When using the forward command is the movement specified carried out after each tick? - netlogo

I am trying to make turtles move along fixed paths that the user can draw in the u.i. The forward command can make turtles move a certain fraction of a patch forward per tick I assume, however to instigate smooth movement would it be possible to specify a fixed movement per tick in the setup commands for turtles? If this is possible what would be the basic structuring of the code I would use to achieve this?

The fd command (bk as well) accept floating-point inputs. I.e.
Ask turtles [ fd .01 ]
Makes each turtle move forward 1/100th of a patch. This movement happens at the time of the command.
Tick does not have any connection to when commands are carried out. If you set view updates to on ticks it can effect when you see updates otherwise it is usually a scheme for keeping track of how many times go has run.
A sample model of turtles moving at different speeds.
Turtles-own [speed]
To setup
Crt 100[
Set speed random-float 1
To go
Ask turtles[ rt 1 fd speed]
Copy and paste that into a new model make setup and go buttons. Mess with it for a while.


Set value of speed slider programmatically

In setup, I draw a bunch of turtles--as small circles--to display two curves defined by functions. A very simple way to do this is
ask patches with [pycor = (myfunction pxcor)] [sprout 1 [...]]
and that's what my code does at present. It's kind of wasteful, since every patch has to be consulted--in random order--for each curve, but it's simple and easy to read, and it only happens during setup.
However, there's a little bit of a pause as the curves are constructed. If I move the speed slider all the way to the right, the pause is not noticeable. If I wrap the curve display routines in no-display and display, the user doesn't see the curves being constructed, but the speed is unchanged, AFAICS. If I move the slider to the left, it takes a long time to construct the curves even with no-display; the user doesn't see the points being placed one by one, but nevertheless has to wait while twiddling her/his thumbs.
Is there a way to set the model speed programmatically (for normal, "headfull" use)? I don't want to tell users "Move the speed slider to the right, then press setup, then move it back to the center before pressing go.
If not, maybe I'll code the curves properly using loops, but I thought I'd ask. Seems like there would be a way to do this, but I haven't found anything in the dictionary or programming docs so far.
(edit: no-display, if it did help, isn't available in NetLogo Web, which I am targetting along with regular NetLogo.)
I don't believe there is. However, you are asking all patches, when you could simply ask the pxcor values. This should speed it up a lot - square root of the number of iterations if a square world. Something like:
to testme
let counter min-pxcor
while [counter <= max-pxcor]
[ let fn-out (function counter)
if fn-out >= min-pycor and fn-out <= max-pycor
[ ask patch counter fn-out [ set pcolor red]
set counter counter + 1
to-report function [#invalue]
report #invalue ^ 2

Netlogo: use forward command to move through list of patches

I have a model where turtles create separate lists and then move along said list. I am using the move-to command for the turtles to travel from one patch to the next. Here is the code calling the movement-
face first current-path
move-to first current-path
set current-path remove-item 0 current-path
each turtle has a random speed variable however, while using the move-to command I am unable to have them move at different speeds. I imagine I need to use the forward command and have experimented with it extensively but it either stops the simulation before the turtles have reached the end of the list or only runs once. Can i somehow use fd in combination with the jump command to ensure the turtles land directly on the patch in the list?
As I am relatively new to Netlogo and programming in general any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Query about hidden turtles

What actually happens to hidden turtle? I mean after we hide the turtle it continue to live in invisible mode occupying memory as I guess.
I hide few turtles but did not ask them to be shown back and when I inspected the hidden turtles continuing simulation their attribute were changing as per my commands. So, what exactly hiding a turtle sense for.
In one of my simulations, turtles represent people making decisions about whether to protect themselves during an epidemic. There are tens of thousands of these turtles, with potentially hundreds on some patches. The turtles don't move, but they each make their own decision based on personal characteristics like attitude and environmental perception such as how close the epidemic is.
Having these turtles visible would just clutter up the screen. Instead, I hide them and colour the patch based on what proportion have adopted protective behaviour. This is much more informative.
In my most recent simulation, though, I make the turtles size 0 instead of hiding them. This still makes them disappear, but I can still right-click on the world view to access the list of turtles where I have clicked.
Another reason to hide turtles is when you are simulating an infinite plane and turtles outside the view should simply be hidden.
Note that if you are moving turtles using setxy rather than forward you should test to make sure the patch you are about to move to exists since setxy throws a runtime error if it is given coordinates outside the world. From NetLogo documentation:
ifelse patch-at (new-x - xcor) (new-y - ycor) = nobody
[ hide-turtle ]
setxy new-x new-y

Is there an else command in netlogo?

I am trying to create a program in netlogo where there are blocks that come down the screen and when their y-coordinate reaches a certain value they reverse their direction and move in the opposite way.
So far I was able to make them move in one direction and then switch directions when they reach the critical y-coordinate value, but once they take one step in the reverse direction it glitches and they get stuck moving one step forward and one step backward.
I wanted to know if there was an else command in netlogo so I could specify that if the while command wasn't fulfilled it could reverse its direction and move without glitching.
Here is my code.
to maze
while [abs pycor < 16 ] [fd 1 wait .1]
bk 1 wait .1
There is no separate else keyword in NetLogo, but the ifelse command allows you to specify two blocks: one that is executed if the condition is true, and another (the "else" block) that is executed if the condition is false.
It seems, however, like you should rethink your general approach to the problem. Turtles in NetLogo always face in a particular direction, and you could take advantage of that: instead of having them "back up", you could have them turn around.
Also, it's generally ill-advised to try to do things in a while loop. If you want your turtles to repeat a behavior, a "forever button" is usually the way to go.
In the following example, you should call the go procedure from a forever button:
to setup
ask patches with [ pycor = max-pycor - 1 ] [
sprout 1 [
set heading 180 ; head down
to go
ask turtles [
if abs pycor = max-pycor [
rt 180 ; turn around!
fd 1
This probably doesn't achieve exactly what you wanted, but there is a good chance that you can modify it to fit your needs.
Also note that this will work better using tick-based updates.

Turtle that has no effect on other turtles implementation but speeds up the reaction

I am using an existing model in netlogo called Chemical Equilibrium and am adding some more code. I want to add turtles (catalyst) which have no effect on the reaction/other turtles but speeds up the FORWARD reaction, which has been defined as follows:
to react-forward [t]
ask t [ set color red ]
set color green
rt random-float 360
jump 2
I was thinking that I should put a switch and a slider, make the turtles into whitemols or I do a turtles-own [catalyst] and then define that like I have done with temperature and pressure. I tried the following but it didnt work.
turtles-own [speed catalyst]
crt whitemols
[ set color white
set speed 1
I know the above code is incorrect but am not sure how to code this particular feature.
There are many ways to do this, of course. I can't tell what is going on in your program from the little snipped you include.
One way would be to have the catalyst be of a different breed:
breed [catalysts catalyst]
breed [chemical-x chemical-x]
;and so on
;then the forward reaction is sped up by the existence of catalysts
to react-forward
let num-catalysts count catalysts
;speed up by num-catalysts