Using Mapbox, is it possible to search the layer's data (i.e., building footprints. zoom to buildings with sq feet >2,000)? The more specific the help the better. Thank you
I'm using mapbox studio to customize a map and I haven't found the way to display building-outline layer at any zoom level.
If I'm under of 16 zoom level, this layer disappears... even if I force opacity to 1.
Any idea ?
Thank you in advance
The minimum zoom level for the buildings layer in the current tileset (Mapbox Streets v8) is 13.
This means that if you zoom out further (from 12 to 0) the buildings layer will not be rendered on the map.
See documentation:
The reason for this restriction is that if you requested your browser to fetch and render every building polygon in a wider area (like an entire city or country), this would be more than a reasonable amount of data to render.
If you have your own buildings polygon data and you create a tileset from that, you could choose to include your data across more zoom levels. However, you might waste a lot of computing resources drawing shapes that are too tiny to understand at those further zoom levels.
I'm creating a Mapbox scene with three.js. I have 3D models of some buildings which are rendered with custom layer and three.js. For the remaining buildings, I want to extrude the buildings basically in the same way as the example in the docs shows ( Can I specify that the extrusion should not happen for the modeled buildings?
The current situation looks like this:
I read that you can use polygons to specify a certain region for a layer, but I'm not sure if it works the same way with the extruded buildings.
Is this even possible with the current state? Has anybody already faced a similar problem? Thanks!
You should check to see if the Mapbox Streets buildings layer have IDs. If so you can exclude those buildings by ID.
I am using Mapbox and Leaflet to visualize a world map.
The map tile is based on the MapBox tiles that you can find and style upon creating MapBox project.
I tried to load the geometries of world countries from Natural Earth with the most accurate scale 1:10m million but I found out that a geojson border of Morocco for example is not matching the the border of Morocco in the MapBox baseline.
So where exactly I can find the geojson border of world countries that matches MapBox tile?
Natural Earth is used at lower zoom levels, at some point it switches to more detailed OSM data from
Hope that helps.
I am developing a Map based iPhone application where I have to draw a map of any specific region depending upon the current location of that device.
Client is supplying me the .shapefile consisting of all the co-ordinates and data to draw the map.
We can store the shape file on the server and i think to draw the map on device with the data presented on .shapefile I need the tiles with different zoom level. So on the server side I have to convert the .shapefile into tile based file.
But I don't know how to do that conversion.
Can anyone please guide me?
Thanks in advance.
Its a lot of work.
First, shapefiles only define the geometry - you need to decide what the features are going to look like. Are they points, lines, or polygons? Do you want them all in the same colour, or depending on their attributes?
Then get mapnik or TileMill and learn how to use that. Do you just want to present the shapefile, or do you want that on a base map? In which case you'll have to generate a transparent tile set and do raster image overlays in your application.
Is it the whole world? And to the same resolution as Google Maps zooms? Get a big bank of disk storage.
Personally I'd look into converting the shapefile into a vector form that you could render on the client - GeoJSON perhaps. Then serve that.
I'm using Leaflet and MapBox. I need to develop an api which will show certain city points with labels, and accordingly draw routes between them. I have BlueMarble tiles till certain zoom, and then MapBox Streets. What is the best way to realize that idea? Are circles and paths the best option? Thank you.
I am not sure that you need to create an API for what you want to do.
In the Leaflet tutorials it shows you how to create LineStrings and Points from GeoJson data. So with latitude and longitude coordinates for the Cities you can create Points and use LineStrings to create the routes and add a them as a GeoJson Layer to the map.