Change post background based on group ID on IP.Board - invision-power-board

I would like my premium members to have a slightly different post background when they post on my forum.
I know I can do this by adding a group ID class to the tag.
Ultimately, I want it to look like this:
7 is the ID number for my premium members.
I have tried the following but it does not work:
<div class='post_block hentry clear clearfix <if test="isSolvedCss:|:$post['post']['_isMarkedAnswered']">solved</if> <if test="postQueued:|:$post['post']['_isHidden']">moderated</if> ***{$author['member_group_id']}***' id='post_id_{$post['post']['pid']}'>

That's because you are trying to use $author, which doesn't really exists in this context. What you want to use, is the post's author.
Try this:
so your code should end up like:
<div class='post_block hentry clear clearfix <if test="isSolvedCss:|:$post['post']['_isMarkedAnswered']">solved</if> <if test="postQueued:|:$post['post']['_isHidden']">moderated</if> {$post["author"]["member_group_id"]}' id='post_id_{$post["post"]["pid"]}'>
Hopefully this helps you.


Typo3 6.2: Table Records in FCE (Flux)

I am trying to get a list of table-records in my FCE.
In documentation, i found the part "items" can use a Query.
But i can not find a way to make it work.
< name="myRecord" items="NOTHING WORKS HERE" label="Choose" maxItems="1" minItems="1" size="5" multiple="false" />
Does anybody know how the items can be filled with table-records ?
If you are trying to get the select box with all items maybe you can then switch to this:
<flux:field.relation size="1" minItems="0" table="tx_{YourExtensionName}_domain_model_{YourObjectName}" maxItems="1" name="package">
Of corse, you can use any table from the DB, like "pages"..
Hope it helps!

Extbase add calculated field in query/repository

I have a normal extbase extension.
In the controller I get all my records:
$stuff = $this->jobRepository->findAll();
$this->view->assign('stuff', $stuff);
and in the template I display them:
<f:for each="{stuffs}" as="stuff">
{stuff.title} <br />
Now I need a new field stuff.isnew with the value 1 if the record is the newest by category.
An SQL-Statement for that would look like:
SELECT j2.isnew, j.* FROM `tx_stuff_domain_model_stuff` as j
left join
(SELECT max(crdate) as crdate, category, 1 as isnew FROM `tx_stuff_domain_model_stuff` group by category) as j2
on j.crdate=j2.crdate and j.category=j2.category
(If I have to write my own Query I will have to check deleted, hidden, starttime, endtime to check if the record is active right now)
My question now is, what is the cleanest/best way to add that to my extension?
My solution would be to implement the method findAll in the job repository. It would first use the method findAll from the parent class to get all jobs. The usual constraints will already be applied. Then it would walk the resulting jobs and mark the newest one.
It should also be possible to create a custom query to reach you goal, but that would probably be a bite more work.
Actually you don't need to use additional query at all... while it's always first record which is new, you can just use an iterator of for ViewHelper:
<f:for each="{stuffs}" as="stuff" iteration="iterator">
<f:if condition="{iterator.isFirst}">THIS ONE IS BRAND NEW STUFF! </f:if>
{stuff.title} <br />

jquery .html() returning null in ie7

On click li element i am getting the current element value and appending it into another div dynamically.Its working fine in all browsers.But returning null in IE7.I don`t the reason that why its happening?Please can any one give me a solution for this..Part of the code only i pasted here.
Sample code:
////////////.//This line returning null in IE7./////////////////
$('#pagelink_a #pagelinkli_'+tab_lastid_val).html()
(tab_lastid_val value can be a 1 or 2 or 3.Clixked li element value comes here)
<div class="pagelink">
<div id="pagelink_a">
/******** all li element are clickable***********/
<li id="pagelinkli_1"><a>Google</a></li>
<li id="pagelinkli_2"><a>Chrome</a></li>
<li id="pagelinkli_3"><a>Firefox</a></li>
try this:
code is not tested but i think it should work.
Given your html layout, your parent div is .pagelink not #pagelink_a , so replace your following line:
$('#pagelink_a #pagelinkli_'+tab_lastid_val).html()
for this one:
$('.pagelink #pagelinkli_'+tab_lastid_val).html()
Just use
The # tag identifies an ID which only a single element may have. There is no need to have anything preceding it. You also labeled the previous class as id, which is wrong. I don't know how your other browsers managed to get anything.
Although bit off topic, it may be better to actually drop IE7 support entirely. Due to small user base and decreasing popularity, it may be costing you more money by support it than to not support it.
Try instead of html() , and try append().
For example
$('#ID').append('Your content');

Adding new columns to trac AccountManager plugin

I want to add new columns to the trac AccountManager plugin, I already edited the admin_user.html, but in python what do I have to edit, which files. I want to add two more data field. ex: group and telephone, How can I do that?
This is the two field I added in the admin_user.html
<div class="field">
<label>Telephone:<br />
<input type="text" name="tel" class="textwidget"
value="${}" /></label>
<div class="field">
<label>Group:<br />
<input type="text" name="group" class="textwidget"
value="${}" /></label>
and I also added the two column to the table:
But I'm not familiar with python, so I don't know how can I add the functionality in the python code
Did you check UserManagerPlugin for it's ability to add arbitrary new columns?
But maybe you want it some additions to the generic view in users admin page, right? These must be optional, if you care for universal use, of course.
In '' you'll see a Class 'AccountManagerAdminPages' with a module '_do_users'. This module is primary handler for all requests related to the admin page in question. While the beginning is about processing 'POST' (user input) everything after the line 'if listing_enabled:' will prepare the page displayed next. You'll see various sources, but main source is query to Trac db table 'session_attribute'.
Again I'd like you to take a look at UserManagerPlugin - all what you may want and more.
Disclosure: I'm the current maintainer of AccountManagerPlugin.

Displaying entries per category in ExpressionEngine

So, I've searched, and found a few posts that kinda get me what I want, but it still doesn't quite work. This post especially seemed closest to what I was trying to achieve, and I built my code off of it:
To explain; I have a series of entries, each entry is assigned to only one category. I'd like to list out these categories and, beneath each category, list out the entries with one of their custom fields. Like so:
Category 1
Item 1
Item 2
Category 2
Item 1
Item 2
So, here's my code as it stands now, which lists out the categories, but doesn't spit out any of the entries at all:
{exp:channel:categories channel="faq-question" style="linear"}
<section class="faq-category-container closed">
<h1 class="faq-category-header">{category_name}</h1>
{exp:query sql="
SELECT title, url_title AS urlt, cat_id
FROM exp_channel_titles
NATURAL JOIN exp_category_posts
WHERE channel_id = '7' AND cat_id = '{category_id}'
{embed="jazz-camp/faq-cat-list" faqlink="{urlt}"}
</section><!-- end .faq-category -->
And the embedded template it references:
{exp:channel:entries channel="faq-question" url_title="{embed:faqlink}"}<!-- entry -->
Any help would be most appreciated!
This may be a very basic example of what you're after:
{exp:channel:categories style="linear"}
{exp:channel:entries category="{category_id}" dynamic="no"}
So, here's what I ended up with at the end (courtesy of some help over at the EE boards):
{exp:channel:categories channel="faq-camp" style="linear" show_empty="no"}
<section class="faq-category-container closed">
<h1 class="faq-category-header">{category_name}</h1>
<div class="faq-questions-container">
{embed="jazz-camp/faq-cat-list" faqlink="{category_id}" faqparent="faq-camp"}
</div><!-- end .faq-questions-container -->
</section><!-- end .faq-category -->
And as for the embed, it looks like this:
{exp:channel:entries channel="{embed:faqparent}" category="{embed:faqlink}" dynamic="no"}<!-- entries -->
The reason for the embed has to do with how things are pulled in with regards to getting the correct channel entries; simply having the {exp:channel:entries} inline in the page didn't quite work.
The Category Archive tag might be helpful to you: