Reading file to list of lists using Common Lisp - lisp

I need to read a text file using Common Lisp. File must be read to list of lists. Each list in the list must consist of a line from file.
Now, I have done such code:
(with-open-file (in file)
(loop for line = (read-line in nil nil)
while line
collect (coerce line 'list)))
But, for example, the rusult looks as: ((#\0 #\0 #\0) (#\1 #\0 #\1)). But I need to have result without #\ characters: ((0 0 0) (1 0 1)). How to fix it?

You are already converting the line to a list of characters;
all you need to do is convert the characters to numbers:
(with-open-file (in file)
(loop for line = (read-line in nil nil)
while line
collect (map 'list #'digit-char-p line)))
You can also use (parse-integer (string c)) instead of digit-char-p, but that seems an overkill.


How do I count the number of specific characters in a string in Emacs Lisp?

Let's say I have a string s.
And this string s could contain this:
or this:
but also this:
How do I count the number of dashes (-) in this string using Emacs Lisp and store this number in some variable e.g. count-of-dashes?
The following function should do it:
(defun count-chars (char str)
(let ((s (char-to-string char))
(count 0)
(start-pos -1))
(while (setq start-pos (string-search s str (+ 1 start-pos)))
(setq count (+ 1 count)))
You call it like this:
(count-chars ?- "---") ==> 3
(count-chars ?- "foo-bar") ==> 1
(count-chars ?- "-foo-bar-baz") ==> 3
(count-chars ?- "foobarbaz") ==> 0
To set a variable to the number found, you just use
(setq count-of-chars (count-chars ?- "foo-bar-baz"))
Basically, we loop looking for the first dash: if we find it we remember where so that we start looking at the place just to the right of it the next time around the loop. The loop body then just counts every one we see. When we can't find any more, string-search (and the setq) returns nil and the loop exits, whereupon we return the accumulated count. See the doc string of the function string-search with C-h f string-search for the details.
Another method is more akin to the split string method of python: split-string splits a string on a separator into a list of parts. We then count the parts (the length of the list) and subtract 1: "a-b-c" is split into ("a" "b" "c") so there are three parts but only two separators.
(defun count-chars (char str)
(let ((s (char-to-string char)))
(- (length (split-string str s)) 1)))
Again, see the doc string of split-string (C-h f split-string) for all the details.
In both cases, we converted the character argument to a string argument, because both string-search in the first case and split-string in the second expect a string argument (to search for in the first case and to use as a separator in the second case - in fact, split-string can use a regular expression as a separator). Characters and strings are different data types in Emacs Lisp, so the conversion is necessary if you really want a character s the first argument of count-chars. But you could make it a string instead:
(defun count-seps (sep str)
(- (length (split-string str sep)) 1))
and then you would call it like this instead:
(count-seps "-" "abc-def-ghi-")
which is simpler and more general:
(count-seps "-;-" "abc-;-def") ==> 1
but you do have to worry about special characters in the separator string:
(count-seps "-*-" "abcd-------def") ==> 1
since the regular expression -*- matches one or more dashes so it matches all seven dashes: there is only one separator. Whether that's what you want is debatable. If you don't want it, you'd need to escape the special characters in the separator string:
(defun count-chars (sep str)
(let ((qsep (regexp-quote sep)))
(- (length (split-string str qsep)) 1)))

Function returns list but prints out NIL in LISP

I'm reading a file char by char and constructing a list which is consist of list of letters of words. I did that but when it comes to testing it prints out NIL. Also outside of test function when i print out list, it prints nicely. What is the problem here? Is there any other meaning of LET keyword?
This is my read fucntion:
(defun read-and-parse (filename)
(with-open-file (s filename)
(let (words)
(let (letter)
(loop for c = (read-char s nil)
while c
do(when (char/= c #\Space)
(if (char/= c #\Newline) (push c letter)))
do(when (or (char= c #\Space) (char= c #\Newline) )
(push (reverse letter) words)
(setf letter '())))
(reverse words)
This is test function:
(defun test_on_test_data ()
(let (doc (read-and-parse "document2.txt"))
(print doc)
This is input text:
this is a test
You're not using let properly. The syntax is:
(let ((var1 val1)
(var2 val2)
If the initial value of the variable is NIL, you can abbreviate (varN nil) as just varN.
You wrote:
(let (doc
(read-and-parse "document2.txt"))
(print doc))
Based on the above, this is using the abbreviation, and it's equivalent to:
(let ((doc nil)
(read-and-parse "document2.txt"))
(print doc))
Now you can see that this binds doc to NIL, and binds the variable read-and-parse to "document2.txt". It never calls the function. The correct syntax is:
(let ((doc (read-and-parse "document2.txt")))
(print doc))
Barmar's answer is the right one. For interest, here is a version of read-and-parse which makes possibly-more-idiomatic use of loop, and also abstracts out the 'is the character white' decision since this is something which is really not usefully possible in portable CL as the standard character repertoire is absurdly poor (there's no tab for instance!). I'm sure there is some library available via Quicklisp which deals with this better than the below.
I think this is fairly readable: there's an outer loop which collects words, and an inner loop which collects characters into a word, skipping over whitespace until it finds the next word. Both use loop's collect feature to collect lists forwards. On the other hand, I feel kind of bad every time I use loop (I know there are alternatives).
By default this collects the words as lists of characters: if you tell it to it will collect them as strings.
(defun char-white-p (c)
;; Is a character white? The fallback for this is horrid, since
;; tab &c are not a standard characters. There must be a portability
;; library with a function which does this.
#+LispWorks (lw:whitespace-char-p c)
#+CCL (ccl:whitespacep c) ;?
#-(or LispWorks CCL)
(member char (load-time-value
(mapcan (lambda (n)
(let ((c (name-char n)))
(and c (list c))))
'("Space" "Newline" "Page" "Tab" "Return" "Linefeed"
;; and I am not sure about the following, but, well
"Backspace" "Rubout")))))
(defun read-and-parse (filename &key (as-strings nil))
"Parse a file into a list of words, splitting on whitespace.
By default the words are returned as lists of characters. If
AS-STRINGS is T then they are coerced to strings"
(with-open-file (s filename)
(loop for maybe-word = (loop with collecting = nil
for c = (read-char s nil)
;; carry on until we hit EOF, or we
;; hit whitespace while collecting a
;; word
until (or (not c) ;EOF
(and collecting (char-white-p c)))
;; if we're not collecting and we see
;; a non-white character, then we're
;; now collecting
when (and (not collecting) (not (char-white-p c)))
do (setf collecting t)
when collecting
collect c)
while (not (null maybe-word))
collect (if as-strings
(coerce maybe-word 'string)

String addition assignment in lisp

I have a loop with a condition, based on which I decide whether I should append something to existing string or not.
In Python, it should look like (this is dummy code, just to show the idea):
result_str = ''
for item in range(5):
if item % 2 == 0:
result_str += str(item)
Output: 024
So the question is: how can I perform addition assignment on strings (+=) in lisp?
String concatenation relies on the more general CONCATENATE function:
(concatenate 'string "a" "b")
=> "ab"
Since it considered verbose by some, you can find libraries that implement shorter versions:
(ql:quickload :rutils)
(import 'rutils:strcat)
And then:
(strcat "a" "b")
In order to assign and grow a string, you need to use SETF with an existing variable.
(let ((string ""))
(dotimes (i 5)
(when (evenp i)
(setf string (strcat string (princ-to-string i)))))
A more idiomatic way in Lisp is to avoid string concatenation, but print in a stream which writes into a buffer.
(with-output-to-string (stream)
;; now, stream is bound to an output stream
;; that writes into a string. The whole form
;; returns that string.
for i from 0 below 5 by 2
do (princ i stream)))
=> "024"
Here above, stream is just the symbol used for naming the stream, you could use any other one, including *standard-output*, the special variable that represents current output stream. Doing so would make the enclosed code redirect its standard output to the string stream.
An alternative way to build the intermediate list is the following, where iota is a small utility in the alexandria library:
(delete-if #'oddp (alexandria:iota 5))
=> (0 2 4)
In order to produce a string, you can also use FORMAT, which has a directive that can iterate over lists:
(format nil "~{~a~}" '(0 2 4))
=> "024"
The nil stream destination represents a string destination, meaning (format nil ...) returns a string. Each directive starts with a tilde character (~), ~{ and ~} enclose an iteration directive; inside that block, ~a prints the value "aesthetically" (not readably).

How to explicitly use a standard function?

I'm running into a name collision with iterate and count standard function in the example below:
(defun svs-to-images (file)
(with-open-file (stream file)
(iterate:for line #:= (read-line stream nil nil))
(iterate:while line)
(iterate:for c #:in-string line)
(iterate:with word)
(iterate:with pos #:= 0)
(iterate:with result #:= ; ---------\/ here
(make-array (list (1+ (count #\, line)))
:element-type 'fixnum))
(if (char= c #\,)
(setf (aref result pos)
(coerce (reverse word) 'string))
pos (1+ pos)
word nil)
(setf word (cons c word)))
(iterate:finally result)) 28))))
The error I'm getting is:
during macroexpansion of
Use *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS* to intercept:
Iterate, in (COUNT , LINE):
Missing value for LINE keyword
Compilation failed.
And, if I understood it correctly, it is trying to use count as if it was the count driver from iterate, instead of the original function. How would I make it so that the correct count is used?
In comp.lang.lisp Chris Riesbeck offered this as a workaround for a similar question a few years ago:
(remprop 'count 'iter::synonym)
From then you need to use COUNTING as the iterate clause. CL:COUNT then should refer to the Common Lisp function. You would need to recompile the code.
This is a bug/feature of how iterate processes its body.
You can use a version of iterate from rutils - it uses keywords instead of plain symbols, so there will be no symbol clashes.

Convert char to number

I'm in the process of reading a flat file - to use the characters read I want to convert them into numbers. I wrote a little function that converts a string to a vector:
(defun string-to-vec (strng)
(setf strng (remove #\Space strng))
(let ((vec (make-array (length strng))))
(dotimes (i (length strng) vec)
(setf (svref vec i) (char strng i)))))
However this returns a vector with character entries. Short of using char-code to convert unit number chars to numbers in a function, is there a simple way to read numbers as numbers from a file?
In addition to Rainer's answer, let me mention read-from-string (note that Rainer's code is more efficient than repeated application of read-from-string because it only creates a stream once) and parse-integer (alas, there is no parse-float).
Note that if you are reading a CSV file, you should probably use an off-the-shelf library instead of writing your own.
Above is shorter:
? (map 'vector #'identity (remove #\Space "123"))
#(#\1 #\2 #\3)
You can convert a string:
(defun string-to-vector-of-numbers (string)
(with-input-from-string (s string)
(loop with end = '#:end
for n = (read s nil end)
until (eql n end)
unless (numberp n) do (error "Input ~a is not a number." n)
collect n))
But it would be easier to read the numbers directly form the file. Use READ, which can read numbers.
Note that read-like functions are affected by reader macros.
Pick an example:
* (defvar *foo* 'bar)
* (read-from-string "#.(setq *foo* 'baz)")
* *foo*
As you can see read-from-string can implicitly set a variable. You can disable the #. reader macro by setting *read-eval* to nil but anyway if you have only integers on the input then consider using parse-integer instead.