appAPI.openURL Issue in Firefox and IE - popup

I am facing a Issue in appAPI.openURL parameter popup.
I expected popup parameter will open my URL as popup window. but it is popping under the main window. which is not my requirement.
I need to open my window as popup (modal popup) but not as pop under.
this is how i am doing it
url: href,
where: "popup",
focus: false
Any help would be appreciated.

Opening a modal window/popup has limited support by browsers/JavaScript and is less likely to work/be supported cross browser.
The nearest cross browser option you can achieve is to specify the where property of appAPI.openURL as window to open a popup window that is not modal.
url: href,
where: "window",
focus: false
[Disclosure: I am a Crossrider employee]

url: href,
where: "window",
focus: true,
This opens a popup window above my browser.


How to display a form in modal dialog on page load?

This is on Drupal 8.6, PHP 7.2, Theme is based on Bootstrap.
The scenario is, I want to display a dialog box with a subscription form in the home page. The dialog box will be loaded automatically when page load, not by click any link.
I see there are lot of examples there in the net, but all related to by clicking a link, modal will display. But I want to load it without any click.
I partially successful by using BootstrapDialog, but ajax is not working on form submit button. What I did, I attach a js file in the front page, with the code below. It shows the Modal Dialog box, and I tuned a page--newsletter--subscribe.html.twig, its working But submit button not working not ajax is working.{
title: 'Subscribe To Newsletter',
message: jQuery('<div></div>').load('/newsletter/subscribe'),
closable: false,
draggable: true,
closeByBackdrop: false,
closeByKeyboard: false,
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function(dialogRef){
I saw there is an example in code node.preview.js file like this:
var $previewDialog = $('<div>' + Drupal.theme('nodePreviewModal') + '</div>').appendTo('body');
Drupal.dialog($previewDialog, {
title: Drupal.t('Leave preview?'),
buttons: [{
text: Drupal.t('Cancel'),
click: function click() {
}, {
text: Drupal.t('Leave preview'),
click: function click() { =;
But I never able to make it working in my custom module.
If some one can help on this, will be really great!
I just tried to put a link manually in the template and tried to open the dialog, but it gives me some error:
Show Dialog
The error is as follows:
dialog.js?v=8.6.4:35 Uncaught TypeError: $element.dialog is not a function
at openDialog (dialog.js?v=8.6.4:35)
at Object.dialog.showModal (dialog.js?v=8.6.4:52)
at Drupal.AjaxCommands.openDialog (dialog.ajax.js?v=8.6.4:96)
at Drupal.Ajax.success (ajax.js?pkvhqx:155)
at Object.success (ajax.js?v=8.6.4:234)
at i (jquery.min.js?v=3.2.1:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js?v=3.2.1:2)
at A (jquery.min.js?v=3.2.1:4)
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (jquery.min.js?v=3.2.1:4)
It seems some of the library is not loaded. Here is my global attachement:
- core/jquery
- core/jquery.ui
- core/drupal.ajax
- core/drupal
- core/drupalSettings
- core/drupal.dialog
- core/drupal.dialog.ajax
- core/jquery.form
- core/jquery.once
- core/modernizr
Any help will be great!
This issue is related to the pro theme I have purchased named "glazed". Its removed the bootstrap modals library. When I disabled the Bootstrap Modal library from theme settings, Modals are working fine. But when I tried to enable the Bootstrap Modal, it gives the following message, which explain everything:
Your theme is trying to load the Bootstrap Modals override library from the bootstrap basetheme. This library is not compatible with Glazed Builder and therefore its assets have been removed from the page. To make this message disappear Please go to your (default) theme settings form, scroll down to Bootstrap settings, and under the Javascript category disable the "Bootstrap Modals" setting.

How to detect if side menu is open/closed in ionic 2?

I am using cordova-google-maps plugin with my ionic 2 app, and I want to show the menu (sidenav) on that page. Problem is for the sidenav to receive events properly I need to call map.setClickable( false ) while opening the sidenav and set it back to true when the user closes the sidenav. It seems there is an event for checking while the menu is being opened with opening, but I don't know how to track when the user closes the menu.
For using ionDrag, ionOpen, ionClose in Ionic2 you must add it on the menu itself
for example modify menu in your app.html file by
<ion-menu [content]="content" (ionOpen)="menuOpened()" (ionClose)="menuClosed()">
After I use "Events" see doc here:
For detect in my page if the menu was close or open.
Example in my app.ts
menuClosed() {'menu:closed', '');
menuOpened() {'menu:opened', '');
And in my other page
events.subscribe('menu:opened', () => {
// your action here
events.subscribe('menu:closed', () => {
// your action here
I hope this help
It seems new events have been added to the menu component which solves this problem. I am also using the google maps plugin and it works fine
When the menu is being dragged open.
When the menu has been opened.
When the menu has been closed.
Using these output events, in your handlers you can keep a flag for the menu if its open or not :)

firefox addOn-SDK: is it possible to open a modal external dialog window?

I use that in my FF addonSDK to open a new external window popup.
win = require('sdk/window/utils').openDialog({
features: Object.keys({
centerscreen: true,
resizable: true,
scrollbars: true
}).join() + ',width='+w+',height='+h+',top='',left='+pos.left,
name: "mysite"
Works fine except it reacts as a simple popup window.
I wish it could be a modal panel window (similar to chrome panel).
Can this be done ?
yes you can. you need to use "sdk/panel" high level API.
refer to this link for more examples:

Enable browser action for an event in Google chrome

I am writing a chrome extension for capturing the URL. This is the code for my js file.
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
function myFunction(tablink) {
Now i can get the URL alert for the page by explicitly clicking on the browser action. I need it to popup the alert whenever i click on any tab in my browser.
Could you please let me know how to proceed with this?
PS: I am sure i have to use some kind of event listener.
chrome.tabs.getSelected is deprecated since Chrome 33. Use chrome.tabs.query instead if needed.
Base on your need to make popup the alert whenever you click on any tab in your browser. You can use chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener.
The code I created is as below and it works with me. It popup the alert of current page's url whenever you click on any tab in your browser.
chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener(function(activeInfo) {
chrome.tabs.get(activeInfo.tabId, function(tab){
Also keep in mind to add "permissions": ["tabs"], in your manifest file since it requires access to the url. See here:

Skillbuilders save before exit with Skillbuilders modal page

I am having troubles trying to understand how to use "Save before Exit" plugin with the Modal Page plugin in Oracle ApEx v4.1.1.
I basically would like to know how to attached the 'X' close button to the "Save before Exit" plugin when a user makes a change to a select list or text area field on the page (I also have classes associated to these fields), used within the modal page?
Here are links to the two plugins that I am trying to link together:
Important note: i tested this plugin with the latest version available: 3.0.2. The change detection routine there is modificationDetected, where in 3.0.0 it was changeDetected! Check which version you use!
When i have to integrate things like these, i want to avoid altering provided code such as the plugin code. Doing this will break your stuff if you don't remember in the future and install a new version (unless you're actually fixing something of course).
Create a dynamic action on the page that calls the modal dialog, fire on load:
var default_colorbox_close = $.colorbox.close;
$.colorbox.close = function(){
iframejQ = $("iframe").get(0).contentWindow.apex.jQuery;
iframeDoc = iframejQ($("iframe").get(0).contentWindow.document);
apex.debug("Colorbox close attempt - check changes");
var hasChange = iframeDoc.apex_save_before_exit("modificationDetected");
apex.debug('Modal contains changes: '+hasChange);
$( "<div title='Unsaved changes!'>There are unsaved changes. Close the popup anyway?</div>" ).dialog({
resizable: false,
modal: true,
stack: true,
zIndex: 9999,
buttons: {
"Don't close": function() {
$(this).dialog( "close" );
"Close": function() {
$(this).dialog( "close" );
} else {
apex.debug('Close modal with default colorbox close');
The save before exit plugin works by using the browser window.onbeforeunload event. It does trigger when the popup is closed (at least in FF it does), but by then it is way too late: the popup is gone and the markup too.
My first thought was to simply tap that onbeforeunload event by redirecting the page to a generic page which would hold onload code to close the popup. The onbeforeunload would spring in action as soon as the redirect would be attempted. There would be no dynamic action or plugin altering. But oh well, i decided against that. (Note though: most of the code in this snippet would have to be reused in that case too, save change detection and dialog).
Instead i choose to check for changes in the iframe document when a close event happens, and display a dialog, which can be modified too, and clearly indicates that you are performing an action on the popup and not on "the page" (which could be interpreted as the parent page of the modal).
So what is needed is to catch the modal popup close event. Note that the plugin is based of the jQuery Colorbox plugin. The Skillbuilder modal does not provide a pre-close event and can not without altering the colorbox plugin.
Colorbox provides a close option in the form of the "X" and also the ESC-key. I want to catch both(/all).
I didn't opt for unbinding the click on the X and binding a new click.
what i did first is save the default colorbox close event, and
then override the default.
var default_colorbox_close = $.colorbox.close;
$.colorbox.close = function(){
Next up: this piece of code will get the jQuery instance of the modal
page. I then fetch the document element of the page with this jquery
iframejQ = $("iframe").get(0).contentWindow.apex.jQuery;
iframeDoc = iframejQ($("iframe").get(0).contentWindow.document);
Next up is checking the iframe (modal popup) for changes
var hasChange = iframeDoc.apex_save_before_exit("modificationDetected");
So if the page has changes, a warning has to be displayed. I do this
by using jQuery-UI Dialog. It will have "Unsaved changes!" as title,
and 2 buttons ("Don't close" and "Close"). When closing, the save
before exit plugin has to have its default warning disabled! If not,
you'd still get prompted by the onbeforeunload message! Then the
colorbox has to be closed (which will remove the iframe). Finally
the dialog (prompt) has to be closed.
$( "<div title='Unsaved changes!'>There are unsaved changes. Close the popup anyway?</div>" ).dialog({
resizable: false,
modal: true,
stack: true,
zIndex: 9999,
buttons: {
"Don't close": function() {
$(this).dialog( "close" );
"Close": function() {
$(this).dialog( "close" );
If there are no changes, then the modal can simply be closed.
} else {
apex.debug('Close modal with default colorbox close');
Hope some of that sticks ;)
Example on
And some big thanks to Dan McGhan for helping in the OTN thread :)
I would like to add something to the answer. I've noticed that the items that changed are not highlighted. So I've added this line to the "Don't Close" right before closing the dialog box.
iframeDoc.apex_save_before_exit('modifiedItems', {highlight:true});
And it highlights the items as it should!