Connecting Neo4j and Matlab - matlab

Would anyone happen to know, if there is any good way of operating Neo4j (or any other graph database) from Matlab?
R environment seems to have RNeo4j and I'm surprised that I didn't find any equivalent.

Just few ideas:
You can use the Cypher REST interface of Neo4J and this Matlab JSON plugin (found by this SO answer)
Or you can use the the Matlab JDBC connection (like SQLite use OTHER as vendor string) and the Neo4J JDBC driver
Matlba offers also an ODBC Native connection system but unfortunately Neo4J doesn't - even if there are some experiments going on...


Using Slick with Kudu/Impala

Kudu tables can be accessed via Impala thus its jdbc driver. Thanks to that it is accessable via standard java/scala jdbc api. I was wondering if it is possible to use slick for it. Or if not is any other high level scala db framework supporting impla/kudu.
Slick can be used with any JDBC database
At least, for me, Slick is not fully compatible with Impala Kudu. Using Slick, I can not modify db entities, can not create, update or delete any item. It works only to read data.
There are two ways you could use Slick with an arbitrary JDBC driver (and SQL dialect).
The first is to use low-level JDBC calls. The SimpleDBIO class gives you access to a JDBC connection:
val getAutoCommit = SimpleDBIO[Boolean](_.connection.getAutoCommit)
That example is from the Slick manual.
However, I think you're more interested in working at a higher level than that. In that case, for Slick, you'd need to implement a custom Profile. If Impala is similar enough to an existing database profile, you may be able to extend an existing profile and adjust it to account for any differences. For example, this would allow you to customize how SQL is formatted for Impala, how timestamps are represented, how column names are quoted. The documentation on Porting SQL from Other Database Systems to Impala would give you an idea of what needs to change in a driver.
Or if not is any other high level scala db framework supporting impla/kudu.
None of the main-stream libraries seem to support Impala as a feature. Having said that, the Doobie documentation mentions customising connections for Hive. So Doobie may be worth quickly trying Doobie to see if you can query and insert, for example.

Difference between jdbc driver and connectors

From what I understand, jdbc drivers provide interface to connect to database,read data,write data. But isn't informatica connectors also about the same thing i.e. connect to database,read data,write data. then what is the difference between the two?
The ODBC/JDBC drivers provide basic connectivity and features. Informatica dedicated connectors can take advantege of advanced features, e.g. bulk mode, truncates instead of deletetes, etc.
The most obvious difference really is the language that the drivers were written, Java and C, C++ and many other differences like those described in the link below:

Using ODBC in Matlab without database toolbox

I want to connect from Matlab to Algo Financial Modeller results that are accessible through ODBC. However, I cannot find anyway to do it without database toolbox that I do not have.
I found this discussion:
How to connect to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (MSSQL) from Matlab?
But unfortunately there isn't presented any way that uses ODBC.
I would be grateful for any help in that matter.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, you can do without the database toolbox and use ODBC via ADO.
Example of something that works for me:
conn = actxserver('ADODB.Connection')
conn.Open('driver={MariaDB ODBC 3.0 Driver}; server=myserver; port=myport; dns=mydb; uid=user; pwd=password')
conn.Execute('use mydb')
r = conn.Execute('select * from my_table')
Some remarks:
Obviously, replace MariaDB ODBC 3.0 Driver with your own ODBC driver
Despite what some documentations say, server=myserver,myport does not work for me, port=myport does.
For some reason, despite having dns=mydb in the connection string, I still have to use mydb.

How to use Solr on Postgresql and index a table

I am new to Solr with the specific need to crawl existing database table and generate results.
Any online example/tutorial so far only explains about you give documents and it gets indexed, but not any indication of how to do same on database.
Can anyone please explain steps how to achieve this ?
Links like this wiki shows everything with jdbc driver and mysql so I even doubt if Solr supports this with .NET or not. My tech boundries are in C# and Postgresql
You have stumpled over the included support for JDBC already, but you have to use the postgres JDBC driver. The example will be identical with the MySQL one, but you'll have to use the proper URL for postgres instead and reference the JDBC driver (which will depend on which Postgres JDBC driver you use).
This is a configuration option in Solr, and isn't related to .NET or other external dependencies.
However, the other option is to write the indexing code yourself, and this can often be a good solution as it makes it easier to pre-process the content and apply certain logic before storing content in Solr. For .NET you have Solrnet, a Solr client, that'll make it easy to both query from and submit documents to Solr.

MongoDB C# : use official driver and Norm or wait for linq implementation, sugestions?

I searching to migrate my cms from SQL to NoSQL MongoDB using C#. I have created the first classes migration but i'm not happy with future evolutivity and stability using currents C# drivers. I have stated with Samus, moved to Norm and now mixed with Official mongodb driver. Can someone sugest what preserve in Norm driver and what use with official driver and when we can imagine to get a complete driver to stabilize the developments.
Consider using 10gen (official) driver for MongoDB, since it has been heavily refactored, tested and is currently maintained.
Norm driver is being phased out in favour of official driver
Updating numerical types using NoRM and other tools changes numerical type metadata on MongoDb
On the top of 10gen driver you can add if really need FluentMongo.