Overriding methods in vala - gtk3

As an experiemnt, I'm extending the Gtk.HeaderBar class in vala like this, in order to have a Button instead of the title / subtitle Labels:
using Gtk;
public class WebBrowserHeaderBar : HeaderBar {
private Button title_widget;
public WebBrowserHeaderBar(){
this.show_close_button = true;
title_widget = new Button.with_label("title");
public void set_title(string title){
title_widget.label = title;
and then I'm using it like this:
public class MainWindow: Window {
private WebBrowserHeaderBar header;
public MainWindow() {
//this.title = MyWeb.APP_TITLE;
this.window_position = WindowPosition.CENTER;
this.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit);
set_default_size (300, 200);
header = new WebBrowserHeaderBar();
header.set_title (MyWeb.APP_TITLE);
That works, however I get the following warning while compiling:
WebBrowserHeaderBar.vala:15.2-15.22: warning: WebBrowserHeaderBar.set_title hides inherited method `Gtk.HeaderBar.set_title'. Use the `new' keyword if hiding was intentional
public void set_title(string title){
Compilation succeeded - 1 warning(s)
If I change my method like this public override void set_title(string title){, it won't compile:
WebBrowserHeaderBar.vala:15.2-15.31: error: WebBrowserHeaderBar.set_title: no suitable method found to override
public override void set_title(string title){
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Why am I getting this? How can I get rid of the warning and/or successfully override the set_title method?

You can only override methods that are abstract or virtual. Other methods cannot be overridden, but you can hide them using the new keyword:
public new void set_title (string title) {
title_widget.label = title;
If the reference is of type WebBrowserHeaderBar, or one of its children, this method will be called. If the reference is of type HeaderBar or one of its superclasses, then the original set_title will be used.
This is a somewhat there-be-dragons feature.


Mock an Interface with Mockito return a NullPointerException

I m trying create unit tests for one project.I m facing a problem because when I try control the result of an interface(mock). When the code get the Interface variable that return a NullPointerException.
Firstly I tried #Override the method in my test class (ClassA), but it don't work. After that I tried mock the interface object and control the comportment with Mockito.When().tehnReturn();
I will put here my code, I read some solutions but none works.
My Interface:
public interface Interface {
UpdateXResponse process(UpdateXRequest request) throws Exception;
The class I want to test:
public class ClassA extends VService implements UpdateX {
private Interface interface;
public ClassA(...) {...}
public UpdateXResponse process(UpdateXRequest request) throws Exception {
UpdateXResponse response = initResponse(context, request, new UpdateXResponse());
UpdateXInput input = request.getInput();
UpdateXOutput output = new UpdateXOutput();
try {
} catch (Exception t) {
throwCorrectException(t, logger);
return response;
private void firstMethodCall(...) throws Exception {
TypeF typeF = callInterfaceMethod(...);
* Orchestrates Interface service
protected TypeF callInterfaceMethod(...) {
InterfaceResponse response = interface.process(request); // LINE ERROR - In this step interface is NULL when the test get this
return response;
And finally my class test:
#PrepareForTest(value = {ClassA.class,Interface.class} )
public class WithPowerMockUnitTest{
private ClassA classA;
private Interface interface;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
InterfaceRequest InterfaceRequest = createInterfaceRequest();
InterfaceResponse serviceUnavailableResponse = createInterfaceResponse();
Interface = Mockito.mock(Interface.class);
public void testh() throws SOAException {
InterfaceResponse res = interface.process(Mockito.any(InterfaceRequest.class)); // There all run ok. The interface is not null and return what i expected.
System.out.println("RES "+res);
public void test() {
assertNotNull(classA); // not null
assertNotNull(interface); // not null
public void newTest() throws Exception {
InterfaceRequest InterfaceRequest = createInterfaceRequest();
InterfaceResponse serviceUnavailableResponse = createInterfaceResponse();
UpdateXResponse response = ClassA.process(updateXRequest()); // PROBLEM!! When that get the LINE ERROR the interface is null! WHY?
I put some comments in the lines where the problem exists for me.
public interface A{
Response process(Request r) throws Exception;
public class B{
private Class_That_Override_Interface_method ctoim;
public Response function(){
X res = method_B();
protected X method_B(){
response res = ctoim.process(request); // That ctoim is always NULL when the test get that line/call
You're missing the #Mock annotation on your Interface variable.
Therefore the mock is not injected into your classA and the newTest() fails. (In this case remove Interface = Mockito.mock(Interface.class); from the setUp method).
Alternativly remove the #InjectMocks annotation and create your class under test manually passing your mock into the constructor.
For this specific case (assuming its a different case from the last question)
there doesn't seem to be a need to involve PowerMockito. So unless you left out some relevant parts you might as well just use the MockitoJUnitRunner.
Also remeber what I said last time about compilable examples?
interface is a keyword and can't be used for variables.
You should also aim to write variables identical all the times (not Interface and interface / classA and ClassA)
And in case you haven't read it yet check out the help section about minmal reproducible examples.
I fogot to mention that the line interface.process(Mockito.any(InterfaceRequest.class)); in testh() is actually invalid syntax. You should use ArgumentMatchers only for parameters of mocked methods.
Also consider adding the MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); to your setUp method, when using the PowerMockRunner.

How to override installed mappings of Behavior?

In java-9 Skins made it into public scope, while Behaviors are left in the dark - nevertheless changed considerably, in now using InputMap for all input bindings.
CellBehaviorBase installs mouse bindings like:
InputMap.MouseMapping pressedMapping, releasedMapping;
pressedMapping = new InputMap.MouseMapping(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, this::mousePressed),
releasedMapping = new InputMap.MouseMapping(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, this::mouseReleased),
new InputMap.MouseMapping(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED, this::mouseDragged)
A concrete XXSkin now installs the behavior privately:
final private BehaviorBase behavior;
public TableCellSkin(TableCell control) {
behavior = new TableCellBehavior(control);
The requirement is replace the mousePressed behavior (in jdk9 context). The idea is to grab super's field reflectively, dispose all its mappings and install the custom behavior. For some reason that I don't understand, the old bindings are still active (though the old mappings are empty!) and are invoked before the new bindings.
Below is a runnable example to play with: the mapping to mousePressed is simply implemented to do nothing, particularly to not invoke super. To see the old bindings at work, I set a conditional debug breakpoint at CellBehaviorBase.mousePressed like (in Eclipse):
System.out.println("mousePressed super");
new RuntimeException("whoIsCalling: " + getNode().getClass()).printStackTrace();
return false;
Run a debug and click into any cell, then the output is:
mousePressed super
java.lang.RuntimeException: whoIsCalling: class de.swingempire.fx.scene.control.cell.TableCellBehaviorReplace$PlainCustomTableCell
at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.CellBehaviorBase.mousePressed(CellBehaviorBase.java:169)
at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.inputmap.InputMap.handle(InputMap.java:274)
at com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventHandler$NormalEventHandlerRecord.handleBubblingEvent(CompositeEventHandler.java:218)
at com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventHandler.dispatchBubblingEvent(CompositeEventHandler.java:80)
at com.sun.javafx.event.EventHandlerManager.dispatchBubblingEvent(EventHandlerManager.java:238)
at com.sun.javafx.event.EventHandlerManager.dispatchBubblingEvent(EventHandlerManager.java:191)
//... lots more of event dispatching
// until finally the output in my custom cell behavior
Feb. 02, 2016 3:14:02 NACHM. de.swingempire.fx.scene.control.cell.TableCellBehaviorReplace$PlainCustomTableCellBehavior mousePressed
INFORMATION: short-circuit super: Bulgarisch
I would expect to only see the very last part, that is the printout by my custom behavior. It feels like I'm somehow fundamentally off - but can't nail it. Ideas?
The runnable code (sorry for its length, most is boiler-plate, though):
public class TableCellBehaviorReplace extends Application {
private final ObservableList<Locale> locales =
private Parent getContent() {
TableView<Locale> table = createLocaleTable();
BorderPane content = new BorderPane(table);
return content;
private TableView<Locale> createLocaleTable() {
TableView<Locale> table = new TableView<>(locales);
TableColumn<Locale, String> name = new TableColumn<>("Name");
name.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("displayName"));
name.setCellFactory(p -> new PlainCustomTableCell<>());
TableColumn<Locale, String> lang = new TableColumn<>("Language");
lang.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("displayLanguage"));
lang.setCellFactory(p -> new PlainCustomTableCell<>());
table.getColumns().addAll(name, lang);
return table;
* Custom skin that installs custom Behavior. Note: this is dirty!
* Access super's behavior, dispose to get rid off its handlers, install
* custom behavior.
public static class PlainCustomTableCellSkin<S, T> extends TableCellSkin<S, T> {
private BehaviorBase<?> replacedBehavior;
public PlainCustomTableCellSkin(TableCell<S, T> control) {
private void replaceBehavior() {
BehaviorBase<?> old = (BehaviorBase<?>) invokeGetField(TableCellSkin.class, this, "behavior");
// at this point, InputMap mappings are empty:
// System.out.println("old mappings: " + old.getInputMap().getMappings().size());
replacedBehavior = new PlainCustomTableCellBehavior<>(getSkinnable());
public void dispose() {
* Custom behavior that's meant to override basic handlers. Here: short-circuit
* mousePressed.
public static class PlainCustomTableCellBehavior<S, T> extends TableCellBehavior<S, T> {
public PlainCustomTableCellBehavior(TableCell<S, T> control) {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
if (true) {
LOG.info("short-circuit super: " + getNode().getItem());
* C&P of default tableCell in TableColumn. Extended to install custom
* skin.
public static class PlainCustomTableCell<S, T> extends TableCell<S, T> {
public PlainCustomTableCell() {
#Override protected void updateItem(T item, boolean empty) {
if (item == getItem()) return;
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item == null) {
} else if (item instanceof Node) {
} else {
protected Skin<?> createDefaultSkin() {
return new PlainCustomTableCellSkin<>(this);
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(getContent(), 400, 200));
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Reflectively access super field.
public static Object invokeGetField(Class source, Object target, String name) {
try {
Field field = source.getDeclaredField(name);
return field.get(target);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
return null;
private static final Logger LOG = Logger
The suggestion inherit from the abstract skin XXSkinBase instead of the concrete XXSkin (then you are free to install whatever behavior you want, dude :-) is very reasonable and should be the first option. In the particular case of XX being TableCell, that's currently not possible, as the base class contains abstract package-private methods. Also, there are XX that don't have an abstract base (like f.i. ListCell).
Might be a bug in InputMap:
Digging into the sources I found some internal book-keeping (eventTypeMappings) parallel to mappings (these are the handlers). InputMap is listening to changes in mappings and updates the internal book-keeping on changes
mappings.addListener((ListChangeListener<Mapping<?>>) c -> {
while (c.next()) {
// TODO handle mapping removal
if (c.wasRemoved()) {
for (Mapping<?> mapping : c.getRemoved()) {
// removeMapping
private void removeMapping(Mapping<?> mapping) {
Meaning that the internal structure is never cleaned, particularly not when the mappings are removed in behavior.dispose(). When looking up eventHandlers - by inputMap.handle(e), see debug stacktrace shown in the question - the old handler is found in the internal book-keeping structure.
Joys of early experiments ... ;-)
At the end, a (very dirty, very hacky!) solution is to take over InputMap's job and force a cleanup of the internals:
private void replaceBehavior() {
BehaviorBase<?> old = (BehaviorBase<?>) invokeGetField(TableCellSkin.class, this, "behavior");
// at this point, InputMap mappings are empty:
// System.out.println("old mappings: " + old.getInputMap().getMappings().size());
replacedBehavior = new PlainCustomTableCellBehavior<>(getSkinnable());
* This is a hack around InputMap not cleaning up internals on removing mappings.
* We remove MousePressed/MouseReleased/MouseDragged mappings from the internal map.
* Beware: obviously this is dirty!
* #param inputMap
private void cleanupInputMap(InputMap<?> inputMap) {
Map eventTypeMappings = (Map) invokeGetField(InputMap.class, inputMap, "eventTypeMappings");
BTW: just in case anybody is wondering wtf - without, my hack around the missing commitOnFocusLost when editing a cell stopped working in java-9.
Try in PlainCustomTableCellSkin to inherit from the abstract class TableCellSkinBase rather than from TableCellSkin.
Then you can call the super constructor, which takes an TableCellBehaviorBase object as additional param.
Then you can save your time replacing it, by initializing it directly with the right one.
Just for more claryfication:
TableCellSkin extends TableCellSkinBase
TableCellBehavior extends TableCellBehaviorBase
One more thing. You need to also call super.init(tableCell) in your constructor.
Take the TableCellSkin class as reference.

How to use interface MyCssResource in Utility class (GWT/ GWTP)?

I have
public interface MyResource extends ClientBundle{
MyCssResource css();
public interface MyCssResource extends CssResource {
String gridEvenRow();
String gridOddRow();
.... more styling here....
in TestView.java
#UiField MyResource res;
public TestView(final Binder binder) {
widget = binder.createAndBindUi(this);
In TestPresenter.java, I can style Grid without any problem.
for (int i = 1; i < myGrid.getRowCount(); i++) {
if((i%2) == 0){
myGrid.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(i, getView().getRes().css().gridEvenRow());
myGrid.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(i, getView().getRes().css().gridOddRow());
But I don't want to repeat this code every time I initialize a Grid. So I want to put this code into a Utility class so that I can use it by just 1 line of code. Utility.formatGridOddEvenRow(myGrid);
Here is code in Utility
public class Utility {
public static MyResource res;
public Utility(){
public static void formatGridOddEvenRow(Grid grid){
for (int i = 1; i < grid.getRowCount(); i++) {
if((i%2) == 0){
grid.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(i, res.css().gridEvenRow());
grid.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(i, res.css().gridOddRow());
However, it got run-time error [ERROR] - Uncaught exception escaped ? or some kind of error i don't know.
so, How to use interface MyCssResource in Utility class (GWT/ GWTP)?
public static final MyResource res=GWT.create(MyResource.class)
add this code anywhere and use it. if you give all of your code, may be more helpfull.
I Hope constructor is not called can you check place an alert and see is ensureInjected() is called.
As per Java Static method calling doesn't need object creation. so Utility Object is not created so constructor will not be called.
For GWT CssResources it is must ensureInjected() called before applying the css.

Implement NullableSetEditor by wrapping a NullalbleListEditor

I have a working NullableStringListEditor implementation:
public class NullableStringListEditor extends Composite implements IsEditor<OptionalFieldEditor< List<String>, ListEditor<String, StringEditor> >> {...}
Now, I am building a NullableStringSetEditor by wrapping it:
public class NullableStringSetEditor extends Composite implements ValueAwareEditor<Set<String>>, LeafValueEditor<Set<String>> {
private NullableStringListEditor wrappedEditor = new NullableStringListEditor();
public void setValue(Set<String> values) {
List<String> list = wrappedEditor.asEditor().getValue();
some null checking...
wrappedEditor.asEditor().setValue(list); // will call setValue of OptionalFieldEditor from here
java.lang.NullPointerException: null at com.google.gwt.editor.client.adapters.OptionalFieldEditor.setValue(OptionalFieldEditor.java:113)
line 113: chain.attach(value, subEditor);
it seems like chain is always null.
Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
If NullableStringSetEditor is a LeafvalueEditor, then wrappedEditor will be ignored by the Editor framework generator, and thus won't be initialized and populated.
You might want to follow the OptionaEditor pattern by having your editor be a CompositeEditor (in addition to being a LeafValueEditor)

MVC source code singleton pattern

Why does .net MVC source code ControllerBuilder use a delegate to assign the controller factory?:
private Func<IControllerFactory> _factoryThunk;
public void SetControllerFactory(IControllerFactory controllerFactory) {
_factoryThunk = () => controllerFactory;
Why can't it just assign the ControllerFactory directly?, ie:
private IControllerFactory _factory;
public void SetControllerFactory(IControllerFactory controllerFactory) {
_factory = controllerFactory;
public void SetControllerFactory(Type controllerFactoryType) {
_factory = (IControllerFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(controllerFactoryType);
The reason that _factoryThunk is currently defined as a Func<IControllerFactory> is that it's a generic means to support both overloads:
void SetControllerFactory(Type);
void SetControllerFactory(IControllerFactory);
The implementation of the first one uses the fact that _factoryThunk is a Func by declaring that Func inline by using Activator to instantiate the Type lazily:
this._factoryThunk = delegate {
IControllerFactory factory;
factory = (IControllerFactory) Activator.CreateInstance(controllerFactoryType);
catch (Exception exception)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, MvcResources.ControllerBuilder_ErrorCreatingControllerFactory, new object[] { controllerFactoryType }), exception);
return factory;
Therefore, the reason the other overload looks like it has a spurious implementation is that since _factoryThunk is declared as a Func, the line you propose wouldn't have even compiled:
_factoryThunk = controllerFactory;
_factoryThunk is a Func<IControllerFactory> whereas controllerFactory is an IControllerFactory -- incompatible types.