted to a NSDictionary or other data structure for app use. Here's a neat little class that converts an XML source to an NSDictionary:
TBXML is another light-weight XML parser for Objective-C that makes implementing a custom data object up to you:
If you'd rather use JSON, there are a number of helpers out there. A good place to start looking would be here:
If I have understood your question correctly, whatever source you choose, you're likely to want to wind up with a dictionary object that looks something like this:
programs = (
program_name: "Foo";
tracks = (
{ day: Monday;
track: audio_file1.mp3;
{ day: Tuesday;
track: audio_file2.mp3;
{ day: Wednesday;
track: audio_file3.mp3;
program_name: "Bar";
tracks = (
{ day: Monday;
track: audio_file4.mp3;
{ day: Tuesday;
track: audio_file5.mp3;
{ day: Wednesday;
track: audio_file6.mp3;
program_name: "Baz";
tracks = (
{ day: Monday;
track: audio_file7.mp3;
{ day: Tuesday;
track: audio_file8.mp3;
{ day: Wednesday;
track: audio_file9.mp3;
Once you've worked out your data source, and converted it to a native data object for working with in Obj-C, you should be able to proceed with coding up a UI that can iterate through the dictionary to provide a list of programs and, in turn, a list of days for each program with accompanying audio files to select to play.
I had a similar need. Consuming data from an ASP.NET site. In the end I used JSON from the .NET side and return JSON. Then, I used the json-framework from Google Code to convert the JSON returned to an NSDictionary. From there the rest is history.
If you are using .NET MVC, then returning JSON results is super simple in a controller. Since you have aspx extensions, I assume that is not the case. There are tons of JSON parsers for C# listed at the bottom of the homepage.
if the website content is static, I would hard code the file names and appropriate URL's to your server within the app and let the user scroll through the list of available items.
if the website content changes, then I would create an XML file on a server which your app downloads on launch (or as you deem fit) and parse within the app, then continue as per static content.
hope this starts you off in the right direction.
Think outside the box: use UIWebView
How about instead of thinking how to parse data and then write UI code to display it we think more of the big picture: we want to present to iPhone user sequence of screens to select and play a recording, and this should be coming from a web server. Only if there was such a tool... but wait, there is! It's called web browser and in the form of UIWebView you can integrate it in your interface, with a little twist.
First, adding UIWebView is very easy, check this for illustration.
So let's say we added web view and user can select an audio file from there, what happens then? Turns out you can tell it what should happen, check this question UIWebView open links in Safari . You can hook your code into handling of link clicks and do whatever you please (like hide web view and show player etc).
To give an example, say first in the web view you load
which happens to be web page showing list of the programs (which thanks on some clever CSS could look just like an UITableView if you please). User clicks on a programing name, that goes to
which page presents list of weekly shows (again iPhonesque formatted) and when clicked on a link, this now points to
at which point your code recognizes that's audio URL, apprehends control and plays it however it pleases.
How useful is that you may wonder. The answer is "very" :-). It moves the presentation structure away from the app - and to the web server. The app's entry into the UIWebView is the initial URL and the exit is click on audio file link. In a few months someone decides they want the choices not to be made fist programming name and then day of the week; or add additional layer of choice by language or country. No problemo, no need to release new version of the app, just tweak a bit the web pages on the server and the app will pick it up automagically.
It also makes testing the web server side easy - just point any browser to the initial page URL and click-through to see if you make it to a viable audio file. The web master can handle that independently of you, the app writer. You don't even have to care what they use on their side to get those pages, is it hard-coded in html, or comes from a SQL DB, XML tarpit, whatever.
If it were me, and assuming I have some clue as to what you're talking about, I would have a database that shows the relationship between the audio content and the date. Then your spinner for the content would just be updated by a query...
So, for instance, assume a table
| Filename | Language | Date |
| kjslfiewofksalfjslfakj | Swahili | 2011-11-01 |
| shfaahflajfewifhlanfww | Guyanese | 2011-10-08 |
| weijalfjlajfljalsfjewn | French | 2011-11-01 |
| fiwojancanlsjfhkwehwlk | Swahili | 2011-11-01 |
| fhalksflwiehlfnaksflhw | Swahili | 2011-11-03 |
Okay, so if joe schmo reaches the page for the show dated 2011-11-01 and his language is Swahili, two rows will be returned:
| Filename | Language | Date |
| kjslfiewofksalfjslfakj | Swahili | 2011-11-01 |
| fiwojancanlsjfhkwehwlk | Swahili | 2011-11-01 |
You could also easily add references for the date and language that indicate an Akamai record. It doesn't strike me as terribly complicated, but it may mean significant redesign for you. However, you've been purposefully vague on details, so hopefully at least this points you in a right direction.
Alright, so after re-reading, there may be a relatively easy way to control content in its organization by using directory structures, but it takes a backseat to my proposed table.
As I understand it, there are potentially three categories at work: program, date, and language.
If I create a file structure (assuming root):
Then, when the user selects a date and language, we might have:
Then, all we'd have to do is have the $_POST data from the selectors read to provide the show... Unfortunately, this will mean that we have to know the date that the show aired, then language, then show name. This would be a far worse way than a database, but could be done. Use ASP to read directory contents and you can list using loops. Seems pretty simple, but not at all elegant.

Do we have any Equivalent of Response.AppendHeader in windows application

I came around this technique of converting datatable to excel
Do we have any Equivalent of Response.AppendHeader in windows application in C#.
The trick in the code sample that you have mentioned to dynamically generate an Excel file is based on the fact that documents can be converted from Word/Excel to HTML (File->Save As) and vice versa. Essentially a HTML page containing Office XML is created & in a web application a file download is triggered with the help of the following Response.AppendHeader statements -
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Type", "application/");
Response.AppendHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=my.xls");
If you want to use this technique in a Winforms application, just save the string content as a text file and give the file an extension of ".xls". Instead of the last 3 lines in the sample's Page_Load method, replace it with this line -
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(#"C:\Report.xls", strBody);