How can I get Google OAuth on a catalyst app? - perl

I've been trying to use Google's OAuth for authentication on a Catalyst app. I've tried using CatalystX::OAuth2 and Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::OAuth but it seems I get stuck on configuration.
I'd like to get it working on Google and then proceed to Facebook
Any good advice out there? I've googled to death, but there doesn't seem to be a lot out there.

I realise this question is almost 2 years old but just in case it helps anyone else, here is some information obtained from a couple of weeks of testing and debugging. I've also published a test oauth2 client project using CatalystX::OAuth2 at - it sort of works with Google although I've not done anything with the token yet such as fetching user profile information and the 'protected' page is broken currently. It might be enough to point you in the right direction though.
There seemed to be a problem with CatalystX::OAuth2 in that it didn't send a scope value, nor could I find a way to make it send one and yet Google's API requires one. Not all providers have this requirement so work ok. Having made a slight alteration to a local copy of CatalystX::OAuth2, I managed to get it to authenticate via Google. The (minor) changes are in a fork of this module, also in my github account.
Visit the Google developers console and create the OAuth2 credentials to use. You'll need them below.
To my oauth2client.yml (from the github project referenced above) I added the following:
grant_uri: [provided by google, ends]/o/oauth2/v2/auth
token_uri: [provided by google, ends]/oauth2/v4/token
client_id: [issued by google]
client_secret: [issued by google]
scope: [provided by google, ends]/auth/userinfo.profile
I don't have a reputation high enough to post more than two links so apologies for missing out parts of the urls above!
This was the only real configuration I needed to setup. By modifying the credential settings I've also used it successfully with as well.
I'm still working on the OAuth2 server side of things and those are the default config within the project which is why you need to add an extra section for Google.

if you provided some info, like where you are stuck and why, I might be able to help.
The cpan has an example config. If you are not using a config file, you can also add it in your Catalyst app, though I would recommend using a config file, there just paste in the example with the data you need specifically.


How to create a comment with data from endpoint?

At my company, we have a CLI which allows our customers to upload data to our backend solution. The CLI runs on PR changes within a job. Let's assume the uploaded data looks like this:
name: "John",
age: 20,
Once the upload is completed, I'd like to create a comment on the PR with to following body:
John is 20 years old.
I've found the following ways to do this:
GitHub App (a bot)
GitHub OAuth App
Personal Access Token
GitHub App
The GitHub App needs to do the following things:
Fetch the data via a user-specific API key
Create a comment
I already created a comment via a bot, but I have no clue how to fetch the data.
As far as my understanding goes, I'd like other users to be able to install this GitHub app from the marketplace to work out of the box. From the ProBot Docs I understand that the bot operates on a webhook basis. Meaning I need to subscribe to a 'job completed' event (not sure if that's the correct name but I think you get the idea) and then fetch the data via a user-specific API we are providing on our platform. However, I see no way for the user of our App to configure an API key (or any form of secret) so the bot can make authenticated requests to our endpoints.
I'd prefer to use GitHub App because the comment coming from the bot would have our company branding and also an indicator that this comment has been created by the integration.
OAuth App
I already tested this by using Postman, however, the comment looks like it's coming from a specific user. Therefore, it has no company branding and it's not clear that an integration created the comment. However, the great part is that we could integrate this with our application, so our backend could create the comment once the data is received.
What I like about this approach is that we also need to implement such a feature for GitLab, Azure, etc, and using OAuth likely scales well with the other providers in comparison to the GitHub app, which is GitHub-specific.
Personal Access Token
Works pretty much like the OAuth App, but instead of our backend creating the comment, the comment is created by the CLI (and the access token is passed into the CLI). However, I think this approach is a bit sketchy.
While I haven't tried this yet, I assume that the token has limited but sufficient permissions to create a comment. As of now, I don't know what the comment will look like, but I think we can rather safely pass this into the CLI to create the comment from there. Since the permissions are limited and the token is invalidated after the workflow I see limited risk for the user of our CLI (and services).
Edit: The comment is coming from the github-actions bot, which is not the branding we are looking for, but it's clear that the comment has been created by the integration.
What's the best way to accomplish what I am trying?
Is there any way I can make this work with GitHub Apps (aka bots)?

Bing Ads API - Can not authenticate - Authentication challenge in Python SDK

I am facing the challenge to request the Bing Ads API to get a couple of metrics from it.
I am using Apache Airflow DAGs hosted on a remote Kubernetes cluster to do so. It is a nice way to automate and schedule tasks.
Now, the documentation is rather light on the point of gaining access to the API.
I have followed this
and the official SDK docs
I am failing at authenticating when querying, since I am lacking a couple of pieces of information.
When authenticating using the "refresh token" and "redirect URI", I do not have either. (Class OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant here:
When using a different method (Class OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant here:, I fail w/
AADSTS700016: Application with identifier '<someidentifier>' was not found in the directory '<somethingelse>'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.
Thank you very much in advance! If you need more details, let me know!
Also great documentation in general, if I can make it more "newb"-friendly, let me know!
Sadly, while there has been some traffic to this question, nobody seems to be able to answer.
I will specify the set up a bit further.
We use Airflow DAGs to request daily updates from the API. For this, we need to authenticate. The authentication comes from a "new device" every time, since the code runs on a k8s cluster which allocates the jobs dynamically to it's pods.
For authentication, we ventured into different solutions, but all require some form of human interaction to get the refresh token into the DAG.
Is there any solution which allows for a hands-free deamon like many-server-to-server communication?
This link sheds some light on what we are looking for:
Sadly, the Bing Ads API does not show up there.
What key piece of information are we missing?
Bing Ads, like Google Ads, uses OAuth for its API.
If you reference the Getting Started page, it mentions that you need a developer token, complete with links.
You can follow these steps to get a developer token for production.
Sign in with Super Admin credentials at the Microsoft Advertising Developer Portal account tab.
Choose the user that you want associated with the developer token. Typically an application only needs one universal token regardless how many users will be supported.
Click on the Request Token button.
Regarding your specific scenario--an application running in the cloud without an interface--you should know that OAuth requires you to interact with it to set things up. So run your app locally ONCE, or at least the getting_started code from your language's walkthrough:
Running it locally will go through the authentication process with your browser and generate a refresh token (in the file refresh.txt by default). Store this file with your code. It will have to be on the server that's making the request, and since it's in Kubernetes, you'll have to keep it with your container file.

User Registration by Email in SecureSocial, How to?

A bit or problem here, well I figured out how to store users signing up from FB/Twitter using SecureSocial, but how am I to register users using email-registration, Can anyone provide me with a brief explanation of how one does it in SecureSocial. I have googled a lot to find tutorials about how thats done, but with no avail.
Yes, of course I can store the token data easily, but in case of email users how am I to integrate the stored data with the user trying to login through the email-password menu. I am confused with the whole work-flow of registering user-by-email
Since I am new to scala, and even new to SecureSocial, I couldn't get the user-regsitration working properly, and didn't properly understand the guide provided in the SecureSocial site regarding this matter.
It would be helpful, if you could provide me with any pointers, or point me to resources/tutorialscovering the part.
Well, I researched about my own question and gained some ideas about Token,
As the name itself describes, Tokens are like real world tokens/tickets:
Tokens-id in SecureSocial exactly are JAVA UUID generated keys, which are unique and used to describe if a particular SecureSocial request is valid or not.
For example if you have used SecureSocial, you might have come accross links like:
Most imp part of the Token Object, token-id=> xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx, its unique and you will find them in every links connected to email registration and its other functionalities, like :
Password Change Links
SignUp Links
I 'll try and posting more elaborate answers, after I learn more about SecureSocial.

Sending SAML request to NetSuite

I've been navigating and toying with features of netsuite, for one feature that came across was the SAML single sign-on. I can not understand how it works or even get it working.
I've read the numerous SAML documents on suiteanswers however, they leave me puzzled.
Does anyone have a working netsuite SAML code example or documentation?
A would suffice also!
Thanks is advance
I don't have a specific SAML snippet, but IIRC SSO needs to be enabled/provisioned. Kindly navigate to Setup, Company, View Billing Information. There must be users provisioned towards the bottom under: Two Factor Authentication Users (Should show Provisioned Quantity and Used Quantity.) I believe there is also a place on Role Permissions where a Role can be defined as single Sign On ONLY - but I don't think that is what you are asking.
Like I said, I have no snippet, however on the Suite-Answers Site, They give me a reference Link that has a PDF that shows a sample for you. The PDF Itself is Located here:
I've made an offline http nonsecured version here stored in Dropbox:

Perl - Facebook Graph API

Time ago it was easy to make a distinction between desktop and web applications, but today while reading while the documentation I've noticed that this difference is less pronounced.
I'm using the Facebook::Graph module to create a desktop application, but still can not go beyond the stage of configuration. I'm stuck at authentication phase:
my $ q = Plack::Request->new($env);
It keeps telling me "$ env is required".
Reading the documentation I've realized that Plack is only concerned with web applications.
Can you confirm this? If not, how do I get past this step?
It would not be a problem getting the access_token using Mechanize and then making a GET request as described in the documentation, but I do not want to complicate my existence, so if there are other ways...
A bit late, but there's a workaround.
To get an access token, take a look here:
Just create a client with Mechanize or whatever you want and login with the desidered credentials
Perform the request as described
Move on from the authorization page
Parse the response and get the token
$fb->access_token($token); says:
Note: Applications that are configured as Native/Desktop apps will not be able to make API calls that require an application access_token.
So it's not a Plack, it's Facebook who requires your app to be web.
But if you may avoid access_token request, it might work.