Non-real time Multiplayer Cocos2d iOS - iphone

How do you go about making a non-real time multiplayer (something like QuizUp). It's not turn based but rather matches up two single player rounds to see who wins right? Can anyone point me to a direction to look at?? Thank You

You can use this nice SDK provided by AppWrap for creating Multiplayer Game Development in Cocos2D. It's really simple to integrate and easy to use


make an app that displays desktop on iphone in vr on unity

I would like to make an AR iPhone app in unity that places an object in the real world which you can then interact with it on your iPhone. like you have a bar at the bottom of your screen and you can drag the objects into the ar world and interact with them with the ability of hand tracking. This will work kind of like the meta 2 interface which you can grab things and drag them. it uses hand tracking to do this.
I have done some research on this but, I need some help doing this because I don't know where to start and how to accomplish what I am trying to do.
I don't have any code.
You can email me at for any comments and questions. also, you can email me to help me with this. thanks so much for your support!
To get started in mobile AR in Unity, I would recommend starting with Unity's resources:
Here's a tutorial resource for learning ARKit:
As for hand tracking, obviously the Meta 2 has specialized hardware to execute its features... you shouldn't necessarily be expecting to achieve the same feature set with only a phone driving your experience. Leap Motion is the most common hand tracker I've seen integrated into VR and AR setups and it works well, but if you really need hand tracking with just a phone, you could check out ManoMotion which seeks to bring hand tracking and gesture recognition to ARKit, although I haven't personally worked with it.

Fixing object when camera open Unity AR

Im trying to create a AR Game in Unity for educational project.
I want to create something like pokemon go: when the camera open the object will be fixed somewhere on the real world and you will have to search for it with the camera.
My problem is that ARCore and vuforia groundDetection (I dont want to use targets) are only limited for few types of phone and i tried to use kudan sdk but it didnt work.
Any one can give me a tool or a tutorial on how to do this? I just need ideas or someone to tell me where to start?
Thanks in advance.
The reason why plane detection is limited to only some phones at this time is partially because older/less powerful phones cannot handle the required computing power.
If you want to make an app that has the largest reach, Vuforia is probably the way to go. Personally, I am not a fan of Vuforia, and I would suggest you use ARCore (and/or ARKit for iOS).
Since this is an educational tool and not a game, are you sure Unity is the way to go? I am sure you may be able to do it in Unity, but choosing the right platform for a project is important - just keep that in mind. You could make a native app instead.
If you want to work with ARCore and Unity (which is a great choice in general), here is the first in a series of tutorials that can get you started as a total beginner.
Let me know if you have other questions :)
You can use GPS data from phone to display object when the user arrived specific place you can show the object. You can search GPS based Augmented Reality on google. You can check this video :

iphone racing game in cocos3d

I am working on iPhone racing car game development using cocos3d.In this how can I get detection of boundaries of road in road-map.I have done with load pod file for road-map.I also want to know about how can I implement physics for car accident.Is their any sample code of game from which I get some information or tutorial which I can follow?
If I were you, I use Unity. Check out their Car Tutorial that's what you need.
Good luck
There are very few examples and tutorials available for Cocos3D at the moment. Definitely nothing that fits your bill.
Your project sounds like a lot of pioneering you need to do. Particularly physics will be an issue, because both Box2D and Chipmunk are 2D physics engines. You'll need to find an iOS compatible, open source 3D physics engine. I like ODE, and I've heard good things about Newton too. I don't know if they're compatible with iOS though.
To add collision shapes to your POD files would also be a manual process requiring (self-made) tools or a lot of sweat.

Synchronous Turn Based game for iOS

I'm currently working on an iOS card game. It's like bridge but, different is some rules. Anyway, I'm currently thinking of the multiplayer aspect of this game. I can't use the iOS 5 turn-based feature as it's async, which is useless in my case. So, the question is, can this type of multiplayer games be implemented on using GameCenter API ? Or i will have to come up with my own server.
Thanks a lot
You may start with Ray Wenderlich's great tutorials.
Clearly YES. You can use Game Center for that. Turn Based Games on Game Center based on synchronous mentality. Look at here

Any idea about an iPhone Accelerometer Library?

Have looked so long for a library specialized in dealing with iPhone Accelerometer but couldn't find anything.
I have made some few sample apps, but none reaches a level of accuracy as in Labyrinth games for example, so any idea about a library for that? Or maybe an open source app?
Would be better if it's integrated in a Physics library
UPDATE: I didn't mention it, but i don't want to use game engines. Specially now, that their future is still unknown. ObjC libraries or tutorials would be better.
I highly recommend looking at tweejump. It's basically an open source version of games like Doodle Jump. It really helped me learn how to use the accelerometer to control an object on the screen.
Although you said you didn't want any game engines, this is powered by the Cocos2D library. However, Cocos2D is written in Objective-C, so there shouldn't be any issue getting anything powered by Cocos2D passed Apple.
Best of luck!
It seems that it may just be easier for you to use a game engine that works with iPhone if you are looking to make a game. Here are 2 engines that export to iPhone GameSalad or Unity 3D