I have a mission to a project in my work. I need to setup Metadata on a website (Drupal 6) with Opengraph. After a lot of Google searches, I'm still lost.
There is a Drupal module called Drupal for Facebook.
Do I only have to set metadata like Facebook docs inside any page.tpl.php" and derivatives like:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://your-site.com/your-image.jpg" /> ?
Or do I need to install the Drupal module because it's not compatible with Drupal 6?
Looking at Drupal for Facebook, and because this question is about Drupal version 6, it appears to me that you must use Release 6.x-3.3 of this module. For more details about how to get that to work, I would look in the fb 3.x community documentation.
I'd be interested to hear if that answers this question.
I want to learn google web toolkit (GWT) but I can't find the documentation and the official web site is down for 2 days ... Any idea?
Looks like https doesn’t work on the site now.
GitHub to the site
I run a site called anecdotage.com (bunch of funny stories about famous ppl).
We just moved to a new platform (socialengine 4, Zend framework).
Our URLs are new & google has been indexing them, which is great!
But I just noticed that it's ignoring the most iportant part of the URL... not so great!
It still works, but I'm worried about our page rank.
System URL:
Google URL:
[You can see here:
We submitted a txt sitemap, with complete links. Why is Google doing this? Does it matter for SEO?
When I follow a link from google, it does this:
Can anyone explain what's going on?
Both urls have identical content.
To solve this you could had canonical link in the header pointing for the desired url you wish goole to index:
<link rel="canonical" href="http://www.anecdotage.com/articles/7994/allman-brothers-foot-shootin-morons" />
More details at google blog
I'm going to add the ability to comments the products trought the "Facebook comments plugin" on a dynamic web marketplace based on Yii framework .
So, today I created a new facebook app, I included the facebook sdk js file and I added this html code to the view that render a single product:
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="<?=$this->createAbsoluteUrl('site/courseDetail',array('id'=>$model->course_profile_id))?>" data-num-posts="10" data-width="470"></div>.
The comment is linked to the URL!!
Well, what happens if the domain change or if I decide to add an url rewrite engine to my web application?
I suppose that I loose all the comments....weird....it is a big limitation...
I read the documentation: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments/
and I saw that now is strongly recommended to use the html5 code because the FBML has been deprecated. Starting June 1, 2012 FBML apps will no longer work as all FBML endpoints will be removed.
So, I can't use the xid parameter such as on <fb:comments...>
I asked this question here but don't get reply so far. I hope posting it too here is ok.
For page redirection, in a mobile site development, I am using
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=/pagetwo.jsp"/>
because it is required to work when Javascript is off.
However, I find it working only in BlackBerry (BB) simulator, not in real BB (I tried with BB 8250 and 9700).
Could anyone help me please, what could be the reason.
Using meta for refreshing the browser isn't a good idea for a number of reasons (disables back-button, etc) and what's probably happening is your other blackberry has an accessibility issue where it won't let pages refresh themselves. Try setting it in the server-side HTTP response if you can
According to BlackBerry Browser documentation article "HTML element: <meta>" meta refresh isn't available until software version 3.7 or later.
I have a Magento application running atop Zend framework. I like to generate Media RSS feed in Zend (In orded to feed the Cooliris application).
Does anyone know if Zend framework supports Media RSS feed?
(I didn't find anything in http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.10/en/zend.feed.html, but maybe I dint look in the right place?)
Check the comments on the page you referred to for Zend_Feed_Writer and the entry in the API for syntax.