Enable XA Transactions through a batch file or script - powershell

Im trying to create a batch file or a script that enables this option in Windows 7x64
The reason for this is that when running a silent installation I get en error pointing to this. If I do it manually all works fine.
Im not sure how to create this batchfile/script/powershell...?
Any ideas?
Thank you all

The option 'sits' in the registry according to MSDN - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc224817.aspx
With PowerShell it will be like this:
Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MSDTC\\Security\\" -Name "XaTransactions" -Value "1"
Note that you need admin rights. Tried it on Windows 8.
You may want to experiment with reading the value first - here's the way:
Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MSDTC\\Security\\" -Name "XaTransactions"


Create and configuring Application Pool on IIS w10 and powershell 7.2

I'm trying to create a pool of applications with specific parameters using this code:
$currentAppPool = New-WebAppPool -Name myNeyAppPool
# Set pool specifications
$currentAppPool.AutoStart = "true"
$currentAppPool.ManagedRuntimeVersion = "No Managed Code"
$currentAppPool | Set-Item
I have several errors because setitem asks me for a path variable that it doesn't recognize. Set-Item: The input object cannot be bound because it did not contain the information required to bind all mandatory parameters: Path
I tried to give it the parameter -path IIS:\AppPools\myNeyAppPool but I get the message
Set-Item: Cannot find drive. A drive with the name 'IIS' does not exist
There are quite a few changes concerning the management of IIS in w10 via powershell 7, but little documentation seems to exist on the subject.
Is there anything help ?
The provider "IIS:" is loaded when importing the webadministration module.
Providers before and after to load webadministration module
Do you have IIS role enabled in windows 10?
You can check the following link:
Which providers appear if you run the "Get-PSProvider" command?
First try running PowerShell as an administrator, and then the drive is provided by the WebAdministration module, so you need make sure install that module, you can install the module with the following PowerShell commands:
Import-Module ServerManager
Add-WindowsFeature Web-Scripting-Tools

Running powershell without useriteraction

start "odopen://sync/?siteId=$siteid17&webId=$webid17&listId=$listid17&userEmail=$upn&webUrl=$URL17&webtitle=$webtitle17&listtitle=$listtitle17"
How is it possible to run the following command inside Powershell without an appearing popup window or any userinteraction? I've tried adding /ArgumentList "/S", "/Background". Also tried with -WindowStyle Hidden at the end. Appreciate some help :)
Your command as-is basically says "Start the program that opens odopen:// (OneDrive) links" and can't really be given any silent style instructions. The proper way to configure this kind of thing is through OneDrive Group Policies, but we can cheat and set registry keys.
The link above goes into detail about how to configure group policy, but also tells us that the specific group policy setting to "Configure team site libraries to sync automatically" sets this registry key:
And that your LibraryID is in this format, which looks familiar:
So to put it in a script, I would use something like this, adapted from Nicola Suter's blog post here:
$tenantAutoMountRegKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive\TenantAutoMount"
$autoMountTeamSitesList= #{
#Enter your SharePoint libraries to configure here as key/value pairs
# Check if the key exists and create if missing:
if (-not (Test-Path $tenantAutoMountRegKey)){ New-Item -Path $tenantAutoMountRegKey -Force }
# Add the sites for automatic mounting
$autoMountTeamSitesList | Set-ItemProperty -Path $tenantAutoMountRegKey -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value
This generally takes effect the next time a user signs into OneDrive, though Microsoft warns it may take up to 8 hours to start syncing (Keeps hundreds of users from syncing the same library at the same time)
TL;DR: You cannot.
Using odopen will always show sign-in window (as stated here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-on-windows#help-users-sign-in), what you can do is only populate it with data, which is what you are already doing.
If you want to do it silently, there is documentation about it: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/use-silent-account-configuration

Powershell command to find registry key advanced audit settings (permissions)

I am trying to use powershell commands to get the registry key advanced audit settings, after a while of testing I have managed to come to this point:
(Get-Acl -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion).AuditToString
Using that command gives me no output (advanced audit settings are in place so I am expecting an output). It seems like I am very close with this command and I may be missing a parameter. I have been at this for a while with no luck so I really appreciate any help.
Let's assume you have an element "AdvancedAudit" at HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
This is how you access it...Hope it helps!
(Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion).AdvancedAudit

How to disable windows firewall for all networked machines using the command line in Windows Server 2016?

I am currently building a Hyper-V lab consisting of a DC and multiple networked VMs, using Windows Server 2016. I'd like to completely disable the windows firewall for all existing and newly created VMs.
The best way that I've found to do this so far is via Group Policy for the Domain Profile. Then set Windows Firewall: Protect all network connections to disabled. What I would like to do is to have a way of scripting this out (using Powershell if possible).
I've found that by performing the above steps in the GUI, it creates a few entries in the registry:
In each of those entries, there is a property called EnableFirewall which is set to 0. So I tried creating all of this using Powershell like this:
New-Item -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft" -name WindowsFirewall
New-Item -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsFirewall" -name DomainProfile
New-ItemProperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsFirewall\DomainProfile" -name EnableFirewall -value 0 -PropertyType DWord -Force
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be working, so there must be something else that I'm missing.
Does anybody know how to completely disable the windows firewall for all networked machines using the command line in Windows Server 2016?
Setting up the Windows-Firewall for your domain-computers through computer-startup-script is not a great solution in my opinion.
You should definetly use Group Policy for this task.
GP does exactly what I want, I would just like a way of modifying GP using Powershell. I'm building a lab from scratch, and I'm looking to script as much of it as possible rather than using the gui.
I am not completely sure, what you are trying to achive.
You have created a lab now and I think you are trying to script a complete automatic built-up for future use. Is this correct?
If yes, then my solution is maybe what you are looking for:
Create a new GPO in your lab named "Firewall-Settings" for example.
Make all of your needed FireWall-Settings to the new GPO.
In Group Policy Editor open the main-node named „Group Policy Objects“. (important) Find the newly created GPO, right-click it and select "Backup":
Save the GPO-backup to a folder. (folder must exist)
The GPO is beeing saved and named like on the screenshot below (GUID):
That's it for the preparation. Now you maybe want to script the creation of the GPO with Powershell for future use and import the backup to obtain it's settings in a new environment:
New-GPO -Name "FireWall-Settings" | New-GPLink -Target "DC=mydomain,DC=local" # distinguishedName of Target-OU
Import-GPO -Path $PathtoGPOBackup -TargetName "FireWall-Settings" -BackupGpoName "FireWall-Settings"
The Script creates a GPO in the new environment with the name "FireWall-Settings" and links it to the target-OU.
After that you import the settings of the backup-GPO. All the domain-members in scope of the GPO will get the Windows-Firewall configured automatically.
Now the process is documented and fully automatic, if this is, what you are looking for.
Kind regards
open cmd prompt with elevated mode and run this:
netsh -r ComputerName -u Username -p Password -c advfirewall set allprofiles state off
If you want to do it for all the machines. Get all the ad computers using get-adcomputer. Run a foreach loop and put the variable istead of computername.
If you have the domain admin creds, then you are good to go with this.
Hope it helps.
Depending on the profile you want to disable, specify profiles (public, domain, private) using the -Name parameter. To disable all profiles for a networked machine, where $computerName array is the hostname of your DC, PC etc:
$computerName = 'DC1, PC1, MS1'
Invoke-Command -Computername $computerName -ScriptBlock {
Set-NetFirewallProfile -Name Domain, Public, Private -Enabled False

How to set value for local group policy(gpedit.msc) using power shell script

I want to access this path Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Account Policies\Password Policy\Maximum password age in local group policy editor and modify its value through powershell script. I have tried to import module group (Get-Command -Module group*) but no methods/module is found.I have tried the following way in powershell and it didn't work.
Set-ItemProperty -Path \Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Account Policies\Password Policy -Name Maximum password age -Value 20
Can someone help me in modifying the value through powershell scripting.
I am new to powershell scripting,so please ignore if any wrong info is
You can find it in windows registry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters
MaximumPasswordAge REG_DWORD
You can get/set Registry values, somewhat counter-intuitively with the [get/set]-itemproperty commands.
Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WinRM\Service\ -Name AllowCredSSP
However, this likely won't reflect in the Local Group Policy Editor interface.
Look up LGPO.exe, documentation is scarce, but it seems to work:
(Current download is in the "Security Compliance Toolkit")
For parameters like max password age, I think best way is to use net.exe commant. Try to execute
net.exe accounts /?
For more complicated group policies in computer without domain, you can prepare policies in one computer, export it to file, and inport in other computers, by using secedit.exe
Try to google secedit /export, secedit /import usage
You can call secedit from powershell without any problems